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October 02, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-10-02

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One hundred eleven years f edfmorialfreedom

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October 2, 2001.


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By Louie MeIziish
Daily Staff Reporter
John McCain will be coming to
Ann Arbor Oct. 15 to give a boost
to the otherwise stagnant Michigan
gubernatorial campaign of state
Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle
The Republican U.S. senator
from Arizona and former presidenca
tial candidate will be hosting a
fundraiser for Schwarz at the
Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Schwarz, who chaired McCain 's
successful presidential primary
campaign in Michigan to the dis-
may of the GOP establishment led
by Gov. John Engler, a Bush sup-
porter, is now
facing an uphill
battle for the
th t against Lt. Gov.
b Dick Posthumus,
who seems to
have locked up
most of party
hierarchy's sup-
McCain port.
Schwarz, the
state Senate's
president pro-
tem, says he does
not enjoy
fundraising and
has been slow to
raise significant
amounts of
money. But he
P pointed out that
the candidate
Schwarz with the biggest
war chest is not always the winner,
citing third-party candidate Jesse
Ventura's upset win in the 1998
Minnesota governor's race.
He touts himself as a moderate
Republican, expressing his belief
that a woman's right to have an
abortion is "settled law" and that
the desire to carry a concealed
weapon is not justification for
receiving a permit to do so.
."This is going to be a ow-cost
campaign, but I have hIo believe
people are sick and tired of the
money in politics," he said.
Schwarz predicted a three- to
four-year economic recession in the
state and presented himself as the
best person to deal with the crisis.
"These are going to be the tough-
est time we're going to see in
Michigan probably in 30 to 40
years," he said. "The state is going
to need someone who is not a doc-
trinaire partisan politician." h
One measure he said he favored
to weather a state revenue crisis
would be to postpone indefinitely
the phase-out of the state's income
and single business taxes. But he
also warned of the need to trim
"People have got to understand
there's going to be a cut," Schwarz
See McCAIN, Page 2

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - The Bush adm
is rapidly crafting plans to provide fina
tance to allies in the campaign aga
exile Osama bin Laden and his Talib
tors, including Pakistan, Azerbaijan a
opposition groups.
U.S. officials are also readyinge
relief aid, which would be designed
demonstrate that America's disputei
Taliban movement that rules 90 p
Afghanistan and not with the Afghan p

Andrew Natsios, head of the U.S. Agency
for International Development, has issued an
inistration internal paper on the options for delivering
ncial assis- food assistance to Afghanistan, especially the
inst Saudi southern region where the Taliban's support-
an protec- ers in the ethnic Pashtun community are dom-
nd Afghan inant. The paper spells out a number of
options, including air drops, truck deliveries,
emergency and seeking assistance from intermediaries
in part to such as the Aga Khan Foundation, which
is with the funds development projects throughout South
percent of Asia and East Africa.
eople. "There's a great deal of work going on inside




the administration to make sure that we can deal
with the needs of the people of Afghanistan,
whether they're inside Afghanistan or forced to
leave their country," said State Department
spokesman Richard Boucher yesterday. "There's
great hardship that's already been suffered out
there, through drought, with the onset of winter,
and through the actions of the government in cut-
ting off the ability of relief agencies to supply
food to the Afghan people."
President Bush authorized the spending of $50,
million from an Emergency Refugee Migration
Assistance fund available for crises like the one

now looming in South Asia. Administration offi-
cials have recommended giving another $100
million in refugee aid that would be spent in
Afghanistan or any neighboring country.
This sum would be separate from new covert
support that senior U.S. officials now envision
providing to a range of Afghan militias, includ-
ing the opposition Northern Alliance and dissi-
dent commanders in the predominantly Pashtun
areas of the south. Government sources said
the CIA has been authorized since 1998 to
use covert means to disrupt bin Laden's
See AID, Page 2

Giuliarn iurges
U.N. to~ adopt
harsh attitude

,York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, in
an impassioned speech to the United
Nations yesterday, said there was no
room for "neutrality" in the global fight
against terrorism and no need for more
studies or vague directives.
He said the world body should ostra-
cize nations that support terrorism and
isolate nations that remain neutral.
"Recognize," Giuliani said, "that
there is no room for neutrality on the
issue of terrorism. You're either with
civilization or you're with terrorism."
"The evidence of terrorism, brutality
and inhumanity ... is lying beneath the
rubble of the World Trade Center less
than two miles from where we meet
today," Giuliani told assembled diplo-
mats from more that 150 countries.
The mayor, whose popularity with
New Yorkers has soared for his handling
of the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks

on the World Trade Center, won warm
applause and broad support from the
world body. The weeklong General
Assembly meeting is the first global
forum to focus on terrorism since the
Nations that doubt terrorism is
"wrong and evil," Giuliani said, should
join him at the funerals of victims and
try to explain that position to thousands
of children who will grow up without
"Instead, I ask each of you to allow
me to say at those funerals that your
nations stand with America in making a
solemn promise and pledge that we will
achieve unconditional victory over ter-
rorism and terrorists," Giuliani said.
Even Iraq, which is on the U.S. list of
nations that sponsor terrorism, support-
ed the mayor.
"There is no neutrality. We are all
See UN, Page 2

A group of Afghan refugees who arrived in Pakistan last week walk in a cloud of dust yesterday after leaving a mosque where
they sought refuge. Without any help from the United Nations thus far, they rely on the benevolence of local residents.

Maize Rage prepares to take
Crisler b y storm this season

By David Horn
Daily Sports Writer
Maize Rage - originally a publicity ploy
of the Athletic Department's marketing office
- is now a legitimate student organization,
registered with the Michigan Student Assem-
bly, and excited by the prospect of a promis-
ing basketball season under a new head
Yesterday afternoon, 26 members of the
Michigan basketball student fan club gath-
ered in the MSA office in the Michigan
Union for the group's first meeting.
The members of Maize Rage will dominate
Crisler Arena's new student section, which
features close proximity to the opposition's
bench. This year's leadership is calling for
greater numbers, volume and organization to
become the "sixth man" that coach Tommy
Amaker has asked for.

"I want to win," Maize Rage captain and
"Superfan" Reza Breakstone told his devoted
core of Ragers. "I don't have the talent or the
height to be on the basketball court. I've got
lungs, a brain and energy. Everyone at the
basketball game will feed off of this. We will
all feed off each other's energy and passion to
Student ticket sales currently stand some-
where in the neighborhood of 700 - which
already eclipses last season's total of nearly
600 - but Maize Rage hopes to break 1,000
before the season begins.
On Oct. 11 group members will be on the
Diag in an attempt to raise awareness and
excitement for the team and their organiza-
tion. They will also be looking to sign up new
"When students see that there's a support
network like the Maize Rage - that there is
an enthusiasm, and that kids are unified

behind this. ... It's not just 700 independent
students going to get tickets, we're talking
about one student body of fans. I think you'll
see the numbers jump quickly," Breakstone
As an MSA organization, Maize Rage is
eligible to receive funding. This will go
toward publicity, publication of its newsletter,
making signs for the games and traveling.
Maize Rage expects to travel to Kalamazoo
for the game against Western Michigan and to
Bowling Green. They are also planning trips
to some Big Ten games, such as Michigan
State, Ohio State and Purdue.
Maize Rage has also looked toward Michi-
gan alumni groups across the country to con-
tribute to their cause. An alumni group
president in Denver has pledged to house
Maize Ragers.if they choose to venture west for
the game against Colorado State in January.
See MAIZE RAGE, Page 3

Faculty questions
its representation

Splish splash

By Shannon Pettypiece
Daily Staff Reporter
The Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, expressing concern
about potential changes and a lack of
faculty representation on the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, dis-
cussed yesterday the possibility of acad-
emic interests being placed subordinate
to financial interests of the board.
"As long as it is called intercollegiate
athletics, faculty must be involved," said
Education Prof. Percy Bates, the board's
Big Ten representative. "There are few
things faculty shouldn't be involved in."
SACUA's concerns about potential
changes to its role on the board are par-
tially founded on the claim that Univer-

Bylaws of the University's Board of
Regents stipulate that the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics has six
members appointed from the faculty.
SACUA members expressed doubt as
to whether all six positions had been
The board deals with all aspects of
athletics at the University such as
academic performance by student-
athletes, vendor contracts and adver-
tisements, but SACUA members are
committed to making sure that these
financial and academic issues will be
given equal weight in future discus-
If the faculty ever abandons intercol-
legiate athletics all is lost," said Bates.
To determine if the faculty are

LSA senior Erika Dowdell shares her experiences in defending
affirmative action as Rackham student Jessica Curtin looks on.
BAMN calls,
court hearng
ft Jordan Schrader
For the Daily
Student activists told the audience of an affirmative action
panel discussion yesterday that an Oct. 23 appeals court hear-
ing of the two lawsuits against the University's admission poli-
cies will be a milestone for civil rights.
The public forum gave leaders of the Coalition to Defend
Affirmative Action and Integration and Fight for Equality By
Any Means Necessary an opportunity to explain their vision
for the future of the affirmative action movement.
Members of the panel stressed the growing importance of
their efforts as Oct. 23 approaches. On that date, the 6th Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati will review the lawsuits
challenging the race-sensitive admissions policies of the Law
School and the College of Literature, Science and the Arts.
"The movement is picking up steam," said Caroline Wong,
one of the four BAMN members that made up the panel.
"There are moments when you can turn the tide of history
- that's what this moment is."
BAMN is mounting a campaign to obtain signatures sup-
nortino- its eaue before the hearina Its members hone to use

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