4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 20, 2001 OP/ED te £idbiguu Dailg 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 daily.lietters@umich.edu EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 GEOFFREY GAGNON Editor in Chief MICHAEL GRASS NIdHOLAS WOOMER Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE ( ' French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin called for a reasonable repose.' Perhaps President Jacques Chirac, who is in Washingtonfor consultations today, will clarify what that's supposed to mean when at least 5,000 of your fellow countrymen have been killed." Washington Times editorial page editor Helle Bering in a column yesterday. t8.AG w--,'... 4' ,>\ 4 4 -.4. '4- 4 ITCI~f6F'~A1 AI A1?1 Fighting the long war ahead with love JOSH WICKERHAM Tius :mi'Ws XWORLD 4 ast week, like some low-grade movie, the image of a plane slamming into the World Trade Center sent the nation reeling. As those older than us gaped in hor- ror, I can just imagine the collective balk from my MTV-raised generation: Bad special effects! CNN is obviously showing computer-generated promos for some poorly- executed fall blockbuster. Then the nation grieved. Our campus came together in a symbolic show of unity. That very sight, sitting in a sea of 15,000 silent, coifused and normally-complacent students made nation- al tragedy real. But national grief in my life was soon overshadowed by personal grief. As the week edged on, my silent weeping in the show- er while listening to NPR gave way to news of my grandfather's failing health. He died on Fri- day, just as I was coming around to a mindful response to these atrocities against the nation. Just as national grief was giving way to anger, my extended grieving period gave me time to reflect more consciously than the more political- ly-bent among us. On Saturday, the minister asked my family what my grandfather had given us. The question did not sit well. A silence pervaded the scene. I was the first to speak up, becauseno one else seemed able. We all had stories of his greed and anger directed at family members. It's not an understatement to say that he died being despised by even his own son. Certainly that son, my uncle, who blames ten years of clinical depression on my grandfather, wasn't going to say his father had given him anything. My great aunt, his only surviving sister and a good Christ- ian, was searching in vain beyond good and mostly bad memories for something he had given her- but couldn't. I, refusing hypocrisy as much as possible, said, "This probably isn't what you are looking for, but what my grandfather gave to me was an example of a wasted life. I learned from him how I wanted not to live." And I went on to explain how my grandfather was never honest with himself and never took responsibility for his actions or feelings. He never legitimized his own power. He lived by striking back irrational- ly at the ones he loved. The minister looked me straight in the eyes and said it was clear to her how much this meant to me. Of course, I wasn't saying any- thing unusual, because private familial conver- sations about the deceased were much more viscous than anything I said at this little meet- ing. I was just out of place, so, of course, none of my points were included in the minister's memorial service the next day. I guess, just as during a national tragedy, one isn't supposed to say anything that can be easily construed as anti-nationalist, one cannot say something bad about a person and expect to hear it repeated at their funeral. But I don't care. Why are so many people afraid to stand on their own? I say once you're dead, you're dead. That's it. And that's why I will never condone war. And that's why, after turning my attention away from personal grief to national tragedy, I began to look for alternatives to the plotted nature of the course we've set out on. This last week and a half have been nothing but the predictable out- come of historical action. And it's downright boring. It's clear that this war started long ago. A couple of downed buildings, no matter their national importance, are simply symp- tomatic of something greater, not complete- ly causal. We started this war when the United States assumed the role of empire. We caused this war by manufacturing and selling more weapons than any other country in the world. As if we had learned nothing from World War I, we blindly armed our allies as well as many of our future enemies, expecting mutual armaments to protect us, when instead, history has shown that having arms simply escalates violence. Mutual armaments beg to be used. Two world wars have shown us this. And knocking on foreign doors brings together alliances. If we think the world is unit- ed in a fight of good against evil - of democra- cy versus authoritarianism - we are gravely mistaken. Our product-driven civilizing mis- sions around the world has done little, if any- thing, to democratize the world. We have made enemies through hegemony. With our own greed, we are paying the price, though the dichotomy is never this simple. If George W. Bush wants war (or, more accurately, if America wants war) then we will get one. But this war will be all against all. It will be the youth against the regimes that per- petuate historic violence. Because we're too smart for nationalism. Nation-building, a rela- tively recent historical invention, is no longer something we can responsibly condone. It caus- es war. If we didn't see it before last week, it is clear that the whole thinking behind the national security state does nothing but shield us poorly from those who would destroy our standard of living with force. It allows the United States to exploit the rest of the world. Dubya obviously underestimates the resis- tance already swelling on this campus and else- where. But activism will only flourish if we turn off our televisions and stop listening to corpo- rate media's dichotomized version of history. Real results will only come if we stop waiting for our revelations to come from CNN - and get lives. Like my grandfather taught me in his own unique way, wehave to accept responsibility for our actions. We cannot strike out at those we love. And if we love ourselves, if we have faith in what it means to be human, we cannot strike out against any members of the human race ,no matter our species' atavistic penchant for retri- bution. I'm not going to get sucked into the Shrub's rhetoric about good and evil and the necessity of war. I'm not going to die for my country: I'm not going to kill for my country either. I am try- ing to leap from the wounds of my fear. It's something we would all do well to try: To live without fear and, though I struggle to say it, fill our hearts with love. 4 4 V LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Josh Wickerham can be reached via e-mail atjwickerh@umich.edu. Article unclear about United Way funds To THE DAILY: I am concerned the Daily has incorrectly reported facts in the news article "MSA calls on 'U' to stop donations to United Way," (9/19/01). During its Tuesday meeting, the Michigan Stu- dent Assembly did not vote to immediately cut funding to the United Way, as Kara Wenzel's article implied. Rather, the assembly passed a resolution asking the Board of Regents to shift its donations to the Sept. I I fund, a branch of the United Way specifically designed to benefit the victims of the tragedies in New York and Wash- ington. The resolution gives the University until Oct. I to find an organization similar to the Unit- ed Way, but one without discriminatory prac- tices, before pressure is applied cut the tie between the University and the United Way. The Michigan Student Assembly is very aware of the beneficial activities of the United Way during this time of need, but it cannot stand passively as the University violates its own practices. It is for this reason that we decided to delay our pressure on the University until Oct. 1, and have addition- ally asked them to donate directly to the victims through the Sept. I I fund. JOHN SIMPSON LSA junior The letter writer is rules and elections chair /for the Michigan Student Assembly. Follow Gandhi, look for peace during crisis TO THE DAILY: Gandhi once said, "If we practice an eye for an eye, then eventually the whole world will be blind." Giving blood is one wonderful way to save lives. Another is for each of us to write a letter to our government representatives to voice our opinions on the wisdom of an "all out war against terrorism." This rhetoric is not originat- ing from our leaders; it's simply an echo of what is perceived to be the "overwhelming sentiment" of the American public. But a collective voice of Alvcant... ,rnt. a.., .cni o n,] oc,,;, t-oln t1rnnv., through our grief-infused rage to a place of greater understanding, this voice will continue to grow. As it does, we need to help our message to venture outside the spheres of our academies, our cafes, our spiritual centers, and our own hearts and to surface within earshot of those who hold the power of life and death - over our sis- ters and brothers in distant lands, over our kin in New York and Washington, and even over the 110,000 fans that will gather together in Michi- gan Stadium one sunny Saturday afternoon -- in their hands. Peace to all people everywhere. A special embrace for all the Arab and Islamic students on campus. To every message of hate, may we respond with 10,000 messages of love. JILL HALPERN LSA Comprehensive Studies Program lecturer An answer to the war hawks among us To THE DAILY: Two letters to the editor yesterday ask the question, "If not war, then what?" of the liber- als/pacifists/rationalists/humanitarians of our nation. The answer, at least for me, seems apparent. Like many Americans, I'm in favor of holding those responsible for terrorism. Arrest- ing those responsible? Yes. Using covert forces to secure those? Yes. A limited response in cooperation with governments and organiza- tions around the globe? Yes. Seizing funds and working with govern- ments to cut off the roots of global terrorism? Yes. Full scale war, however, is quite a different matter. I fail to see how anyone can honestly believe that invading a country predominantly inhabited by people using farming technology not seen in North America for a century gets us any closer to eradicating terrorism. Instead we will swell the ranks of our foes, spread further distaste with American policies, and speed up the futile cycle of violence. By war today, we grow and train tomorrow's ter- rorists. That's the answer for one liberal anyway. PAUL JACOBS YrUNDER THE FLAK PART I BY WAJ SYED Ajihad on the geo-political consensus? Time bears culture. Culture defines people. People usually dic- tate events. Events stir commentary. Commentary thrives on opinion. Opinion is strengthened by the populace. The popu- lace, that last link in this chain of drawn-out logic, needs corrective knowledge, especially so in times of crisis. In effect and essence, the populace needs to know. It also needs to have its say. It seems our turn to contribute has arrived. This column initiates the effort to grip the realities behind what CNN is cynically calling "America's New War." It is not meant to be high-profile commentary involving geo-strategic zeal and military-intelligence punditry. It is meant to be an exercise of opinion - reflective, analytical, interviewed, and of course, free. narrow aspects. But where are the real answers for the people who really want them? There is going to be no extensive dwelling on the short-sighted courses of action America has taken now and again to alienate millions. LSA could actually dedicate a semester to U.S. foreign policy blunders and still run out of time. Experts will be questioned, but their opinion will be held in the same light as others'., There will be no necessity to title argu- ments as pro and con, or right and wrong, at least as far as social norms go. We will try to facilitate every sort of view. Due to limited space, more notewor- thy commentary will be printed. Consider this a call to arms, if you will. I'm laying down the gauntlet of opinion. My personal views, ambivalent at best, might be a starting point for many... a ytia ic y S yio WIlke.,pe' oxnnNtr brins t TheMiciganL~tty1 _.reynt...:...... e,.,.onna IIIIYIIIIIWIII:: iillirWnlrM 11o The job at hand is not to decon- struct the U.S. geo-political Harry. It is rather to redirect our views outwards, towards this new faceless and borderless threat to civility. Please note that I did not cite this as a war against "civilization." The U.S. already declared that war long ago. So did the USSR. So did Great Britain. So did the Ottoman Empire. So did ancient Rome. Every time a global power has connived to gain strength at freedom; apply sanctions against countries that do not meet American standards on these issues; promote American corporate interests under the slogans of free trade and open markets; shape World Bank and International Monetary Fund policies to serve those same corporate interests; intervene in local conflicts in which it has rela- tively little direct interest; bludgeon other coun- tries to adopt economic and social policies that will benefit American economic interests; pro- mote American arms sales abroad while attempting to prevent comparable sales by other countries; force out one UN secretary-general and dictate the appointment of his successor; expand NATO initially to include Poland, Hun- gary; and the Czech Republic and no one else; undertake military action against Iraq and later maintain harsh economic sanctions against the regime; and categorize certain countries as "rogue states," excluding them from global institutions because they refuse to kowtow to American wishes." To reiterate: although morally reprehensi- ble, the actions of last Tuesday seem politically inevitable. America has to wake up from the unipolar day-dream its been reveling in since its post-Cold War emergence as the only glob- al hegemon. Kings have to act like kings, not bullies or hypocrites. Sadly though, this song has long been sung. In recent trends, terms like "national interest above everything" from peo- ple like Condi Rice have readily become a part of political pop-art. Then some F-14s fly over northern Iraq, cluster-bombing missile sites and/or villages. Tony Blair sends in some Har- riers, putting in his ten pence worth. CNN, bored by all of this by now, doesn't even give this a 15-second segment. Major League Base- ball has more precedence. Meanwhile; the peo- ple who are a part of the equation, but who don't necessarily fit in this relative gains net- work, at least not positively, see their indepen- dence compromised. Omnipresent America. "Declaration of war," says Bush. But against whom? Twelve year-old rock throwers in the West Bank? Peasants in Kabul? "Face- less coward," he says again. But was not Osama bin Laden, the globally recognized Mickey Mouse-like icon of international terror- ism, involved in facilitating the Arab volunteer -effort of the Afghan Mujahideen in the '80s, against that "Evil Empire," the Soviet Union, all under CIA acquiescence? "Times change," says Bush, as Congress nods in conformity. Jidv Woodruff sheds a tear. Peter Jennings another nation's expense, the clash of civiliza- tions has been declared inevitable. Still, this is not justified. Not in any sense of the word. Not if you pull on a single logical strand and make it bend on the whim of our cur- rent predicament. Not even if you label the peo- ple who did this brave, or selfless to their cause, or adamant for their goals. If there ever was such a concept, last Tuesday was a moral no-go. But not a political one. Not even a little bit. People in glass houses should not throw stones. Nor should they have short-term mem- ories. Samuel Huntington writes stridently in