___ The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 12, 2001- 9
U.P. tree brings hope to capital
year's Capitol Christmas tree was
named the Tree of Hope months
before the terrorist attacks on the
United States.
But the name took on even deeper
meaning for those who attended its
lighting last night.
Michigan Gov. John Engler and the
state's Congressional delegation were
among those on hand for the ceremo-
nial lighting of the tree brought to
Washington from the Ottawa National
Forest in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
"Back last spring, when organizers
were considering a name for this tree,
they agreed that hope is a characteris-
tic of Upper Peninsula residents, who
often face adversity," said Rep. Bart
Stupak (D-Menominee), whose dis-
trict includes the forest.
"In the wake of the events of Sep-
tember 11, this tree has clearly
become a symbol of hope for the
entire nation."
Engler's triplet 7-year-old daughters
helped House Speaker Dennis Hastert
push the button to light the tree as
Tree of Hope
F alsibout the 001t apito Holiday Tue
From: Ottawa National Forest, Mich.
Species: White spruce
Height: 74 feet
Weight: More than four tOns
Trunk diameter, 37 inches at 1 foot.
Width (wing span): 4042 feet.
Age: About 67 years.
night fell over the Capitol.
"The lights on this tree symbolize
the hope that Americans hold in our
hearts, a hope that I think burns
brighter in this season," Engler said.
The 67-year-old, 74-foot white
spruce was personally selected by the
capitol's landscape architect. It was
cut Nov. 13 and taken to Washington
on a semi-truck.
After the holidays, the tree will be
milled into lumber for Michigan Habi-
tat for Humanity homes. The orna-
ments will be auctioned, with
proceeds going to Habitat for Human-
ity and Michigan arts organizations,
Engler said.
Michelle Engler, Michigan's first
lady and honorary chairwoman of the
Tree of Hope Committee, said the
message accompanying the tree is one
of hope for the new millennium.
"Hope is a very powerful force in
the lives of people," she said before
the ceremony. "Hope is also what
Michigan wishes for the entire coun-
try in both this time of great generosi-
ty of spirit and in the coming new
The tree is covered in ornaments
made by people across Michigan,
including many from schoolchildren.
The tree's theme was "Hope Takes
Flight," so many of the ornaments
depicted winged creatures.
About 6,000 ornaments were donat-
ed, too many to put on the tree. Capi-
tol grounds workers said it was many
more ornaments than they had seen
for trees in the past.
Choirs from Redford Union High
School in suburban Detroit and Ewen-
Trout Creek High School in the Upper
Peninsula performed for the crowd.
Global warming
may cause abrupt
climate change~s
WASHINGTON (AP) - Scientists said yesterday the
earth's gradual warming from pollutants in the atmosphere
could someday trigger climate changes so abrupt that peo-
ple and ecosystems may have trouble adapting.
A report by the National Research Council likened the
climatic effect of global warming to increasing pressure
from a finger flipping on a light switch. Over time, regional
climates have changed by as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit
in just 10 years, researchers said.
Expected future warming also might bring "short-lived or
local coolings, floods or droughts, and other unexpected
changes," said the report's lead author, Richard B. Alley, a
Pennsylvania State University geosciences professor.
Carbon dioxide produced from burning fossil fuels is the
most prevalent of the so-called greenhouse gases, whose
growing concentration in the atmosphere is thought to be
warming the earth. Many scientists have said they believe
the warming; if not stopped, will cause severe climate
changes over the next century.
Yesterday's report said people should neither be fatalistic
nor complacent about climate change risks.
The 2001 Capitol Holiday Tree from Michigan is Illuminated
on Capitol Hill in Washington late yesterday.
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