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September 19, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-09-19

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 19, 2001


Cease-fire called in Middle East


Israel witkdraws
tanks rom areas
recentlyseiz edn:.:

JERUSALEM (AP) - In steps toward a truce,
Israel promised yesterday not to launch strikes on the
Palestinians after Yasser Arafat said he ordered his
forces to prevent attacks on Israelis and to hold back
even from responding to fire.
Israel also withdrew dozens of tanks from Palestin-
ian areas it has recently seized. U.S. Secretary of
State Colin Powell, who has been prodding both sides
to work out a cease-fire, said he was encouraged by
the mutual gestures. "We see some promise," he said.
Continued Mideast fighting would disrupt Wash-
ington's efforts to bring Arab and Muslim countries
into an international anti-terror coalition being
formed in response to the Sept. 11 attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Previous truce deals have collapsed quickly, and
there were no assurances that the latest effort would
succeed. Hours after the twb sides' announcements,
there were exchanges of fire yesterday evening in two
locations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
However, the terror attacks on the United States
and U.S. preparations to respond may have forced
Israel and the Palestinians to review their positions.
A senior Palestinian official, speaking privately,
said the Palestinian leadership hoped to start a new
chapter with Israel.
The U.N. envoy to the Middle East, Terje Roed-
Larsen, also said he sensed a shift.

Bush signs $40 billion recovery package
President Bush signed into law yesterday a $40 billion package to rebuild after
last week's terrorist attacks. He also put his signature to the congressional reso-
lution authorizing him to use military force against those responsible.
"Our whole nation is unalterably committed to a direct, forceful and compre-
hensive response to these terrorist attacks and the scourge of terrorism.directed
against the United States," Bush said in a statement.
Congress passed the legislation last week with unprecedented speed and near
Bush also signed legislation expediting benefit payments to injured firefighters
and police, or to the survivors of public safety officers killed when hijackers
slammed jets into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon one week
Hundreds of firefighters and scores of police officers were killed trying to res-
cue workers inside Trade Center towers before they collapsed.
. Most of the S40 billion will go to recovery and other efforts in New York; Vir-
ginia, where the Pentagon is located; and Pennsylvania, where a fourth hijacked
plane crashed, reportedly en route to Washington. Bush will be able to spend
about half the package with virtually no congressional restriction.
New virus could be worse than 'Code Red'
A new virus-like attack struck large companies yesterday, and its rapid spread
threatened to slow down the Internet. Attorney General John Ashcroft warned
the computer outbreak could become worse than the "Code Red" worm earlier
this summer.
The malicious software program, known as W32-Nimda, is complex and
designed to spread to people who open infected e-mail or visit an infected Web
site. The program generated more traffic on the Web, slowing down many users.
Security experts said it had already infected tens of thousands of computers,
including those at several large companies. Experts monitored the outbreak and
tried to figure out how it worked as it created pockets of Internet congestion and
forced some companies offline.
"There is so much traffic (caused by the worm) that it ... makes you think the
Internet is down," explained Alan Paller, director of research at the SANS Insti-
tute, a computer security think tank.
The Internet as a whole is functioning normally with no widespread slow-
downs, according to Internet monitoring firm Keynote Systems.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat speaks in Gaza City surrounded by, from right, E.U Special Middle East envoy
Miguel Moratinos, an unidentified Arafat adviser, United Nations Mideast envoy Terje Roed-Larsen and
Palestinian Planning Minister Nabil Shaath yesterday. Arafat announced he is unilaterally enforcing a cease-fire.

"I think there's a strong belief on the Palestinian
side that power is no longer in the barrel of a gun,
that power now is based on diplomatic instruments to
be used at the negotiating table," said Roed-Larsen,
who keeps in close contact with Arafat.
Arafat told foreign diplomats in a meeting at his
Gaza office yesterday that he was committed to a
truce and had ordered his security forces "to act
intensively in securing a cease-fire on all our fronts."
Even if his men came under fire, the Palestinian
leader said, they were to show "maximum restraint."
Later yesterday, Arafat met with Palestinian secu-

rity commanders in Gaza to discuss the truce. He
briefed West Bank commanders by phone, aides
Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer
ordered a halt to all military strikes against the Pales-
tinians. Such strikes in the past have included incur-
sions into Palestinian territory and targeted killings of
suspected Palestinian militants.
"If Arafat really wants to calm the area, we want to
help, to give Arafat a chance," said Defense Ministry
spokesman Yarden Vatikay, adding that Israel
remained skeptical about Arafat's intentions.

Boeing to lay off

31,000 ei
WASHINGTON (AP) - Boeing is
planning to lay off 20 to 30 percent of
its commercial airline work force -
roughly 31,000 people - as a result of
the terrorists attacks, a congressional
source said yesterday.
The aircraft maker will make an
announcement today, said the source,
who spoke on the condition of anonymi-
ty. The company would not be announc-
ing specific locations for the layoffs, but
was telling lawmakers they are expected
to be implemented by early 2002.
A Boeing spokesman would not com-
ment last night.
Roughly 93,000 people work for Boe-
ing's commercial airline sector, much of
which is centered around the company's
former headquarters in Seattle.
The White House and Congress are
considering a federal aid package for
the airline industry to help them recover
from last week's attacks.
The industry has asked for $24 bil-
lion. The House floated a S15 billion
relief plan last Friday that could include

n1Ploy ees
S2.5 billion in immediate grants anc
S 12.5 billion in loans and credits.
Though the White House and con-
gressional leaders suggested a multibil-
lion-dollar package was on the way, they
weren't offering a final dollar figure o
timetable for debate.
The Bush administration could pro-
pose an aid package next week, Trans-
portation Secretary Norman Mineta
said. The House may move forward this
week, when it returns from a recess for
the Jewish holiday.
Boeing's stock has plunged since
markets reopened this week. On Mon-
day, the first regular day of trading the
price fell S7.60. The price was down
S2.66, to $33.14, when trading closed
Major carriers had promised layoffs
of at least 26,000 people - a numbe
that could grow to 100,000. Many.
including American, Continental, Delta.
Northwest and United, have also scalec
back their schedules by about 20 per-
for China
in WTO
BEIJING (AP) - They've had years
to prepare, but China's companies,
farmers and industrial workers face
wrenching changes once they enter the
free-market World Trade Organization,
letting loose a flood of imports and for-
eign competition.
Foreign companies were exultant yes-
terday after a WTO panel cleared the
way for China to join after 15 years of
negotiations. Its membership terms
require Beijing to ease barriers to
imports and foreign investment in Chi-
nese firms.
China's manufacturers fill store
shelves worldwide with appliances,
sporting goods and other low-cost prod-
ucts. But two-thirds of its 1.26 billion
people live in the countryside, where the
impact of cheaper farm goods from
abroad could be devastating.
Millions of people working on ineffi-
cient, labor-intensive farms are expected
to be thrown out of work. Beijing has
kept prices paid for their crops artificial-
ly high to shift money to the countryside
and reduce unrest over rural poverty.
"Even at present prices, farmers in
China can hardly survive. I can't imag-
ine how far the prices will fall" after
WTO entry, said Zhou Jianming, presi-
dent of the Henan Jinxiang Wheat
Group, a flour processor in the central
city of Zhengzhou with 400 employees.
After recent subsidy cuts, Zhou said,
Chinese wheat prices have plunged to
$135 per ton - equal to the current
price of Canadian wheat, but an all-time
low for China.
Food processing companies in the

SEOUL, South Korea
Korean talks have
'special meaning'
President Kim Dae-jung said agree-
ments reached yesterday by South and
North Korean negotiators had "special
meaning" because of the terrorist
attacks in the United States.
The' first talks between the two Kore-
as after six months of suspended con-
tacts yielded plans for another reunion
of separated family members, many of
whom have not seen each other since
the 1950-53 Korean War.
The deal marked the revival of recon-
ciliation efforts that offer the best hope
yet for peace after a half-century of con-
flict. The fragile process had come to a
virtual standstill because of tension
between North Korea and the United
South Korea, where 37,000 American
troops are deployed as a deterrent
against North Korea, has pledged sup-
port for any U.S. plans to retaliate
against suspected terrorists.
Texas executes 13th
prisoner this year
A paroled robber from Alabama was
executed last night for gunning down a
pharmacist who refused to surrender
drugs during a holdup at his store near-
ly 19 years ago.
James Roy Knox, 50, was the 13th
condemned prisoner to die by injec-
tion this year in Texas, where a
record 40 inmates were executed last

Asked if he had a final statement, he
replied, "No, I'm ready. I'm ready."
Knox nodded and smiled to five
friends he selected as witnesses. He
was pronounced dead at 6:28 p.m.
Knox was condemned for the 1982
shooting death of Joe Sanchez, 39. He
was arrested two years after the slay-
ing and was tried twice for capital
murder after his initial conviction was
thrown out on appeal because of an
improper jury instruction from a
Amish man pleads
guilty on sex charge
An Amish man charged with raping
two girls pleaded guilty to sexual bat-
tery in a plea bargain that would
require him to receive five years of
treatment at a center for sex offenders.
Norman Byler, 69, of Birmingham
initially was charged with I1 counts of
rape and gross sexual imposition
involving two girls in his extended
family. They were 3 and 5 at the time.
He had been scheduled to go on trial
this week but instead pleaded guilty
Monday to lesser charges, five counts
of sexual battery.
The case marked a rare example of
Amish crimes being prosecuted in sec-
ular courts, county prosecutor Keith
Plummer said.
"Part of the difficulty of the case
was that the Amish community felt
like they should be able to deal with
that within their church," Plummer
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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