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April 09, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-04-09

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Mohday. April 9. 2001


Bush says quick resolution a must

"\Sl 1lNGiTO(A11'\) A" the stilndolt[ o~er
the dctained crew of01.(a(d\\ tied(/\Aerican spy
planie entered its second x\ eck . top Bush admn -
stration11officiasIs a id e \te rday ia quick resolu -
tion w\as crucial to aVOid Further strainlinu
U.5.-China relations.
Continued delay inu send inrg the 24 Anterican"s
homes could have repercussions onl Capitol
illi. said nteniher's olf(ongi ess. cit inu a possi -
Ne trade fig ht later this year and an upcoming
decision onl U.S. weapons sales to Taiwan.
'The adm in ist ratIion re Fused a ain to apologite
for the collision bet \\ecn a (hi nese figuht er jet
and the U.S. plane. M ich '.t as Forced to make
an emergency landingz on an island in southern
China. The Chinese jet anrd its pilot are imissing.
Over the weekend, the Chinese military took a
tough stance on w ho was to blame.
Secretary of, State Colin Powell said thle United
States was ..sorry" about the Pilot's file as lie used a
word the administrat ion has general ly avoided. B~ut
hea emphasised the United States should not and w ill
not apologize !'Or the collision of the planes.
B~oth Powell. Vice President Dick Cheney and
the president's national security adv iser. Con-
doleer a Rice. said an extended standoff threat-
ened to make it harder to repair relations
job offbrs
ment that
C ontinued from Page 1 hiring ot
Picard said that becaulse the Office Picard sal
of' the Provost made the agreement "Imi st
just last week, many departments still menits wh
'won't be able to hire (iSis because of already"'
"the colossal screw up of' trying to fig- (Gin sat<
'Ure out the problem two weeks before departmet
hi ri ii." have alrea(
"The history department gave out "'Wejus

bet cun the t%%o coun tries.
'"I don't w~ant to put a timetable onl it. evecry clay
that ' oes by without having it resolved raises the
risks to the long-term relationship."'(Chcney said on
NBC", "M eet the Press." Administration officials
were caref'ul to avoid spelling out specific conse-
quences of Frther delay.
Shi Fting fr'omi a diplomatic to personal level,
the White I louse said the president was answer-
ing the missing pilot's distraught wif'e, who had
w.~ritten Hush and accused his administration olt
being "too cowardly"' to offer an apology.
"The purpo1se of' the letter is to respond in a
humanitarian way, in an American way, to a
widowv who is grieving," Powell said on "Fox
News Sunday. "Whatever you think about the
polities of' it. she's lost her husband."
"We' have expressed regrets.-%v.e expressed
our sorrow a rnd we are sorry that a i f'e Was
lost.", Powell said. ref'erring to the missing pilot.
In comparison, he offecred this explanation f'r
the U.S. position on an apology to Beijing for
the collision: "The question of apology is some-
thing quite different, because then we are being
asked to accept responsibility. And that we have
not done. can't do. and theref'ore wvon't apolo-
gize f'or that."

N E W S IN B R IE F : : -.-WSIGO
Bush to reveal budget details toda ,
With President Bush preparing to release the point-by-point details of h'1'rTis
SI 1.96 trillion budget would rein in government spending. Vice President. Dick'
Cheney said yesterday that Bush , ill not hesitate to veto spending bills he con-
siders excessive'.
Democrats, still celebrating an initial victory in tnimming 1bush's tax cut. a-wait-
ed today's release of' the hall budget so they could see which government "r
grams were targeted fur deep reductions.
They said opposition to those proposed cuts will help as they seek to hold the
line on the administration's SI1.6 trillion. 10-year tax cut.~
In Bush's; first major def'eat, the Senate last week voted to reduce the tax y~u by
one-quarter, to SI1.2 trillion, an action that must now be reconciled with a 1 ouse
resolution endorsing the president's; original request. :.t
"When people see the budget, they're going to say. 'Oh, my God. I wanteda jax
cut, but I didn't know what you were going to do to health care and to Nleitcure
and national defense."' Sen. John Breaux (1)-La.) said on ABCs "This Week.",-
Cheney def'ended the administration. budget decisions, arguing that spending
has gotten out of control since 1998 w~hen the first of'a series of' budget surpluses
AMVSTERDAM, Netherlans
Amsterdam airport evacuated after explosio
Thousands of people were evacua ted from Scliip hol international a irpor't.in
Amsterdam yesterday after an explosion and fire in at fast-food restaurant in the
passenger terminal. A
The fire department said the blaz.e stai'ted in when a frernch fryer overheawnxi.in
the airport's Burger King billed by the company as its busiest outlet i4 he
world. Workers said they scrambled over the counter and ran when they heard10
explosion in the kitchen.,.#
Fire chief' Pieter I feere said no one was iniured., but a police statement saido one
person was treated lbr smoke inhalation'. "We closed the airport just to make'sure
it wasn't more dangerous!' said I leere.
The explosion sent a burst of' flame through the ventilation shall to the roof'
w~here it w~as visible frotm outside, prompting an erroneous report on Dutch televi-
sion that the building had caught lire.
Twenty minutes after the fire started, smoke and heat frorm the ventilation, sys-
tem set ofl the fire alarm in an uppei' story al'fice. police said. IC
A police spokesmian said the same fi'yer had given ofl'sparks earlier in the day.,,

China is enlisting hundreds of fishing boats such as these
in its search for missing fighter pilot Wang Wei.

s Api'il 5. That's one depart-
ihas already done some of' its
n the basis of' saving (GS~s;"
ire there are also other depart-
h0 have made these decisions
she added.
d that graduate students in the
'enl she would like to work in
ady been hir'ed.
ist don't know yet. I can now, try

to GiSI in other departments. But I've
just missed a lot ot' deadlines. There's a
lot of uncertainty," she said.
deLeon also said he has heard that in
some departments. it is already too late
f'or out-of-state (iSls.
"The departm'ents have conme out
immediately to non-LSA students and
said. 'Don't bother applying.' Some
departments have been more sympathet-
ic;' deLeon said.

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deLeon said that the GI'( is als'
still concerned that there is a gap in
Communications between the GIGO
and the University administration.
"Whether or not the povost gives
non-LSA students money. it still doesn't
erase the fact that the LSA administra-
ion uni laterally imposed bottorr lie
budgetitng. That complaint is still up in
the air as fai' as we're concerned"
deLcoti said.
shifts alter
Pepe Nercado's father opened a lun-
cheonette 31I years ao he offered a
taste of' home f'or I'llow Pueito Ricans
who wre staming in'to a city of Ital-
ian. Irish and blacks.
Noa. For thle fi rstt imre. II ispan ics
F'om' ma ny countries outnumber all
other groups in this coe-tirvC industrial
Center,: nexv Census numi'brs show 1Ils-
pnics make up7 50.1I percent of' the
city 's 19.922 iesident.
Nereado 's sorn, lookirg past plates of'
spicy Chopped liver and stew~d pig
cars. thiinks gov'ernimen't ought to catch
ip and re flet the faces at the diner's
counler. "It S-our ime." he says.
The sanme cry is beitg heard
throughout the nat ion as political
miaps e\'eryier'c' imust be ei'dawn in
the once-rn-a-decade prcesof redis-
tri cting .
lI, los i ye pop ulat ion gowIh has
fivyen I lispais. A ians and other' et-
lie groups a sht at a political voice
a1 new As iani congressmani Fr CaIfor-
nia. perhaps or' the first I Iispanic state
senator in New .Jeisey.
At the local overnment level, there's
a chance for Indians. Palestinians. Viet-
,am .se and other' groups to elct r'pie-
sentaliv'es. But for several reasois
party politics. court decisions ard con-
flicts etween mirrrities it ,on't e
Redistrictirg follows the release of'
Census numbers. Maps must be
ieclrawn so political distiicts aie equal
in site at each level oF goverment.
New Jersey' and Virginia. which have
state leislati\ e elections this auur'mn
are redistricing fiist. The other states.
wxith elections in 2002. won't need to
finish recdistriciting f'r month.
Party politics always plays a major
role in redistrictin. and in Vi'inia the
Republicans are in control. The GOP-
controlled leislature decides on the
miaps arid the governor. Republican Jim
G;ilmoire, must aciee.
hlispanics do not fiure to gain
m'ruch. if anything, there. (Gilmore has
r~ecd ot to 1liispan ics in nothern
Vrc iniia. t houghcl their' numbers are
still too sinaI I to ensure a Ihispanic
repr'escntat i\e. (clacks are struggling
to marintain the gains they've achieved
in the past.
New .ersey. like a handful of' other
states, has tried to reduce political
infighting by' putting redistricting in the
hands of'a 10-mmbr commission
hall' appointed by IDemociat. halF by
It hasn't helped. The commission
deadlocked, and vx ith a decision dlue

today. a judge has appointed a p1olit i-
cal science pro tcssor as a tiebreaker.
I ispanics in Newv .ersey want repre-
s ertatiori equal their' 13 percent
statewide populat ion. That would m'rean
10) Ilispanics in the state Assembly

LIMA, Peru
Peru's presidential
election faces runoff
Alejandro Toledo. a U.S.-trained
economist with Indian roots. finished
first in Peru's president election yester-
day but f'ell short of'a nmajority and will
lace a runof. according to exit polls.
Ilec will likely face limer President
.Alan Gai'cia. a lelt-leaning populist. in
the runoffl the polls showed. A field of'
eight candidates wer'e vying to become
the successor' to disUI'acFiC11'mInC' P'es-
iderit A lber'to Fuj imot'i.
Toledo finished Second to Fuj imori
in elections last year but ended up boy-
CottinL ia fraudurlent i'unof'f'again'st the
a utocr'atic lea dei'. whio Il ed Peru in
Novemnber anll mo1u1n n gcorr'uptioni
Toledo received 40. 1 pei'cent of' the
votes. f'allinrg short of' thle majority
needed to avoid a runoff: according to
Apoyo. Peru's nmost pr'est igi ous pollingl
fir'm. Two other polling lit-ils gave sim-
lar' i'estilts.
DiA ~ TRAC , V >Ww
Bodies found after
crash in Vietnam
tier s yes.ter day Irecovered the
bodies of lite Vietnaniese and seven
Americans whlo (lied in a helicopter'
crash while sear'chinicffor the remains
of, U.S. soldiers riissina in action fi'om
the Vietnami War.
Witnesses described the helicopter
weav Itin in air' bef'oi'e it plow\ediiito a
miotunta inside in' centi'alI Vietnami on

"I heard the helicopter flying 've*
low. The engine made a bid: noise:,an(T
then we heard a big explosion. 11 'was
ee'y f'og'gy so we couldn't see 'very
much." said N ruyerr Van Minh.
"It weas like dhiring the Vietnam' War
acarn when we rati to see if' we could
help anyone'ftrin the crash. Theit',Was
only one twin who w~as still alive,[l~e
told us he was with the MIA teanZ lie
That mn'ir. a Vietn'ami'ese, died shioa#~
O f e r.p p o s it i o n t a r g e t e d
in Iran; 40 arrested'
F-or ty iiembcrs*.of' Iian\ urramnit
opposition group have been arretsted.
miedia reports said y'ester'day, th,(:41 it
est crackdown by Islamic harniIn
w.~ho appear' to be tr'yinig to clem'~ftbe
field a head of* the Junie presidenrtial
election. '#1
The act ion aca inst the outlawed
Fr'eedom MIovement 's top Ileadei'h ip
was Imediately condem'ned by the
lan'gest par'ty. backing rel'ormist Pi -
dent Niohiamniad Khatar'ii. The Islamic
Iran Participatlonl Front called on'lrai-
aris to turn out in lamce numbers' nt
president ial election to execi ci':t1)r
r'ilits and say "no" to act ion's iti~ttm-
pat ible with 'eedomn. justice and, the
r'ule of, law. .
The election could deteritie.the
course of' a popullar' ref'orni 'm'ovement
that began after Khatat'ii's election.iii
1997. Kliatami has rnot said if* hetwill
run f un' anot her l'our-year ter'm . o l e i n D a l 1 r w tt .


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parking lot, adjacent to (risler Arena

~i~iL~I I

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NEWS Nick Sunkley, Managing Edtor
EDITORS: David Enders, Lisa Koivu, Calin NIP,. Jeremy W. Peters
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EDITORIAL Michael Grass, Nicholas Woomer, Editors
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