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March 26, 2001 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2001-03-26

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8A-- - The MichiganDaily -- M nday, March 26, 2001
Daily Arts *i "iW urnament


1 h Sopranos
1 The Sopranos
5 XFies
6 Scooby Doo
6 Scooby Doo
I Iron C'ef
16 Saved by the Bell
16 Saved by the Bell
12 Family Ties
14 Looney Tunes
12 The Simpsons

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f :'
Courtesy of Cartoon Network
A ;.1 4
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is:.;:'iii~i~:}i}}:-: :/ ^"? i:{'
Courtesy of NBC

5 Seinfeld
5 Seinfeld
6 South Park
10 The Wonder Years
10 The Wonder Years
1 Survivor II
Survivor II
13 Silver Spoons
3 NYPD Blue
7 The Cosby Show
7 The Cosby Show

The Filarski Files: Why our
voyeuristic culture is obsessed


2 The Simpsons

Sweet 16: 'ER' declared DOA,

By Ryan Blay
Daily Arts Writer
Notwithstanding a matchup be
"Scooby Doo" that resembled a
the Daily TV Tournament's roun
dominating blowouts that a num
asses handed to them or, silver
Apparently somebody forgot
"Looney Toons," "ER," and "NY'
Each show received no more tha
despite solid regular season perfo
Sipowicz, Alex P. Keaton and Fog
"ER" especially went down h
number one ranked prime time she
staff's heart. One question on ever
Dr. Greene (Anthony Edwards, d
son) a brain tumor? Why not al
honor and without cheesy melodra
"X-Files" folded to "The Sopr
Doggett realized that the mob I
while the "X-Files" is waning
topped "South Park" when Trey
concentrating their efforts this y
My Bush," realized that nobody h
of the new South Park episodes.
In the quality games. "Survi
kinsert your own "voting off thei
Ricky Schroeder voluntarily qu
castaway Jerri for one more sec

pleasing, since it allows us to display more photos of cute
castaway Elisabeth Filarski!
Finally, the main matchup. The battle between the gang
tween "Iron Chef" and at "Scooby Doo" and "Iron Chef" took place in Kitchen
Duke-Maryland game, Stadium. The secret ingredient was a snow ghost that was
id three produced such secretly a prospector hoping to scare away people from
iber of teams had their land he wanted to buy. Despite Chef Morimoto's attempts
platters (with "Silver to cook up something Scooby and Shaggy couldn't eat, he
couldn't. Celebrity panelists The Harlem Globetrotters,
to tell "Family Ties," Batman and Robin and Don Knotts all rated challenger
0PD Blue" to show up. Scooby's action superior.
.n two votes this round, Round four's main event features "Scooby Doo" trying
rmances from Detective to solve the mystery of w.ho capped ex-Sopranos Big
horn Leghorn. Pussy and Richie Aprile. Newly made man Christopher
ard. Despite being the Moltisanti will no doubt try and score some drugs from
ow, many questioned the the psychedelic Machine.
ryone's minds: Why give This round's other matchups: Cinderella "Saved by the
eparting after next sea- Bell" versus cartoon extraordinaire "The Simpsons."
low him to go down in Seinfeld tries once and for all to figure out what is the
ama, as in "Top Gun?" deal with "The Wonder Years." Finally, "Survivor II" tries
anos" when Scully and to, well, survive Bill "Fat Albert" Cosby" and the
hit is still in its prime, adorable cuteness of Raven Symone. Rumor has it he will
. "The Wonder Years" try and convince Kodak film and Jello pudding to sponsor
Parker and Matt Stone, his quest to dethrone the Barramundi tribe.
ear on the new "That's When this round's results are announced, we will have a
as actually watched any special guest Final Four commentator: Punky Brewster.
Yes, that's correct, everyone's favorite 1980s orphan and
vor II" remained alive "Saved by the Bell" guest star will be providing color
island" joke here) when commentary for us on the Road to Snoqualmie,
it, rather than listen to Washington. Until then, keep voting. The Filarski Trophy
ond. This is especially is in your hands.
."r. 'S: : ii~ii~i is:> ii:> ;ii~i;5ii> ~ c:: i~ ~ii >';::>:2%


'3' explores human expenence
through choreography, music

Courtesy of NBC
LEFT: The gang celebrates its victory over the doctors of "ER."
RIGHT: Raven Symone goes over the game plan for Cosby's next match-up, "Survivor."
Send all your TV Tourney picks..........k-..
half-rwitted, scruffy looking nerf herders,
Ryan Bla and Jeff Dickerson,
(rblay@ umich.ed i, Isdicker@ iimichedu)
by Wednesday.

By Charity Atchinson
Daily Arts Writer
In "3," Dance Department gradu-
ate students Jodi Leigh Allen,
Melissa Beck and Darren Dunn
explore different
aspects in
human life with
3 their thesis
.7 choreography.
Pease Studio Theater These perfor-
mances will
March 29-318 p.m. include a look at
a personal life
journey, Lee
H i a r v e y
Oswald's mother
and a landscape
of different peo-
Jodi Leigh Allen's work is about
"a person trying to have a career and
a love interest at the same time."
Allen looked at how her own desire
for a career in dance moved her
away from the people she cared

about for this work.
"Inside Life," the name'of her
work, features six women University
dancers as well as Allen. The
dancers use both soft and strong
movements. The final section is
physical, with her dancers dancing
on chairs, Allen's piece attempts to
make the viewer wonder how the
dancer is able to do what they are
The underground dance communi-
ty has influenced Allen. While living
in New York, she went to raves and
observed the dance that was taking
place. She uses this experience to
help her create movements and
dances. The music accompanying
"Inside Life" has been arranged and
composed by Christopher Peck. The
score will offer a pulse similar to
that in techno music. "I appreciate
the uniqueness of (underground
dance). I like new and exciting
things, especially things that are
hard," Allen said.
Melissa Beck will present two
works, one of which examines the
life of Lee Harvey Oswald's mother.
"Oswald's Mother" was inspired by
an interview Beck heard on National
Public Radio with Oswald's mother.
Beck was fascinated with the situa-
tion, in particular the rationalization
Marguerite Oswald had to do in
order to make it okay for herself and
her son. The solo will be performed
by Beck to seven minutes of the
interview. "Her voice is very musi-
cal and I saw the dance," Beck said
of her choice to use only Oswald's

voice as music.
In her group piece, Beck used
Rodin sculptures. The work is bro-
ken into three sections: The beaut
of the sculpture's athletic muscl
riding, and unrequited love. Ballet's
lines and fluidity have heavily influ-
enced Beck's style; she has brought
the sensibility of modern and the
use of pedestrian into these works.
In "... and Other Works Starting
with the Letter 'D,"' Darren Dunn.
wanted to create a landscape of dif-
ferent people without a single focal
point. He used a novel, a movie,
online site for collage artwork, and a
tumbling Coke can as inspiration.
Dunn wanted his piece to be based
in the human experience. "I like the
idea that you can't see all the shapes
at the same"time, no matter how fast
the eye moves," said Dunn.
Dunn took one psychological
landscape and put it onto ten differ-
ent dancers. He chose the color blue
for costuming because of its many
different shades that can evoke d
ferent reactions. He worked wi
cellist Katri Ervamaa and Mark
Kirschenman to create music for his
solo. The collaboration went so well
that the musicians were able to mir-
ror what Dunn was saying in his
The concert, a senior thesis pro-
ject, is the culmination of these
choreographers' work at the unive -
sity. After graduation Allen a
Dunn would like to continue their
professional dance careers, and
Beck would enjoy teaching ballet.

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