2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 10, 2001 N ATION! WORLD MENINGITIS Continued from Page 1 -Lantry said. The bacteria can be car- ried in a person's ear or nose. Lantry added that "it depends on what a person's immune system is like to begin with" and what conditions, such as stress, exist at the time of infection. The University of Michigan Med- ical Center has "extensive barriers and _precautions against communicable di s- cases'" University Hospitals spokes- woman Kara Gavin said. Since 1977, the center has taken a "universal precautions" stance against all processed lab specimens, mneanina all samples ai-e treated as though they are highly communicable. Workeris are "extensively trained" throughout their career, and are offered hands-on refresher courses, Gavin said. The medical center requires all employees to vear I aesiron iut 1 ab or lab specimen , Gvf id. (60",wr'; also are wor n at all i ej t«oF;'''veiC, infection. Despite the University's cauti:ous approach, soameIhighlyt aal disess and samples, such asthsofAD and HIV, require more se-,vere restic- tionls, Gain lsai. "I n special ciricmslances and h1igh-, risk situations, such as autopsies o"F AIDS patients,;mlye are relile'd to wear wire mesh, gloves," she said. Any employee ho -does riot, follow the safety regulationls is -, _O n off duty, she added. If a situation similar to that which led to Reesec's death were to hap-. pen at the Uiest optl.tepo tocol is to immendiatelc~id .I'Ithe iifected worker to the en-p1Luc ehealth depart ment, where the workeris 1-tstd and('the patient's chart is-studied. In thec last 25, years, the hospital has no ic reo f Any. employee being intbeted in. the lab by a communicable disease._ Ac~os'THE ATIO Chavez withdraws bid for-Cabinet post WASHINGTON - Linda Chavez withdrew her bid to be labor secretary yes- terday, saying that controversy over an illegal immigrant who once lived with her had become a distraction for President-elect Bush. She called herself a victim of "search-and-destroy" politics. Bush said he was saddened by the news and still believes she would have been a strong addition to his Cabinet. Calling her a friend, hie added: "I understand her reluctance to move forward." Chavez told a news conference the decision to bow out just a week after beit named was entirely her own, and Bush said, "She made that decision herself." But three Republican officials involved said she reluctantly stepped aside under pressure from Bush's political team, who made it clear their willingness to fight for her nomination had waned amid questions about her credibility. Chavecz allowed that she should have been more candid ;about the circum- stances surrounding Marta Mercado, the Guatemalan woman who lived with her for about two years in the carly 1990s. But she said it was "the politics 'of person- a] destruction" that brought down her nomination. "So long as the game in Washington is a game of, search-and-destroy, I think we will have very few people who are willing to do what I did, which was to-put myself through this in order to serve," she said. "What has happened over the ,q~ few days is quite typical of what happens in Washington, D.C." ABROSE tU~NBAUM/DUaily PRresIdent Cinton receives a No. i. Spartan jersey from former Michigan "tate star. Mateen.C'Ieaves yesterday at'the Breslin Center In East Lansing as coach tom Izzo raises his fist. CLINTON Continued from Page 1. b1lcves conditions Have 'iipiotd. -W We are oil ti-ack to be debt-free by the enid of the decade for the firT time since 1 835," Clinton said. T 1he preCsidenlt reccivecd a stand- 11n!;! ovatl i mi-spech"".after bring?11_ in-upgun lawS. "i think, the business of trying to contince the -votcrs of any-state in our nation that somebody who wiaits to kee'p guns away from cr1iils and kids is thrieaten ing the right to hunt or- the right to engage- in sport shooting is just noths,"le said, referring to the Naional Rifle Ajsociation. -l li[hre is not a single law-abid-° ilhl lunter that has missed a day in the w oods because of' these i- ,Giatives twe've.;taken," he said. A~ for environmental issues, Clinton said he is going to try to pu~rshthrough more-legislation be0fore lie IlavCs office Jtan. 20. "We proised to wkork wiH the last dlay in office," Clinton said. "I've.} still got some environmental initiatives I want to take care of." Clinton acknowledged, his administration didn't solve all of the problems it set out to, but "we left America with the tools to do it," he said. Clinton thanked many people during, his speech, including Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), who also spoke briefly.- "Our president has been there day after day fighting for us- and today is our day to say, 'Thank you, Mr. President, for all you've -done for us,"' she said. State. Rep. Chris Kolb (D-Ai. Arbor)- who is scheduled to be sworn into office today, said besides the economy, Clinton's legacy is bringing a new genera- tionl into politics. "His administration really truly reilected the diversity of' Ameri- -ca," Kolb said. "It was a huge step forward -- one that I think we'll never go back on." "Overall lie's the greatest presi- dent there ever was ... at least in myS~ lifetimte." said Manish iShah, a frVeshm~an' at Michigani State wh-o attended the speech. "It's an honor to have him come here to MSU. He did a great job.~ /1RT(7A RVEEYD , r a s yrZ~r . : rx *, -. , . MICHIGAN STUDENT UNIO Artcarved Representative Suzette Mitchell will be tak-ing orders January 3rd-11ith from 1-4pm - The work, impact and personalities of the year 2000 Nobel laureates in physics,; Chemistry, Medicine, Literature,j Peace and Economic Sciences presented by U-M faculty. 4-6 p.m x> tThursdays . .. n.A-&IJar~mv 25r 340 West Hall 500 E. University Al- - ,It o~liZ 'u il Every great achievement deserves U ' Jan. 11 Medicine Ric-'rd Peace Hierwy Em Jan. 25 Physics Jaspr't S8ingh' Literature Yi-Ysi Feu~erwerker recogn it ion, I Economics Chemistry -:ob .M. David Thi y minute talks for a general audience. mnzm =mi, r7z-L ZAILO Continued from Page 1. use the lowest absorbency necessary duiing menstrnuation and alternate pad and tampon use. While Tanipax suggests each tampon be woi-ntfor iti~r to eight hours, SejVar.. said the length of individual tampon use has vret to be linked to TSS. The CDC, he said, has combated TSS through "making the link to high-absorbency tampons and making recommendations toihe industry." - _t One such ,reccommendation; approved, by the Food and Drug Administration, was the elimination of certain tampon shapes and bleaching techniques. The FD)A continues to endorse the com- monly found tampons made from rayon. "A few speci fic tampon designs and high absorbency tampon materials wei-e also found to have some associa- tion with increased risk of TSS. These products and materials are no longer used in tampons sold in the U.S. Tam- pons made with rayon do not appear to have a higheer risk of TSS than cotton tampons of similar absorbency," according to the FDA Websitc. Somec advocates of cotton tampons feel such an alternative is safer. Natracare, makers of ane all-cotton tampon. scel s to eliminate worries associated with rayon tampons by avoiding the material in all their femi- nine hygiene products, according to information provided by the company. "Results of a study recently published in Infectious Disease in Obstetrics and Gynecology suggest that the ,use of all, cotton tampons may reduce the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome' Natracare said in a written statement. The company's main concern is with illness resulting from dioxin, a toxic chemical that is produced in some forms of bleaching used in making rayon tampons. The FDA asserts that companies no longer use these bleaching methods and dioxin levels in tampons are "many times less than normally pre- sent in the body from other environ- mental sources." "You can alleviate most of the fear" by using cotton tampons, said Connie Bernard, owner of Pandora Pads,, a company which sells only cotton prod- ucts. "I feel like they're safer products for women." .Bernard said companies specializing in cotton, bleach feminine hygiene prod-. ucts with harmless hydrogen peroxide. "The general public isn't aware of the concerns with feminine products,' she said. THE DAILY NEEIDS NERW limitsregulation that build Rulingsco~e pretation of the Con of Clean. W ater "The court could but chose not to," WASHINGTON ---The Supreme spokesman for the Court's conservative Majority acted "if this kind of hab anew' yesterday to strengthen state will have a very sil powers at the expense of the federal migratory birds." government, limiting the scope of the landmark Clean Water Act. The S-4 r ruling stopped short, however, of the D.13zer, flf reach feared by environmentalists, in rollover The court divided along its familiar --conservative-liberal fautlt lue to rule WASH INGTON' that the 1972 environmental law does ment rated rollover not block a landfill that enwlroftmen- vehicles for the fir talists and the federal government said giving its worst gra would harm migrating birds. Motors sport utility The Chicago-area landfill would be est rating went to the built atop abandoned gravel pits that Auto industry rel are now filled with water and used by quick to criticize ~wildfowl. Writing for the majority, describing it as silt Chief Justce William Rehnquist called sumer advocates, tc the ponds a "far cy" from the kind of ving tests should large or navigable bodies of water that vehicle measurermie -Congress intended toprotect. vice, chaifMan of Environmentafl anid civil liberties Corp., called the five groups saw the landfill case- as an leading to consumer opening for a broad assault by the ings fail to accountf court's conservative bloc on federal vehicle's suspension AROUND THIE, Palestinan widow sstrip. met iCty 0o sie-e i ar takes cause to court' wh CIA Director the, Paestinias JERUSALEM - The widow of a more such meetii Palestinian. official gunned down by soon. But the Pal( Israeli troops in the West Bank asked will not wvork wit the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday to security issues unti order caretaker Prime Minister Ehud blockade of Pales ,Barak,,tphalt thp ,,rmy'§,poljgy of vll , .assassinating suspected Palestinian fighters. Siham Thabet, wife of dentist Tha- 'Mad 'co bet Thabet, argues in her petition that spreads to the army could have arrested her hus- band - a leadcr of Palestinian BERLIN - Geri Authority President Yasser Arafat's crisis felled its first Fatah movement - if it suspected as Health Ministe him of planning attacks on Israeli sol- and Agriculture M diers and civilians. Instead, he was Funke were fored fatally shot New Year's Eve as he left ing to halt the sprea his home in Tulkarm. An army this country after i spokesman declined to comment on .at least-SO people ac the petition. None of the reei The appeal comes as the United here has yet beenI States is trying to revive secuirity humans, but the cooperation between the Israelis and shaken public faith Palestinians- amid a continuing shoot- ing war in the West Bank and Viaza - Conypiled iv m rimy worst rratings: N -- The govcrn- risks for passenger irst time yesterday, jde, to two General vehicles. The high- ie Honda Accord. epresentatives were the new syste4 mplistic. And con- too, said actual dri- Sbe used, not just :ets: Harry Pearce, f General; Motors v'e-star system "mis- rs." He said the Jrat- for such factors as a tand tires. ffials from borth )Egypt, on Sunday rGeorge Tenet, and said yesterday that sings will be held estinians say they th the Israelis 0 til the army lifts its ;stinian towns end ' diseaseg Germany -many's "mad cqw" St victims yesterdh .r Andrea Fischer 1inister Karl-Heinz d to resign for fail- ad of the disease to it had already killed across Europe. ernt cases discovered linked to illness in revelations have in the government. n Daily ,) Ore repOrIb Ids on a loose inter- - have gone further, said Ed Hopkins, Sierra Club. Still, .itat is destroyed it ignificant effect on f I t-5"^ .: .. .. . Y / J ANl The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) Is publishted Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by studrents at the Unfiversity of Michigan. Sujbscrptions for fall term, starting it) September. via U.S. mail are $100. Winter term (January thirough April) is $105. yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptionls must be prepaid. The Michigan Dally is a membler of Thse Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. ADDR.ESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327. PHONE- NUMBERS )All area code~ 734): News 76-DAILY: Arts 763-0379: Sports 647-3336: Opinion 7640552: Circulation 764-058;Classified advertising 764.0557: Display, advertising 764-0554: Billing. 764-0550. E-mail letters to the editor to diaiy et fersiaumflch.edu. Wol ieWb w~mciadd~o) NEWS Jewel Gopwani, Mwanaging Editor LOITORS: Wick Iqair l9y, i*# q191*st, hJ.I $WO*it STAFF: Kristen BeavmoM Anna Clark. Laura9 Oneu. Utzw Elidfe. Whiitney Elliott. David Entders. Jen Fish. Lisa Hoffman. Elizabeth Kassab. Lisa Ko'vv Jane Kruli. HaLopatin. Susanlt Luth iM ii. Jacquelynl Nixon. 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PHOTO Louis Brown, Jessica Johnson, Editors ASSOCIATE EDITORS: David Katz, Marjorie Marshall y ARTS EDITOR: Peter Cornue STAFF: Peter Corna -Rachel Feemman. Justin Fitzpatrick. Sam Holenshead, Jeff Hurvitz. Michael Hynes. Joyce Lee. Carre McGee. Dannya Molostiok. Norman Ng. Brendan ODonnell, Joanna Paine. Brad Quinn. Abby Rosenbaum. Brandlon Sedloff, Elie White. Alex Wolk Alyssa Wood. ONLINE Kiren Divvyaa Paul Wong, Managing Editors STAFF: Rachel Berger. Lisa Cencula. Dana M. Goldberg, Sommy Ko, Mark McKinstfy Vice Sust. CONSULTANTS: Toyn Akinmusuru, Mike Bibik. Satadru Pramanik ! U I E S S A FM r .DISPLAY SALES Sarah "st la, Manager ASSOCIATE MANAGER:- Brent Traidinan STAFF: Mat, Andrews, Ayalla Barkai. Bradley Davies. Jacob Fenton. Jared lialajian. Jon Houtzef. Smon Hui. Kelie Kinhey, Jennifer - Lumping, Julie Lepsetz. Vinh Nguyen. Pranisa Pothipan, Glenn Powlas, Jennifer Roosa, Jainlie Rose. Nicole Siegel. Julie St. Clair. George