2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 11, 2001 NATION/WORLD Bush sends China letter of regret WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States has pre- sented to China a letter expressing regret for the loss, and presumed death, of the Chinese fighter pilot lost after a collision with an American spy plane, as well as regret for the U.S. plane's landing on Chinese soil ,without permission, according to two senior govern- ment officials speaking on condition of anonymity. The document says the plane was crippled by the crash, was flying under a mayday signal and had to make an emergency landing. Earlier yesterday, President Bush called the show- down with China a "stalemate" for the first time, as U.S. diplomats awaited China's reply to a new formula for releasing 24 Americans. Offering hope, the Chinese president said he was eager to end the spy plane ordeal. "Taking into the account the important role of the two countries, we have to find an adequate solution," Chinese President Jiang Zemin said at a press confer- ence in Uruguay. "I trust in the ability of both countries to resolve this issue." But Jiang, making a six-nation tour of Latin Ameri- ca, also said China's position was "sufficiently clear" as he stood by earlier demands that the United States apologize for the crash of a Chinese jet. The United States has refused to apologize. Bush tried to lower expectations for the quick release soon of 24 US. servicemen and women, even while his foreign policy team reported modest behind- the-scenes progress and said Beijing was mulling the administration's latest proposal to end the standoff. "Diplomacy sometimes take a little longer than peo- ple would like," Bush said, preparing the public for the prospect of a lengthy standoff. "I urge the Chinese to bring resolution to this issue. 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AA/EOE ne." he flurry of diplomatic activity, the president i to increasing pressure from critics, includ- rvative allies, clamoring for action. rdmiistration is doing everything we can to stalemate in an efficient way" the president ew members have been held since their EP- eillance plane collided with a Chinese fighter is forced to make an emergency landing April has sought an apology and U.S. acceptance but Bush has said neither is warranted. J.S. side should apologize," Foreign Ministry in Sun Yuxi said. However, along with the ords, China extended the U.S. air crew extra including freedom to exercise in the air-con- >uilding where they are being detained. Holland is first nation to legt aie THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - The upper house of the Dutch parlia- ment approved a euthanasia bill yester- day, making the Netherlands the first country to allow doctors to end the lives of patients suffering unbearably and without hope. About 10,000 pro-life protesters sur- rounded the parliament building, pray- ing, singing hymns and quoting the Bible. Inside, the Dutch Senate voted 46-28 in favor of the legislation. Before the Senate vote, Health Min- ister Els Borst gave a final assurance that the law could not be abused by doctors because of careful supervisory provisions. The law presuppose a long doctor-patient relationship, and exclude the possibility of euthanasia for nonres- idents of the Netherlands. The law, likely to take effect this summer, formalizes guidelines adopted in 1993 under which doctors have been assisting suicides with tacit approval, said Justice Minister Benk Korthals. "This law will remove the uncertain- ty for patients and for doctors," Borst told senators. Outside the parliament building, activists wore black ski masks and car- ried oversized syringes dripping with blood-red liquid. Several Christian schools canceled classes to allow stu- dents from across the country to partic- ipate in the demonstrations. "We don't have the right to decide about matters of life and death, but God does," said 19-year-old Henrico van der Hoek as he walked passed Par- liament. "As Christians, we simply can- not support this law" Arguing for the bill, government ministers cited public approval ratings of nearly 90 percent. In the weeks preceding the debate, the upper house was swamped with more than 60,000 letters, most of them urging the legislators to vote against the bill. MILLIONAIRE Continued from Page 1 In addition to teaching civil engineer- ing at Detroit Mercy, he is also a senior project engineer at Tetra Tech MPS in Ann Arbor and works with the Michi- gan Academic Competitions team here at the University. He also co-founded a company that provides questions for quiz bowl competitions. Paul Litvak, an LSA junior and exter- nal director of MAC, said he was very excited to see one of the team's man- agers on the show. "It's great - if anyone deserves the money, it's him," Litvak said. "He is very kind, intelligent and entertaining at times.' Olmstead, a quiz-show fanatic, was also a three-time winner on "Jeopardy!" in 1994, taking away close to $27,000. Susan Franklin, communications director of Tetra Tech MPS, said Olm- stead is a pleasure to work with and very intelligent. "Kevin is a wonderful person - very talkative," Franklin said. "He's down-to- earth and very smart" Franklin added that despite his intelli- gence, Olmstead is very likable. "Even though he is extremely intelli- gent, when you talk to him, he isn't talk- ing down to you," Franklin said. Though taxes will trim down his win- nings, Olmstead still looks to walk away with about $1.3 million. Gary Lichtman, media relations director at Detroit Mercy, said Olmstead is one of the university's most popular professors and money will most likely not change him. "He's never been motivated by money" Lichtman said. "He will vroba- SAN FRANCISCO judge threatens to shut down Napster Calling Napster Inc.'s efforts to block copyright works from its online music-swap- ping service "disgraceful," a federal judge said yesterday she may consider pulling the Internet service's plug. "Maybe the system needs to be shut down," U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall el said in a heated courtroom moment. Patel, who is hearing the copyright infringement case against Napster by the recording industry, stopped short of putting her thoughts into action, however. She said a court-appointed expert will review claims by the industry that Napster is fail- ing to remove copyright material from its service used by some 70 million people. The courtroom drama illustrated just how difficult it is to remove copyright works from the Internet site while allowing non-copyright materials to remain. "You created this monster, you fix it," Patel said in a terse tone. Napster attorney Robert Silver said "all you need is one file to get through" the song-swapping system's filters, which are designed to remove copyright material, and the protected songs will reappear on the site's search index. Recording Industry Association of America lawyer Carey Ramos said th of 5,000 songs the record labels asked to be removed last month, 84 percent of them are still being downloaded free of charge via Napster. G ACITYGaza tilp 25 Palestinians wounded in Gaza firefight A fierce firefight erupted early today between Israeli forces and Palestinians near a bloc of Jewish settlements in Gaza, wounding at least 25 Palestinians, casting doubt on U.S. efforts to convene a meeting of security commanders later in the day. Palestinians said Israelis attacked with helicopters rocketed a Palestinian rce post next to the Khan Yunis refugee camp, and tanks fired shells at the camp. The Israeli military said there was a "very heavy" exchange of fire, but denied that helicopters were used. The violence followed a day of rocket and mortar exchanges between the two sides. A U.S.-brokered meeting of security commanders was put off for a second time and rescheduled for later today, a Palestinian official said, but the new outbreak threw it into question again. Eyewitnesses said an explosion, apparently a Palestinian mortar shell exploding at a Jewish settlement, set off the fire fight near Khan Yunis. Palestinians said six Israeli tanks advanced toward the refugee camp, a source of almost daily fire at the nearby Jewish settlements. Tank fire leveled two houses in the camp, witnesses said. One collapsed outs occupants, who included children, they said. CINCINNATI Protests over police shooting turn violent Police fired bean bags, rubber bullets and tear gas at people who broke win- dows and looted stores yesterday during the second day of protests over the police shooting of an unarmed black man. As night fell, groups of roving youths ran through the city's Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, where police reported scattered looting, fires and attacks in which bricks were thrown into cars and the drivers assaulted. At least 20 people were arrested on charges that included rioting and disorderly conduct, police Lt. Ray Ruberg said. Yesterday afternoon, police formed protective cordons around City Hall and nearby police headquarters as roughly 50 people threw rocks and bottles at win- dows and a sidewalk vendor's stand was ransacked. The violence increased at night, when paramedics took about 25 people to hos- pitals and treated another 40 at the scene. SINGAPORE Twins separated in 96-hour operation Eleven-month-old twins Jamuna and Ganga Shrestha were in different rooms for the first time in their lives yesterday after doctors successfully separated the girls, who were born joined at the head. A wide-eyed Jamuna - the more bashful sister - was wheeled out of eling marathon surgery doctors are calling a success. The feistier sister, Ganga, finally left the operating room at Singapore Gen- eral Hospital at 4 p.m. - 96 hours after entering. Dr. Keith Goh, who lead the medical team, said Ganga's opera- tion took longer because she needed more "complex reconstruction."' The Nepalese twins shared the same skull cavity. Their brains were partially fused, making the separation surgery extremely difficult. BOSTON Republican is first pregnant governor Republican Jane Swift took offic s- terday as apparently the first pre nt governor in U.S. history and is likely to be watched closely for how she balances career and family. Swift, who was elevated from lieu- tenant governor, has a 2 1/2-year-old daughter and is expecting twins in June. She succeeds Gov. Paul Cellucci, who resigned to become U.S. ambassador to Canada. Swift, 36, has not said wh er she will run for a full term in 20 in this heavily Democratic state. She has been plagued by controversy and sagging approval ratings for using her staff to baby-sit her daughter and for taking a state helicopter to her home for Thanksgiving. The western Massachusetts native is the state's first female governor, and, according to National Governors' Asso- ciation, the first expectant mother in U.S. history to hold a governor's office. Win Free Airline Tickets Only at: j 1 FILM " ANIMATION MUSIC " PRIZES f j Z El the operating room wearing a tiny sur- gical cap early yesterday after the gru- - Compiled from Daily wire reports s The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, viaU.S. mail are $100. Winter term (January through April) is $105, yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated collegiate Press. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327. _ PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 734): News 76-DAILY; Arts 763-0379; Sports 647-3336; Opinion 7640 ; Circulation 764-0558: Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550. E-mail letters to the editor to daily.letters@umich.edu. World Wide Web: www.michigandaily.com. s. / presented by - 1 . www.mediatrip.com/campustrip Tuesday, April 17th EDIT ffrey Gal ditor in Chief NEWS Nick Bunkley, Managing Editor EDITORS: David Enders, Usa Kolvu, Caitlin Nish, Jeremy W. Peters STAFF: Kristen Beaumont. Kay Bhagat, Ted Borden, Anna Clark, Courtney Crimmins, Whitney Elliott, Jen Fish, Samantha Ganey, Jewel Gopwani, Ahmed Hamid. Lisa Hoffman, Elizabeth Kassab, Jane Krul, Tovin Lapan, Hanna LoPatin, Susan Luth, Louie Meizlish, Jacpuelyn Nixon. Shannon Pettypiece. John Polley. James Restivo, Stephanie Schonholz, Nika Schulte, Karen Schwartz, Maria Sprow, Carrie Thorson, Keily Trahan, Kara Wenzel, Jaimue Winkier. CALENDAR: Undsey Alpert GRAPHICS: Amanda Christianson, Scott Gordon.# EDITORIAL MichasiGrass, Nicholas Woonwr, Editors ASSOCiATE EDITORS: Peter Catnl t, Mani Saul, Josh Wickedtam STAFF: Ryan Blay, Sumon Dantiki, Jessica Guerin, Rachel Fisher, Justin Hamilton, Johanna Hanink, Aubrey Henretty, Henry Hyatt, Shabna Khatri. Fadi Kiblawi, Ad Paul, Rahul Saksena, Matthew Schwartz, Jim Secreto, Lauren Strayer, Waj Syed, Ben Whetsel. CARTOONISTS: Dane Barnes, Aaron Brink, Chip Cullen, Thomas Kulgurgis. COLUMNISTS: Emily Achenbaun, Gina Hamadey, David Mor, Chis Kula, Dustin Selert.Mike Spahn. Amer Zahr SPORTS Jon Schwartz, Managing Editor SENIOR EDITORS: Raphael Goodatein, Michael Ken, Joe Smith, Dan Wlilams NIGHT EDITORS: Kristen Fdh, Arun Gopal, Steve Jackson, Jeff Phillips, Ryan C. Moloney, Seijamin Singer. 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CONSULTANTS: Toyin Aknmusuru, Mike Bibik, Satadru Premanik 11:00am - 3:00pm Alumni Park and Plaza Games / Giveaways 7-30pm - 8:30pm Room 1500 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building Screenings / Prizes m 08 on m M. 1 uam mt, !Ai W!a in,..a.. m.&1L a adI