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January 11, 2001 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-01-11

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10A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 11, 2001




No.1 Blue set to face
No. 2 Olio State
The Michigan men's gymnastics
team will face Big Ten rivals No. 10
Michigan State and No. 2 Ohio State,
among others, at the Windy City
Invitational in Chicago.
"The guys are talking about beating
OSU," Michigan coach Kurt Golder
said. "But we're not using Justin Toman,
so we're far from full strength."
This season, the Wolverines- have a
chance to do something they have not
done in 31 years of competing in the
Windy City Invitational. Though the
Wolverines have fared well in the past,
they have never won in Chicago.
Last season, the men's gymnastics
team came in second to Ohio State by a
margin of 0.825.
"My preference is always to win, but
I'm not expecting to win," said Golder.
"We're going to de-emphasize difficulty
(in our routines) and place the emphasis

on consistency."
Since this will be the first tourna-
ment of the season, the team's focus
will be on hitting its routines and
adjusting to the new rules. "With this
new year upon us, there are still some
unknowns as far as where we are in
comparison to some other programs;"
assistant coach Mike Burns said. "This
weekend is going to give us a good pre-
diction of where we are."
- Swapnil Patel
Women open home
schedule tomorrow
With illness behind it, the Michigan
women's gymnastics team will host its
first meet of the season tomorrow at
Cliff Keen Arena against Oregon
State. Before last weekend's competi-
tion, eight members of the team came
down with flu-like symptoms, pre-
venting peak performances.
"It's important that we get our fans
out and excited about this team,"
coach Bev Plocki said.
Freshman Olympian Elise Ray will
not compete in the meet due to con-

tractual obligations, but will make her
Michigan debut Jan. 19.
- Naweed Sikora
Six swimmers disciplined
for violating team rules
Six members of the Michigan
women's swimming team were disci-
plined following the team's trip to
Hawaii over winter break.
The unnamed athletes violated team
rules, coach Jim Richardson said.
"No one was out of control," he said.
"No laws were broken, and no one was
hurt other than the girls themselves."
The punishments were tailored to
each individual and administered
with the consent of the Athletic
Three girls were suspended from the
team. A fourth was dismissed, but that
decision accounted for other factors
unrelated to the incident.
Richardson said the actions were
taken in the best interest of the team
and individuals. "This reinforces what'
the program's values are."
- Steve Jackson

Lavin's job.
The call came
a day after
UCLA athletic
director Peter
Dalis said he has
had two phone
con v ers at ions
with Pitino in the


Pitino talks to UCLA;
will speak with UNLV
Pitino called UCLA basketball
coach Steve Lavin on yesterday to
say that he's not interested in

NCAA basketball
Yesterday's results
No. 3 MICHIGAN STATE 84, Northwestern 53
No. 7 Florida 81, MISSISSIPPI STATE 80
No. 9 North Carolina 86, No. 14
No. 12 CONNECTICUT 73, Pittsburgh 53
PURDUE 73, No. 17 Wisconsin 67
Today's game
No. 8 Illinois at No. 24 Iowa, 7:35 p.m.
Yesterday's results
BoSToN 88, Miami 76
Seattle 104, WASHINGTON 101
Toronto 110, DETROIT 85
Dallas 107, MINNESOTA 86
Portland 93, PHILADELPHIA 75
Denver at L.A. Clippers, inc.
Cleveland at Sacramento, inc.
Today's games
Golden State at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.
Portland at Charlotte, 7:30 p.m.
Houston at New York, 7:30 p.m.
Orlando at New Jersey, 7:30 p.m.
Dallas at Milwaukee, 8 p.m.
Indiana at Phoenix, 8 p.m.

past month, which surprised
Dalis said Tuesday that the con-
versations, made at the request of
a mutual friend, were brief and
"none of them'had anything to do
with the UCLA job in particular."
Pitino also plans on speaking
with UNLV after taking some time

Daniel Diaz-Luong and No.1 Michigan face
No. 2 Ohio State this weekend.

U a '


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