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April 09, 2001 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-04-09

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68 - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - April 9, 2001

Women's crew leaves

Michigan Si
By Jim Weber
Daily Sports Writer
Michigan State lost all six races and
one varsity eight rower during its
regatta with No. 4 Michigan this past
Approximately halfway through the
first varsity eight race, the oar of
Michigan State's third seat got stuck
in the water - -also known as catch-
ing a crab -- and knocked her out of
the boat. After falling into the water,
the Spartan was then hit in the head
by two other Michigan State oars. As1
a result, the Spartan was sent to the
hospital and Michigan won the race
by default.1
"I was a little bit disappointed in
our race," Michigan junior Jenny
Bryant said because of the incomplete+
The defaulted victory redeemed the
Wolverines after losing to the Spar-
tans by .51 seconds last season. .
Michigan was in the lead when the+
accident occurred, leaving Bryant
happy with how the Wolverines raced.+
"I think we had a pretty strong
start," she said.a
The boat did not receive an official
time for the race because the officials
were busy helping the hurt Spartan.
In the second varsity eight, the
women won by a substantial nine sec-1
onds with a time of 6:40.6.

ate reeling
"It (the race) was pretty good,"
freshman Heather Mandoli said. "The
conditions were rough."
Michigan's varsity four boats were
even more dominating. The first varsi-
ty four and second varsity four "A"
both won by almost 15 seconds finish-
ing with times of 7:22.6 and 7:39.5,
"We were pretty consistently up,"
said first varsity four coxswain Caris-
sa Bragg.
Bragg, who steers the boat, said that
the weather conditions were bad for
her race as well.
"It was really windy," she said. "It
made the water really rough." Adding
to the hectic weather, the wind blew
from multiple directions.
"It was a tail-wind but it was also a
In other words, the wind blew at the
rowers from behind and the side.
The Wolverines' "B" second varsi-
ty four, a squad that doesn't always
compete, also did well. They defeated
Michigan State's "B" boat with a time
of 8:06.1.
The novice races were the closest
races of the day. Michigan's first
novice eight won by three seconds.
The second novice eight won by five.
Michigan has now won II of the 12
races it has competed in this year as it
took 5 of 6 races at the ACC/Big Ten
Double Dual on March 24.

e gains and losses-
Men's tennis clips No. 24 Ohio State


By Albert Kim
Daily Sports Writer

It was an epic battle at the Varsity Tennis
Center yesterday - one that neither Michigan
nor Ohio State will forget for a long time.
With the opportunity to turn the season
around riding on one shot, Michigan junior
Danny McCain stood tall, forcing No. 24 Ohio
State's Adrian Bohane to hit wide on match
point to give the Wolverines their biggest vic-
tory of the year, 4-3.
The Wolverines (3-3 Big Ten, 9-7 overall)
jumped out to an early lead in the match, win-
ning the doubles point by displaying a mental
toughness that has not been seen this season.
Michigan coach Mark Mees shook up the line-
up a little to try to get some life in the dou-
bles, and it paid off.
"In the five matches we won starting off the
season, we played good doubles," Mees said.
"Chris Rolf playing in doubles gave us a huge
With the point on the line at 1-1, the No. 2
doubles team of Henry Beam and McCain
won in a tiebreak thriller, 9-8 (4).
But it was the singles play that had the
crowd buzzing yesterday. In matches that
could only be described as nerve racking, the
Wolverines rose, fell and then rose again in
"Gladiator" fashion.
Junior Ben Cox and freshman Anthony
Jackson both played some of their best tennis
of the year, and Michigan jumped out to a 3-1
lead. But Ohio State fought back, as Greg

Novak, Chris Shaya, and Beam fell for Michi-
gan, and the match came down to the battle
between McCain and Bohane at No. 3 singles.
With the crowd looking on, court five at the
Varsity Tennis Center took on the likeness of
Centre court at Wimbledon. After winning the
hard fought first set 7-5, McCain was serving
for the match at 5-2 in the second set but let
Bohane get back in it to eventually lose in a
tiebreaker, 6-7 (2). After two breaks by
McCain in the third set, he found himself up
5-2 again. But in the blink of an eye, it was 5-
4, and it looked like it'd be djn vu for
But in the decisive 10th game, McCain
came up with a huge inside-out forehand and
followed with a long volley to get within one
point of winning it all. Bohane hit the next
shot long, and Michigan ended the Buckeyes
perfect Big Ten record, capping their own
two-win weekend.
"He's a great fighter, plays with a lot of
enthusiasm, and a lot of pride," Mees said. "I
felt good about it coming down to McCain."
In Saturday's match, the Wolverines beat
Penn State 4-3, by winning four of the six sin-
gles matches.
But the sweeter victory was undoubtedly
Ohio State. With four matches to go, Michi-
gan is starting to build momentum for the
stretch run. But no matter who it plays, it will
come down to preparation.
"It's being ready to play every time you
step on the court," Mees said. "That's when
the good things are going to happen."

Michigan Men'sSoccer...

Henry Beam helped the Michigan men's tennis team
upset No. 24 Ohio State yesterday.

Women fall to Ohio State, Penn State-

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By Seth Klempner
Daily Sports Writer
After winning two of its previous three Big Ten
matches, the Michigan women's tennis team's
momentum was brought to an abrupt hault this
weekend with losses to Penn State and Ohio
Michigan played Penn State yesterday at State
College where it lost a close 5-2 match, getting its
only points from Fuzesi and Jen iDuprez, who won
her 10th match of the season.
"It came down to us staying in there, making
them play a little longer and forcing them to make
mistakes," Penn State senior Pilar Montgomery
Michigan came into the Penn State match after
coming off solid play. as the Wolverines were just
short of defeating Ohio State, 4-3, in a match
where Michigan split the singles matches but lost
the always important doubles point.
Ranked No. 27 in the nation and having lost
just three matches in the Big Ten, Ohio State is
competing for first place ir, the conference.
Michigan, on the other hand, has recently fallen

out of the ITA rankings and is struggling for as
bye in the first round of the Big Ten Tournament.
"We have nothing to lose but a lot to win,"
senior Szandra [uzesi said prior to the match.
The team refuses to be written off towards the
bottom of the Big Ten standings. There is st*y
lot of tennis left to be played and the Wolverines
gave Ohio State everything they had.
The Buckeyes got things started off by winning
the No. 2 doubles spot 8-4. But the Wolverines
tied it up when freshman pair Kavitha Tipirneni
and Chrissi Nolan won the No. 3 doubles match,
After also winning their doubles match the fol-
lowing day against Penn State, the two-some is on
a seven-match winning streak at the No. 3 spot.
Ohio State broke the tie by winning the Nl
doubles match 9-8 (5) leaving Michigan just t e
points shy of winning the lon2 doubles point.
The Buckeyes went on to win the next three
singles matches and the competition. But Michi-
gan refused to quit, winning the remaining three;
Next weekend the Wolverines will finish up
their home schedule with No. 28 Iowa

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The Michigan women's tennis team lost to Ohio
State and Penn State this past weekend.


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