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September 11, 2001 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-09-11

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 11, 2001-- 7

Strumming in the sun

DOJ to watch for discrimination

Justice Department has sent feder-
al observers to Hamtramck to
monitor the treatment of Arab-
American voters during today's
primary election for mayor and
city council.
Thirty-two observers will visit
selected polling locations to ensure
voters are not racially targeted by
poll workers or poll challengers, the
department said yesterday.
A U.S. district judge in Detroit
authorized the observers Aug. 7 in

a consent decree between the Jus-
tice Department and the city of
Because of complaints of dis-
crimination in the 1999 election,
the Justice Department appointed
a federal examiner to monitor
elections in Hamtramck through
2003. City officials also recruited
bilingual Arab-American and
Asian-American poll workers for
the 2000 election.
Two Hamtramck residents were
convicted in November of violat-

ing state election law by singling
out Arab-Americans and Asian-
Americans at polling places for
questions about their citizenship.
State law allows residents who
register as challengers to chal-
lenge anyone they believe isn't a
registered voter based on citizen-
ship, age or residency, but prose-
cutors said the only people in the
ethnically diverse Detroit enclave
to be questioned about their citi-
zenship were Arab-Americans and

Art and Design senior Tim Fagan practices his guitar while enjoying the evening sun at a park on Pauline Boulevard.

* Continued from Page 1
Jerue said some of the substations will remain in operation,
including the Maynard Street office that was moved from its
Mason Hall location last year, although the staffing has
"Now there is a mini-station just opening up in the new
parking structure on South Forest. The Maynard Street mini-
station will be cut in half more than likely," Jerue added.
Both substations will be relatively small in size, he said, as
there are no set hours or officers on duty.
"It is not operationally like the district offices," Jerue said.
Officers will be in and out of both offices during breaks and
during their beats to get caught up on paperwork.
AAPD Sgt. Michael Logghe said the substations were
located at various parts of the city so people could receive
assistance in filing minor police reports. "The volume isn't
like the main station, but many people utilize them."
In addition to the substations being closed, the elementary
school drug program D.A.R.E. and middle school gang pro-
gram G.R.E.A.T. were dissolved due to citywide budget cuts.

"We're trying to figure out different ways to keep the pro-
grams alive and going in some fashion so service does not
reduce even though staff size has been," Jerue said. "We
would like to get (the programs) back and running so it won't
cost any money."
AAPD Chief Daniel Oates said community outreach pro-
grams like D.A.R.E., beat officers and the flag patrol are criti-
cal to the department's interaction with its constituents.
"All those are important and worthy things," Oates said.
He plans on having direct liaisons with community mem-
bers and hopes to create a community council which meets
monthly to discuss community issues with the department.
"When problems develop, you have to have something in
place whereby the problem is identified, the problem is
addressed, and there is follow-up," Oates said. "My goal is a
figure a way to do that kind of community policing."
At the beginning of the fiscal year, a 10 percent reduction in
staff was achieved through early retirements and reassigning
former substation officers to other areas of the department.
"Our big chore is to how can we make sure police services
aren't reduced, even though the number of personnel are,"
Jerue said.

Continued from Page 1
several points ahead of Kilpatrick, with Hood trailing. Now,
however, Kilpatrick, the son of U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks
Kilpatrick (D-Detroit), is the one leading former homicide
department chief and "Beverly Hills Cop" star Hill.
University communications studies Prof. Mike Trau-
gott, an elections expert, said Kilpatrick has done a good
job of raising money and hiring a good campaign staff. In
addition, he pointed out that Kilpatrick has received the
endorsements of both the Detroit Free Press and The
Detroit News.
The fact that Kilpatrick is the son of both a congress-
woman and Bernard Kilpatrick, the chief of staff to
Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara, may also have
helped him, Traugott said.
"Especially in urban politics, this type of social net-
working is very important," he said.
In Macomb County, both the Republican and Democrat-
ic primaries for Jaye's former Senate seat are contested.
Since the 12th District is considered reliably Republi-
can, it is believed that the GOP nominee will prevail in
the Nov. 6 general election. The front-runners in the
Republican primary are state Rep. Alan Sanborn of Rich-
mond, County Commissioner Sue Rocca of Sterling
Heights and Jaye himself.
Traugott said that special elections, such as the one
intended to replace Jaye, usually draw low voter turnout,

which in addition to a multi-candidate primary, he said,
usually helps c.andidates like Jaye who have a core group
of staunch supporters.
"He might do better than people think," Traugott said.
Elsewhere, voters in New York City will also head to
the polls today to select the Republican and Democratic
nominees to replace term-limited Republican Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani.
The top contenders on the Democratic side are city
Public Advocate Mark Green, Bronx borough President
Fernando Ferrer, city Comptroller Alan Hevesi, and City
Council Speaker Peter Vallone.
Green had long been considered the front-runner until
Ferrer surged in the polls earlier this month.
Traugott said Ferrer's late surge is "probably due to
campaign activity and resource expenditures late in the
On the Republican side, billionaire media mogul Mike
Bloomberg faces former U.S. Rep. and Deputy Mayor
Herman Badillo.
Both are former Democrats, and Badillo, long a fixture
of New York politics, is far behind in polls. Traugott said
Badillo may be at a disadvantage because his political
views are too liberal to run successfully for the Republi-
can nomination.
"Primary candidates tend to take relatively more
extreme positions because people that vote in primaries
are more intensely committed," he said.
- The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Continued from Page 1
complain about it unless they thought they are pay-
ing too much for it."
University Housing Business Manager Larry Durst
said one reason caller ID was not added to phone ser-
vices earlier was because the student demand for it is
not evident given the costs.
"The pluses and the minuses all have cost imple-
mentations," Durst said. "To force those that didn't
want it to have to pay for it isn't something that RHA
o Engineering freshman David Lax echoed Durst.

"It would be cool if we had it, but I don't really
mind that we don't," Lax said, adding that he would
not want to pay more for the service.
Lax said he does make use of the current services
offered but that those services are sometimes not
"We use the voice mail, that's cool. But an answer-
ing machine would work too. It really doesn't matter,"
he said.
Palms said he has not noticed students showing
much concern about the lack of caller ID service.
"I don't think we've had that many complaints
about it." he said.
The service is expected to cost around S25 per

semester per room, Durst said.
"We've actually purchased the hardware to do this
and we've subscribed through Ameritech. ... The
point that we're at right now is that it's installed. The
thing that is holding it back is that it's not tested," he
"Since we are providing it later than expected, we
are expecting to provide it free of charge of this
Students who already own caller ID equipment
will find out when the service is available simply by
looking at their phones.
"If the person has caller ID-capable equipment its
going to start coming up automatically. Durst said.

www.michigandal/y. com/forum

Continued from Page 1
can look horrible and it's perfectly OK."
LSA sophomore Eileen Buckle
said she chose to return to an all-
female residence hall this year
because of the warm family atmos-
"All the girls are really nice,"
Buckle said. "Though my parents
had a say in it, I came on my own.
I'm not used to living with boys
since I don't have brothers so this
is more comfortable."
One of the more intimate all-
women houses on campus is
Martha Cook, known for its sit-
down meals and Friday tea parties.
Marion Scher, director of Martha
Cook, said the 140 women in her
residence hall make up a small
"It's a really friendly place and
the girls seem to get to know each
other faster," Scher said. "Mainly
there is a tranquil atmosphere in
the building."
The women have the opportunity
to participate in family buffets and
faculty dinners as well as three

"It's great. You
can wander the
hallways. You can
look horrible and
it's perfectly OK."
- Anuja Garg
LSA sophomore
Although there are five housing
units for women only, the Universi-
ty does not currently have an all-
male residence hall.
There are numerous all-male
floors throughout campus and an
all-male house in West Quad, which
Zeller said fulfills the desires of
the student body.
An all-male house is not planned
for the future.
"We want to continue to work to
provide the most attractive housing
arrangements for our students,"
Zeller said.
"If there was a surge of interest,
maybe. We aren't hearing it at this

the michigan daily
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