2A.- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 12, 2001
Israeli forces raid Palestinian camp
I he Washington Post
JERUSALEM - In an escalation of
military tactics, Israel sent tanks and
bulldozers into a refugee camp in the
Gaza Strip yesterday, flattening homes
in the first sustained ground assault in
the nearly seven-month-old Palestinian
Palestinian gunmen rushed into the
streets of the Khan Younis camp to
mount a harried defense against the
thrust, the first into territory ceded to
Palestinian control under the 1993 Oslo
accords. One Palestinian policeman and
one civilian were killed.
Israeli officials said Palestinian rifle-
men were using the camp's buildings
and natural features as cover to fire on
nearby Jewish settlements and an army
The Israeli attack began just after
midnight, when two tanks accompanied
by a pair of bulldozers moved about 400
yards into the ramshackle camp in the
southern half of the Gaza Strip. The
bulldozers cleared large sand benris and
an olive grove while the tanks took posi-
tions at. two ends of a street to protect
them. Moving down the streets, the
tanks fired machine guns to clear the
area of defenders while the bulldozers
razed 28 houses.
Three helicopters also fired rockets
into Khan Younis, knocking out electri-
cal transformers and "plunging the
neighborhood into darkness, said Khalil
Abu Shammil, a resident. The operation
lasted 3 1/2 hours, he said.
Loudspeaker-s from a mosque blared
a call to arms, and hundreds of Pales-
tinians responded with gunfire. At sun-
set, Palestinians fired a pair of mortars
onto Nisanit, a Jewish settlement at the
north entrance to the Gaza Strip. No
inj uries were reported.
"There was no warning of the raid on
Khan Younis; many of the houses were
empty because of previous exchanges of
fire. Forty Palestinians were wounded
by bullets, shrapnel and collapsing con-
crete. No Israeli troops were injured.
Tornadoes batter Plains,
snow paralyzes Rockies
NEWS 14BRIEF;~.,iy fii\r
JOANESBURG, South Afria }..,...r:
43 krilled in stampede at soccer game,..
Fans stampeded at a soccer stadium last night, killing 43 people, including two,.
children, and injuring more than 150 others.
The stampede occurred during a game between two popular teams at Ellis P,
Stadium. Witnesses said the stadium was vastly overcrowded and erupted in P
chaos after the Orlando Pirates scored a goal against Kaizer Chiefs, a Premier,
League rival.
"That's when everything happened," stadium security guard Louis Shipaina
said. "The stadium was full. There was no place to stand. The people were push-
ing toward the fence (around the field), and the fence collapsed and the people in
the back stepped on those in front."'
Emergency officials said some of the victims died at the fence surrounding the
field and others at a fence at the entrance to the stadium. Bodies lay strewn inside
and outside the stadium after the stampede.
The stadium, which seats 62,000, was so full, organizers had to shut the gates
with thousands of fans still waiting outside, Robin Petersen, a Premier Lea*a
official, said at the scene. Those fans shoved through the fence, breaking it in Mor,
pl aces, he said. He said security was insufficient to handle the crowd.
A total of 43 people were killed, 29 inside the stadium and 14 outside.
Democrats to face runoff in L.A. mayor race
Two Democrats squeezed a Republican out of the race to lead the nation's-sec-
ond-largest city and will meet in a runoff in June that could give Los Angeles its
first Hispanic mayor since 1872.
Former state Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa and City Attorney Jar
Hahn were the top two vote-getters in Tuesday's nonpartisan election. Republi-
can real estate broker Steve Soboroff, who was endorsed by outgoing Mayo
Richard Riordan, finished third.
With 99 percent of precincts counted yesterday, Villaraigosa had 30 percen~t,
Hahn 25 percent and Soboroff 21 percent.
The strong vote for Villaraigosa signaled the growing power of Hispanics and
organized labor. The outcome was also seen as a sign that voters are more opti-
mistic now than when they elected Riordan, a Republican businessman who was
prevented from running again by term limits.
Any candidate receiving more than 50 percent of the vote would have been
2lected outright.
Because no one got a majority, a runoff will be held June 5.
DENVER (AP) - A powerful storm battered the
Plains with tornadoes yesterday, killing at least two
people, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming were
paralyzed by blowing snow that closed hundreds of
miles of highways and the region's biggest airport.
A tornado tore through a community food pantry
in Iowa, killing one and burying the body in rubble.
A tornado also killed a man in Oklahoma.
Up to 18 inches of snow fell along the eastern
side of the Rocky Mountains and winds gusted to
70 mph, heaping the snow into deep drifts. Parts of
Wyoming got up to a foot.
"I don't think we've had this much snow forever.
This is ridiculous," Sarah Mischke said after walk-
ing to work in Cheyenne, Wyo., where schools and
government offices were shut down.
All Denver public schools were closed for the
first time in more than six years.
Nearly 50,000 customers lost power in Colorado.
"We're treating this like a military operation," Ncel
Energy spokesman Steve Roalstad said.
Denver International Airport was shut down for
seven hours to avoid the chaos that struck during a
1997 blizzard when thousands of passengers were
stranded overnight, spokesman Chuck Cannon said.
The blowing snow closed hundreds of miles of
Interstate 25 in Colorado, 1-70 across eastern Col-
orado, and -80 from Wyoming into the Nebraska
Hundreds of people werec stranded in cars near
Colorado Springs, where the airport also was
A snowplow clears a path through huge drifts of snow that
closed the road to Shriever Air Force Base yesterday in
Colorado Springs, Coo.
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BELGRADE. Ygslavia
Milosevic rushed to
hospital from prison
Former Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic was rushed to the hospital
late yesterday after suffering chest
pains in his prison ccll, his lawyer said.
"There were heart problems that
necessitated his transferal to the mili-
tary hospital in Belgrade," said Milose-
vie's lawyer, Toma Fila. "It was nothing
,oo dramatic."
Fila said he expected the Belgrade
district court to make an announcement
about Milosevic's condition today. He
is known to have high blood pressure.
The state-run Tanjug news agency
said Milosevic was admitted and was
undergoing tests. The independent Beta
news agency, citing unidentified
sourcecs, reported that he was in a "state
prior to a heart attack." The transfer
came only hours after Milosevic's
Socialist Party issued a statement
claiming that the former leader's health
was jeopardizcd by his imprisonment.
I IN ,4M. Ali.
Tape of Klansman
can be used in trial
A tape secretly recorded in the
apartment of a former Ku Klux Klans-
men can be used as evidence at his
murder trial in a 1 963 church bomb-
no that killed four black girls, a judge
ruled yesterday.
Circuit Judge James Garrett issued
a ruling allowing prosecutors to play
the tape, which was recorded in 1964
usmng an FBI bug hidden under the
kitchen sink of Thomas Blanton jlr-.
Court documents give no indication of
the tape's contents.
Blanton goes on trial Monday, on
murder charges in the Sept. 15, 1963,
dynamite bombing of the Sixteenth,~
Street Baptist Church in downtown
Birmingham. Prosecutors contQ~
Blanton was one of a handful of K W,
members who planted the bomb to
intimidate blacks seeking an end to
desegregation laws. The church had
been a rallying site for protest marches.
Russia to send U.S
millionaire in space
Russian space officials, defying c-
plaints fi-om the United States' Natio!!
Aeronautics and Space Administration,
yesterday formally approved a 60-year.-
old Los Angeles millionaire to serve 'as
the third member of its next mission to
the International Space Station. They set
the launch date for April 28.
Dennis Tito will fork over about 520
million for the flight.
"I do not regard the flight as comma-,
cial tourism," Tito told a news cone
ence at the Russian cosmonaut training
center outside Moscow, according to thet
Interfax news agency. "I would like 'to"
show that this can be done. More arid
more people should follow. If thley dd,
the price will come down"
NASA officials have complained it-t
terly about Tito's flight, fearing that his
presence will at best disrupt work abo-ard
the station and at worst put the lives;-of
other crew members in danger.
- Compiled from Da ily ui'ue I'w
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