The Michigan Daily -- Tuesday, March 13, 2001 - 3
Woman runs into
traffic on Murfin
The University's Department of Pub-
i Safety responded to a call Friday that
female subject was attempting to
commit suicide by running in front of
traffic on Murfin Street in front of Pier-
pont Commons. The woman was trans-
ported to University Hospitals.
Sleeping students
found in Angell Hall
A DPS officer escorted two individu-
als out of Angell Hall early Friday
mrnming when they were found sleep-
Sin one of the auditoriums.
Door damaged in
South Quad
DPS reports state that unknown per-
sons broke an exterior door on the ninth
floor of the South Quad Residence Hall
fiday morning. DPS did not report
hiving any suspects.
Marijuana found
by bus driver
A University bus driver found a mar-
ijuana joint Friday afternoon, DPS
reports state.
An individual allegedly left the
marijuana on the bus sometime
between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. Friday
Wey thief strikes
at Markley
A caller notified DPS that his keys
were stolen from his room at Mary
Markley Residence Hall on Friday
night. DPS had no suspects in the bur-
Individual caught
empoking in Arb
While on patrol at the Nichols
Arboretum on Saturday night, a DPS
fficer observed a subject smoking
what was suspected to be marijuana
near the entrance, reports state.
The subject was then arrested for
drug possession.
Student breaks
warm in East Quad
FA student at East Quad Residence
Hall broke the glass to the pull station
ofa fire alarm Friday morning, DPS
reports state.
SThe damage was accidental and was
eaused when the resident backed into
the device.
,Mouse reported
fissing from lab
bPS reports state a caller notified the
department Friday night that a mouse
was missing from one of the computers
aPtthe lab of Alice Lloyd Residence
West Quad site of
graffiti vandalism
'&PS reports state that an officer
fund graffiti on the walls of a fourth
, restroom in West Hall Sunday
night. There are no suspects in the van-
Stispect steals
Ieeping bag
A caller notified DPS Saturday to
inform officers that her sleeping bag
had been stolen from the laundry room
Vest Quad Residence Hall during the
previous week.
Reports state the bag was stolen
when the caller left it unattended. DPS
hasno suspects in the incident.
No damage found
to bulletin board
DPS was notified Sunday night to
check a bulletin board at Mary Markley
Residence Hall for damage, reports
The officer checked the bulletin
board, but found no damage.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Kristen Beaumont.
By Kay Bhagat
Daily Staff' Reporter
Frustrated from trying to remember specif-
ic URLs needed for a particular class?
Perhaps the required website is book-
marked on your home PC, so while you sit at
an Angell Hall computer racking your brain
for the exact address, valuable time is wast-
To combat this, the University Library is
sponsoring an easily accessible program,
called MyLibrary, designed to organize and
personalize virtually any website from all
computer sites on campus.
The service went online at
my.lib.umich.edu as a pilot program yester-
"This program is going to be useful for
both students and faculty," said Kitty
Bridges, head of the Science Library.
Students and faculty can log on to MyLi-
brary with their unigname and kerberos pass-
word or library password.
First-time users must fill out a brief ques-
tionnaire that asks for input about the user's
interests, allowing the program to suggest
specific links relating to one's concentration.
"Before any further development, we want
to know what aspects people find useful,"
Bridges said.
The software needed to launch this pro-
gram was given to the University of Michi-
gan by the University of North Carolina, fol-
lowing a trend of other colleges nationwide
that are trying to expand the accessibility of
websites, said Bridges.
"A survey pops up after someone logs iii
for the third time. They will ask simple ques-
tions so that I can collect a couple focus
groups and find out if the program is suc-
cessful," said Maria Bonn, a senior associate
MyLibrary may primarily fulfill academic
needs, but it does not exclude personal uses.
"The user may customize this program and
search the Internet without having to place
bookmarks on each page," said library
spokeswoman Wanda Monroe.
The convenience and usage of this program
stretch beyond the campus boundaries, Mon-
roe said.
"When students go away on spring break
or over the summer, chances are they do not.
remember URLs. MyLibrary allows them to
easily access these websites," she said.
The number of users the site draws, as well
as the criticism it may face, will determine
its future revisions.
"For a lot of my classes they are many
URLs I need to use and they are pretty long,.
I will definitely use this program because of
its convenience," said Engineering freshman
Lynne Gratz.
pilot program goes online
Eating Disorder Awareness
Week events aim to educate
Dani Gatewood, an LSA Junior, campaigns for the Blue Party on the Diag
SA campaigns
tryvanous tactics
aselecion nears
By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporter
In an attempt to increase awareness Counseling and
Psychological Services has organized eating disorder
awareness week titled "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall:
Rewriting the Fairy Tale."
Event coordinator Stacey Pearson, a CAPS clinical
psychologist, said the week aims to cultivate knowl-
edge of how to cope with eating disorders from differ-
ent perspectives.
The information discussed this week hopes to bene-
fit students who are victims of the disease as well as
friends of the victims.
"This is an opportunity to get the word out," Pearson
"A person who is dealing with a disorder may be
more likely to get help if someone is available get them
in the treatment," she added.
Public Health student Danielle Bauer said in the
thought process of eating disorders, one's worth is
determined by others.
"Other people's appreciation of you means more to
you than your own opinion of yourself," Bauer said.
And once on the track to recovery, it can be difficult
for someone suffering from the disease to completely
eliminate the destructive behaviors, Bauer said.
"It's easy to slip back into the behavior if you don't
have a strong social backing," Bauer said.
One way students have created a social backing is
through S.P.E.A.K, the Student group Promoting Edu-
cation Awareness and Knowledge about eating disor-
Some members are recovering from eating disorders
and have opened themselves and told their stories in
order to help others.
"It keeps them focused and stay inspired," Bauer
said. "If you break free from it, the last thing you want
to do is to see someone suffer. For people who have
gained control over the disorder, it helps remind them
of where they've been and keeps them from going back
to the behaviors."
The Panhellenic Association is also contributing to
the week events by doing passive programming, Pear-
son said.
This evening students can learn how to approach and
help friends with eating disorders at "Help My Friend
Has An Eating Disorder," sponsored by CAPS and the
Office of Greek Life.
The event is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. in the
Michigan Union's Kuenzel Room.
The University theatre troupe Mentality will give a
dramatic presentation on facilitating discussion among
"We're concentrating on helping people to learn
careful confrontation," Pearson said.
One sign that a friend may have an eating disorder is
obsessive exercising.
LSA sophomore Monika Offerman said her friends
intervened once they began to worry about her con-
trolled eating and excessive exercising.
Offerman said her level of guilt about the amount of
food she was eating depended on how she worked out.
"I had anorexia and I eventually had exercise addic-
tion at the same time," Offerman said. "I got up every
morning at 6:30 a.m. to work out at the CCRB. Some-
times I would work out more depending on how much
I'd ate the night before."
At the final event of the week at the S.P.E.A.K. Out
in East Quad Auditorium, students will have an oppor-
tunity to voice their life stories about eating disorders.
The first half will be a skit, followed by students shar-
ing poetry, letters and their personal experiences.
There will be a brief slideshow, a question and answer
session and a panel discussion will follow.
For more information, students can visit the follow-
ing websites: http://www.umich.edu/~caps and
By Carrie Thorson
Daily Staff Reporter
The more than 90 candidates
running for Michigan Student
Assembly know that name recog-
nition is key to winning next
Wednesday and Thursday's elec-
Traditionally, almost all candi-
dates chalk sidewalks and build-
ings. The Michigan Party, which
began chalking well before
break, specializes in this cam-
paign tactic. Their large logo that
appeared on the Diag Sunday
took 6 hours to make.
"It was sort of a team-building
exercise," said Michigan Party
presidential candidate Doug
Candidates also go door-to-
door to reach students. Most can-
didates said this is a necessary
component to campaigning.
"The most important tactic is
one-on-one interaction," said
Blue Party vice-presidential can-
didate Jessica Cash. "There's
nothing to replace talking to
"I always ask people what they
want to have changed on cam-
pus," said Blue Party presidential
candidate Matt Nolan.
MSA has focused on the con-
troversy of door-to-door cam-
paigning in recent meetings. This
year University Housing set a
curfew of 10 p.m. for candidates
campaigning in residence halls.
Candidates found campaigning
after 10 will receive three demer-
its from MSA, with five demerits
resulting in removal from the
Although there have been Uni-
versity Housing regulations
regarding campaigning in the
residence halls in past years, up
until this year candidates
received no punishment from
MSA for infringement of Univer-
sity dousing rules.
Large banners on the Diag
coupled with chalk add up to a
hefty price. Some student politi-
cal parties have a monetary
advantage because of their
groups' structures, but others are
not so fortunate.
"We're competing against
other groups that are really struc-
tured," said Alicia Johnson, vice-
presidential candidate for the
University Democratic Party.
"Our money comes out of our
pocket and from supportive
"Other parties are outspending
us," said Tietz. "We'make up for
how we've been outspent by
them through groundwork, by
going door to door."
Students in residence halls
know that campaign season is not
the only time people are solicit-
ing their doors.
"We campaign year-round,"
said Defend Affirmative Action
Party vice-presidential candidate
Jessica Curtin.
Erika Dowdell, DAAP's presi-
dential candidate, added that in
campaigning, manual labor is
more important than money.
"We don't have any gim-
micks," Dowdell said. "We're a
lot more straightforward. People
take us more seriously because
of that."
Candidates will see if their
efforts paid off when students go
to the polls March 21 and 22.
United Jewish Communities' Half Shekel Campaign
Join us and contribute to a world-wide community
. A quote by Central Student Judiciary Associate Justice Steve Couch on Page 1A of yesterday's Daily should have
said the Michigan Student Assembly Election Board was "overbroad" in the issue of seven candidates who were disquali-
fied for missing a mandatory meeting.
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