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September 07, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-09-07

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September 7,2001.

Business School ranked No. 2 by U.S. News

By Nick Bunkley
Daily News Editor
The University's School of Business Adminis-
tration tied for second place and the College of
Engineering placed seventh in U.S. News &
World Report's 2002 rankings of "America's Best
Colleges" released yesterday.
Overall, the University retained its 25th-place
ranking with a score of 77 out of 100. The Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley, 20th, and the
University of Virginia, 21st, were the only public
colleges ranked higher than Michigan.
Princeton, Harvard and Yale universities were
again the top three.
Only one undergraduate program at the Uni-

versity of Michigan received a No. 1 ranking in
this year's list: Materials Science and Engineer-
ing, a 75-student department that until now
hadn't been ranked higher than fourth.
"Finally they've realized our greatness," quipped
materials science Prof. John Halloran, who is in his
first year as chair of the department. "Whatever
things that go into this mysterious system at U.S.
News and World Report, since we went up I'll have
to say that they finally got it right."
While the department is one of the College of
Engineering's smallest, Halloran said it's larger
than average in comparison to other universities.
"We've had a lot of talented young faculty join
the department, and we've got a strong research
program," he said. "We've placed a lot of emphasis

on improving our undergraduate program lately."
Other University departments that fared well
include environmental engineering and nuclear
engineering, both second, and aerospace engineer-
ing and industrial engineering, both third.
In business rankings, the general management
and marketing departments placed second, and
finance and accounting both finished third.
Overall, the B-School was ranked behind only
the University of Pennsylvania and tied with the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
"It is always wonderful to be recognized out-
side of the University" said Al Cotrone, director
of the school's Office of Career Development.
"I don't think this is a scientific conclusion, but
if someone is going to do a ranking then I'd

rather be at the top than at the bottom."
University administrators lauded the high
rankings but said students should look past them
when evaluating the quality of education avail-
able on campus.
"Our academic reputation need not rely on
where we sit on this and similar rankings," Vice
Provost for Academic Affairs Lester Monts said
in a written statement.
"The increasing number of applications to our
undergraduate and graduate programs and the
academic and creative qualities we see in those
applications tell us that our schools and colleges
are maintaining the high standard of excellence
our faculty, alumni, students and people of the
State of Michigan expect."

New police
chief feels
at home in
Ann Arbor
By Jacquelyn Nixon e
Daily Staff Reporter






As head of the New York City Police Depart-
ment's intelligence division, Daniel Oates protect-
ed Bill Clinton, Yassar Arafat, Ehud Barak and
Fidel Castro.
But Oates, who accepted the job as Ann Arbor's
chief of police in August, said he doesn't think this
Midwestern town is too different from New York.
"Diversity, tolerance, cosmopolitan view of the
world. ... in many ways this place has a feel much
like where I came from," he said yesterday. "There
are parts of the country where there might have
been a police chief's job that fit all the other crite-
ria, but didn't feel like home the way this place
Oates said he made the move for his family,
signing a five-year contract.
"I have two young children and I found that I
wasn't spending enough time with them," he said.
"I really want to be a good parent, and I can work
as hard as I did in New York."
Oates pointed out that during his 21 years with
the NYPD, he worked in an area with more than
30 public and private colleges and universities. He
said his experience in New York will help him
interact with the University of Michigan commu-
"This university is very special. It makes Ann

By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter

Daniel Oates, a former New York City police officer who took over last month as Ann Arbor's police chief,
will have to deal with budget cuts as he makes the transition from a major city to a Midwest college town.
"Diversity, tolerance, cosmopolitan view of the world.
.In many ways this place has a feel much like
where I came from.-"
- Daniel Oates
Ann Arbor Police Chief

University President Lee Bollinger
nominated University Secretary Lisa
Tedesco for the post of interim provost
yesterday, temporarily filling the posi-
tion that has been vacant ever since
Nancy Cantor left for the University
of Illinois in July.
Cantor accepted an offer to become
chancellor of the University of Illi-
nois' Urbana-Champaign campus in
Tedesco said
she is "delighted"
to serve as interim
provor) but she is
not a candidate for
the permanent
position. She said
she will return to
her current posi-
tion when a search
committee selects
a permanent Tedesco
Tedesco will continue to serve in
her current position as she assumes
the responsibilities of the provost,
which include organizing the budget
and overseeing the deans.
"I am deeply committed to the val-
ues that uniquely define Michigan and
place it as a leader on many important
national issues," Tedesco told The
Michigan Daily. "Our initiatives are
so strong, and I will pledge myself to
keep everything on track."

"I think it's very important that I
support the deans, faculty and staff
and student initiatives that are ongo-
ing," she said.
Bollinger released a statement yes-
terday praising Tedesco's qualifica-
"Lisa possesses so many fine attrib-
utes for this role, and among the finest
are an extensive knowledge of all
that's going on, an extraordinary abili-
ty to work well with everyone, and
excellent judgment," Bollinger said.
University Vice President and Gen-
eral Counsel Marvin Krislov also
commended Tedesco, noting her deci-
sion to serve simultaneously as inter-
im provost and secretary.
"I think it'll be a challenge for her,
but we're all committed to helping
out," Krislov said.
"She cares very deeply about the
University and the faculty and stu-
dents and staff, and she is one of the
most collaborative and cooperative
people I've worked with."
Tedes'co said that with the assis-
tance of Bollinger and'other executive
officers it will not be necessary to hire
additional staff..
"I have very jupportive colleagues
in the vice presidents ... and I
couldn't ask for a better boss than Lee
Bollinger," she said.
"I'm confident that as a group noth-
ing will be neglected," she said. "We'll
be able to get it done."
Tedesco's nomination was effective
See PROVOST, Page 7

Arbor a cultural center," he said.
Working in a college town isn't the only chal-
lenge Oates faces. The department has been with-
out a permanent head since former chief Carl Ent

resigned more than a year ago, and a recent 10 per-
cent staff cut will leave Oates with fewer officers.
"There were some obvious leadership issues
See GATES, Page 7

ormler M'
* Yvette Harris accuses women.'s
basketball coach of firing her
because of race, age biases
By Benjamin Singer
Daily Sports Editor
Former Michigan women's basketball assistant
coach Yvette Harris is suing head coach Sue Gue-
vara and the University, alleging she was fired
because she is black.
Harris, 42, was fired May 3 after working with
Guevara for five years. The lawsuit she filed in
Washtenaw County Circuit Court on Wednesday,
also accuses Guevara of age discrimination.
Harris is seeking $20 million in damages, and
claims Guevara made disparaging comments
about her abilities as a coach and recruiter, which
hurt her in the search for a new job.
A written statement from the University defend-
ed the firing.
"We believe the University's decision was
* appropriate and there was no discrimination of

assistant sues Guevara

any kind against Ms. Harris," the statement said.
"Personnel decisions made by the University are
in the best interests of the program and the stu-
According to Harris, assistant coach Eileen
Shea, 32, who is white, was almost immediately
given Harris' former responsibilities as a recruiter.
The team does have a black assistant head
coach, Angela Jackson, but Harris' attorney, Wal-
lace Parker, said Jackson was hired only after he
contacted Michigan as Harris' representation.
The complaint filed by Harris states Guevara
said she "did not perform well, could.not coach
and she was not getting good recruits."
Parker said this defamation of her reputation
makes finding another comparable job at the uni-
versity level near impossible.
Other programs had tried to steal Harris away
from Michigan before, but those offers have been
dropped. Harris said she is actively seeking
employment, but has so far been unsuccessful.
Harris was told in early April she had one
month to find a new job, a month after returning
from the NCAA Tournament after a second-round

loss. Guevara gave her the opportunity to resign,
but Harris refused and was eventually fired.
Harris said she was given no reason for the ter-
mination at the time of her firing. The first time
she heard Guevara express disappointment in her
work was in the school's replies to Parker.
She was surprised at Guevara's decision, saying
she had no indications that Guevara was upset
with Harris, who had considered Guevara a friend.
"In my tenure, I was never evaluated," she said.
"It'd be different if I had been disciplined. I got a
substantial (11 percent) raise in September. I felt
that was saying 'Hey, you're doing a good job.' I
can't imagine in six'months she'd become that dis-
The Wolverine's are coming off one of their best
season's in recent memory, going 19-12 and
advancing to the second round of the NCAAs.
Harris said she still wishes the program the best
of luck and is rooting for the players to do well.
"I love U of M and never would go out of my
way to embarrass them," Harris said. "It isn't the
money. I just want the opportunity to put my life
back in order and put this behind me."

Back to the books

tomorrow 1 3:30 p.m. I husky stadium I abc

Greeks attempt to
limit party guests

--- i

Last year's Rose Bowl champs, the
Huskies boast a high-powered offense
and will contend for a Pac-10 title.
Michigan opened its season with a
31-13 win over Miami (Ohio).
Washington did not play.
A nivotal Lme for Michigan. the

By Kristen Beaumont
Daily Staff Reporter

The Interfraternity Council is
promising stricter enforcement of a
rule to limit the number of non-
Greeks at parties after putting some
fraternities on social probation last
The rule states that prior to fall
Rush, fraternity guest lists may not
include more than 20 people not

President Marc Hustvedt.
"It is a way of limiting the num-
ber of freshmen who come to our
Hustvedt said the rule was estab-
lished to deal with capacity issues
at parties.
In accordance with the rule, fra-
ternities must present students with
a sign-in sheet at the door on which
they must sign their name, Greek
affiliation and student identifica-


'w 11



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