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April 13, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-04-13

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 13, 2001


Mayor declares state of emergency


£ '

CINCINNATI (AP) - With police in riot gear out in
th1e streets, the mayor declared a state of emergency and
inposed a citywide curfew yesterday amid the worst
outbreak of racial violence in Cincinnati since the after-
math of the assassination of Martin Luther King in
Mayor Charles Luken acted on the fourth day of riot-
ing over the shooting of an unarmed black man by a
hwhite police officer.
"Despite the best efforts of the good citizens of our
city, the violence on our streets is uncontrolled and it

runs rampant,' Luken said. "The time has come to deal
with this seriously. The message is that the violence
must stop."
Only people going to and from work in this city of
331,000 will be allowed on the streets between 8 p.m.
and 6 a.m., the mayor said.
Gov. Bob Taft ordered the state Highway Patrol to
assist Cincinnati police, and the mayor said he may ask
Taft to send in the National Guard.
As of yesterday, 86 people had been arrested in the
looting, arson, vandalism, assaults and other violence in

mostly black sections of Cincinnati.
The violence is Cincinnati's most sustained racial
unrest since the rioting prompted by King's assassina-
Tensions exploded after Saturday's fatal shooting of
Timothy Thomas. Since 1995, 15 black men have died
at the hands of Cincinnati police, four of them since
Black activists said they had been warning city offi-
cials for two years that problems were coming because
police were harassing blacks.

Media contact with McVeigh limited
Attorney General John Ashcroft said yesterday that prison officials will sharply
limit media access to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh in the w
prior to his May 16 execution, and urged the press not to become a "co-consp a-
tor" in McVeigh's quest for infamy. As the first reporters and protesters begin to
descend on federal death row in Terre Haute, Ind., prison officials said McVeigh
will be limited to 300 minutes of telephone calls, lasting no more than 15 minutes
per day, for the remaining month of his life. No jailhouse interviews will be 1ier-
mitted, and reporters will be asked to honor a ban on recording phone calls.
"I don't want (McVeigh) to be able to purchase access to the podium of Ameri-
ca with the blood of 168 innocent victims," Ashcroft told reporters at a Washing-
ton news conference. "Please do not help him inject more poison into our culture.
He's caused enough senseless damage already. ... I would ask that the news media
not become Timothy McVeigh's co-conspirator in his assault on America's public
safety and upon America itself."
Ashcroft said the U.S. Bureau of Prisons and the FBI will use encryptiong s-
ware and other technology to thwart any attempts to tap into a closed circuit video
feed of McVeigh's execution, which will be broadcast live over digital phone lies
for survivors and relatives of the dead assembled in Oklahoma.
U.S., Russia plan summit to smooth relations
Relations between the United States and Russia rebounded yesterday, just three
weeks after each ordered out suspected spies from the other side, as the two v-
ernments announced plans for the first summit between Presidents Bush d
Vladimir Putin.
The meeting will be held soon and no later than the July summit in Italy of the
Group Qf 8 industrialized nations, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said after
breakfast talks here with Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov.
Both presidents are anxious to see this meeting take place as soon as possible,
Powell said.
His statement indicated a noticeable shift in attitude. The Bush administration
has kept the Russians at arm' length since coming into office Jan. 20, in effect
demoting Moscow's standing in the new U.S. government's foreign policy agenda.
The United States and Russia also announced several joint initiatives,
exchanges between Cabinet officials, bilateral meetings of lawmakers an n
intensive dialogue on their disparate visions of strategic stability, an issue t
includes the controversial proposed U.S. national missile defense system.

U.S. Navy Lt. and American Reconnaisance crewmember Regina Kauffman is
greeted by an Air Force officer at Hickam Air Force Base yesterday in Honolulu.
Released ve
safe 0on U.S. soil

. ... - . ®.PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (AP) -
The 24 crew members of the U.S. spy
V'plane touched down in Hawaii at dawn
LESS M YO = L S 1 Y A ".in yesterday on the second leg of their
journey home from China and got a
flag-waving welcome from a cheering
JIMMY JOHNcrowd and a brass band playing "God
"We're definitely glad to be back,"
said Lt. Shane Osborn, the mission
IE :19E4 'iE Rcommander.
The weary crew members, who
929 E. ANN ST.arrived aboard a military transport
ANA:Rafter a stop in Guam, face two days
913.9200 siPE1-9,3 of debriefings with Pentagon investi-
gators in Hawaii before being reunit-
ed with their families over the Easter
7 .2"E" They left their damaged spy plane
1207 .Nbehind in China, which has refused to
AN BOrelease the aircraft since its collision
2 with a Chinese fighter jet April 1.
- .7,,3 In Washington, President Bush
held the crew blameless and told the

The University of Michigan Business School
Invites You to Attend a Keynote Address

by C. K. Prahalad
Harvey C. Fruehauf Professor of
Business Administration
Professor of Corporate Strategy
Chairman of PRAJA Inc.
Friday, April 13, 4 p.m.
Hale Auditorium

nation they "did their duty with
honor and with great professional-
"I know I speak for all Americans
when I say welcome home to our flight
crew,"he said, adding that U.S. officials
are eager to learn "exactly how the
accident happened."
The crew awoke yesterday to their
11th day of captivity on the Chinese
island of Hainan. Sixteen hours
later, after crossing the International
Dateline and stopping in Guam, a
U.S. territory, their transport
touched down at Hickam Air Force
Base in Hawaii. It was still yester-
Onlookers cheered as the uni-
formed crew members stepped down
from the mammoth, windowless C-
17 to salute and shake hands with a
line of admirals, generals and
Hawaii's U.S. senators and represen-
dole out
extra $3 11
million taxpayers paid the government
at least $311 million more than neces-
sary in 1998 because they took the
simpler standard deduction instead of
trying to itemize.
That's only one sign of the increas-
ingly complicated task Americans face
if they attempt to fill out federal tax
forms by themselves. It's also a reason
more people are turning to profession-
als to do their taxes and business is
booming for tax preparation computer
software and Internet sites.
Millions of taxpayers will finish their
returns this week to meet Monday's
midnight deadline for most people.
The bewildering complexity of tax
law, says the Internal Revenue Ser-
vice's own taxpayer advocate, "contin-
ues to be the most serious and
burdensome problem facing America's
taxpayers. "
"The most basic aspects of tax law,"
continues the IRS advocate's recent
report to Congress, "are complicated
and contain exceptions and special rules
that many taxpayers do not understand"
Some people decide to settle for
only the most basic forms. In an
unpublished draft report, the General
. Accounting Office discovered that in
1998, more than 510,000 taxpayers
who chose to take the standard deduc-
tion could have gotten a bigger deduc-
tion by itemizing because they had
mortgage interest payments.
The GAO, which is the investigative
arm of Congress, estimated that these
people paid the IRS $311 million more
than they should have - an average of
$610 each.
"People are frustrated, and it's costing

Submrine Crew
could be disciplined
Three admirals who conducted an
inquiry into the sinking of a Japanese
fishing vessel by the USS Greeneville
will recommend today what, if any, dis-
ciplinary action officers on the subma-
rine should face, a Navy official said.
Vice Adm. John Nathman and Rear
Adms. Paul Sullivan and David Stone
will present their nearly 2,000-page
report to Pacific Fleet Commander
Adm. Thomas Fargo in a meeting at
Pearl Harbor, the Navy official said,
speaking on condition of anonymity.
They will be joined by Adm. Isamu
Ozawa of the Japan Maritime Self-
Defense Force, the official said.
Ozawa was included in deliberations
with the three American admirals but
did not have a vote. Fargo had initially
planned to receive the report tomorrow
in San Diego, where he was to attend a
celebration honoring a submarine
JAKARTA, Indonesia
Captured Americans
rescued by soldiers
Philippine soldiers raided a Muslim
rebel camp yesterday and rescued
American hostagg Jeffrey Schilling
seven months after he was kidnapped.
The Abu Sayyaf rebels had threatened
to behead Schilling last week as a "birth-
day present" to Philippine President Glo-
ria Macapagal Arroyo. She responded by
declaring "all-out war" on them.
Brig. Gen. Diomedio Villanueva,

who led the assault on the rebels on
Jolo island 600 miles south of Manila,
said Schilling was in good condition.
The Oakland, Calif., native was taen
to a hospital for a checkup and will
return to California in the next .few
days, officials said.
The United States praised the P40-
pine government for freeing Schilling,
25, a convert to Islam who was ap-
tured in August after he visited the
rebels with his new wife, a cousin of
one of the rebel leaders.
Plae coud crosS'
U.S. in 30 minutes
For more than four decades, scies
have been trying to develop a jet-pow-
ered aircraft that could zip across the, ky
at five times the speed of sound, a formi-
dable feat that has been harder to accoi-
plish than sending a man to the moon.-
But in a hangar in California's
Mojave Desert, a team of engineers is
putting the finishing touches on a'new
plane that they believe could meat4at
milestone and lead one day to an a-
er flying from Los Angeles to Npw
York in 30 minutes.
A 12-foot experimental airplane is.
scheduled to make its maiden flight
next month, flying over the Pacific
Ocean at more than 5,000 rdh.
Although the first flight of 'the
unmanned X-43A is expected to last
about 10 seconds - covering about 14
miles - it would mark a dramatic
turning point for the decades-lbng
effort to develop a hypersonic airt.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

This lecture will discuss a fundamentally
new approach to creating knowledge.
Rapid Knowledge Creation is the concept
behind the Experience Revolution
Community, a pilot initiative from the
University of Michigan Business School's
Center for Business Innovation. The
Experience Revolution Community
is built on PRAJA technology and led
by Dr. Venkatram Ramaswamy, Director
of the Center for Business Innovation,
Professor of Marketing and the Hallman
Fellow of Electronic Business.

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Ir m.r

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