- The Miicgan Daily --Wecnesday, March 28, 2001 ADMISSIONS ON TRIAL 2 similar cases result in dfferent rulings By Anna Clark Judges have handed down two strikingly diflir- ent decisions7 n the two pearl, identical lawsuits challeinag TaCe-sensitive admissions in the Uni- versitys I aw School and the College o Literature, Science nad ihe :Arts. sparking questions as to whati's next for both cases - including the possi- bility to,'combiningi them as they head for appeals. i.S Distnct udge Bernard Fnedman, who ruled against the La\ School's admission policy yester- d4ay, tfndamentallV d isagreed with U.S Disti ct Judge Patrick Duegai's decision in the LSA case. In a summary iudument for the LSA lawsuit, t )uggan upheld the Univeisity's claims that diversi- ty is a Compelling government interest. Friedman imiaintained that it is not. Although F 'riedman aireed with L'ugan that racial diversity on college ca mp ises enhances edu- c tion for all students, he wrote in his opinion that thiersity can only be attatiied ithrough race-neutral means. Both decisions Used the i 9'8 Supreme (ourt case 'c'r.+Jsiy & tCri/frn Regents v duAkke to ;ustiky thein opposin g positions. The Bakke case is considered th;i standard for "Friedman got it right and Duggan got it wrong." - Curt Levey CIR director of legal and public affairs affirmative action policies nationwide. It outlawed racial quotas, but Justice Lewis Powell, speaking only for himself, said race could be considered as one of many factors in admissions and hiring deci- sions to achieve diversity. Duggan based his decision on this rationale, and wrote in his opinion that the LSA's current admis- sions system considers race as one of manv ftctors in its applicants. Friedman, interpreting Bakke dif- ferently, concluded that Powell's opinion did not represent the other justices and is therefore not a part of the court's ultimate decision. Universiiy Provost Nancy Cantor said Fried- man's choice to depart from what she sees as legal precedent is significant. "It looks as if Friedman is really reaching out to change the law,' she said. "I believe that Friedman has really misread the Bakke decision. No Supreme Court decision has said that diversity cannot be a compelling interest. We believe our policy is fully compliant with the law." Ui niversity Recent Kathy White (D-Ann Arbor) agreed with Cantor. "I was very surprised \\ ith this decision" White said. "JudLe Friedman based his decision wholly on legal issues that are inconsistent with the Supreme Court:' Curt Levev, director of legal and public aI'airs for the Center of Individual Rights, the Washington D.C.-based firm challeiiging the University in both cases, said the two decisions demonstrate how the ambiguity of the Bakkc decision causes seeminly inconsistent ruhings. "But in nimv opinion. Friedman got it right and Duggan got it wrone," he added. Despite the contrasting opinions, it is possible the two cases will be combined as they head towards the 6th Circuit Court ofIAppeals. One of the three parties in the cases must move for consolidation before the appeals court consi ders it, Levey said. adding that the CIR has not vet had a chance to consider whether or not consolidation X\ouid be in their- t\r. MI iranda MIassie, lead attorney for the student intervenors, said the chance of combinine the cases is good. "There actually might be a better chance for the cases to consolidate since they have deci- sions that are in such sharp contrast," Massie said. "Somebody has to have the final word as to whether or not diversity is a coipel ling state interest., But as CIR continues its efiort to eradicate afir- mati e action policies, the contrasting o)pinions could have an impact beyond the University. Lead CIR attorney Kirk Kolbo said he thinks other courts Xill not only look at both opinions, and note that Duggan's decision vas based solely on pre-trial evidence. "What's especially-gratifying about this decision is that it comes after a fulI blowiin trial and after liearing powcrful evidence.' Kolbo said yesterday. "I think it just adds to the iiomentum of climinat- ing atfrmative action that relies on discrimination." But Kolbo added that CIR isn't planning oiliniti- atin any more la\suits while the Lniersity cases are still in appeals. "We have our hands full'' Kolbo said. "We want to see these cases on to the end." Bakke case remains at center of debate By Jen Fish Daily Statl kcportcr Four years, one trial and two decisions later, the question of vwhict her dix ersity is a conipel Ii ng g overn ment i lterest remains murky as ever. But that question is at the heart of the case, and holds the fate of affirmative action ii its answ\er - whatever that may be. The U.S. Supreme Court has not directly addressed this issue since 1978. after the sharply divided court issued three separate opinions in Lin iversit itof, Caifornia Rc0ensuI: B akkc. As the University wrote in its post- trial summary brief to U.S. District .Judge I Bernard Friedman: "it the end. this case boils dow n to the question of the meaning of Bakk'." Four of the niiie Supreme C(ourt jus- tices. known as the "Stev ens Four,' r uled that the use of any racial quota wxas impermissible, while the "Brennan FoLIC held that race could be used as a factor in admissions to remedy past dis- criiiinaiion in very specific situations. Justice Lewis Powell cast the tie- breaking vote for both opinions, forcine the University of 'Califrnia at Davis to admit plaintifi' AlIan Bakke but declarine ace permissible. IHIow\ ever, he also wrote a separate opinion in which he held that race could be taken into account as one of ianx tactors to achieve diversity. PiCcine tocethier exactly what was meant in the Bakke decision has been a task legal experts have struggled with ever since. The University has contended that Powell's opinion constitutes the control- ling opinion in the case, which is a cen- tral point of disagreement between Friedian and U.S. District Judee Patrick Du can, who affirmed the diversity rationale in the undergraduate case. 'The "Brennan Four. -Friedman said. only joined Powxell in saving that race could be used but "they disageed entire- ly as to the reasons why." University of' Texas Law Prof. Lino Gra"lia agreed w ith Fri edian's inter'pre- tation, saving Powell alone discussed the diversity rationale, independent of his fellow justices. But law p'rofessors Jeroiiie Culp and Robert Sedler disagreed, saying there has been an implicit agreement that Powell's opinion is the controlling argument. "I stronely disacree with his readinu of the BIlAAke case,' said Sedler. a professor at Wayne State University. "From the time of the Bakke decision in 1978 until the 5th Circuit in Hopood in 1996. uni- versities had assumed that Bakke permit- ted the use of diversit," as a rationale f'or usin race, Ile said. referring to the 1996 case Hopwood 1 'n.iersili of h'aWs, which declared Bak1 dead. Culp. a professor at Duke Law School also aereed. callin IFriedmaiin's opinion '.a poorly crafted effort to reverse Bak//a' Culp also warned not to undeirestimate the role of politics in Friedman's deci- sion. '"[he judge is buying into the polit- ical and social "ievs of the people behind this nmovement (to end atlirma- tile action). It's the opposite of the peo- ple who brought Brown i Board of ldcation. he said. Excerpts from, yesterday's ruling by U.S. District Judge Bernard Redman "A major bone of contention in this case has been the extent to which race is considered in the admissions process. The evidence shows that race is not, as defendants have argued, merely one factor which is considered among many others in the' admissions process. Rather, the evidence indisputably demonstrates that the law school places a very heavy emphasis on an applicant's race in deciding whether to accept or reject. "in each year at issue in this case, Native American, African American, Mexican American and Puerto Rican applicants have been admitted in . significantly greater proportions than' Caucasian applicants with the same or similar undergraduate GPA's and LSAT scores,. 'The connection between race and viewpoint is tenuous, at best, The defendants walk a fine line in simultaneously arguing that one's viewpoints are not determined by one's race but that certain viewpoints might not be voiced if students of particular races are not admitted in significant numbers. Some of defendants' witnesses testified that classroom discussion is improved whenthe class is racially diverse, and some gave examples of viewpoints expressed in class by underrepresented minority students. However, these witnesses generally conceded that these viewpoints might equally have been expressed by non- minority students. .. "The court does not doubt that racial diversity in the law school population may provide these educational and societal benefits. Nor are these benefits disputed by the plaintiffs in this case. Clearly the benefits are important and laudable. Nonetheless, the fact remains that the attainment. of a racially diverse class Is not a compelling state interest because it was not recognized as such by Bakke and it is not a remedy for past discrimination. "The defendants have indicated that they will continue to use race as a factor in admissions for as long as necessary to admit a critical mass of underrepresented minority students, and no one can predict how long that might be. Such indefiniteness weights heavily against a finding of narrow taior-ng. "During some of the years at issue in the lawsuit, the law school bulletin' indicated that special attention has been given to 'students who are African American, Mexican American. Native American, or Puerto Rican and raised on the U.S. mainland.' The law school has failed to offer a principled explanation as to why it has singled out these particular groups for special attention. Certainly, other groups have also been subjected to discrimination, such as Arabs and southern and eastern Europeans to name but a few, yet the court heard nothing to suggest that the law school has concerned itself as to whether members of these groups are represented 'in meaningful numbers.' "While the law school has not set aside a fixed number of seats for underrepresented minority students, as did the medical school in Bakke, there is no principled difference between a fixed number of seats and an essentially fixed minimum percentage figure. ... While defendants contend that the law school's admissions policy differs from U.C. Davis' in that all applicants compete against one another, the fact of the matter is that approximately 10 percent of each'entering class is effectively reserved for members of particular races, and those seats are insulated from competition. "For all of these reasons, the court believes that the attainment of a racially diverse student bodyis not a compelling state interest. Even if it were, the law school's admissions policy is not narrowly tailored to serve that interest. Accordingly, the court concludes that the law school's 1992 admissions policy violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. I . -I National Public Radio it's a simple calculation: TIAA-CREF's low expenses mean more money working for you. The equationis easy. Lcwer expenses in managing a1 fi:ud a egal be ter erformance. Hw muC'. Esu; Ke a look at the rhart. Then call us. 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