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October 03, 2001 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-10-03

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 3, 2001-- 5

MSU funds 11
" scholarships for
victims' relatives
The Michigan State University
Board of Trustees recently
approved the funding of 1 scholar-
ships to be awarded to children who
lost a parent in the Sept. 11 terror-
ist attacks.-
Each scholarship awarded as part of
the program could be worth up to
$50,000. Tuition and fees for out-of-
state students attending Michigan
State average $11,000 per year.
The school plans to award the 1 1
scholarships over the next several
years. The money will be taken
from Michigan State's general
scholarship fund.
University of Michigan spokes-
woman Julie Peterson said that cur-
rently the University is not offering
any similar scholarship program,
although many have been dis-
"There have been a number of dis-
cussions about a whole range of
things the University could do both to
memorialize the people who were lost
and the people who were affected,"
she said.
Peterson added that the Universi-
ty is finalizing scholarships which
have been set up in memory of Uni-
versity alumni who died, the first of
which is the Josh Rosenthal Schol-
arship Fund.
The fund was established by Rosen-
thal's family. He graduated from the
University in 1979.
U. Penn students,
safety officials
debate visible IDs
Students at the University of
Pennsylvania may soon have an
extra accessory included in their
wardrobes. Officials at the universi-
ty recently asked students, faculty
and staff to wear their PennCards at
all times.
The Division of Public Safety pro-
posed the policy after the Sept. I 1
attacks, but said the proposal was
linked to campus theft.
The new proposal would ask stu-
dents to wear their IDs 24 hours a day,
or whenever they entered university
buildings. Currently, university policy
requires students and faculty members
to wear their IDs between 10 p.m. and
7 a.m.
The university's Vice President for
Public Safety Maureen Rush said the
current policy is not enough to curb
campus crime.
" "Looking at the crime statistics,
you see that most thefts occur during
the day," Rush said.
But students at the school said they
believe the proposed policy would
violate their privacy.
The university's Undergraduate
Assembly will vote on the proposal
next week.
Plan to increase
*diversity at UCLA
Diversity is on hold at the Univer-
sity of California at Los Angeles.
A plan designed to increase the
number of minority students
enrolled in the university was post-
poned until next year due to lack of

UCLA had been expecting $2.5
*million from the state legislature for
its dual admissions plan. The plan
guaranteed admission into UCLA
for any student in the top 12.5 per-
cent of their graduating high school
class, as long as they previously
completed two years at a communi-
ty college.
Most of the $2.5 million was to be
spent on hiring counselors for the pro-
gram and towards the implementation
of a web-based tracking system that
would allow students to monitor their
The legislature is currently in
recess and will not reconvene until
Individual dual admissions pilot
programs are being planned at UC
campuses at Los Angeles, Davis,
Irvine and Santa Cruz.
- Compiled from staff and wire
reports by Daily StaffReporter
Maria Sprow.

More crimes reported in campus housing

By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporter
The number of crimes reported each year in
residence halls appears to be rising, according
to the 2001 Annual Security Report compiled
by the Department of Public Safety.
The number of criminal incidents rose to 660
in 2000 from 135 the previous year. Of the inci-
dents reported in 2000, 432 were liquor law vio-
lations and arrests.
DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown said the
increase of reports made in residence halls coin-
cides with 1998 changes to the minor in posses-
sion of alcohol law. Officers who gave warnings
for MIPs before 1998 are now obligated to file a
report or make an arrest.
"In the past there was some chance for offi-
cers to use some discretion," Brown said. "The
(new) law specifically dictated campus officials
needed to cite or arrest a person whom they
found to be in possession of alcohol - whether

"The number of ambulance runs last year from
Mary Markley was quite high."
- Diane Brown
Department of Public Safety spokeswoman

it was in their hand or in their body."
Brown said Mary Markley Residence Hall
residents are a major factor in the statistics.
"We're still finding significant numbers of
folks who aren't just tipsy ... in some cases a
serious danger for themselves. The number of
ambulance runs last year from Mary Markley
was quite high," Brown said.
The crime statistics also show a slight
increase in the number of aggravated assaults,
burglaries, referred liquor law violations and
reported and referred drug violations and
Only one crime, an assault between two for-

mer University co-workers, involved racial prej-
udice, Brown said.
In 1999, there were 117 reports of liquor vio-
lations campuswide, rising to 433 reports in
2000. However, the number of liquor law arrests
went down from 496 to 355. Contributing heav-
ily to these figures are non-students and events
held on campus, Brown said.
"The percentage of our alcohol-related inci-
dents that occurred during a Football Saturday
was 45 percent in 1999. In 2000, that dropped to
31 percent," she said. "That's still pretty signifi-
Brown said the campus structure plays a

major role into the-neaning behind the statis-
"We have city streets going through campus.
We have a lot of crossover from city to on-cam-
pus. ... It's going to bring a whole lot of differ-
ent dynamics," she said. "The size of our
residence hall population, a hospital and a foot-
ball stadium as large as ours ... puts our num-
bers in a different context than other
The number of referred drug law violations
rose from 19 in 1999 to 58 in 2000. Fifty-three
rapes were reported by the Sexual Assault Pre-
vention and Awareness Center, down from 76 in
Brown said these figures may or may not
reflect incidents that occurred on campus.
"If a student goes to SAPAC and reports that
something happened at home over the weekend
... that's not our jurisdiction."
Incidents of arson were also down slightly
from previous years.

Caught in the headlights

County sees surge in
CCW applications


By Tyler Boersen
Daily Staff Reporter
In the three months following the enactment of a
new state concealed weapons law, Washtenaw
County officials said they have seen a surge in con-
cealed weapon applications.
Washtenaw County Clerk Peggy M. Haines said
about 650 applications have been filed with the
Concealed Weapons Licensing Board since the law
took effect July 1. Of those, she said that 276
licenses have been issued and 366 are pending
approval by the board. In the six months before the
law took effect, only 1494permits were granted.
Last week, the Michigan State Police reported
that there have been 24 denials throughout the
state. One-third of those have been in Washtenaw
County, said County Election Administrator
Melanie Weidmayer.
"That shows me that the prosecutor and clerk are
all doing a thorough job," Weidmayer said.
She added that receiving four times the annual
number of applications has placed an extra burden
on the county clerks office, requiring 320 overtime
hours and more than $2,000 in costs.
"I've been helping out because of the impact on
our office," Weidmayer said.
State law dictates that all applicants must take an
eight-hour course in pistol safety and be free of
felony convictions, personal protection orders,

diagnosed mental illness and misdemeanors in the
last three years. More serious misdemeanors could
not have been committed in the last eight years.
But even with a license, concealed weapons are
prohibited from college dormitories, classrooms
and stadiums. In addition, the law prohibits con-
cealed weapons in bars, lounges, casinos and hos-
"I think that it's just asking for trouble if they get
rowdy, especially if there's alcohol involved," said
LSA sophomore Laura Been. "It seems fair, but
sometimes a person could pass all the standards
and not be someone who should have a gun," she
But LSA sophomore Adrianne Wagner was less
skeptical of a threat.
"People who are going to commit crimes are not
the ones that will apply," Wagner said. "It's not the
government's business to monitor what you do in
your spare time."
Several groups have lobbied to repeal the law,
including People Who Care About Kids, which
hoped to offer voters a referendum vote in Novem-
ber. While confident it could gather the 250,000
signatures required to put the issue on the ballot,
the group abandoned its effort because it felt rais-
ing the necessary funds for an effective campaign
in the wake of relief efforts for victims of the ter-
rorist attacks in New York and Washington would
be difficult.

LSA freshman Julia Weinert watches as a car speeds down Thompson Street last night. It was
unseasonably warm, causing many students to remain outside well after dark.

Senate committee
approves state tax
on Internet sales


Northern Trust

LANSING (AP) - A bill which
could lead to a state tax on Internet
and catalog sales in Michigan won
unanimous approval yesterday in a
Senate committee.
Over the objections of anti-tax
critics, the Senate Finance Commit-
tee passed the bill 5-0. It now goes
to the full Senate. It has already
passed the House and has the sup-
port of Gov. John Engler.
In a report released yesterday, the
National Governors Association
said state and local governments
will lose $440 billion between now
and 2011 as a result of people not
paying sales and use taxes on Inter-
net sales.
"It's time to close ranks, come
together and stand up for Main
Street America," said Engler, who
is the chairman of the NGA, in a
news release. "Our schools cannot
afford to be robbed of this rev-
State Sen. Joanne Emmons, R-
Big Rapids, who is chairwoman of
the Senate Finance Committee, said
the bill is intended"to help con-
sumers meet their tax obligations.
The bill passed despite vehement
opposition from several tax critics.
"It starts the system. We don't
want to go down that trail," said

Rep. Robert Gosselin (R-Troy) who
opposed the bill in the House.
"This is not a taxpayer-friendly bill.
It's a sad day for the people of
The bill would allow Michigan to
work with other states in develop-
ing a way to collect state taxes on
Internet purchases. Nineteen other
states are already part of the
Streamlined Sales Tax Project.
Emmons said the move is strong-
ly backed by Michigan retailers,
who must levy the state's 6 percent
sales tax, and by schools, which
depend on sales taxes for funding.
The state is not collecting
between $100 million and $300
million a year in sales and use taxes
on Internet and catalog purchases,
according to an analysis by the
Senate Fiscal Agency. The analysis
noted that a multistate agreement
could lead to a uniform collection
Emmons also emphasized that
the bill would not impose new taxes
on Michigan residents. People
already owe sales and use taxes on
Internet and catalog purchases, but
the taxes are widely ignored.
"We want to at least get to the
table," to negotiate an agreement on
Internet and catalog taxes, she said.


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What's happening in Ann Arbor today

"How to throw a great
tailgate party;" Spon-
soredby MFit, Chef Pete

International Programs,
4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Michigan
Union Ballroom, 764-4311
"The Burden of the
Balkans;" Sponsored by

Sponsored by the Kempf
House Center for Local
History, 12:00 - 1:00
p.m., Kempf House, 312
South Division, 994-4898

Campus Information
Centers, 764-INFO,
info@umich.edu, or
www. umich. edu/ -info


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