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April 17, 2001 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-04-17

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8B - The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, April 17, 2001
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Crown Royal, Run-DMC; Def Jam Records If there is anything to be learned in the music indus- it on "Simmons Incorporated," a dedication to the bangin' track with Stephan Jenkins of Third Eye Blind,
try, it is that comebacks from long hiatuses or sup- foundation that "Reverend" Run and big brother, Def and a guest appearance from Everlast that sounds mere
: Dustin Soibert posed retirements Jam mogul Rus- like a Run DMC appearance on an Everlast track.
aly Arts Wrter usually don't work sell Simmons, put "Walk This Way" was good, primarily because Ao-
out for the best. In together from the smith is good and it was fitting for its time. The o-
* Black jumpsuits. Shell-toe Adidas. Ridiculous the constantly ground up. called rock musicians that appear on the LP suckyd
'<sses. Big-ass gold chains. changing world of One of the from jump street, and believe that our middle-agd
rwh, I don't remember much about this lost fashion hip-hop music, it is t-largest issues with pioneers aren't helping matters much. However, if au
traze either, but I do know that it was the centerpiece very easy to play the LP is its often appreciate sappy imitation-rock that isn't shades brl aer
Sthe dawn of the cultural phenomenon that became out and fall behind shameless than the current bubblegum pop craze, then maybeis
:t& be known as hip-hop. on your flow. attempts at cross- is your album.
It all started in the Bronx sometime in the 1970s as Run DMC just ing over. Run Fortunately, the only thing that truly saves the albm
an underground sound phenomenon, but elevated to dosen't seem to DMC were from obscurity is the fact that Jam Master Jay keeplp
mainstream popularity with a group whom many argue grasp this concept; dubbed "The with the times on his production. The tracks that he
gave birth to the young adult that is today's hip-hop their style is still Kings of Rock" out are of decent quality, and they often make bon
culture, representative of when they collab- lyrics shine.
If you have any discernible knowledge about rap at the slow, elemen- orated with Aero- Otherwise, the production, the guest stars, nor the
i e, then I don't have to tell you about the Hollis, tary rapping of the smith in 1986 name itself can help this record. Maybe they should
'Qteens, New York trio of Joseph "Run" Simmons, '80s parlayed in an with the classic have taken the streak of negative occurrences accom-
'pprryl "DMC" McDaniel and James "DJ Jam Master era where it can't "Walk This Way." panying the record's release (pushed back over a year,
y" Mizell. be appreciated as Apparently they unhappiness and lack of input from DMC) as an omen.
Ildon't have to tell you about how the groundbreak- much. The guest took it to heart, Their first attempt at a comeback with 1994's Dewn
Inu classic "Sucker MC's" was among the first to set rappers attempt to making it a point With The King went nowhere fast, so either you cai sit
mi stage for the endless amount of hip-hop singles compensate for to collaborate in incomprehensible awe at their ignorance or you an
ghat followed in it's wake. And I don't feel the need to this, usually with years later with admire their persistence.
culntion that their 1987 opus Raisin' Hell was the first decent results already wack pop- If you are in your mid-thirties, still rocking that tight
th -hop album to hit number one on the Billboard Fellow Queens i anrock stars Kid plastic jumpsuit, and you memorized all the dialolue
Ne&B charts. natives Nasand Cwiththe YAl Rock and Fred in "Krush Groove " then perhaps you will apprecmite
do, however, feel that it is my duty as resident hip- Mobb Deep's Prodi- rtthis album enough to buy it
onp demigod to inform you, the reading public, that gy give worthy A five-track Otherwise, you may wanna leave it on the shelf,
liheir seventh and newest joint in the group's 19-year guest appearances chunk of the boyyyyeeeee!
Ihreer, is not as fresh, dope, or fly as fans may be on "Queens Day." Fat Joe comes nice as always on "Ay record sees guest appearances from the aforemen-
pecting. Papi," and our favorite Wu clansman Method Man rips tioned musical blasphemies, including a crazy head- Grade: C-
Roc ansinFres anproxh$200ove, thRH Pe rasyuFlappecit
dohsevrofelter i i tedtyrm escontiprabbDep'tsod toost thsabmeoght u t
'16p emigo to nformyouthe radin publc, tht gygive orth A fie-trck doublissyopmarox.na$140eitperthmonelh
. tliir sventhand ewes join :n::ezgoup's19-yar gustuapearnces hunk of te boyyyeeee!!
.carerisotafrshdop,_orflyasansayeo_"QeensDayFaJocomsncesalaysonAyecor ses gest pperanes rom he formen


AmeriCorps Information Session
Wednesday, April 25, 2001 " 3:30 p.m.
Career Planning & Placement " 3200 Student Activities Building " Program Room
For more information, please contact Courtney Nicholas at
312-353-0574 or e-mail: cnicholas@cns.gov

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LUNELLP Monby Conbaceptive injection
medroxyprogesterone acetate andA s1diol
cyponate injectable suspension
LUNELLP Monthly Coatraceplve Injeclon
(like all hormonal contraceptives) Is
intended to prevent pregnancy.
It does not protect against HIV intecton 1
(AIDS) and other seuay transmitted


This summary contains important information
about LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive
Injection. It is not meant to take the place of dis-
cussions with your doctor and it cannot replace
your doctor's advice. Only your doctor can assess
the beneits and risks to decide if LUNELLE 1
Monthly Contraceptive Injection is right for you.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist, or other pre-
scribing healthcare professional, if you do not
understand any of this information or it you want
to know more about LUNELLE" Monthly
Conraceptive Injection.
LUNELL ' Monthly Contraceptive Injection is a
type of hormonal birth control that is given as an
injection (a shot) in your arm, thigh, or but ock
once a month to prevent pregnancy. It contains
hormones which have effects similar to the natural
hormones. estrogen and progesterone, produced
in your body. Similar combinations of hormones
are found in some oral contraceptives also known
as birth control pills" or "the pitt"'When you
receive your injections once a month as pre-
scribed, LUNELLE' Monthly Contraceptive
Injection is as effective as birth control pills. When
given according to the prescribed schedule,
LUNELLE' Monthly Contraceptive Injection is
effective in preventing pregnancy during the cycle
in which it is given. Clinical studies have shown
that when women receive LUNELLE'"Monthly
Contraceptive Injection according to the recom-
mended schedule, the failure rate of this method
of birth control is less than 1% per year.
Cigarette smokdng increases the risk of
serious cardiovascular side effects from
hormonal contraceptive use. This risk

" Over age 35 and smoke 15 or more cigarettes liver tumors can rupture and cause fatal intemal o
per day bleeding. In addition, a possible but not definite p
Tell your healthcare providerdifyou have ever had association has been found with hormonal contra-a
any of these conditions. Your health care provider ceptives and liver cancers in two studies, in which1
can recommend a safer method of bith control. a few women who developed these very rare can-p
ARE THERE OTHER THINGS TO CON- cers were found to have used hormonal contra- c
SIDER BEFORE TAKING LNELLET" ceptives for long periods. However, liver cancers a
MONTHLY CONTRACEPIVEINJECTI0N? are extremely rare. The chance of developing livere
For the majority of women, hormonal contracep- cancer from using hormonal contraceptives is thusI
fives can be taken safely. But there are some even rarer.h
women who are at high risk of developing certain 4. Cancer of the reproductive organs and (
serious diseases that can be life-threatening or breastsa
may cause temporary or permanent disability. Tell There is. at present, no confirmed evidence that i
your health care provider if you have: oral hormonal contraceptives increase the risk ofA
" Breast nodules, fibrocystic disease of the cancer of the reproductive organs in human stud-
breast. an abnormal breast x-ray or mammo- ies. Studies to date of women taking the pill havec
gram, strong family history of breast cancer reported conflicting findings on whether pill use v
" Diabetes increases the risk of developing cancer of the p
" Elevated cholesterol or triglycerides breast. Most of the studies on breast cancer and c
* High blood pressure pill use have found no overall increase in the riskt
" Migraine or other headaches or epilepsy of developing breast cancer. although some stud-
+ Mental depression ies have reported an increased risk of developingV
* Gallbladder, heart or kidney disease breast cancer ii certain groups of women. I
" History of scanty or irregular menstrual periods Some studies have found an increase in the inci-I
" Smoke, especially if 35 years or older dence of cancer o the cervix in women who use (
Women with any of these conditions should be oral hormonal contraceptives However, this find-a
checked often by their health care provider if they ing may be related to factors other than the use ofL
choose to use LUNELLE'Monthly Contraceptive oral hormonal contraceptives
Injection. Studies have found that women who used
Also, be sure to inform your doctor or health care injectable hormonal contraceptives (Depo-Provera
provider if you smoke or are on any medications. Contraceptive Injection) had no increased overall"
WHAT ARE THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH risk of developing cancer of the breast, ovary,
TAKING HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVES? uterus, or cervix. However, women under 35 years
1. Risk of developing blood clots, heart of age whose first exposure to Depo-Provera '
attacks, and strokes Contraceptive Injection was within the previous 4
Blood clots and bocagentf blood vessels are the to 5 years may have a slightly increased risk of
most serious side ects of faking hormonal con- de loping breast cancer similar to that seen with+
traceptives. In particular, blood clots can occur in oral contraceptives.
the legs and can travel to the lungs and can cause Women who use hormonal contraceptives and
sudden blocking of the vessel carrying blood to have a strong family history of breast cancer or '
the lungs. Rarely, clots occur in the blood vessels whomhave breast nodules or abnormal mammo-
of the eye and may cause blindness, double gram should be closely tollowed by their doctors.
vision, or impaired vision. 5. Changes in bone mineral density
ft you take hormonal contraceptives such as Use of injectable hormonal contraceptives con-
LUNELLE"Monthly Contraceptive Injection and taing the progesterone-type hormone found in
neeo elective surgery, need to stay in bed for a LUNELLE, Monthly Contraceptive Injection may
prolonged illness, or have recently had a baby, be associated with a decrease in the amount of
you may be at risk of developing blood clots. You mineral stored in your bones This could increase
should consult your doctor about stopping hor- your risk of developing bone fractures. The rate of
monal contraceptives three to four weeks before bone mineral loss is greatest in the early years of

of death is always lower than that associated with
pregnancy for any age group, although over the
age of 40, the risk increases to 32 deaths per
100,000 women, compared to 28 associated with
pregnancy at that age. However, for oral hormonal
contraceptive users who smoke and are over the
age of 35, the estimated number of deaths
exceeds those for other methods of birth control.
If a woman is over the age of 40 and smokes,
her estimated risk of death is four times higher
(117/100,000 women) than the estimated risk
associated with pregnancy (28/100,000 women)
in that age group.
An Advisory Committee of the FDA discussed this
issue in 1989 and recommended that the benefits
of oral contraceptive use by healthy, non-smoking
women over 40 years of age may outweigh the
possible risks. However women of all ages are
cautioned to use the lowest dose oral contracep-
tive that is effective, and are strongly advised not
to smoke.
Cal i your doctor immediately if any of these
adverse effects occur while you are taking
LUNELLE Monthly Contraceptive Injection.
" Sharp chest pain, coughing of blood, or sudden
shoritness of breath (indicating a possible clot
in the lung)
" Pain in the call (indicating a possible clot in the leg)
" Crushing chest pain or heaviness in the chest
(indicating a possible heart atfack)
" Suddeirsevere headache or vomiting, dizziness
or tainting, disturbances of vision or speech,
weakness, or numbness lo an arm or leg
(indicating a possible stroke)
" Sudden partial or complete loss of vision
(indicating a possible clot in the eye)
" Breast lumps (indicating possible breast cancer
or fibrocystic disease of the breast; ask your
doctor or health care provider to show you how
'to examirne your breasts)
" Severe pain or tenderness in the abdominal
area (indicating a possibly ruptured liver tumor,
ovarian cyst, or pregnancy outside the uterus)
" Difficulty in sleeping, weakness, lack of energy,
fatigue, or change in mood (possibly indicating
severe depression)
" Jaundice or a yellowing of the skin or eyeballs,
accompanied frequently by fever fatigue.loss

ier or lighter, and there may be no bleeding, fewer
days of bleeding, or more days of bleeding than I
what you have previously experienced. Such r
bleeding usually does not indicate any serious I
problems. ft an altered bleeding pattem persists or(
the bleeding is severe, discuss it with your health r
care provider. There is also a small risk that .
(painful) cramps may be associated with bleeding.-
2. Weight change
Weight gain is a common side effect in women t
using LUNELLE Monthly Contraceptive t
Injection. The average expected weight gain is 41
pounds in the first year of use. Some women gain
more than 10 to 20 pounds in the first year
Women have gained as much as 49 pounds or
lost as much as 48 pounds in one year of use. r
Clinical trials showed wide variability in individualI
weight change with an increasing percentage of I
LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection usersI
experiencing weight change in excess of 10 and 1
20 pounds with continued treatment.
3. Contact tenses
If you wear contact lenses and notice a change in
vision or an inability to wear your lenses, contact;
your doctor or health care providerI
4. Fluid retention
Hormonal contraceptives may cause edema (fluid
retention) with swelling of the fingers or ankles and
may raise your blood pressure. If you experience
fluid retention, contact your doctor or health care
5. Other side effects
Other side effects may include breast pain or ten-
demess, acne, change in appette, nausea, hreadache,
nervousness, depression, mood changes, changes
in sexual desire, dizziness, loss of scalp hair, rash,
and vaginal infections. If any of these side effects
bother you, call your health care provider.
1. Missed periods and use of hormonal con-
traceptives before or during eariy pregnancy
You may not menstruate regularly after you
receive an injection of LUNELLE" Monthly
Contraceptive InjectionIf you have received your
injections regularly and miss one menstrual peri-
od, be sure to inform your health care provider.
The risk of unexpected pregnancy for women
receiving injectable contraceptives as scheduled is

2. While breast feeding
If you are breast feeding, consult your health
care provider before starting hormonal contracep-
tives, including LUNELLE"Monthly
Contraceptive Injection. Some of the drugs in hor-
monal contraceptives are passed on to the child in
breast milk. A few adverse effects on the child
have been reported, including yellowing of the
skin (aundice) and breast enlargement. In addi-
tion, hormonal contraceptives may decrease the 1
amount and quality of your milk. To insure the
best quantity and quality of your breast milk, you,
should wait until 6 weeks after childbirth before
you start using LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive
Injection. It possible, do not use hormonal contra-
ceptives while breast feeding.
Breast feeding provides only partial protection
from becoming pregnant and this partial protec-
tion decreases significantly as you breast feed for,
longer periods of time. You should use another
method of contraception while breast feeding and
consider starting hormonal contraceptives only
after you have weaned your child completely.
3. Laboratory tests
If you are scheduled for any laboratory tests. tell
your doctor you are taking a hormonal contracep-
tive. Certain blood tests may be affected by hor-
monal contraceptives.
4. Drug interactions
Certain drugs may interact with hormonal contra-
ceptives to make them less effective in preventing
pregnancy or cause a change in bleeding pattems.
Such drugs include aminoglutethiwide. ritampn,
drugs used for epilepsy such as barbiturates (for,
example, phenobarbital), carbamazepine, and
phenytoin (Diantin is one brand of this drug),
phenylbutazone (Butazolidin is one brand), herbal
products containing St. John's Wo (hypericum
perdoratum), and possibly certain antibiotics. You
may need to use an additional contraception
method when you take drugs which can make
hormonal contraceptives less effective. Drug inter-
action studies nave nor been conducted with
LUNELLE" Monthly Contraceptive Injection.
5. Sexually transmitted diseases
This product (like all hormonal contracep-
tives) is intended to prevent pregnancy.
it does not protect against transmission of
HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted
diseases such as chlamydia, genital her-

your menstrual bleeding.
Even if you do not have any menstrual bleed-
ing, you should still return once a month for
your injection of LUNELLE"Monthly
Contraceptive Injection.
"It is important that you receive each of your next
injections at the right time. If you cannot receive
your injection on time, contact your health care
provider to receive an earlier injection.
What Happens if I Miss an Injection or Walt
Longer than 33 Days Between Injections?
. You could become pregnant if you miss your
injection or wait longer than 33 days between
injections. The more days you wait, the greater
the risk that you could become pregnant.
" Ask your health care provider to recommend
another type of birth control (such as condoms
or a spermicide) for you to use.
" Talk with your health care provider to find out
when you should receive your next injection of
LUNELLE"' Monthly Contraceptive Injection.
" Your health care provider may do a test to make
sure you are not pregnant before giving you
your next injection of LUNELLE Monthly
Contraceptive Injection.
Pregnancy Due to Failure with LUNELLE
Monthly Contraceptive Injection
The incidence of failure with LUNELLE Monthly
Contraceptive Injection resulting in pregnancy is
less than 1 percent (i.e., one pregnancy per 100
women per year) if given every month as directed.
If you think that you may be pregnant, be sure to
call your health care provider P
WhatH I Want to Become Pregnant?
You will need to stop your monthly injections of
LUNELLP Monthly Contraceptive Injection. Most
women begin to produce eggs again (and could
become pregnant) about two to three months after
thei last injection.
There may be some delay in becoming pregnant
after you stop using hormonal contraceptives, inclu-
ding LUNELLE" Monthly Coot raceptive Injection,
especially if you had irregular menstrual cycles
before you started using hormonal contraceptives.
There does not appear to be any increase in birth
detects in newborn babies when pregnancy occurs
soon after stopping hormonal contraceptives.

Beautiful, Fantastic Plastic@
Machine; Emperor Norton Regords
By Rohith Thumati
Daily Arts Writer
Beautiful is Fantastic Plastic
Machine's third album. The brainchild
of DJ/composer/musician/radio parson-
ality/magazine editor Tomoyuki TInaka,
is billed as "the entertainment center or
the future" by his record label, Eniperor
Norton. Well, if the future of entert
ment is bland, totally forgettable music
that can double as Muzak, then they 're
dead right.
The music isn't bad. It's very 'sten-
able. Tanaka combines elements ofjazz,
J-Pop, easy listening, lounge, classical,
and electronica to form what could be
an interesting blend, but the easy listen-
ing elements tend to drown out the rest,
rendering it no more than back o
For example, the third track,
"Paragon" is a decent mix of a-Jazzy
piano riff, be-bop female vocals and
standard remix techniques that become
absolutely inoffensive and undistin-
guishable from the rest of the CD.
If you're interested in picking up


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