t The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 17, 201- 7 } the michigan daily :- INIERICSTEI1 IN subletting at parking ,pace hei-n rtno I A pril 27111 14w Sprung and /or Stinnel ,emcsiers Covered Space off of South U IDates niee:otiahle. Great location. 063-3(-43or arkaiplan g~uoiichedu JUNE THRU JULY SUBLET AVAIL. C orner ofI (OaklIand c&:Archprke. ldry. neg. MAY -At {(. St i$IiK1 Lar;ce 2hdrmi. apt. 1 2r1 S t 1I\criil A.( . lull. Ihath, hale. I prk,.I Ii [est oflei Call 3:',_- 976 or Iichinr(O i nchexl NAlI F YOU R PRICE! ,prim, !aind s~uer. 1 hdfts. loin . Indrx . pkg .. Call Steph at 94.9666 SP-SU SUBLET: 1 bdnuIl. apt_.ful ly turn. pr-ke.. I1-2 tpeoplI-e. W111iei,2332 -0521 S1I'/SI St BIA.MI hdrmi apilt[ I -2 people 707 Church Pa, kiiig/taund I) .22-8-437 or SP/SU SUBII.F 'T I hdrm. can lit 21Apt. 40)2, 721 S (urea D51 ent nlb.Spcios. 100. gIOCo. SIT/S( SUBLET Cozy I hdrm(. apt. Idry., 14kt!.. il in cl. Price neLg. Call 622-09 9. SP/SU SULET',. Stigletuon. roost1 on O ak land. Free prkg. I dix .full kitch/bat h. Price \ cry tes. 330-37.5'9. SP/SU SUBLET: I bdrmn. avail. in 2 bdrm. jjkI enteCall Josh at22-9295. St; SUBLET: 6 hdrm. houise. 1 13 S. Foresi. A/C. attic, prkg., ldry.. Best Offer. 764-3~60). einihomasnunich.edur SPACIOU'S FURNISH ED 2 bdiri. Apt. Ilos Sp/Su. Liree ldr\ ./pkng. Call Ali oxa oi SPRISLNI SUiBL.ET 2hduim. lik l+Urnishecd . great location. Siicc. 0cck cable. nl. wxater aid heai SPRING SUMMiVER SUBLET: bd~crn. duplex. 2-4 peo)ple, 2bath.. C ully feat., prkg. price neg.. A/C, Close 1t) camlpuis. 995-52542. ~ING-SUNINMER SUBLETS Available. 'k up a current listing at Varnity fN] ailmeniot.65 Church+ SUBLE'T MAY - AUG 2 hdrm- apt. Ldry) pr-k. A/(C. turn.. & tttils. mncl. Close to caitiptis. Price neL. Call Mei« 21-9396. SUBLET: CHEA P 1 -3 people. 2 bdrim avail.. Spacious. newly renovated, prkg. Idry. utilities incl 2 hull bath. Call 222-9116, SUBLET: Mnay -Sept. I bdrin. Ldrx. prkg. Pets ok. A/C, rent ncr. loan 4377-9294 fr ER SU BLET 52()1VWalnuit. May -Aug!. HVI-owSe. Prk-g.. ldry.,. hun.. rent ne . 3:12-01857 or email hbinrur M-iinich ~eduL SUPL'R SUBLET 6 :hdrm. Corner of E. Unix ersit 5 and Greenwood. Prkg.. ldr ,. IBQ. \Vcry Clean. Mix i-Auer 222'1 91)or rhodge~g9uinich edii 'THREE BDI\IM. A/C. frvee dry. turni.15 lhiupsoti. Rent neg. 1111+1011t (17uiiiichcdii In call Johii 701-530-S5. VtSCOUNT APT'S. Geddes Ave SIrantz/S tmettr so let. 2 bedroomis. room1 4 1.Pric e r able. Call 741-95 IS. LABOR N EEDED r novi n turn i tie. cleaning, or gan isat ional c ix it is. Goo d wa-ge. 971.0380 LABORATORY ASSISTANT needed ifoi expanidinrg biotech company in South Ann Arbor. 2-3 hours daily tL) maintain glassxxare ard disposables. Sonie reagent prep wxork as wxell. Please coicasi Kelly at (734-1 975 .100(. LIKE TO SMILE? Eneretic idividuals needed for busy but In apartmnt leasing office. P/TLof F/T throough Laor IDa Send resume or alply toI0(99 Mlaidn Lane Ainn Arbor 48105/ 665-4331 Fax 652354/ slanddrivyc (> iiindsprinrig oin LITERACY 'TUTORS. Must e 18 r/old and avail. Full-imite. JuLne IS8 throuh Aug 1(0. Training is poxvided!. Greater I'an1in c area. Year round positla i I alaxlabkl (Call The Reading Pople ani 1 7x.. # )-4949or lax reSlne lto SI7-81 5-4 LIVLI.-IN ADV ISO)R nedd I llo in r1ti 23' juiiors in sow~ritx ailnex Iuiihed apart mentnand meals (734) 71I-7553 MICHIG;AN TELEFUND Soxx hring, studens for flex. niht and~ weekend schd. Fun work atmnospheire and great lo experience. Up to W8hr. + nighty onuses. Apply orlineior top by 611 Churh. Suie 4F wxweleftind.Litih.ed. 998-742(0, NEED RELIABL E student to xwork t of01 M event parking. Guaranteed 4/his, of py each itgtPlease contact Nicole at 62207, 1 The last publication of is Tuesday, April 17th Spring~Suiumer papers pulish every Monday beginnin April 30 throu~Ju Augsti 13 CLASSIFIED SUMMER RATES LINE RATE: $1.95 per line, $0.80 per line for consecutive days Deadline: 11:30 am Friday, prior to publi- cation $7.00 per column inch Deadline: t;amera ready: 11:30 am Thursday prior to publica- tion Typeset: Wednesday prior to publication PA\RITI WEE; WORK aspi ixate tllrse -aid Ii ix h'icii cd Nee de i n tdent to xxork pat I inc or 11411 Iue Cat excel lent pa. cariii' tn mei"ellrueeri Inliiihei a sti lke x ltin Piasj iii xx uk. nice ecixirn iii ie t k'elerd iiiisiitC stntiionir soiieoie xx o entox lilpuic people Please xxrite a dscription ot~ I i le\peieitCek. eduaton. xx ok iteds. and honik tiiiibr to PO( 1 16.1,Ann .A'ihoi P \RI -TIl \l FADIMIN. ASSTl.- dpetdahle haruwrx ikiiic colilputc r k1sI \lc ax Iicto FA'.-1 T IME[11?FRONTU desk A/v itiasatce lcr[pii pitoits nax ailale Flex hous Salm asa 58/hr plus comilssion. Apply in hcrs~m at Endless Sumiiiicr aning salon. 11010 LAB NEEDS swui nrhlp toi packag imcaid comptter xwornk- xperieiice xx ith adobe Phooholp pielcrl ielbt 110i nile> s 'A I\Illtaml Frin Na (tit-lid- Julx 1+rhr ~s 5I (5 -811t RI,AI.- .IFE 1 .iX N(, GSERVIC.ES I .sccpunii2 pllti.ati~is fo-r IDiiect. t aicJPci~soral Aides. Grat experience lo: suidcs in OT. PT. ST. Psych. Social Work. Nursina;. H utnmrui Services' 57.75 - S1I0.X)/11r. Applicantsmus~t fbe 18 years of tae. po~ssess a xalid unritrt~icted (drtx ers license aiid have a IS diploma Or CU) 473-4)222_0076 RLLS Is aitE E:. SCOK).VINEEPES PUBS & GRILL tism ttiiiiie banetiWiie shrt Ioidei cloks .No experience neede~d. 11 Max-natl. 995N-t) 11). SP'RING/SUN,1NER STUDENT 01FFIICE ASSISTANT Eiteretic. oranizcd. detail- } oricitied student iieeded for checking pa6 ables. Ipay ioll. helping xx ith puxrchases. reports. liliiir. odd lobs. Fiiiancial aculnei. experience a p1Is l Fe xible inu rs .31) Ito 411 hours perxx cek Pax S 5011Mail letier (of applicatiiinaiid resuilietip Stuldenit (lTICC \asitait. 1. NI Silideit tPubItti outis > I10 A SitidIeit Publicailoris BldL,.. Anii Arbor. NII 4x51(19- 1327 SPRING:/SUAMER SITUDENTS: sales prospcctttg postitiot tixx/ flexible xx eekdax houir, (4-8 hr. shiltisu In air.-cond. office ft) 111111Ior camiptis 14- 18/hr. Call Brandotn at U I 3-42011 or dual I brandon It' xlr co m StUD!ENTS! INOW"I ACCEPTING applications tor spyiing/,nihiiier lunch shifts. N'o weekends' Flex schedlule Apply in p)ersont at the MIic higcan Lea'ute B uIfft. I1lamt- 'pitt. 911 IN UnIx ersi', - ask for 10i,1B.(i emnalNileMrB ;atibelcherlt' uitichedui SUNIMI;R JOBS. S8-.I 2/hr Ctumiently hiring paitecrs aiid crcxv chiefss tor positions licalk and ihroLughout Mlichigan. Full I rioflng [Lprovided. 1/9001/4(05-6227 or iiacpaiiaiet-@aol Cott)i S"'IM I IIN(; POOL service and THE UNIVERSITY' OF MICIGAN SIURVE Y RESEARCH CENTER. Survey Lab is recruiting people with excellent cointnulication skills to cond~uct telephoiie intieirviexxs 1«r acadeiflicStudies. Candidates need ito be highly self-directed wx-it h a professional telephone mannier and comfortable wxith basic comiputer skills (W\\indows aiid ty-pi ng). Flexible schedollin(. xx Lrk 16-40) houirs per xxeek. iJoust be axvailable to wo'Irk exening and xxeekend shifts starting ill May and laStingL thr luichltui the surimer. Competitive wages-starting at $9.50hr. Apply imimediatelx in personi. weekdays 8:00 a.mt.-9:00p))n..at the Unixersitx of' Michigan, I oso ite [Or Social Research. 2058 South State St.At Arbor. The Universiiv If NMichigan is an [Equal Opportunrity. -At tiiiiatix e Actiotn employer. 'l OP BOYS SPO(RTS CAMP IN MAINE! PLAY & (COACI IE SP(OR I S-I hAVE FUN- MAKF S C(AMP COBBO SSEE.-Positions available in: AL. TEAM & INDIVID AL. SPORTS, ALL WATER( SPOR'TS, PLUS: Camping c lHiking. Ropes and Rock Cliini. ce I-lockey. Roller Hockey. Arts &V Crafts. Martial Arts. Top salaries. LExcellent 1acilities. FREE ROOM, BOA.-RD. LAUND)RY. Travel Allowance. xxvv.catpcobboassce.ccoiii ON LINE APPLICATION or call: (800)473-0104. t1of:'M \?1EN S'S CCEIc; sekIng stdtixe iiialag,s for the tall 2(1)1seasonl. Please call (Coachi Ymiiboi-Ili at 61 5-9502' or catnail cx arhoro (q LI c h cdii YET ASSISTANT /fireceptioiiist: Far-t time. lfex. hocurs. Will train. Please call 668-1466. VISTrA VOLUNTEER OPENINGS Julne I I - Auic.rd 8S791 /ionth. 5110 tuiton cielflit (Call IDeanina Forester 73-4-722-I (S) x_' t Liiiall slltllld roimlw, isk 12.1111.L11, WANTED): Nen and "xomlen,. age 25 - () . xx ho lax c siliIkx'd etxvc-t one and lo(It _cit aretIc's in their Iitclet ixale needed for a U of MI SItudy. Study, pays t40. Call 1-8001-74X2- 2300. #6308. IPONIED). OPENINGS. Babysitter needed for 61111 and 10I yr/old. Full time. Must have ehi IdIcaic experience. D ri vers license reqc~rd. Prefer in our home. Apostolic anld/o~r ichl ideal. x971I-8678. P'ART' TIME NANNY NEEDED For 2 yr. old eh[Ilil. Prex ii> exeicince aind [711 ls>iiillii iequiredl TIo sart ASAP. 2-3 11111 iILII/xxk Pleas call 023-943 SillIN;/SINIMRCIIII.1CARE .usutsil ic"xovk aCCO V(iliiito yt~rurschedlule. ( I1 cat 1['l trpsy ch. educat i~n. gor no isi rIg siLdIlS Fun atitiosphere. Call St. Paul Lar-ly Ch illdhoIod Center: 068-10887. ALL. RED WINGS PLAYOFF TICKETS, buvixSll ai 5 17-?~51-1I992 or Jii itleibt icketllani coii C.AIUSTO) METRO $35 wih this ad. Save' MCi xx cii ouhale Ainy-Occasion.i. Major" cii (LII c :ii(Is acce~pted. Clean, quick and depenliblc t ntil 11:00 1PAI. Ann Arbor I aim C ,; 11}7-1 1900 399 Jamaica {. 399 Bahamas49 ( .\I P .JOBS tomer resiets ltof he~cI Noritlern) Suiblihs. I) 'Coxcrx I )a} Caiii p seeks iiirtunc stall : CoUinse1 Is Z111xxall as ipCcialists iii natrcr. ropes CliulsC. bikillc. cx nlistis.draiiia.a, iMCC. tIIIIiicamlilL, and sxx i iliI.lnteirnships ax ad _as>well as lltiC c nx superxvisoiry posiiions. BLus drix III,- polsitionis avail. tom 21 andi up. (80))059- -1432 or c-mail Else (compiit)liscmlx ci xli N\eedls 1You W ritx-rs, ieseaieliers, jilrlalistS. xx eb , rapfnes-miniltela Lesitncis ttl piroduice ldil xx eb x i e'x sast . 714191- 191 I htip /xx xx x.Liedarihtfind.or/'iteami FIND)1YOUR St'IMER JOB11Now!"~ \'xchaxeiimalt Iposli s IIiI lcl aulani AIn m l'latI\ ItI s n GeneilralI01 11cc Rcept ii st Asscmll Lightir lwxil ral Sllipping/Reccming Apply Nlon. -'T hurs. 8.1 - 10: .36aiuorI 1:311-. ipinat AA.rhor Picture II) cV Social ScC Li nt s(ai'd liclLi'IIC F'ax rIngc-s.: >0.I 3 pci'Ihr V110 tix'besiiC- 11* xx xx xx IcmloliiI~ier I ililel Culpi ADIOPTION: lappil% iiairicxl coule xx 7, 1iesInadoplt n xx Lii i. 1iil I-tirilie ititlici Lx U' essii laicitoI loxe. care V 1tiltr. 1_Ir sex l tl ('all 1 er ix & t11 '-(~26I x I NEI'i)\ hitR ALL. stBIIK'F tSelt-lDcc loot.) ilILm CC .Ilpus. pictc'i.Ihl) xx/prkc I 'lcasc cill 99(6-1909.1 COLLEGE CLEANERS: PROF. IDry C leaning aind Laundry shirts. Free suinmer ,[- jage.715N. niv.. iext tol Hill. 6621l9(X). NIS EDUCATION. Start your Lner'crte Medical Serx ices career xx ith classes at Ht-xioh Vallexy.Amlbulantc~eCeintc-1,for ENIS EduLcation. Basic EaNIT classes begin ini Max- 'oi r into, call HVA at (73-4) 477-63431. Noxx arov ed for Michigan Merit Axx aid recipieis arid V A eliile students! Professioal/At ordabhle Resume Writticg,& -Free Student Career Placeimenit Scix ices. 1W% )C'uiuustilaiis Lf-d1 c nisiit~nt lioncIIIe nitt(lt11I"41 .117-921( 1-HESES L t~t1IN( . All lis~cIlliis tes.iil 1,liat s 25 years, 1U-M xxlpelicee *4/996.4i-r(i,6 orxx ri[Col t (QbrZserxeco t RITFE-AW\AY restimie service: next day c~Launtee. coitipetitixe parices- 248366.0O21d 11 1 cdils. IrIo ll. 111) lx. %xIlIll)i Ie \lt, Ixl All 'I-t. .41) lisA 1k ;- S r hi Sullug Siallot I oai-miiii. I )cxtcr? 1 126_177" LIKE TO WAORK W IH VYl HANDS? IonteI'ad111 ritnm )cdtcated/liarl xx irkm inc (illxlkx-pc-raild Maiim, Ass ts ilecccl itx)help itatain clean. hcauxiitLIsinlniilllg'--. i)> al...Mid Illake rc'lriirs l-l,ix c tonvilt iiI ,ii inc 50 tIahle rxpericilcc. s~tkilsanidi#kiioxs ledge xx11tH 1111t P Tof 1. .-.LItilC-.M or )1)1lol 1091') NMa~iden ane . OO1544 I lax -'015 .4 ilaiulklrlx c'L> llliidstIIiiil! li 1 LOOKING FOR A pOB OR INTERNSIPI?FLashlit ~nCons~lting can hielp. We haxve placed mu Ldcnts at topl companies like L ockheed- Niartin and Phizei Call 74-5283-5264 and set tip a iiieetng,with a consultant today. WE GUARANTEE A\T LEAST AN INTERVIEW $1500 W'EIEKL'Y: potential miailing our (irculars. For info call 203-9771-1720. i;* w::; a~ :x $:i ); aj - :; a s'~ a j );: %s y; a;) ax' r;: ' i ai a* )a s;::( * y i k * e ); k: * );' : A FUN SUMMER JO0B that makes a I)IFFERENCE. Work wxith children as gener-al cutunselors froit 6118-8/17. Must live in- farit.. Bln. Fld.. Novi. Birin.. Troy, or Aij areas. Email Willowxaydcnaol cott or Call-Wilioviuv Dav Camp 248-932-2123. AkSSISTANTr WAJTSTAFF BellIa Ciao Rcstauiranit. U pscale dinitng. Lxve. only, closes Suiidvs Wa x lk to Lwxxork. frlie meal. Call So, ie ATJTENTION Work form home. S25 - ,75/hr. PT/FT. Mail order. 877-981-WORK. BROOKSIDE GOLF COURSE Positions nowx avai lailablc in ProShop. Bar. and outside nainteticice. Call 429-4276. CANCER RESEARCH lab seeks stimer research assistant Hex Ibe 20-34) hrs/x k clliipeitix cradiar} Scielice backgrlluitc/prey xroehs lah e xperiditce preleried. NMust be icliable. hniiculous. i hsistic Work stu~dy arnd miedical idcntis eceltragccd to apply Contact lkalikinp o0'niich.cdiu CLERICAL PERSON pait-tittie itist be able to typle 61) woids per minute, S8.00/hr Please call 971-0)38(0. or faxe iestime to 971-0546 Please include efreiices CLERKIMESSENGER. 58/hr 1(0 hrs,./\xxk Mon.-Fri ixei' s Licence req UM Central BABYSITTIER NEI;D h ii carlx exc, tixi Sun.. a Ills talr 2 xxliiertl LI girls .SC> I andi 3.F01i the summllier(Call 7t7-97-# l BABYSIT TER WANTE:I: Looking till baby sitters te om Idcl -clii Ilrin aices 7and aliioxst 3. NI Listhe xxariliaal tun1. cxllpirincc' and iespanisillic Classes Ili Ch ild I )exelopnent and/i W Ecluicatixlit bi'g plus' Calf Sur'mt9L51L CAREGIVFER anwi er x i c cd lF-or 3 kidls 11'5. 1..10} u to ix cxxeek. BEC JtniIS Satai-Spmu Must box c car 062- I1 9( CHILD (CARE (CENTER needs xyolLr help closinc, 3:4(0-5:30) Ni-F. Help xxithI snack mand pla~ tie. - Great Iuii - CallI~at at St. Paul E11h1x Childxhood Center: 668-0)887, CHIILD CARFE needled iiiouir 1hom le 2?t hrs/xxk. Flex. sched. I mile Iroimi campus. Please call 701I- 1116 CHILD COMPANION WANTIED Midt June-Aug-. Must liax c car Approix. 30- 4(lhi-s./xvk. S 10/hr. Ref required. 703-7713 Jour graduation i/t to you~, * f we are prejedin y ou witIh a FREE ONE-YEAR MEMBERSHIP in outr .JtumniJliiociation TIlS IS A LIMITED TIME OFFER, SOI DON'T MISS OUT!- STAY CONN4ECTED AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE MANY BENEFITS AND SERVICES, LIKE DISCOUNTS ON HOTELS AND CAR RENTALS, AND RELOCATION SERVICES, .p "v-