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September 17, 2001 - Image 1

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INSIDE: A section dedicated to the people and places affected by last week's terrorist
attacks on the United States, including special coverage from New York City. Page 1 B.

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September 17, 2001


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'M' to play
WMU on
then ilhini
By Jon Schwartz
Daily Sports Editor
The Michigan Athletic Department
has rescheduled the football game
against Western Michigan for this
coming Saturday.
The matchup against Illinois that
was originally planned for this week-,
end will be pushed back one week to
Sept. 29, a date formerly open on
Michigan's schedule.
Times for both games have not been
Athletic Director Bill Martin
explained that the change "was our
idea because if we could keep the
game in the same sequence that they
are, there would be less confusion.
And we were successful, somewhat
Martin expressed his surprise that
the situation was handled so expedi-
tiously. After announcing on Thursday
afternoon that the game would be
postponed, the solution was worked
out by 8:30 p.m. Friday.
Even before Michigan decided to
postpone the Western Michigan game,
they were working out the plans for a
new date.
"We've been working on this non-
stop for a few days as a contingency,"
Martin said.
While most schools have moved the
postponed games to the end of the
schedule, Michigan wanted to avoid
that based on the stigma of playing a
game after Ohio State, this year sched-
uled for Nov. 24.
"We certainly wanted to avoid that
at all costs," Martin said. "Everybody's
made some sacrifices to adjust to the
Friday afternoon, football coach
Lloyd Carr expressed his agreement
with the decision to postpone the
"Personally from the moment I saw
those planes go into that building,
there was no question in my mind that
as far as football goes, that game




Nation prepares
military strategy

The Washington Post
mounted yesterday that Washington is
on an imminent war footing, President
Bush said he had notified the leaders
of Pakistan, India and Saudi Arabia of
his intentions and received "positive"
support for a sustained campaign
against terrorism. Meanwhile, senior
administration officials took to the air-
waves to warn Americans of a new
attack in the days ahead.
Bush is planning to meet with Pen-
tagon officials today to review military
plans. On a Sunday when Americans
flocked to church pews seeking solace
from the horror of the week just
passed, Bush plotted strategy with his
top advisers at Camp David.
"This crusade, this war on terrorism,
is going to take a while," he told
reporters after his return to the White
House. But, he vowed, "We will rid the
world of the evil-doers."
Vice President Dick Cheney, in his
first public appearance since Tuesday's
attack, went on television with chilling
revelations about the first frantic hours
of the crisis. He said Bush, at his rec-
ommendation, had authorized the Air

"This crusade, this
war on terrorism,
is going to take a
- President George W. Bush
Force to shoot hijacked airliners out of
the sky - and gave warnings about
the possibility of more terror ahead.
"There may well be other operations
that have been planned and are, in fact,
in the works," Cheney told NBC's
"Meet the Press." On ABC's "This
Week," Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld four times cautioned against
complacency, saying the threat has not
receded simply because one wave of
terrorists hit their target.
"A terrorist can attack in any time
and any place using a variety of differ-
ent techniques," Rumsfeld said. "It
may be an airplane one day, it may be
a ship or a subway or a car."
Around the world, in central Asia,
there were other signs that the United
See WAR, Page 7A

Rescuers losing
hope of finding
more survivors

Firefighters rest near Ground Zero after spending long hours searching through the rubble of the World Trade Center twin
towers for signs of any survivors.
Bollinger opens home
ro rto Univ ersity 'amily

By Kristen Beaumont
Daily Staff Reporter
University President Lee Bollinger and
his wife, Jean Magnano Bollinger, opened
their home yesterday afternoon to Universi-
ty students in need of what the president's
wife described as a "home away from
"There is a sense of family on this cam-
pus," Lee Bollinger said. He added that they
offered their house as an attempt to bring
some sense of normalcy back to campus.
"There was some sort of transition need-
ed," he said. "However, I don't think normal
life is possible right now and won't be pos-
sible for a long time."
Jean Bollinger said they wanted to help
students feel more comfortable moving into
the weeks ahead.

"We want to take care of people and to
offer vulnerable people support," she said.
As part of the gathering, Jean Bollinger
organized musical performances from dif-
ferent cultural groups around the Universi-
"Personally I felt that music was the one
common language we all share," she said.
Several of the groups who gathered at the
Bollinger residence to perform were the Kol
HaKavod Choral Group, the Fanfare
Marching Band, members from the Institute
of Indian Music and students at the School
of Music.
"Music is a powerful force for bringing
people together especially in times of tragedy
and that we are proud to be here on this day,"
said Ajit Acharya, a University alumnus from
the Residential College and a member of the

NEW YORK (AP) - With hopes
fading yesterday that any more sur-
vivors would be found amid the dust,
steani and gore that is now the World
Trade Center, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
urged New Yorkers not to cower before
"The life of the city goes on," said
Giuliani. He said 190 people had been
confirmed dead, 115 of whom had been
identified. Eighteen city firefighters
were among the confirmed dead, includ-
ing two top officials. The total missing
was 4,957, he said yesterday night - a
figure officials lowered by about 140
after rechecking lists.
"The recovery effort continues and
the hope is still there that we might be
able to save some lives. But the reality is
that in the last several days we haven't
found anyone," Giuliani said.
A high ranking police official, speak-
ing on condition of anonymity, said
workers weren't even finding bodies,
only body parts. No one has been pulled
alive from the wreckage since Wednes-
day, the day after two hijacked jetliners
were crashed into the trade center's twin
"We can't even find concrete; it's
dust. What we're calling bodies aren't
really bodies," the official said.

Heavy-equipment crews yesterday
reached the deepest level below the tow-
ers' plaza - a New Jersey commuter
train station 80 feet below ground, said
Mark Loizeaux, one of the contractors
at the site. They found voids in the com-
pacted debris, but no one alive, he said.
Much of downtown Manhattan was
to reopen today with the help of a new
service, a ferry carrying passengers
between Brooklyn and Manhattan. The
Empire State Building, which has been
dark since the attacks, was lit last night
in red, white and blue.
Speaking at a morning news confer-
ence, Giuliani said one way to deal with
the trauma is to "show how strong we
are and how terrorists can't cower us."
"Go ahead and go about the everyday
activities," he urged. "Go to church on
Sunday. If you go to a park and play
with your children, do that. If you like to
go out and spend money I would
encourage that."
Hundreds celebrated Mass at New
York's St. Patrick's Cathedral, where
Cardinal Edward Egan urged parish-
ioners to commune with God to ease
their grief.
Giuliani also encouraged people from
around the country to "come here and
See NEW YORK, Page 7A

Students gather around University President Lee Bollinger at a
gathering outside his house on South University Avenue yesterday.

School of Music holds convocation to
give students hope through melodies
By visa Hoffman People arrived for the concert more than an over their hearts, join for one more chorus o
Daily Staff Reporter hour and a half before it began, waiting on the the Star Spangled Banner.


A sense of peace and unity filled the air at
Hill Auditorium Friday night during a concert
honoring the lives that were lost in Tuesday's
terrorist attacks.
With more than 400 performers, including

steps and lighting candles while bagpipes
played in the distance.
"It's such an appropriate memorial to recog-
nize those who lost their lives and their family
members," Lt. Col. Robert McCormick said.
"I can't think of a better way to bring the

"Tonight is a memory that will last," Wolff
said to the full house. "It is a reminder of the
unquenchable human spirit and its capacity to
overcome extreme anguish."
Other works on the program included
"How lovely is they dwelling place," from "A


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