One hundred ten years of editorzd freedom
September 21, 2001
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Bush prepares nation for
long campaign, announces
homeland security office
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush
cautioned a shaken nation yesterday that
there are "struggles ahead and dangers to
face" as America and its allies combat glob-
al terrorism. He announced a new Cabinet-
level office to fortify homeland defenses.
Addressing a joint session of Congress
nine days after suicide hijackers are
believed to have killed more than 6,000
people at the Pentagon and World Trade
Center, Bush clasped the badge of a slain
policeman in his fist.
"I will not forget this wound to our coun-
try, or those who inflicted it. I will not yield.
I will not rest," he said.
The Sept. 11 attacks had put the United
States on notice that the world's only super-
power was not immune to attack, Bush said.
He named Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge to
head the new Office of Homeland Security.
Ridge, a Republican, will resign Oct. 5, and
will be replaced by Lt. Gov. Mark Schweik-
er, a GOP source said.
Using forceful terms, Bush delivered a
verbal indictment against Osama bin Laden
and demanded that Afghanistan's ruling
Taliban militia surrender the suspected ter-
rorist, release imprisoned Americans and
give the United States full access to terrorist
training camps..,
These demands are not open to discus-
sion, Bush said. "They will hand over the
terrorists or they will share in their fate."
is coi
The commander in chief directed U.S.
military forces to "be ready" for the gather-
ing war: "The hour is coming when Ameri-
ca will act and you will make us proud."
Bush asked every nation to take part, by
contributing police forces, intelligence ser-
vices and banking information.
With British Prime Minister Tony Blair
watching from a House gallery seat at first
lady Laura Bush's right arm, Bush said:
"The civilized world is rallying to Ameri-
ca's side. They understand that if terror goes
unpunished, their own cities, their own citi-
zens may be next. Terror unanswered cannot
only bring down buildings, it can threaten
the stability of legitimate governments and
we will not allow it."
Bush entered the House of Representa-
tives chamber to a rousing applause - from
Democrats and Republicans alike - that
punctuated his remarks 30 times. Stepping
from the massive rostrum, he wrapped Sen-
ate Majority Leader Tom Daschle in a long
and emotional embrace before turning to
hug House Democratic leader Dick
Gephardt, too.
"Tonight there is no opposition party,"
said Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-
Miss., standing beside Daschle (D-S.D.) for
a bipartisan broadcast afterward.
Unprecedented security shrouded Bush's
visit to the Capitol one week after it was
evacuated for the second time because of
suspected threats.
Vice President Dick Cheney stayed away,
due to security concerns. Speaker Dennis
Hastert (R-Ill.), third in line for the presiden-
See BUSH, Page 7A
House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois and Senate
President pro-tern Robert Byrd of West Virginia applaud
President Bush during his address to the nation last night.
rally to
stop war
By Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporter
Chanting "stop the war" and "U-S-A," anti- and pro-
war student groups clashed verbally yesterday on the Diag
over the subject of U.S. military actions and policy.
Luke Massie, a member of the Coalition to Defend
Affirmative Action and Integration and Fight for Equality
By Any Means Necessary, organized the group's anti-war
demonstration. He said it is important to organize against
the prospect of a prolonged "real war."
"We're linking the fight against racism against a racist
war abroad," he added, commenting on the racist hysteria
he said is now taking place against Arabs, Muslims and
Sikhs. Massie said that the Coalition to Stop Scapegoating
and the War is being formed to respond to and take action
with regard to current events.
LSA junior Justin Wilson stood among a crowd holding
American flags in the middle of the Diag. Wilson, director
of Young Americans for Freedom, said that the goal and
focus right now needs to be unifying Americans.
"We're not caught up in the cause, we're caught up in
being Americans, whatever it takes," he said.
"This is not a racist war, this is a war against racists'
Wilson added. "These people want to eradicate America
and all that it stands for."
See RALLY, Page 7A
U.S. rejects
clencs' ruling
on bin Laden
4S nP
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Fac-
ing the prospect of U.S. attacks, Islamic
clerics urged Osama bin Laden to leave
Afghanistan. The United States said the
call yesterday fell short of its demands,
and a Taliban official acknowledged the
alleged terrorist mastermind might have
problems finding another nation willing
to accept him.
The clerics' statement, issued at the
end of a two-day meeting of the Ulema,
or council of religious leaders, set no
deadline for bin Laden to depart and
warned of a jihad, or holy war, against
the United States if its forces attacked
this impoverished country.
And in a statement issued late yester-
day through its embassy in Islamabad,
Pakistan, the Taliban government
repeated its stand that it would not force
bin Laden to leave because that "would
be an insult to Islam." Nevertheless, the
clerics' statement represented the first
sign that some figures in Afghan leader-
ship wanted to compromise on the pre-
vious hardline stance against any move
to surrender bin Laden, the chief sus-
pect in the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
In Washington, the Bush adminis-
tration dismissed the clerics' decision.
"We want action, not just statements,"
Secretary of State Colin Powell said.
U' buses. to ease
travel to stadium
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LSA senior Nandi Comer participates in an anti-war protest yesterday afternoon on the DIag.
Teach-in takes on Muslm profiling
By Kara Wenzel
Daily Staff Reporter
In an effort to quell rumors about Islam, more
than 100 students joined together last night in the
Michigan Union Ballroom for a Teach-In.
The event, titled "Terrorism: A Perversion of
Islam," featured student panelists and a keynote
address by Near Eastern Studies Prof, Sherman
Jackson. More than 40 University groups joined
together to organize the event.
"We wanted to dispel the stereotypes that this
act of terrorism was a religious act," said LSA
junior Jill Barkley, an event organizer and LSA
Student Governmeit representative.
University Vice President for Student Affairs E.
Royster Harper began the program by asking the
crowd to "be more truthful in the way in which we
see the world."
"Last Tuesday forced me to see the Muslim stu-
dents in our community. Quite frankly, until then I
had observed them, not seen them," Harper said.
A student panel addressed topics as broad as the
irresponsibility of the media while reporting cer-
tain events last week and the differences between
Islam and Sikhism.
Panelist Brenda Abdellal, an LSA junior and
member of the Arab Students Association, said it
is only the skewed understanding of Islam among
many Americans that causes some to be unable to
separate the radical beliefs of a few Muslims from
a large group of rational people.
After explaining the religious symbolism of her
hijab, the cloth she wears around her head, Rack-
ham student Amenah Ibrahim of the Muslim Stu-
dents Association told the crowd that she would
not take it off, even though it makes her an easy
target for attack.
See TEACH-IN, Page 7A
By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporter
The University Department of Park-
ing and Transportation Services is
increasing the number of buses run-
ning from North to Central Campus on
football Saturdays to accommodate the
number of students making that trip.
The -Michigan Student Assembly
pushed for the additional buses in
response to what MSA President Matt
Nolan called a "really long wait."
"It's out of control," Nolan said.
"We asked what the feasibility would
be to get an extra route in the morn-
ings for those games."
Nolan said the regular bus route on
Saturdays was unable to serve the vol-
ume of students coming to Central
Campus on game days. Sometimes
students had to wait for three or four
buses because there were too many
people at the bus stop, Nolan said.
But with buses only running to the
C.C. Little bus stop, students still have
a long walk to Michigan Stadium.
MSA proposed having buses run
from North Campus to the stadium,
but such a route was not feasible due
to pedestrian and vehicular traffic on
University Facilities and Operations
spokeswoman Diane Brown said park-
ing officials made an agreement with
MSA to have buses make multiple
trips to C.C. Little in place of the ini-
tial proposal.
"If we had buses going straight to the
stadium, we'd require going through
campus," Brown said. "If you skirt
See BUSES, Page 7A
At attention
Terrorism not expected to have
major effect on campus finances
Scholarsh ip
alum killed
By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter
The University is not immu
of the plunging stock market,I
shape, University Chief Fin
Robert Kasdin assured the B
at its monthly meeting yesterd
The last time the markets w
rable state was in the fall o
said. Since then the Univer
decreased by 5 percent, and i
cial health is much better, he a
The University's finances a
way that delays the full effec
in the market, allowing the U
plan its response, he said.
bebng formed zin name of
in attack on Trade Center
terrorist attacks, but the attacks also claimed
the lives of two alumni who served as finan-
cial advisers for the University. Josh Rosen-
ne to the effects thal, senior vice president of Fiduciary Trust
but it is in good Co., and David Alger, president of Fred Alger
nancial Officer Management Inc., both worked in the World
oard of Regents Trade Center and are among the thousands
ay. who are dead or missing.
vere in a compa- Kasdin said the Rosenthal family has
f 1997, Kasdin expressed interest in starting a scholarship in
rsity's debt has Josh Rosenthal's name.
ts overall finan- "We're very pleased with the scholarship.
added. He was an undergraduate at the University
re arranged in a and very interested in public policy," said
t of fluctuations Marilynn Rosenthal, a sociology professor at
niversity time to the University's Dearborn campus.
University Vice President for Development
year 2000-2001 as it did the previous year,
but the amount of donations was above $200
million for the second straight year.
In addition, the amount of outright dona-
tions from University alumni for fiscal year
2001 exceeded $105 million.
"That's very promising because that's
where our greatest opportunity for future
donations is," Feagin said.
Feagin said Michigan Telefund, which calls
alumni for donations, suspended calling after
the terrorist attacks and resumed this Tuesday.
She said she was pleasantly surprised by the
positive response. Alumni appeared willing to
donate about the same amount of money as
usual. Operators reported that conversations
tend to last longer now because people want
to talk, Feagin said.
University President Lee Bollinger and
Vice President for Student Affairs E. Royster
Harper described the University community's
response to last Tuesday's attacks.
"The horrific events of a week ago have
Thn Iniuvrsitv' Reserve Offiers Training Corns drills yesterday on South Campus. Inside: ROTC