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March 16, 2001
" ; ~ .
i!# f f is
going up
Student ID checks coming soon, Martin says
By Anna Clark
Dailv Staff Reporter
Prices 'of season football tickets will
be raised significantly this fall for both
students and the public as part of the
Athletic Department's long-term plan to
rebuild financial stability.
In addition, students may have to
show their M-Cards to gain access to
Michigan Stadium as early as the fol-
lowing season, Athletic Director Bill
Martin said yesterday.
For students, ticket prices will rise
from $13.50 to $17.50 per game.
Including a new. $5 service fee, stu-
dent tickets for all six home games this
year will cost $110, compared to $85
"We are not here to finance your social life
through Michigan football tickets."
- Bill Martin
Athletic Director
a~t . ' h.c
Victors $47
3 Blue $43
Maize $39
Students $17.50
SOURCE: Michigan Athletic Department
Michigan Stadium will be
divided into four sections,
each with different ticket
prices. Last year's tickets
cost $31 per game for the
general public and $13.50
for students.
last year. This is the first student ticket
increase since the 1996 season.
Martin announced the price hike and
highlighted other parts of the plan -
including seating restructuring - at
yesterday's meeting of the University
Board of Regents. Yesterday evening,
Martin also sent an e-mail to University
students highlighting the changes.
Additionally, Martin said, the Univer-
sity soon plans to take measures to make
sure student tickets are not being sold
for profit.
"When I was a student I had to show
my ID. That is coming again. Trust me,"
Martin said. "It just turns me sideways
when I turn on eBay and see all these
tickets for sale, and you look at the sec-
tion number and you know those are stu-
dent seats.
"We are not here to finance your
social life through Michigan football
Martin said certain financial chal-
lenges forced the Athletic Department to
increase ticket prices and look into other
ways to generate revenue. He noted that
the athletic program has grown signifi-
cantly, while "costs to remain competi-
tive are growing."
He added that revenues from the foot-
ball, ice hockey and men's basketball
programs support all 25 varsity sports.
"The new ticket pricing plan will
bring in $5 million in additional rev-
enue," Martin said, comparing it to the
$2.2 million the University received
See TICKETS, Page 5
winter 2003
Part six of a six Part series
about campaign platforms
Some try
toavo id
By Shannon Pettyp ece
Daily Staff Reporter
Although the University has a wide
variety of student political parties, some
students who wish to become involved
in the Michigan Student Assembly feel
their platforms are best represented by
running independently of any party.
MSA President Hideki Tsutsumi, an
independent, has made an unprecedent-
ed decision to run for re-election
despite much opposition from current
MSA representatives.
Tsutsumi said he is running again in
an effort to try and fulfill some of the
issues he was unable to accomplish in
his first term. "I feel that I could accom-
plish a lot - I just want to continue the
l work I started," Tsutsumi said.
tIn addition to finishing some projects
he started last term, Tsutsumi also plans
to improve the bus system on North and
Central campuses, an issue he already
began, extend dinning hall and other
University building hours and improve
communication between MSA and the
student body.
"I would like to hold a town hall
meeting once a month where students
can come to express concerns to MSA
members," Tsutsumi said.
Tsutsumi said he feels his position as
an independent candidate increases his
ability to achieve his goals.
y "The best person to do this is inde-
pendent candidates; independents can
stay above the fray of campus politics,"
Tsutsumi said.
Tsutsumi's running mate, LSA junior
Whitey could
get probation
By Kristen Beaumont Swartz stated that barring any unex-
Daily Staff Reporter nected developments in the investia-
Former Michigan football captain
James Whitley pleaded guilty yester-
day to charges of carrying a concealed
weapon and will
likely be sentenced
to one year of pro-
Whitley was dis-
missed from the
team Dec. 14 after
he was found car-
rying a loaded
handgun at a Hill
Street apartment
complex. Whitley
As is standard when any plea of
guilty is entered, Circuit Court Judge
David Swartz ruled that Whitley
waived his rights to a jury trial with the
plea. A preliminary sentencing date
was set for May 3.
tion, Whitley will be sentenced to one
year of probation.
The concealed weapons charge car-
ries a maximum sentence of up to five
years in prison, but Whitley guilty plea
will most likely save him from having
to serve any prison time.
Whitley was brought in for ques-
tionigig by the Ann Arbor Police
Department when he was found carry-
ing a Jennings 380 Auto semiautomat-
ic handgun outside the apartment of
then-teammate David Terrell's ex-girl-
Whitley told police he was at the
apartment to help Terrell mediate a dis-
pute between Terrell and his ex-girl-
friend's new boyfriend.
He was subsequently dismissed from
the football team by coach Lloyd Carr.
Terrell has not been charged with
any crime related to the incident.
Hideki Tsutsumi, whose one-man, signboard campaign last year gave him a landslide victory in the Michigan Student
Assembly presidential race, is now seeking to lead the assembly for an unprecedented second term.
Hidekie clms he hs fulfilled
hs duties; colleages disagrree
By Shuinon Pettypiece
Daily Staff Reporter
Through campus politics and the struggle to carry
through with promises he made to voters last winter,
Hideki Tsutsumi said he has successfully fulfilled his role
as Michigan Student Assembly
president, despite the questioning of
his leadership ability by assembly
"I have continued to carry the
sign saying 'Tell me your concerns'
since after I was elected," Tsutsumi
said. "The problem with previous
candidates was that students didn't
Friday Focus: A
final look at the
presidential and
candidates in
next week's MSA
election. Page 10.
information online for 380 out of 1,900 undergraduate
courses and improving the University bus system.
"I promised to improve the bus system; it improved. It
used to run every 20 minutes but had gaps during the day
when students would have to wait 40 minutes. Now it runs
20 minutes all day," Tsutsumi said.
MSA Treasurer Siafa Hage said he agrees Tsutsumi has
accomplished his campaign promises but there are many
other issues that the assembly had to deal with which the
president was not involved.
"He did a great job as far as advocating the bus service
and getting text book information online, but as far as
everything else MSA was involved in, he didn't bother
himself with it. He was not much of a leader and he really
frustrated many members of the assembly," Hage said.
MSA Vice President Jim Secreto, Tsutsumi's running
mate during last year's election, said Tsutsumi's leadership
See HIDEKI, Page 7
Sean McGrath plays the Irish bouzouki at Conor O'Neill's pub on Main Street yesterday.
McGrath, an Irish native, will perform there with his band today and tomorrow.
"JSH Pus
even know the name of the MSA president in the past"
He defends himself by claiming that he has fulfilled the
promises he made to voters, including putting textbook
Sparks flying
4 fraternities plan Local bars
return to campus
By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporter
Four fraternities are planning a fresh
start for their chapters on campus in
response to a new expansion policy
adopted by the Interfraternity Council
and declining numbers of students
receiving bids during rush.
Zeta Beta Tau, Phi Gamma Delta,
Phi Delta Theta and Alpha Epsilon Pi,
all of which were kicked off campus in
recent years, now hope to return to
campus under IFC's new expansion
came through rush didn't get a bid at
all," Hustvedt said. "The addition of the
new chapters on campus is what we're
taking into consideration."
Alpha Epsilon Pi is remodeling its
house, which is expected to be occu-
pied by new members by the fall. The
fraternity approached IFC in November
and was able to recruit about 30 men,
said Alpha Epsilon Pi Executive Vice
President Sidney Dunn.
AEPi's charter was revoked in
December 1999 after a pledge was shot
in the groin with a BB gun during a
hazing incident. Other pledges alleged
to celebrate
By Courtney Crimmins
D~aly Staff Reporter #
Whether Irish or not, students
have long anticipated tomorrow's
St. Patrick's Day festivities, and the
bars are ready for them. The holi-
day, although not a huge celebration
in Ireland, has become an excuse
for a full day of drinking on college
The green beer will start flowing
at many bars in Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti at 7 a.m. tomorrow.
bring your hats and gloves and wait
because it's a great ole Irish bar,"
said bar manager Mary Zon Esbeck.
"It is very hectic, very fun, but only
the strong survive."
Conor O'Neill's is opening with
breakfast at 7 a.m. and lunch and
appetizers beginning at 11. There is
a $5 cover charge because of the
costs incurred in trying to create a
traditional Irish environment.
"I flew a band over from Ireland.
There will be traditional Irish danc-
ing, and bagpipes," said Esbeck.
The bar's reputation for Irish fun
is well-known among students.
"I am going to Conor O'Neill's to
dance the Irish jig with a guy wear-
ing only a skirt and nothing under-
neath," said Becky Ward, an LSA
The Wooden Nickel in Ypsilanti
is also opening at 7 a.m. tomorrow.
In special preparation for the espe-