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March 09, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-03-09

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 9, 2001


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nco e
tax rates
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - The House yes-
terday approved an across-the-board
cut in income tax rates, handing Presi-
dent Bush his first big legislative victo-
ry on a signature campaign issue.
But the measure now faces a far
rougher road in the Senate, where
members of both parties say there are
not yet enough votes to pass Bush's
The 230-198 vote in the House split
deeply along party lines, with only 10
Democrats joining a unanimous GOP
bloc in voting for the centerpiece of
the president's $1.6 trillion tax cut pro-
Bush hailed the House action at the
first stop on his latest trip aimed at
swelling public support for his plan.
"The American people had a victory
today. The American family had a vic-
tory today. The American entrepreneur
had a victory today," he told a cheering
crowd in Fargo, N.D.
Bush added: "One House down and
now the Senate to go."
Despite the partisan cast to the House
vote and the uncertain outlook in the
Senate, prospects remain bright for a
major tax cut being enacted this year.
What is in doubt are its size and scope.
"Democrats and Republicans alike
are talking about the importance of
reducing the tax burden on working
Americans," said Rep. David Dreier,
The bill the House passed would
gradually slash all federal income tax
rates by 2006 - beginning with a cut
in the lowest tax rate for the 2001 tax
year that would provide a reduction of
up to $180 for individual taxpayers
and $360 for married couples.
Changes could appear in paycheck
withholding as early as this summer, if
Congress meets the GOP leadership's
target of enacting the tax cut by July.
Once taking full effect, the cut in tax
rates would shrink federal revenue by
$958 billion between now and 2011.
The tax rate measure is just the first of
a series of bills that Republicans hope
to move through Congress over the
next few months that would enact the
entire Bush tax plan. Other pieces
include repeal of the estate tax, expan-
sion of deductions for donations and
tax cuts for married couples.
GOP House leaders gave an early
push to the tax rate measure because,
they said, such cuts would provide an
immediate boost to the flagging econo-
Mayors to
reach out
to Bush
WASHINGTON - Mayors say
they want President Bush to use bud-
get surpluses to fight racism, poverty,
violence, crumbling buildings and
other problems that threaten the quali-

ty of life in America's cities.
The National League of Cities is
reaching out to the new Republican
president, hoping he will help solve
some old problems that plague urban
"We frankly don't know what the
totality is of the urban agenda of Presi-
dent Bush," said Detroit Mayor Dennis
Archer, president of the league and co-
chairman of the Democratic Natioual
Committee. "There is no Republican
or Democratic way of fixing a pothole,
of keeping our street lights on, of pick-
ing up garbage or the things that we
have to do."
Although the mayors said they have
seen significant quality of life
improvements in cities, the league
released a report Thursday highlight-
ing six "critical threats" -- poverty,
deteriorating neighborhoods, aging
infrastructure, youth violence, racism
and economic burden.
Archer said mayors want help from
the federal government, but also want
to have control over how the dollars
are spent.
"We believe there must be support
for local governments to make local
decisions," said Ken Barr, mayor of
Fort Worth, Texas. "Help us to row the
boat, but let us steer the boat."
Bush has proposed a $1.6 trillion
tax cut, which he says is affordable
because of budget surplus projections.

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WAS it N .
AIDS vaccine on way to human tests
In a study giving new evidence that AIDS can be controlled by vaccine, inocu-
lated monkeys stayed healthy despite exposure to high levels of virus,
researchers say. The new vaccine is being fast-tracked toward human testing
In a report appearing today in the journal Science, researchers sai ie
vaccine uses a one-two-three punch, with two shots to prime the immune
system to resist the AIDS virus, and a final shot with a modified pox virus to
boost protection.
The first two shots use a vaccine containing DNA for three proteins like those
found in the AIDS virus. These proteins create a memory that prompts the
immune system to attack when the proteins are later detected, said Harriet L.
Robinson, senior author of the study.
The booster shot uses a modified smallpox vaccine with the three HIV pro-
teins added. This intensifies the immune system's response against the AIDS
virus proteins, she said.
"Our results show that we can protect monkeys against an HIV-like v' us
using an immunization scheme that is practical for use in people," she .
Robinson noted, however, that the vaccine has not been tested for use in people
already infected with HIV.
Chinese blame 'psycho' for school explosion
It should have been just their classroom. Instead, it became their grave.
Children who died when their school exploded in southeast China were forced to
make fireworks in class, their parents said yesterday. The father of an 11I-year-old
victim said he was among the first to arrive at the scene and saw dead children i1e
rubble still clutching fuses in their hands.
State media said 42 people were killed and 27 injured. Parents gave figures of
between 53 and more than 60 - four of them teachers, the rest children. Many bod-
ies were dismembered.
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji blamed a man with mental problems for Tuesday's
explosion, which reduced the school in Fang Lin village, Jiangxi province, to a pile
of bricks, books and furniture. The official Xinhua News Agency identified him as a
33-year-old fireworks maker, Li Chuicai, and said he was known in the village as
It said police found a notebook and papers in his home containing the confused
phrase: "I'll sacrifice myself with 100 pounds of silver saltpeter, blast all, burn all,
killing dozens of them at the very least."


Ashcroft campaign
under suspicion
The Federal Election Commission
opened a review yesterday into alle-
gations that Attorney General John
Ashcroft's failed Senate re-election
campaign broke campaign finance
laws last year by improperly acquir-
ing and renting out a massive donor
The review comes in response to a
complaint filed by Common Cause
and other campaign finance reform
groups. They asserted that Ashcroft's
campaign reaped substantial benefits
from the valuable donor list without
reporting it as a gift, as required by
federal law.
But officials with Ashcroft's former
campaign denied any wrongdoing.
"Common Cause does not under-
stand the facts of this whole arrange-
ment," said Garrett Lott, deputy
treasurer of the Ashcroft 2000 com-
Charges against
Pinochet weakened
A Chilean appellate court weakened
the criminal case against former dictator
Augusto Pinochet on yesterday, dismiss-
ing charges of homicide and kidnapping
but ruling that Pinochet can be tried for
covering up the crimes that occurred
during his 17-year regime.
Although Chile's government insists
that the justice system has acted inde-

pendently in the Pinochet prosecution,
yesterday's 2-I ruling was seen as a
compromise in the slow-moving, highly
politicized case. Overall, the ruling
appeared more favorable to Pinochet
than his opponents. Movement toward a
trial - a lengthy, paper-driven process
under Chilean law - will continue.
Pinochet will remain under house a st
in his country home 90 miles from -
tiago, where he has been held since the
Supreme Court allowed his indictment
to go forward more than a month ago.
Bush prepared to
halt airline strike
President Bush stands ready to
block a Northwest Airlines mech s
strike set for early Monday if cont1u-
ing negotiations fail, a White House
adviser said yesterday.
The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal
Association plans to strike the
nation's fourth-largest carrier at 12:01
a.m. EST Monday when a 30-day
cooling-off period ends, barring pres-
idential intervention or a labor agree-
Bush has said he will order a P*i-
dential Emergency Board to institute
another cooling-off period for 60
days, and "that continues to be the
policy of this administration," said
Carlos Bonilla, special assistant to the
president for economic policy.
Northwest Airlines travelers should
feel confident that their plans won't be
disrupted in the next 60 days, he said.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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EDIo *A fr1 y g I C
NEWS Nick Bunkley, Managing Editor
EDITORS: David Enders, Lisa Koivu, Caitlin Nish, Jeremy W. Peters
STAFF: Kristen Beaumont, Kay Bhagat. Ted Borden, Anna Clark. Courtney Crimmins. Whitney Eliott. Jen Fish, Sarnantha Ganey. Jewel
Gopwani, Ahmed Hamid. Lisa Hoffman. Elizabeth Kassab. Andrew D. Kim, Jane Krull, Tovin Lapan. Hanna LoPatin, Susan Luth. Louie Mei
ziish. Jacquelyn Nixon, Shannon Pettypiece, John Polley, James Restivo, Stephanie Schonholz. Nika Schulte, Karen Schwartz, Maria Sprow.
Carrie Thorson, Kara Wenzel, Jaimie Winkler.
CALENDAR: Lindsey Aipert
GRAPHICS: Amanda Christianson, Scott Gordon.
EDITORIAL Michael Grass, Nicholas Woomer, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Peter Cunniffe, Manish Raiji, Josh Wickerham
STAFF: Ryan Blay, Sumon Dantiki, Jessica Guerin, Justin Hamilton, Johanna Hanink, Aubrey Henretty, Henry Hyatt. Shabina Khatri, Fadi
Kiblawi. Ar Paul, Rahul Saksena. Matthew Schwartz. Lauren Strayer, Waj Syed. Ben Whetsel.
CARTOONISTS: Dane Barnes. Aaron Brink. Chip Cullen. Thomas Kulgurgis.
COLUMNISTS: Emily Achenbaum. Gina Hamadey, David Horn. Chris Kula, Dustin Seibert. Mike Spahn. Amer Zahr.
SPORTS Jon Schwartz, Managing Ed
SENIOR EDITORS: Raphael Goodstein, Michael Kern, Joe Smith, Dan Williams
NIGHT EDITORS: Kristen Fidh. Arun Gopal. Steve Jackson. Jeff Phillips. Ryan C. Moloney. Benjamin Singer.
STAFF: Rohit Bhave. Michael Bloom, Chris Burke. Kareem Copeland, David Den Herder. Chris Duprey, Brian Druchniak. Mark Francescutti, Rhon
da Gilmer Richard Haddad, David Horn, Adam Kaplan, Shawn Kemp, Albert Kim. Seth Klempner, Courtney Lewis. J. Brady McCollough. Adam
McQueen, Nathan Linsley, Peter Lund, James Mercier, Stephanie Often. Swapnil Patel, David Roth, Naweed Sikora, Jun Singer. Jim Weber
CARTS Ben Goldstein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jennifer Fogel, Robyn Melamed
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Jenni Glenn, Elizabeth Pensler
SUB.EDITORS: Lyle Henretty iFilm), Jim Schiff (Fine/Performing Arts), Lisa Ral (Books Jeff Dickerson (TV/New Media). Luke Smith (Music).
STAFF: Charity Atchison, Gautam Baksi. Matthew Barret. Ryan Blay. Leslie Boxer. Rob Brode. Christopher Cousino, Katie Den Bleyker.
Kiran Divvela. Gabe Fajuri, Melissa Gollob. Matt Grandstaf I. Joshua Gross. Christian Hoard. Erik Johnson, Meredith Keller. Chris Kula,
Jenny Jeltes. Matt Manser. Willhelmina Mauntz. Sheila McClear, W. Jacarl Melton. Shannon O'Sullivan. Ben Oxenburg.Darren Ringel.
Jamie Schey. Dustin Seibert, Jacquelene Smith. Andy Taylor Fabe. Rohith Thumati, John UhL.
PHOTO * Louis Brown, Jessica Johnson, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: David Katz, Marjorie Marshall
ARTS EDITOR: Abby Rosenbaum
STAFF: Rachel Feierman. Tom Feldkamp. Sam Hollenshead. Jeff Hurvitz. Joyce Lee, Tom Lin. Danny Moloshok. Brendan O'Donnell, Brad Quinn,
Brandon Sedioff, Khang Tran. Ellie White. Alyssa Wood,
ONLINE Kiran Divvela, Paul Wong, Managing Editors
STAFF: Rachel Berger, Lisa Cencula, Dana M. Goldberg, Sommy Ko, Mark McKinstry vince Sust.
CONSULTANTS: Toyin Akinmusuru. Mike Bibik, Satadru Pramanik

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DISPLAY SALES Sarah Estella, Manager
STAFF: Matt Andrews. Jessica Cordero Jacob Fenton. Julie Glaza. Jared Halatran, Jon Houtzer, Jennifer Kaczmarek, Kelhie Kinney. Jamie

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