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September 14, 2001 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-09-14

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 14, 2001- 7

The Washington P

West Bank, anger over civilian deaths


RAMALLAH, West Bank - When Ahmed
Daoud Ramhi had his junior high school stu-
dents at the nearby Jalazoun refugee camp dis-
cuss Tuesday's terrorist attacks in New York and
Washington, their verdicts were mixed. The stu-
dents, he said, felt the attack on the Pentagon
was entirely justified, but not the destruction and
civilian deaths at the World Trade Center.
Ramhi's own assessment was harsher, nour-
ished by personal tragedy. His 15-year-old son,
Mohammed, was shot dead by a Jewish settler in
1996 on a road near this West Bank town. Israeli
authorities dug up the body for an autopsy over
Ramhi's objections, he recalled, and after hold-
ing it for several days, they returned the wrong
body. Then they returned the boy's corpse at 3
a.m., a week after his death. Nothing came of
the investigation as far as Ramhi knows.
Although Israeli occupation authorities were
responsible, Ramhi also blames the United
States, which he well knows supplies Israel with
weapons, economic aid and political backing.
Such identification - the United States is the
same as Israel, the enemy occupier - led a
number of Palestinians in the West Bank and
German Bur
HAMBURG, Germany (AP) - Ger-
man investigators said yesterday that
three hijackers aboard the planes in the
U.S. terror attacks once lived in Ham-
burg and were part of an organization
formed this year to destroy American
German authorities, acting on tips
from the FBI, also said that they had
detained at least one man in connection
with Tuesday's attacks and were search-
ing for another.
In France, special anti-terrorism pros-
ecutors tried to find links with militant
Islamic networks in their country, while
police in Rome re-opened the case of a
theft of uniforms and badges belonging
to two American Airlines pilots in
Two of the men identified by Ham-
burg police as having perished in the
attacks were Mohamed Atta and Mar-
wan Alshehhi, both from the United
Arab Emirates. Both had earlier been
named as former students of a Florida
flight school and are suspected of hav-
ing flown two of the hijacked jets.
The German authorities indicated that
they'd made no immediate links to
Osama bin Laden, identified yesterday Membe
as a prime suspect. Laden n
CAMP SPendlet(
Continued from Page 1 blood dri
these negative images on TV since the "The
attack - buildings collapsing - and impressi
we also need to see some positive the situ
images. These shirts show support for Michiga
people who lost loved ones and dent M
friends." blood is
The shirts list four ethnic groups cially no
represented on campus: blacks, Asian- has bee
Americans, Caucasians, and Hispan- tragedy.'
ics, with "U.S." written above them. Alicia
"Respect and love at Michigan; in thropy f
remembrance of our life and loves deciding
September 11, 2001" is written donate
beneath efforts.
Lockhart said the first shipment of "MSA
1,000 shirts will be available today, going to
and several more shipments have been assist o
ordered. New Yo
Students can also help relief efforts bucket

without donating money. Today in the haps a ri
the michigan daily
FREE APARTMENT in Burns Park in
exchange for 15-20 hrs. of babysitting for I
and 3 yr. old. 213-0889. N

"When I saw that civilians were victims, I admit it bothered me. I thought of my
son. I am not happy that thousands of people will go through mourning like me."
- Daoud Ramhi
Teacher at Jalazoun refugee camp

Gaza Strip to celebrate in the streets when the
news broke of terrorist strikes.
"The guns here are American guns. The
Americans have to understand that when they
judge us. They are Israel's partners," he said.
"But when I saw that civilians were victims, I
admit it bothered me. I thought of my son. I am
not happy that thousands of people will go
through mourning like me."
A second concern came to Ramhi: that the
Palestinians, tainted by terrorism in their inde-
pendence movement, will be inundated by an
American war against international terror. "We
will be thrown in with America's enemies," he
Umm Alabi, a camp resident, also was
unapologetic about her feelings toward the
attacks on the United States. A refugee at age 10
from the lowlands of pre-Israel Palestine, she

wandered for several years in different refugee
camps, lived in tents and eventually raised three
sons on U.N. handouts. Her sons were frequent-
ly held in Israeli jails and one lives in exile.
When she saw the towers burning on televi-
sion, therefore, it did not cross her mind to con-
demn it because, she said, "America doesn't
condemn Israel."
"Look, the act means desperation," she said.
"It's not just us. What about Iraq, bombed for 10
years? Not everybody is going to sit by while
this goes on."
Her feelings and those of many in Ramallah
are soured by a history of bloodshed, dislocation
and frustration. In just the current conflict with
Israel, more than 500 Palestinians have been
killed over the last year, many of them unarmed
and more than 100 of them younger than 18.
The resentment of massive U.S. political and

financial support of Israel long predates this war.
Comments Thursday in Ramallah were the same
as could be heard in Beirut following the 1982
massacre of scores of Palestinian civilians at the
hand of Lebanese allies of Israel, or during the
first Palestinian intifada of the late 1980s and
early 1990s, when 1,500 fatalities were over-
whelmingly unarmed stone throwers.
Palestinian officials tried desperately Thurs-
day to undo public relations damage from the
images broadcast around the world of the Pales-
tinians expressing joy at the assaults on Wash-
ington and New York. But deep bitterness at
U.S. support for Israel made expressions of
unqualified sympathy rare among the general
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat urged Arab
and Muslim countries to join the U.S. campaign
to wipe out terrorism worldwide. His Palestinian

Authority, which rules 20 percent of the West
Bank and two-thirds of Gaza, ordered schools to
hold a moment of silence for the American
His spokesmen repeatedly condemned the
attack. With photographers on hand, Arafat
donated blood for victims, and Palestinian
demonstrators held a candlelight vigil at the U.S.
consulate in Jerusalem.
Palestinian officials told an Associated Press
video cameraman not to broadcast tapes of the
gleeful demonstrations in Nablus, a West Bank
city about 40 miles north of here. Arafat's cabi-
net secretary, Ahmed Abdel Rahman, warned
the Jerusalem office of the Associated Press that
the Palestinian Authority could not "guarantee
the life" of the cameraman if the footage was
broadcast. Members of Fatah, the main faction
of Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization,
issued statements holding the cameraman
responsible for the tape.
But the public relations damage was done.
Images of smiling demonstrators were broad-
cast, horrifying Palestinian politicians who have
pressed for a negotiated end to the conflict with
Israel. "A lot of damage has been done," said
Saeb Erakat, a Palestinian negotiator.

'ning bin Laden

Pakistan agrees to help U.S.
with search for bin Laden

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United
States pressed Pakistan on yesterday to
close its border with Afghanistan and to
cut off funds for terrorist groups, a
senior White House official said.
The appeal coincided with Secretary
of State Colin Powell's identifying
Osama bin Laden as a key suspect in
this week's terror attacks. Powell also
was promised cooperation by Pakistan's
Bin Laden operates in Afghanistan
with sanctuary provided by the Taliban,
a fundamentalist Muslim group that
controls most of the country.
The United States also asked Pakistan
for permission to fly over its territory in
the event of military action, said the
White House official, who spoke on
condition of anonymity.
Continued from Page 1

Other nations will be asked to stop
funding terrorist groups, the official
When the Bush administration is cer-
tain who sent suicidal hijackers on their
mission, Powell said, "We will go after
that group, that network and those that
have harbored, supported and aided that
network, to rip that network up."
He added, grimly: "When we are
through with that network, we will con-
tinue with a global assault against ter-
rorism in general."
At a news conference, Powell became
the first senior administration official to.
say openly what many have been saying
privately: that bin Laden is suspected of
engineering the attacks.
"We are looking at those terrorist
organizations who have the kind of

capacity that would have been necessary
to conduct the kind of attack that we
saw," Powell said.
Close to 5,000 people are unaccount-
ed for in the coordinated attacks that
knocked down the Twin Towers of New
York's World Trade Center and heavily
damaged the Pentagon outside Wash-
ington. All three buildings were
rammed by hijacked jetliners.
Powell noted that the administration
was not on the record with the identity
of the organization it believed responsi-
ble. "When you look at the list of candi-
dates, one resides in the region," he said.
Powell answered yes when asked
whether he was referring to bin
Laden, the Saudi-born exile who
runs a terrorist network from

rs of the National Akall Dal burn an effigy of Islamic terrorist Osama bin
near the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, India, yesterday.

on Room of the Union, the
in Red Cross will be running a
ve from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
rush of blood has been very
ve, and some have said that
ation is now manageable,"
an Student Assembly Presi-
att Nolan said. "Even so,
always at a premium, espe-
w that so much of the supply
n used with regards to the
a Johnson, head of philan-
for MSA, said the group is
g the most effective way to
time and money to relief
k and other student groups are
continue to work on ways to
ur community and those in
rk and D.C., with continued
drives, blood drives and per-
bbon campaign" Johnson said.

Continued from Page 1
"He got a car and he was driving
back last night," Peterson said. "He's
fine, and he wasn't in Manhattan so he
wasn't right in the middle of things."
Martin did not rule out the possi-
bility of scheduling another oppo-
nent to replace Western Michigan,
but the school's athletic director,
Kathy Beauregard, said in a written
statement that "both institutions will
make every effort to reschedule the
"I agree with the decision," West-
ern Michigan offensive tackle Matt
Stover said in a written statement. "It
puts football in its proper perspec-
Michigan is planning to resume its
schedule next week, when it opens the
Big Ten season with Illinois.

United States recently, said these officials, who spoke only
on condition of anonymity.
Agents have been examining manifests of flights that
were not hijacked on Tuesday, to find matches with people
who fit this profile, the officials said.
The concerns are also being driven by fresh intelligence
suggesting a continuing threat, the officials added.
The information "suggests we haven't seen the end of
this current threat," one U.S. official said. He cited con-
cerns terrorists may strike in a different manner now that
airport security has been beefed up.
Signs of fear were everywhere. The U.S. Capitol was
evacuated for a suspicious package and New York's air-
ports were temporarily closed to incoming flights. One
man was arrested in New York with a fake pilot's identifi-
cation. A security ring around the White House was
A number of people questioned in connection with the
plot have been arrested for immigration violations and
were in the custody of the Immigration and Naturalization
Service, a Justice Department official said.
The department had previously said people were
detained, including at least a half dozen in Massachusetts
and Florida, because of immigration problems. But it
wasn't until late yesterday that officials revealed that those
people had been arrested.
The INS has 48 hours after arrest to charge someone
violating immigration rules. Some of those detained could
be charged today, said the official, speaking on condition of
No one has yet been charged in Tuesday's attacks.

In Minnesota, the possibility emerged that the FBI knew
before Tuesday's attack of at least one Arab man seeking
the type of flight training the hijackers received.
U.S. officials confirmed that a few weeks ago the FBI
detained an Arab man in Minnesota when he tried to seek
flight simulator training for a large jetliner. Those who
hijacked the four airliners received similar training.
Officials said the FBI had no reason to charge him at the
time and instead began deportation proceedings. Those'.
proceedings were ongoing when the attacks took place
Tuesday, and he was re-detained. He was not cooperating.
with the FBI.
Investigators recovered a black box flight recorder from
the hijacked plane that went down in Pennsylvania, and
picked up a signal from the recorder in the jet that
slammed into the Pentagon.
The recorders could contain information about the last
minutes of the hijacked commercial jetliners.
FBI Special Agent Bill Crowley said the recorder in
Pennsylvania was found at about 4:20 p.m. EDT in the 8-
foot crater caused by the crash. Crowley said the recorder
would be analyzed by the National Transportation Safety
"We're hoping it will have some information pertinent to
what happened on the plane," Crowley said. "This develop-
ment is going to help a lot."
The FBI has a transcript of communications between the
pilots and air traffic controllers for a portion of the flight
that crashed in Pennsylvania, but has not yet released it,
officials said.
Overseas, German authorities said three of the terrorists
who died in the suicide attacks were part of a group of
Islamic extremists in Hamburg who have been planning
attacks on the United States.

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Continued from Page 1
entombed in a sport utility vehicle. It
turned out there were just two men, and
they were trapped in an underground air
pocket only briefly yesterday
A day before, five people had been
pulled alive from the Trade Center rub-
ble-three of them police officers.
The effort in New York was mirrored
at the Pentagon, where 126 people were
believed to be dead-among them a
three-star Army general-and 70 bodies
had been recovered.
The total deaths at the Trade Center
and the Pentagon-as well as those on
board the planes that crashed into them
and into a grassy field southeast of
Pittsburgh-could bring the total to more
that 5,000.
That would be higher than the death
toll from Pearl Harbor and the Titanic
combined. A total of 2,390 Americans
died at Pearl Harbor nearly 60 years
ago, and the sinking of the Titanic
claimed 1,500 lives.
A thick cloud of acrid, white smoke
blew through the streets Wednesday
after the four-story fragment of the.
south tower fell. Gusts of flame occa-
sionally jumped up as debris was
removed from the smoldering wreck-
The vast search to uncover the terror-
ilt sint etretched from Miami to Boston

In Washington, Bush worked with
Congress on legislation authorizing
military retaliation, and officials dis-
closed that the White House, Air Force
One and the president himself had been
targeted Tuesday.
America's NATO allies bolstered
Bush's case for military action, declar-
ing the terrorist attacks an assault on the
alliance itself.
Ripples continued to spread. The
National Football League called off the
15 games scheduled for this weekend,
and all Division I-A college football
games also were postponed. Major-
league baseball extended its hiatus
through the weekend. .
But gradually, some sectors returned
to normal. The government gave the
go-ahead for commercial flights to
resume and some did, but schedules
were expected to be in disarray, and
heavy security was the rule.
Bond trading resumed yesterday,
while Wall Street officials said the stock
markets were expected to open again on
Monday. The shutdown on the New
York Stock Exchange was already
longer than the two-day closure at the
end of World War II; the next-longest
lasted a week, after the 1929 crash.
In New York, the landscape was a
haze of gray dust, splayed girders, paper
and boulders of broken concrete. Fire-
fighters armed with cameras and listen-
ing devices on long poles searched for

ees were missing. Cantor Fitzgerald, a
bond firm, said 680 of its 1,000-person
staff were missing.
Giuliani was among those who
escaped Tuesday's attack uninjured,
bolting from a building barely a block
from the site when the first of the tow-
ers collapsed.
More than 3,000 tons of rubble was
taken by boat to a former Staten Island
garbage dump, where the FBI and other
investigators searched for evidence,
hoping to find the planes' black boxes
with clues to what happened in the final
terrifying minutes before the crashes.
Insurance industry experts say the
attack could become the nation's most
expensive manmade disaster ever, with
payouts ranging from $5 billion to $25
The densely packed bottom tip of the
island, an area roughly five square
miles, remained off-limits to everyone
but emergency workers. Volunteers
emerged from the search-and-rescue
mission with grisly tales as they cleared
away the twisted steel and glass wreck-
age of the twin towers.
One body was carried out wrapped in
an American flag. When workers hung
another American flag from a piece of a
transmission tower that apparently sur-
vived the collapse, "everybody stopped
and saluted," said Parish Kelley, a fire-
fighter from Ashburnham, Mass.
Kelley spent the day working in a

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