ige 'nean One hndred ten years ofedz/origdfreedom *rni NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 wwwmichigandaity.com Thursday April 5,2001 Provost agrees to supplement SA funds I Deal will give the University extra time to ensure that quality graduate student instructors Van be hired under budget By Whitney Elliott Daily Staff Reporter This announcement comes in response to a recent LSA change in departmental budgets for the 2001-2002 academic year which would allocate a set amount of money to each department, a program known as "bot- tom line budgeting." With this budgeting plan, in order to keep the same pool of GSIs in LSA for the fall 2001 and winter 2002 semesters, funds which are unavailable in the 2001-2002 bud- get to pay the GSI tuition waivers will be supplemented by the Office of the Provost for one year. University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said the one-year plan for the Office of the Provost to cover excess tuition wavers will buy the University time to reach an equilibri- um in departmental spending on GSIs and lecturers so that in the future the University will be able to continue hiring the same mix of GSIs that it has in the past. "They can take the summer to think about what they're going to do. It's good that they're not just writing people off, Vhat they're finding solutions," said Harry Mihas, a second-year Law student. The tuition money LSA pays to have GSIs from other colleges at the University teach in LSA classes comes out of the LSA section budget, which provides funds to pay GSIs and lecturers, and goes into the budget of the school in which the GSI is enrolled. The money flowing from LSA to other schools has increased quickly in the past several years, said Prof. Phil Hanlon, asso- ciate dean of LSA planning and finance. In the 1996-1997 academic year, LSA spent $2.1 million on GSIs from other University colleges. In the 1999-2000 academic year, LSA spending on GSIs from other colleges increased by 72.5 percent to $3.3 million. "Next year the provost will see what's appropriate to do at that point to eliminate these increases," Hanlon said. Hanlon said in a written statement that while LSA is looking at ways to dampen this spending increase, it is holding to "the Uni- versity's commitment to interdisciplinarity and the diversity of perspective that comes with having instructors from other schools and colleges." Hanlon said this agreement is in the interest of GSIs and includes the capability to hire the highest quality instructors. "We're just delighted that the provost is will- ing to enter into this agreement, Hanlon said. In response to this budget plan, several GSIs have expressed concerns that depart ments will be tempted to hire less expen- See FUNDING, Page 2A The Office of the Provost announced ye terday that it will financially support th College of Literature, Science and Artsi the hiring of graduate student instructor from other University colleges for the fa 2001 and winter 2002 semesters. 0- 30th Hash Bash to fill Diag this *weekend By Jianues Restivo Daily Staff Reporter In December 1970, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Alan Ginsburg and other popular political activists came to Crisler Arena for a freedom rally in sup- *ort of John Sinclair, a Michigan resi- dent who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for possession of two marijuana joints. Several members of this rally decid- s- e in rs ll h ed that on April 1 of the follow- ing year, they would all converge on campus for a nation- al "smoke- in." This Royal performance Photos and story by DAVID KATZ/Daily One stop short of completing its North American tou the 115-member Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam performed works of Gustav Mahler at Hill Auditorium last night. Consideredsby many to. be one of the foremost symphonies in the world, the orchestra selected Hill Auditorium "because of its long history of presenting great orchestras from all over the world," said Artistic Manager Joel Ethan Fried. In the beginning years of the orchestra, Mahler himself developed a special rela- tionship with the Concertgebouw, select- ing it to perform his works. Attracting musicians worldwide, the Orchestra con- sists of artists from 15 different coun- tries. The only non-Dutch conductor to direct the orchestra, Riccardo Chailly, a native of Milan, Italy, is in his 13th season as chief conductor. By Jacquelyn Nixon Daiy StaffReporter Following a report that a student was sexually assaulted by two men in West Quad Residence Hall on Tuesday after- noon, LSA sophomore Liza Znoy said she's not taking any chances when she's in her room. "Now I'm not going to leave my door unlocked," said Znoy, who lives in West Quad. "Before I did it all the time - I'm so used to leaving it open." The Department of Public Safety is continuing an investigation into allega- tions of a sexual assault and home inva- sion which occurred at 3:10 p.m. Tuesday. Two men in black ski masks reportedly entered a female student's_ room and stole personal property. One of the men sexually assaulted her. One man, who was questioned sever- al hours after the report was made, was being held yesterday by law enforce- ment officials, but DPS officials could not comment on his whereabouts. DPS had not taken anyone into custody as of Campus on alert after sex assault last night. "We questioned a person in connec- tion with the incident last night but can- not assume that he is the suspect" DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown said. Despite initial DPS reports that the incident was a first-degree sexual assault, Brown said investigators have not made any conclusions as to the degree of the crime. Michigan law divides sexual assault into four degrees - with first- and third-degree assaults involving penetration. State law defines first-degree sexual assault as criminal sexual conduct involving sexual penetration with force and possibly coercion. The maximum sentence for first-degree criminal sexual conduct is life imprisonment. Students have responded to the alleged assault with caution and con- cern. While Brown said the University is unique to have a staff of security officers who work in each residence hall every night and day, LSA sophomore Emilie See ASSAULT, Page 2A P event, which is now known throughout the University and the country as "Hash Bash," will celebrate its 30th anniversary Saturday. The main event will take place on the Diag from "high noon" until 1 p.m., when there will be numerous speakers nd activists, said Master of Ceremonies Adam Brook. Speakers include Keith Strout, a mar- ijuana reformer; Elvy Musikka, one of eight people who can obtain marijuana legally in Michigan for medical reasons; and activist leaders John Sinclair and Chef Ra. Although the event will take place on the University campus, Brook said it is a community event and is predominantly attended by non-students. "Though the University controls the iag, this is a city event, not a Universi- ty event - it just happens to take place on campus," Brook said. "This is an up- from-the-people event that doesn't require a permit except for amplified sound.' The University is responsible for approving Diag utilization permits, but officials do not support the event. "The University does not approve of Hash Bash," said University spokes- woman Julie Peterson. "We are in sup- port of free speech and expression so we will not be shutting the event down - but we will be enforcing the law." Brook said he expects up to 10,000 people from around the world to come to the Diag this weekend, depending on the weather. Saturday's forecast calls for tenperatures reaching 70 degrees with a chance of rain. In past years, the event has been cate- Oorized by students and visitors smoking marijuana on the Diag. Ann Arbor's penalty for marijuana possession is a civil infraction punishable by only a $25 fine, but because the University campus is state property it is governed by state laws. "If you are coming out, don't smoke any pot on the Diag," Brook said. "Peo- ple usually think it's going to be a small ne, but are surprised when they are hauled off to jail." Marijuana possession on campus is a misdemeanor with up to a $2,000 fine and one year in jail, said Diane Brown, spokeswoman for the University Department of Public Safety, who added that DPS is planning increased patrols Students debate E w policy gives athletes, pnority registrtontmes By Hanna LoPatin together in seven brackets based on the number o Daily Staff Reporter credits they have, with the first group for those wit f th imnpact c By Ted Borden Daily Staff Reporter As the U.S. and Chinese govern- ments continue to argue over who is to blame for Sunday's collision of a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet over the South China Sea, a similar debate has sprouted on campus. "So far, we don't know the Inside: Bush stops truth," said short of apologizing Rackham stu- to China. Page 2A dent Zheng Fu. "We have heard stories from both sides and we want a fair decision. If China made the mistake, they should take the blame. If the United States made the mistake, they should take the blame." Both the United States and China blame each other for the collision. China feels Americans should accept complete blame and is holding the f With most of the kinks worked out of the Wolverine Access online class registration system, it seems one problem will never go away - watching the classes in that carefully planned schedule close just minutes before your registration appointment. Student athletes are less likely to have that happen to them this year, however, because of a new policy giv- ing them priority registration times. Instead of receiving random appointments within their registration bracket like the rest of the student body, this semester athletes are scheduled before everyone else in their bracket. Students are grouped crash more than 100 credits and the last for those with less than 24 credits. "Athletes have a difficult time making progress toward graduation because their practice schedule starts mid-afternoon. They don't have access to the same classes," explained Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Lester Monts. That may be the case, some students say, but every- one has conflicts they have to work around. "There's valid reasoning behind it," said LSA junior Karishma Patel. "But it's not fair to other students. We all have our own obligation." See REGISTRATION, Page 7A spy plane's crew of 24 members on Hainan Island, where the plane was forced to make an emergency land- ing. White House officials maintain that the spy plane was flying in inter- national airspace. Among the crew members is Nicholas Mellos, a former Ann Arbor resident and a 1973 graduate of Pio- neer High School. "I'm always skeptical about what the Chinese government says. ... They have a history of bending the truth," said LSA sophomore Matt Ellis. But despite these incongruous view- points and the growing standoff between the nations, most experts feel there is no danger of traveling to China and say American travelers should not fear any fallout from the accident. "Right now, there is no significant effect," said Jordan Pollack, assistant See CHINA, Page 7A Under pressure: April full of stress By Karen Schwartz Daily Staff Reporter Nursing and LSA junior Christie Wiles isn't looking forward to April 16, when she has three papers to turn in and three exams to take. Like many of her peers, Wiles says she is feeling the stress of a growing workload and added pressure as finals approach. instead." LSA freshman Adam Hoipkemier said he tries to stay relaxed in the face of finals and papers as classes come to a close. "I just sleep more," Hoipkemier said. "I like to put all the stress into one day instead of worrying about it all of the time." Other popular stress outlets among stu- dents include working out, playing video handling routine tasks and relationships, fatigue or sleeplessness and lowered enjoy- ment of life in general. Etzkorn added that in order to deal with the strain of school and personal obligations stu- dents should focus on time management and try to avoid procrastinating. He recommended making a schedule, which he said raises awareness in the individ- ual of the things they have to do and the time I