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April 12, 2001 - Image 24

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8B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine - Thursday, April 12, 2001


Angell Hall bathroom walls.
offer life advice to students ,

The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Maga
WCBN takes requests, wakes up Ann

By Maria Sprow
Daily Arts WTriter
The high percentage of the student
population that doesn't have access to
room G438W in Mason Hall (other-
wise known as the women's restroom)
is missing out on all the wonders that
make Mason Hall the home of the most
popular restroom on campus.
It's not the continuously running
water, the odor, the piles upon piles of
toilet paper found on the floors, the
black "stuff" sometimes found in the
numerous sinks or the severe shortage
of paper towels of the restroom that
* U

make it stand out among all the other
restroom facilities on campus.
It's the writing on the walls. Topics
ranging from sex, drugs and rock and
roll (maybe not Rock and Roll, but
Madonna is a popular subject) to reli-
gion, advice and affirmative action can
be discussed and debated by anyone
who cares to make a comment.
One student (supposedly female),
wrote "How do you get over a first
love?" An entire conversation was
Another student: "I never did."
Somebody else: "I agree, it's impos-
Student No. 4: "No, it's not. You get
over your first love when you find your
second love and in the mean time, it
helps if you try to be in love with your-
self ..."
It's just like talking to friends, only
Students wanting to find out what
really goes on in a girl's mind only have
to take the time to read the graffiti.
I want to exchange my menstrual
cycle for a motor cycle," wrote one
Other answers to life-altering, poor-
ly-phrased questions (such as "Do you
think humans strive for love to commu-
nicate or if we communicate to feel
loved? In other words, what is our
motivation for trying to love people -
to know we are not alone in the world,
or just to feel like someone loves us?"

and who is God) are given on the walls.
For students wondering about God,
one anonymous student wrote that
God is "something people needed to
create in order to give themselves hope
for the future of the world and them-
Other anonymous students begged to
Discussions even ensue about the
various comments made on the wall.
"You are all so deep, damn. I'm just
shitting/pissing/blowing my nose and
you are enlightening my day ... wait,
not really," is the message of one
female student.
"All I have to say is only at U of M
does this get written on the walls,"
wrote another student.
Somebody else replied, "Nope, I saw
this. kind of shit at a State bathroom
wall once. We are not the only preten-
tious, condescending group of people."
For many female students, the walls
not only provide free entertainment but
also allow for a form of self-expression
and a way to hold conversations with
people they've never met.
"I like it, it really entertains me,"
said LSA junior Eliza Peterson, a fre-
quent visitor. "I'm always really sad
when they paint over it, but I guess it's
like getting a clean slate."
Peterson said she has never written
on the walls.
"Usually I never have a pen with
me," she said.

TOM LM/Daily
Palio brings an authentic Italian atmosphere to Ann Arbor.
Pallo tempts tastebuds

By Joanna Goddard
For the Daily
In Italy, the word "Patio" generally,
refers to the decorated banner that is pre-
sented to the winner of the summer horse
race in Siena, Italy. In Ann Arbor, howev-
er, the word "Palio" usually causes peo-
ple's stomachs to growl.
Palio Ristorante is the bright yellow
Italian restaurant on Main Street. This year,
the restaurant's cuisine was voted the "Best
Italian food" in Ann Arbor. And it's not
hard to see why.
The menu offers a wide choice of
Tuscan fare: Pasta, meat, fish, chicken, sal-
ads, soups and desserts. Freshly baked
bread is served with olive oil and pepper,
and many customers supplement their
meals with the house salad - a mixture of
fresh greens, gorgonzola cheese, tomatoes
and red onions.
"The most popular pasta is probably the
Fettucine con Polio, Pumate e Pesto," man-
ager Jenny Breitenwischer said, "and the
number one grill seller is definitely the
Pollo Parmigiana."
Palio's fresh dishes are enjoyed by many
University students. Senior Nader Salah
explained, "The food is delicious - from
the freshly ground pepper to the huge
chunks of seafood in the Linguine
Palio also has an extensive wine list,
which includes the largest selection of
Chianti wines in Ann Arbor. And the
desserts - including tiramisu and cannoli

- are dangerously tempting when the
server brings around the tray after dinner.
But the food is only part of Patio's
allure. The dimly lit restaurant offers a
beautiful setting. for a romantic ren-
dezvous. Maps of Italy adorn the walls,
and bright flags hang from the beams.
Dark shelves display bottles of Italian wine
and olive oils.
"The restaurant is really romantic," said
Art and Design senior Melissa Akey. "It's
the perfect place to go on a date."
Couples can converse over large wood-
en tables with red-checkered tablecloths.
Extra-affectionate twosomes can cuddle
up on the same side of Patio's cozy booths.
And in the summer, patrons can dine at
rooftop tables and enjoy the warm breezes.
"A couple even hosted their wedding
party at Palio last week." Breitenwischer
A final bonus is the exceptional service.
"The servers are always really friendly,"
LSA senior Erin Mullally said, "and the
waiters look hot dressed in all black." So if
your date isn't living up to your expecta-
tions, you can always scribble your phone
number on the receipt.
All in all, Palio promises an amazing
culinary experience. Dark and romantic,
it's the perfect place for a couple to enjoy a
bottle of Chianti and some bruschetta. And
although the prices are a bit steep for col-
lege rogues, the food is worth every penny.
So the next time you want to impress your
crush, just make a reservation at Palio.
You'll be guaranteed an enjoyable evening.

Melissa Gollob
Daily Arts Writer
Free your mind. That 'is what the student run radio
station WCBN has been telling the University for over
25 years. Offering a refreshing aural experience that
cannot be duplicated with any other station, WCBN has
won as the Best Radio Station in Ann Arbor. The
freeform format exposes listeners to various musical
genres that no other local radio station would ever
attempt to play. Broadcasting from the basement of the
Student Activities Building, 88.3 FM emphasizes
everything from reggae to jazz to heavy metal to Latin.
This Best of Ann Arbor pick dedicates itself to the stu-
dents on campus by giving them what they want. That
makes this station the one to tune your radio dial to
Most of the shows broadcast in freeform format,
which means they really have no format at all. The DJs
play whatever both they and the listeners are in the
mood to hear. Requests are always welcome and appre-
ciated, even when they don't quite fit in with the theme
of the particular show. This commitment to the listeners
makes it the most favored radio station on the list.
"The slew of requests that come in are most often intelli-
gent recommendations for good songs that are inspired by
and inspire the DJ," WCBN Publicity Director Candy
Chang said. "You will never hear Britney Spears, unless it
is within some ironic witty context."
The many on-air personalities provide entertaining
commentary while spinning favorites from both their
personal tastes and call in requests. The Blast-Off Girls
- Sue and Wendy - mix the cultural context of the
worst drive-in songs with the sparkling wit of a girls'
locker room. Their show airs Monday from 8 to 10 p.m.
with classics such as "Video Killed the Radio Star," by
Lolita 18 and "Intergallactic" by the Beastie Boys.
Another popular show features D.J. Del Villarreal in
his Go Kat Go! The Rockabilly Show airing
Wednesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. The show presents time-

less songs like the original "Blue Suede Shoes," by
Carl Perkins and "Killer Taco Stomp" by Runnin'
This radio station also showcases diverse ethnic
musical collections that add to the diversity of campus.
Radiozilla debuted this fall, bringing an hour of East
Asian popular music to the forefront. Every Sunday
from 9 to 10 p.m. the hosts transport students to the
Orient to experience not only traditional music but also
hip-hop, dance music, indy-pop and noise. Brazilian,
Filipino and Latin American music also show up
throughout the regular freeform format.
On Fridays from 12 to 3 p.m., Kelly and Katie con-
trol the airwaves with their own freeform adventure.
Playing everything from Motown divas The Shirelles to
the Fatal Flying Guilloteens, these two girls give a new
definition to the freeform format.
The Best of Ann Arbor was awarded to WCBN
because of its commitment to not only to musical free-
dom, but also local news and sports. The news depart-
ment focuses on news that affects Ann Arbor directly.
The sports department covers both revenue and non-
revenue athletics. They also have sports related shows
that cover all the hot topics circulating around campus.
Weekdays at 5:45 p.m., they present the latest scores
and news from all of the University's varsity sports.
They interview Wolverine athletes and converse in a
round-table discussion of the top news of the week
show on Mondays. Another feature that makes this sta-
tion number one is the Game of the Week. Pre-record-
ed or live broadcasts of Men's Hockey, Men's
Basketball and Women's Basketball can be heard at this
time. These events highlight 88.3's devotion to
Wolverine Sports.
WCBN allows students the opportunity to express
themselves with all musical tastes. By listening, the
entire university community can learn about local
issues affecting all of our daily lives. For this reason,
88.3 FM earned the favor of students for the best radio
station in Ann Arbor.

LSA junior Erin O'Neill and Business Scho
cast from WCBN.



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