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March 30, 2001 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-03-30

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8 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 30, 2001


Troupe uses dance
to create community

Peppermint kids: *
White Stripes shine
a light on Detroit

By Charity Atchison
Daily Arts Writer
Ronald K. Brown's danc
"Evidence" is that. In dan
look at the experience of co
life, Brown's company att

Power Center
Tonight at 8 p.m.

share p
tives thr
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than nai
them. B:
been in
in the jo
they ha
and wh
are goin

new life begins and the old traditions
____ end.
Brown's choreography incorporates
e troupe a synthesis of the arts. "Water" is a
ces that collaborated work with performance
mmunity poet Cheryl Boyce-Taylor. Stories of
empts to tragedy, childhood, cleansing and
erspec- baptism are referenced in the texts
ough the used of Boyce-Taylor's. The piece is
The comprised of themes of violence, rit-
suggest ual initiation and healing.
*y to the For a community suffering from
rather self-inflicting wounds, "Water" is an
rrate for attempt to heal those wounds from
rown has the inside.
terested The final work to be presented by
urney of Brown's troupe is "Upside Down."
since he Again, Brown has chosen to use the
choreo- community as a focus and drawing
g: Where point for his choreography. While it
ve been initially looks at community mourn-
ere they ing, the piece focuses on the impetus
g. that drives individuals to their des-
r debut, tiny.
;h Life," The latter part of the work is set to
is a link a song by Fela Anikulapo Kti, of the
he rural same title..The song tells a story of
ovement chaos and corruption caused by the
moving desire for money and power.
s. "High Brown said in Dance Magazine, "I
vhere the want audiences to understand my sto-

By Sheila McClear
Daily Arts Writer

While most grown brothers and sis-
ters are competing with each other by
showing up for Thanksgiving in pro-
gressively bigger
Lexuses and
snipes across the
White dinner table, Jack
Stripes and Meg White
The Magic Stick are making

Saturday at 9 p.m.

monious music
together in
Detroit Rock
their duo the
White Stripes is
utterly devoid of

flies across a sprawling landscaped
then sneaks up on you in an alley. The
music is by no means rudimentary, but
it is simple in a manner that gazes at
the surrounding scenery, eloquently
spits on it, and then lights a cigarette.
On their third and most recent
album, "White Blood Cells," these
peppermint kids (they never appear in
anything besides white and red), write
anxious just-got-out-of-jail music that
is scrawled on the depressing c nt
cell-block walls of rock-and- -i.
However, 25-year-old Jack has a heart
full of the Delta blues, and hdwls like a
man who's seen three times what is
appropriate for his age. Meanwhile,
Meg bangs away on her drum set
almost halfheartedly in the back-
ground, and the effect is intriguing.
Rock music may be their prison, but
they're about to break out.
On "White Blood Cells," the @te
Stripes make it clear that they've found
their American Dream and still aren't
impressed. So, on Saturday, night be
ready for cocky Americana-blues com-
bined with an elusive melodic streak.
The White Stipes are crude and rude
and probably never respected their par-
ents, and we love them for it.

For their Power Center
Brown's newest work, "Hig
will be showcased. The piece
between the ex-slaves of t
south to the urban north, a m
similar to that of Africans
from their villages to citieE
Life" is an examination of w

Dance troupe Evidence tells an emotional tale of a people's journey.
Inset: Artistic director Ronald Brown knows just how to get bodies moving.

ries and messages. I want to share
something that is specific. If you stir
an audience, move them and inspire
them, that shifts them to feel warm
with each other and share a sense of

community. Whatever they come
away with ultimately has to do with
where they're coming from. But I
want to free the soul and physicality
of the person."

Tannenb aum intersects
poetry and incarceration

By Rosemary Metz
Vaily Arts Writer

Judith Tannenbaum stands poised at the inter-
section of art and activism, ready to fuse these
two seemingly disparate junctures. She tells of

Shaman Drum
Tomorrow at 8 p.m.

this quest in her latest book,
"Disguised as a Poem."
Tannenbaum became poet-
in-residence at California's
San Quentin Prison in May
1985, and her odyssey spans
four years. Recounting the
power of this transforma-
tional experience in her
book, she de-bunks every,
myth that surrounds a maxi-
mum-security prison. "My
students weren't myths ...
they weren't heroes or
beasts. They were human,"
she writes.
able to summon up the artistic

best in each of her students. Previously silent,
each man finds his own voice with the tutelage
of Judith Tannenbaum. The walls of San Quentin,
while indestructible, are nonetheless transcended
through the art of writing.
Tannenbaum's descriptions light up the pages
of her book and warm the bleakness of prison
life. For example, she speaks of Elmo, tall, black
and well muscled, (who) loved the poems of
Pablo Neruda and was himself a master of
An intensely private woman, Tannenbaum is
most willing to discuss the impulses for her cur-
rent work. In one of her last visits to San
Quentin, Elmo exhorted her to write a story from
her point of view, an idea that she dwelled on for
some time.
She assembled her thoughts and began to work
on the assignment that Elmo had given to her.
Tannenbaum says, "I realized that to do that I
had to put my life in some kind of context so a
reader would know the values, interests, experi-

Tannenbaum is

old Detroit rock cliches (you know -
Stooges nostalgia, really big guitars,
the idea that it's still 1969, songs that
name-drop local brews ...). That said,
if there were ever any doubts about the
White Stripes hometown, the song
"The Big Three Killed My Baby" pret-
ty much answers the question. Like
good politicians, the White Stripes are
tuned into their hometown's needs even
though they spend much of time
abroad (Sympathy for the Record
Industry record has sent them out tour-
ing Australia, Japan and the USA -
several times). They will be stumping
in Detroit on Saturday, so get a ticket
fast - the hometown crowd will
undoubtedly pack the Magic Stick to
The White Stripes are lovely on the
outside but have a few screws loose
inside that pretty head of theirs -
they're missing crucial elements, like a
bass, most chords and fancy guitar
stylings. But wait, who needs 'em?
Proving that all you need is "two
boards and a passion," they create love-
ly yet wonderfully crude music that
off power of1
By Matt randstaff
Daily Arts Writer
When Capcom released "Resident
Evil" for the original Playstation in
1996, it sold over a million copies and
made the Playstation a hot commodity.
The game that started the "survival-hor-
ror" genre was a huge success because
of its gruesome gameplay, movie-like
story line and
spine-tingling ter-
Grade: A- ror. Five years
later, Capcom has
Omnimusha delivered the
Warlords same formula of
For Playstation 2 "Resident Evil" to
Capcom the Playstation 2,
in the shape of
"Omnimusha Warlords."
In "Omnimusha," survival-horror
finds a new face. Gainers are now
placed in 16th-Century Japan facing
evil demons. As the legendary
Samanosuke, garners must use a power-
ful sword, magic and the mind in order
to free the Princess Yuke from the
clutches of the demons.
In the quest to save Princess Yuke, the
gameplay of "Omnismusha" is out-
standing. While the controls are similar
to Resident Evil, the fighting style of
"Omnimusha" seems to share more in
common with Capcom's arcade classic,
"Final Fight." Instead of running franti-
cally from zombies with little ammo to
spare, "Omnimusha" allows gainers to




.Computerized Layout assistants
*Sconning coordinator

ences, etc. of the
speaker. So the reader
could 'judge' my eval-
uations and insights
because they would
know where they came
from ... I wanted to
lead readers through an
experience they proba-
bly hadn't had, so I had
to make my voice in
the book trustworthy
and the only way I
know to do that is to be
Judith Tannenbaum
is a native of the West.
Her personal history is

Courtesy of Northeastern University Press
Judith Tannenbaum reads at Shaman Drum tomorrow.
one of social activism, as she was a member of
the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) during
the height of student protest in the 1970s. Seeking
to remove the elitism in society while pursuing
her love of words, she was strongly influenced by
other practitioners of arts in other places. Liz
Lerman (currently in residence here at the
University), Laurie Meadoff and Judy Baca are
some of names listed as her early role models.
"Disguised as a Poem" is a remarkable book by
a remarkable author, at once profound and sim-
ple. Tannenbaum, in the western tradition, found
gold among the tarnished prisoners at San

Courtesy of Sympathy for the Recr&1 ndustry
White Stripes: Young America at its finest.
ta' shows
the Deuce.;
bust out the can of whoop ass on the
enemy with a samurai sword, which has
many combo moves and magic spells.
In addition, "Omnimusha" adds new
RPG elements to the survival-horror
While the gameplay in "Omnimusha"
is a blast, the presentation of the game is
what makes it most memor e.
Boasting the most impressive visuals
yet on the Playstation 2, "Omnimusha"
looks more like a summer blockbuster
than a game. Not only are the CG
movies in the game breathtaking, they
really do an outstanding job inimmers-
ing gainers into the plot of the story. The
sound effects and music within the
game are also top-notch. s
Although most of the elements of
"Omnimusha" are remarkable, there are
some downsides. First, the voice g
of the characters is not the best;ever.
This flaw can be corrected, however, if
gamers switch the language to Japanese.
Since the game takes place in Japan, this
makes sense. After all, nobody wants to
see "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
with cheesy American voice-overs..
The second and most significant flaw
of "Omnimusha" is the game's length.
Only gainers without hands will f to
beat the game in less than five her.
Nevertheless, the quality of
"Omnimusha" makes the quantity seem
unimportant, as Capcom has onceagain
succeeded with the survival-horror

University Students Against Cancer
would like to thank those who helped make
Cancer Awareness Week 2001
a great success

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