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April 02, 2001 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-04-02

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8A The Michigan Daily -- Monday, April 2, 2001

RytlueXploration highlights
Percussion Ensemble show

DailyAr urnament

1 The Sopranos

5 Seinfeld

By Melissa Gollob
Daily Arts Writer
Intricate rhythms and melodies flowed from the
McIntosh Theater Saturday night as the University's
Percussion Ensemble performed their spring concert.
The students played to a standing room only crowd that
supplied each performer with energy. The musicians
range from undergraduate to graduate students of per-
cussio'n along with their director, Dr. Michael Udow.

School of Music
March 31, 2001

The works presented will also be
recorded for a new University
Percussion Ensemble CD.
The concert began with the intro-
duction of Thomas Siwe. He con-
ducted as a guest for the first half of
the program. He worked at the
University of Illinois for 29 years
and also toured with the Boston
Pops. Professor Udow described
him as his mentor and credited him
with the creation of a percussion lit-
erature course that all international
curriculums are based on.
Johanna Beyer composed the
opening piece, "1V" Using blocks,


6 Scooby Doo
16 Saved by the Bell
2 The Simpsons

6 Scooby Doo
2 The Simpsons

- x,
our esy o ox
Courtesy of NBC

10 The Wonder Years

5 Seinfeld

Courtesy of Dr,;Michael Udo

This definitely isn't elevator music.

gongs and snare drums, she structured the work like a
pyramid. This short piece warmed up the both the per-
formers and audience. The work "lonisation," by Edgard
Varese, came next and is one of the most influential
pieces of percussion music ever written. The use of
sirens throughout the piece showed its many dimensions.
The cymbal rolls and snare drum stood out in the
ensemble and presented rhythm exploration well.
The first half of the concert ended with "Canticle No.
3," by Lou Harrison. Dawn Kulak played the ocarina
solo terrifically and Carrie Magin accompanied her well
on the guitar. The complex rhythms and variations of the
melody stood out and made this longer piece very enjoy-
able. The ocarina is not regularly used, and this interpre-
tation showcased the instrument admirably.

After a brief intermission, the ensemble performed
"Tambourine Paraphrase," by Keiko Abe. This marimba
quintet was a high-spirited piece that displayed each of
the member's talent. The faster sequences were kept
light and precise. Next came "Rosewood Dreaming," by
William Cahn who is a member of the esteemed ensem-
ble Nexus. This 20-minute piece showcased Brian Zator
as the marimba soloist. Graduating with a master's
degree, he showed his versatile style of playing by
becoming absorbed in the music. The dreamlike accom-
paniment resonated as Zator unrelentingly displayed his
ability throughout the work.
The last piece of the evening featured Tomoko Azuma
as the second marimba soloist. University doctoral stu-
dent Roshanne Etezady wrote the work, "Feast of
Famine," and Azuma continued the extraordinary perfor-
mances with her own to end the concert. With Mark
Berry, Dan DeSena, Ako Toma-Bennett and Professor
Udow accompanying her, Azuma showed her skill.
Through the many loud crashes created by various types
of metal instruments, she kept her focus.

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Courtesy of NBC

7 The Cosby Show

1 Survivor II
7 The Cosby Show

Final FOUr full of TV favorites

By Jeff Dickerson
TV/New Media editor

The first annual TV tourney is
down to the final four, with familiar
names among the remaining shows.
The classics dominated over the cur-
rent selection of sitcoms and TV
dramas, as noted in the results of the
elite eight w'ith the stunning upsets
of top seeds "The Sopranos" and
"Survivor II."
"Scinfeld," "The Simpsons," "The
Cosby Show" and "Scooby Doo"
have proven themselves to be the
cream of the crop among the intial
batch of 64 shows. None of the num-
ber one seeds could handle the vet-
erans of the small screen, proving
the age of a show can only help.
"The Simpsons" was a favorite
early on, and many expected it to be
in contention for the championship.
The long running FOX cartoon has
received the most total votes in the
tournament so far, making it the
odds on favorite in Vegas.
Cartoons as a genre came up big
throughout each round, with "The
Simpsons" and "Scooby Doo" mak-
ing it into the final four. Nostaglia
has shown its bruteforce, especially

in the animated department. Many
of the live-action shows struggled to
find an effective strategy against the
drawings of Matt Groening and
Many readers are probably won-
dering, how did "Survi or II" lose to
"The Cosby Show?" Perhaps the
annoying presence of Jerri and the
menacing facial hair of chef Keith
led to the demise of "Survivor II" in
the tournament. Even with the
increased screen time of Miss
Elisabeth, the survivors were no
match for Rudy's adbrable antics.
"Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids"
came off the bench to mop the floor
with Rodger's hillbilly gut.
Funeral services for the cast of
"Survivor II" will be held at noon in
the Diag today. Crowds are expected
to exceed those gathered for Jesse
Jackson last Thursday so be sure to
arrive early.
Jeff Probst will be reading the
eulogy and promoting reruns of
"Rock & Roll Jeopardy." And now a
moment of silence for our beloved
Elisabeth ...
As difficult as it tnay be for many
of us on this campus and our col-
leagues around the world, the TV

tourney must continue despite the
loss of its most accomplished player.
Even though there are two rounds
remaining, Elisabeth Filarski has
been named the MVP of the tourney.
Offering her in depth analysis of
the final two rounds, Daily Arts is
proud to bring in "Punky Brewster"
herself, Soleil Moon Frye.
"Thanks for having me. I'm really
excited to be here, we have some
exciting games left, like wow. It's
been so long since I had any publici-
ty, it's really nice to be here. Did you
know I had a guest appearance on
'Saved by the Bell?' Yeah, one
episode. It had something to do with
spaghetti sauce. Anyway, I really
want Scooby and the gang to win,
they have so much talent, wow, it
would be a shame if they lost. Go
Sadly, that was the last of Punky's
brilliant analysis, as the former child
star went home to powder her nose.
Don't use drugs, only you can pre-
vent forest fires and don't forget to
vote on the semi-finals of the Daily
Arts first annual TV tournament.
- Send your picks to
jsdickerjurnich.edu and
rblay wumich.edu

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- Show 7:30pm

Michiaan State University


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