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January 12, 2001 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-01-12

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 12, 2001- 3


Starbucks to open fourth A2 coffee shop

Suicidal hospital
patient brought
.to custody
A suicidal patient at University
Hospitals armed with a knife was
turned over to the Ann Arbor Police
Department on Tuesday evening,
Department of Public Safety spokes-
woman Diane Brown said. The patient
was not a student, and no further
information was given.
Man tries to steal
,ooks from store
Aesuspect, identifiedaas a black
male with no facial hair and wearing
a dark coat, attempted to steal some
books Monday morning from the
Barnes & Noble in North Campus
Commons, DPS reports state. An
employee took the books back from
the subject before he fled, Brown
tJnknown person
uses lost cell phone
A caller to DPS reported a lost cell
phone while travelling from Oxford
Housing to Business Administration
Building. He later found that his
phone was in use by an unknown sus-
pect. DPS has no suspects.
Computer stolen
Wrom student at
Michigan Union
A student reported her laptop com-
puter stolen from the Sophia B. Jones
room in the Michigan Union early
Wednesday morning. The Macintosh
IBook had been left unattended for
about an hour when the woman left
e room, Brown said. DPS has no
Woman removed
from Rackham
A subject sitting on the floor with a
pink scarf covering her head and a
.black coat covering her body was
escorted out of the Horace Rackham
Graduate School on Tuesday after-
noon. The subject had been there
*ince at least 10 a.m. and had not
People stuck in
Taubman elevator
Wednesday morning people were
stUck in the elevator at Taubman
Health Care Center, according to
DPS reports. Damage to the door
f the elevator was reported.
rown said with the amount of
people carried in University eleva-
tors daily, the problem occurs fre-
Food poisoning
reported at UGLi
Early Thursday morning a caller
informed DPS of a patron at the
Shapiro Undergraduate Library
ho felt ill and possibly was going
pass out due to food poisoning.
The subject was transported to
;UMER via HVA.
Table stolen from
Vledical School
A table valued at $250 was

stolen over the holiday break from
he Taubman Medical Library,
cording to DPS reports.
DPS has no suspects, but an
jncident report was filed.
Officers unable
to find marijuana
There was a reported smell of mari-
juana on the 1200 hall of the Mary
Markley Residence Hall on Wednes-
day night, DPS reports state.
Officers were unable to find any
# idence or locate substance or
subject, Brown said.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporters
Kristin Beaumont and
Jacquelvn Nixon.

By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
The last time Starbucks Coffee Company shop
opened in Ann Arbor, it prompted protests from
local businesses and students.
But Starbucks Great Lakes Region Marketing
Specialist Kelly DeRonne said the company does
not plan to meet with protests when it opens a new
store on South University Avenue, in the space
formerly occupied by Burger King Restaurant.
An exact opening date is yet to be determined,
but the "best guess is the first week of April,"
DeRonne said.
Even if Starbucks is right about the protests,
some students expressed concern that another

Starbucks will hurt smaller coffee shops in Ann
Arbor's crowded market.
"I think it kills the small coffee shops. Cava
Java used to be the place to go ... until Starbucks
came in," said LSA junior Kristin Rosella, a
patron of Caribou Coffee on State Street and
Cafe Felix on Main Street.
"It's like the difference between a small firm
and a corporation," she added.
Other local cafes, such as Rendez-vous on South
University, which offers a second-floor smoking
area, aren't expecting to lose any customers.
"The customers that we have are very loyal,"
said Ramsey Sabra, Rendez-vous general manager.
Sabra added that the cafe is not planning on
making any changes to compete with Starbucks.

The shop will be Starbucks' fourth in the city.
"Ann Arbor is a community that's really respon-
sive to the coffee-shop concept," DeRonne said.
Some students who seek out coffee shops for
studying and hanging out agreed that Ann Arbor
could use one more.
Kinesiology sophomore Amy Anstandig said
she is happy another Starbucks is moving to town,
citing certain times during the year, such as finals
week, when coffee shops often do not have enough
seats for all the students who want to study.
Others agreed that coffee shops are more wel-
come on campus than fast food restaurants and
retail chains.
"The less fast food the better," Art and Design
senior Craig Somers said.

Somers added that although coffee shops
"have every corner covered," there is a demand
for the social atmosphere offered by coffee
Most local coffee shop employees, while wary
of the idea of another Starbucks, are not worried
about customers switching venues.
"If you want to see another coffee shop every
time you trip on the sidewalk, that's fine," said
Sean Carter, the general manager of Amer's on
State Street.
He added Starbucks would not hurt Amer's
business "unless they start selling sandwiches."
"We're going to keep things the same. Every-
one has their piece of the pie," he said.
His customers agreed.

Light at the end of the tunnel

Charges reinstated aganst
guard in shplftn death
DETROIT (AP) - A judge reinstated involuntary may have triggered heart failure.
manslaughter charges yesterday against a store security The death sparked protests by activists such as the
guard in the suffocation death of a black man who was Rev. Al Sharpton, who accused the store of using black
put in a hold during a shoplifting investigation. security guards like Richardson to watch minority
Circuit Judge Brian Sullivan overturned a September shoppers to avoid the appearance of discrimination.
ruling that there was insufficient evidence to try Den- The store denied the accusation.
nis Richardson. The U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI are investi-
Richardson, a guard for Lord & Taylor, and other gating Finley's death for possible civil rights violations.
guards confronted Frederick Finley on June 22 in a Defense attorney Gerald Evelyn said he will appeal
parking lot because they suspected Finley's girlfriend's yesterday's decision but remains hopeful Richardson
1 1-year-old daughter of shoplifting. will prevail in the end.
Richardson used a neck hold to subdue Finley, who He could get up to 15 years in prison.
later died. Attorney Geoffrey Fieger, who is representing Fin-
A judge ruled Sept. 6 that there was insufficient evi- ley's family in a lawsuit against Lord & Taylor parent
dence to conclude Finley died of asphyxiation, saying May Department Stores Co., said he was disappointed
the man had an enlarged heart and the confrontation that Richardson does not face a more serious charge.

Students make their way to class through the West Hall Engineering Arch
yesterday afternoon.
Number of rfurses
dro ps nationwide,
opening job market

JAN. 16,18, 22.


Nationwide, the number of people
going to nursing school has plummeted.
And in the densely populated Detroit
area, the trend has resulted in a nursing
shortage and lack of qualified people to
care for patients.
Despite an array of job perks, includ-
ing five weeks of vacation and signing
bonuses up to S10,000, Detroit area
health providers have been caught in the
clenches of the nation's growing nursing
Many area health systems report
vacancies of 5 percent to 10 percent. For
many, that is more than 150 vacancies,
and most are staff nurse positions or
other positions that give direct patient
On a daily basis, hospitals, nursing
homes and home health agencies report
juggling schedules, requiring overtime
to make sure sick patients get the care
they need and calling in substitute nurs-
es from staffing agencies.
Nurses at McLaren Hospital in Flint
have been on strike since November in
protest of mandatory overtime policies.
"It's the worst I've seen it, said Jim
Flanegin, who has been corporate direc-
tor of recruiting for St. John Health Sys-
tem for 20 years.
"We give them extra money. We pay
them overtime. Then we pay them
bonus overtime. It wears itself out; peo-
ple just get tired of working the extra
shift," he told The Detroit News for a
story yesterday.

Financial cutbacks have forced nurses
to handle more patients than ever. Much
of their time is spent recording what
they do as protection from lawsuits.
Many nurses complain they don't have
the time to do as good a job as they'd
Denise Borgman laments the
changes. When she became a nurse in
1976, for S5.14 an hour, the nursing
profession was a popular, respectable
career choice. Since then, the image has
"I think nurses are very frustrated,"
said Borgman, a charge nurse at Provi-
dence Hospital in Southfield, who now
makes S27 an hour, or about S52,650 a
year. "We work very hard."
Ann Mandt, a Detroit lawyer, left
nursing more than a decade ago and
said the quality of care has taken an
undeniable hit.
"(Nurses) are really unable to carry
out their professional responsibilities,"
she said.
Providers are relying more on nurses
with less training, such as certified nurs-
ing assistants and licensed practical
nurses, to fill in gaps, Mandt said.
Competition for the shrinking nursing
pool can be seen in help wanted ads,
which boast flexible schedules, gener-
ous benefits and other perks.
"We're within inches of each other
(on pay and benefits)," said Iris Taylor,
Ph.D., chief nursing officer and senior
vice president for patient care at the

What's happening in Ann Arbor this weekend
FRIDAY room, 327-4200 "Abstract Expressionism," Spon-
sored by the Museum of Art
a "The Importance of Clay in Tectonic SATURDAY ArtVideos, Mark Rothko work
Processes," Sponsored by the presented today, 1:00 p.m.,
GeologicalsSciences Turner Lec- Ope e otry, Sponsore UMMAaaudiovisual room, 525 S.
trek 4:rie, Laurence Warr will tOe n Mik Po eyne 8: State at South University, 764-
speak, 4:00 n.m., .C. Little. th- Miciga.Leaue, :000395



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