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September 10, 2001 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-09-10

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, Septerimber 10, 2001- 3A

Taubman College
hosts architect
The Taubman College of Architec-
ture and Urban Planning will host a
talk by architect and environmentalist
William McDonough on Wednesday
at 6 pm. in the Chesebrough Audito-
rium in the University's North Cam-
pus Chrysler Building.
McDonough's work has focused on
sustainable architecture and commu-
nity design and he is the founder of
the Institute for Sustainable Design.
He is currently working with the Ford
Motor Company on a 20-year renova-
tion of Ford's Detroit Rouge plant.
Lecture honors
former 'U' faculty
Carnegie Corporation of New York
president Vartan Gregorian will give
the lecture "Universities in the 21st
Century: Perils, Challenges, and
Prospects" which honors three Uni-
versity faculty members who lost their
jobs when they refused to testify
before the House Un-American Activ-
itie Committee in 1954.
The lecture will be held tomorrow
at 4 p.m. in Honigman Auditorium,
100 Hutchins Hall. Gregorian is a
former Brown University president
and was awarded the National
Humanities Medal by President Clin-
ton in 1988.
Broadside poets
visit 'U' library
The panel discussion "Dynamite
Voices: Broadside Press of Detroit"
will draw Broadside Press owner Don
Vest an'd five Broadside-published
poets who are not yet announced to the
Graduate Library Special Collections
(seventh floor) on Thursday at 4 p.m.
The Broadside Press was opened in
1965 by former University of Detroit
poet-in-residence Dudley Randall to
publish his own poems and works by
Gwendolyn Brooks.
An exhibit of broadside poems and
poetry books, including works by
Brooks~ will follow the discussion.
B-school hosts
The Entrepreneurship and Venture
Capital Club will sponsor
"Entrepalooza 2001: The Changing
Face of Entrepreneurship" on Friday
from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the
Business School.
Entrepreneurs Donna Dubinsky,
Founder and CEO of Handspring, and
Hal Davis, former president, CEO and
founder of Bluegill Technologies, will
speak at the event.
This symposium is free and open to
students, entrepreneurs, venture capi-
talists and community leaders, but
online registration is required. Go to
www.zli.bus.umichedu and click on
"news and events" to register.
Artist blends
Chinese culture
into work
The School of Art and Design will
host a lecture titled "Oops, I Did(n't)
Do It Again" by environmental artist
and activist Mel Chin Thursday at 5
p.m. at the Art and Architecture Rob-
bins Center. Chin's work blends influ-
ences that range from conceptual art
to Marcel Duchamp and from Chinese
philosophy to modern science.
RC exhibit
honors memory

of artist's son
The Residential College is hosting
the exhibit "Life Line" in the Residen-
tial College art gallery in East Quad.
The opening reception for the exhibit
is on Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The exhibit is organized by Univer-
sity art professor Ann Savageau, in
memory of her son who died last year
in a climbing accident. Savageau will
discuss the exhibit at 7 p.m. on Sep-
tember 20 in the same location.
The exhibit includes mixed-media
installations, a wall of rock climbing
holds and a wall of knots used by
- Compiled by Daily StaffReporter

Living, learning
programs further
first-year studies

The Rock, which sits on the corner of Hill Street and Washtenaw Avenue, was found in 1932 and turned into a memorial
for George Washington.
Rockpainerswho rea
rules subjc to $00 fin

By Shannon Pettypiece
Daily Staff Reporter
While the Rock at the corner of Hill
and Washtenaw serves as a canvas for
school spirit, students painting it this
year must adhere to specific guidelines
or risk receiving a $500 fine.
"A lot of people don't realize
that George Washington Park,
where the Rock is located, is an
actual park," said Irene Bushaw,
marketing specialist for the Ann
Arbor Department of Parks and
Recreation. "This is a city park,
there are neighbors, and yes, the
Rock can be painted, but only
under certain guidelines."
Although the Rock is technically
in an Ann Arbor city park where
park rules apply and are enforced,
the park contains no official signs or
postings of park regulations.
"I think a lot of the time people
just aren't aware of the rules. I
don't think people think they are
doing anything wrong," said LSA
senior Kirsten Wendela.
The campaign to educate new
and returning students about the
city guidelines is in response to

complaints from area residents of
vandalism, noise and trespassing
on private property, Bushaw said.
The signs of vandalism in the area
surrounding the Rock are hard to miss.
Spray-painted objects include city
road signs, a garbage can, an electric
box, the public sidewalk around the
park area and along Hill Street and the
gate in front of the Chi Phi fraternity
house. But the fact that this type of
action is punishable is not as obvious.
"I've never experienced a lot of
problems but I know it happens,"
said Wendela, who has painted the
Rock in the past. " I have never heard
of anyone getting in trouble for it."
Ann Arbor park guidelines prohib-
it alcoholic beverages, loud noise, lit-
tering, painting of objects other than
the Rock, paint dumping, vandalism
and trespassing on private property.
In addition, the park is closed from
midnight to 6 a.m. daily.
But rules will not be enforced
differently than in the past. Cur-
rently the Department of Parks
and Recreation has park rangers
who monitor the city parks and
may ticket violators with a $500

"Yes, the Rock
can be painted,
but only under
-Irene Bushaw
Marketing specialist, Ann Arbor
Parks and Recreation
fine, Bushaw said.
The city does not want students to
stop painting the more than 25,000-
year-old rock, which was found in
1932 and was later turned into a
memorial for George Washington,
but if problems persist the city may
consider removal of the rock.
"The best way to keep the Rock
tradition is to obey these simple
rules of conduct that exist in
every other park and not to harm
private property of park neigh-
bors," said Ron Olson, interim
city administrator, in a written

By Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporter
The Hill area of campus is alive
with the sounds of music and dis-
cussion this fall with the emergence
of new initiatives designed to enrich
students' learning experience.
"We're creating a support system
that's hard to find at such a large
university," said LSA junior
Avinash Raizada, a resident adviser
in the Heath Sciences Scholars Pro-
gram, which in its first year is
housed in Mary Markley Residence
The program caters to students
interested in the health sciences, but
there are other programs designed
to make campus resources more
accessible, especially to freshmen.
A new arts, initiative based at
Alice Lloyd Residence Hall is
intended to bring students closer to
music, art and culture, said Mark
Tucker, arts coordinator for the
Lloyd Hall Scholars Program and
the Hill area.
The program opens Lloyd's art
studio to students who want to work
on projects or get feedback on their
work. Tucker said the studio will
also host visiting artists and be a
place for students to experiment
with different types of art.
Tucker said he is also setting up
art shows in the residence halls and
starting student and faculty concerts
to showcase student talent.
"The demand is there," Tucker
said. "Students want the arts pro-
gram. They want to be involved.
"They did an informal survey of
Lloyd Hall Scholars and almost
everyone indicated they wanted to
have or continue some sort of art even
if they weren't going to major in it."
Tucker added that a Student Arts
Council was forming for students
interested in the arts who wanted to
decide what kinds of programs to
bring to the Hill. The group will
meet this Sunday at 8 p.m. in the
Lloyd lobby.
"You'll get personal attention," he
said. "This is brand new and it's
possible to be a part of it. This is an

opportunity go get involved at a
ground level and see how it grows."
Arts at Michigan Program Man-
ager Mary Craig said she looks for-
ward to seeing this and other
programs inspire students to get
involved with the arts.
"I have a real vision of sending
students that have attended the Uni-
versity into their lives with a real
value of the arts to us as a commu-
nity and as individuals," she said.
"A program in housing has a
chance to have a lot of impact on
site. Housing has a lot of first-years
and those are the students who need
some assistance getting oriented to
the cultural theme."
The Heath Sciences Scholars Pro-
gram was started to give students
interested in the health sciences the
chance to explore different health
areas and health care opportunities.
Sixty freshmen living in Mary
Markley are involved in the pilot
year of the program. They receive
instruction from School of Nursing
lecturer and HSSP faculty director
Michelle O'Grady, and guest speak:
ers from the University's other
health schools and clinics in the
community are scheduled to speak
throughout the year.
HSSP Program Manager Wallace
Genser said he hopes bringing stu-
dents from different backgrounds
and interests together for a broader
"We're trying to give them a more
sophisticated understanding of what
being in the health care field entails
earlier on in their University
careers. First-year students don't
always get that," Genser said.
HSSP resident adviser Raizada
said the group has already discussed
a book participants read during the
summer and more social activities
and hall meetings are being
"From the responses we have got-
ten thus far, people love it. They
like the sense of community and
that they already have something in
common living in the same hall and
taking the same classes," Raizada

Local area codes to
undergo changes as
numbers run out

From staff and wire reports
LANSING - When telephone
numbers in the 734 and 313 area codes
are gone, new customers in those areas
will be under new area codes, state
regulators announced Friday.
The Michigan Public Service Com-
mission approved an area code relief
plan that calls for new codes in Wayne,
Washtenaw, Lenawee and Monroe
counties once the current codes run out.
Phone numbers that already have a
313 or 734 area code will keep them
under the plan. Current University
numbers will retain the 734 code,
although students who have telephone
service installed in off-campus resi-
dences will be given the new code.
Customers will have to dial 10 dig-
its for all calls, including local ones,
but they won't have to pay toll
charges for calls that are currently
considered local.
The commission didn't establish a
timeline for implementing new area
codes inside the 734 and 313 areas.
It's waiting until NeuStar, the compa-
ny that administers the phone num-
bering system, determines that the
codes will run out within one year.
In 1999, NeuStar said the 313 and
734 area codes were in jeopardy.
When those telephone numbers are
running low, NeuStar will notify the

Students who have
telephone service
installed in off-
campus residences
will be given the
new code.
commission and meet with telecom-
munications industry members to
establish an implementation sched-
NeuStar has six months before 313
and 734 number run out to begin giv-
ing customers the option of dialing
the new area codes.
Even if there's no indication that
the area codes are running out, new
codes will be'established and cus-
tomers could begin dialing the new
area codes before Sept. 7, 2002. The
new codes haven't been established
The commission's decision follows
three public hearings on area code
The 734 area code was created in
1997 when numbers began to run out
in the 313 area, which covered Ann
Arbor and the rest of southeastern

In a photo caption on Page 3 of Friday's Daily, Education prof. Sylvia Hurtado was incorrectly identified.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today


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"One False Move;" Spon-
sored by the Michigan
Theater Foundation,
Time TBA. Michigan The-

School of Nursing, 400
N. Ingalls 434-0266
"Understanding Shake-
speare;" Sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Civic The-
ater, 7:00 p.m., Ann

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