0 0 0 12B - The Michigan Daily - Literary Magazine - Thursday, March 8, 2001 The Michigan Daily -- Literary Mag LATTE Continued from Page 11B "Exactly," she said. "You just must be reading my mind again. Let me read yours." She put her coffee cup down and placed her hands on either side of my fore- head. Even though she had been clutching her latte only seconds before, her hands were still cool as chocolate. The unmistakable rustle of jasmine huddled close to her wrists, teasing me. I took deep breaths of her as she vaguely massaged my temples. "I deduce, Watson," she said, as she plucked her seductive hands away from my face, "that you have already finished your homework for this weekend." "Jolly impressive show, Sherlock," I replied, finishing my second cup of coffee. "I am done with all my homework." "I don't know how you always manage to get it all done before Sunday," she said enviously. I probably should have left it at that, but part of me was still bit- ter ... even with the jelly dough- nut. "I had a lot of time to get work done Friday night," I said, regarding her from my chair. Her expression didn't change, but the blinking of her eyes T HIR T PRINTING LOWEST PRICES! HIGHEST QUALITY! " FASTEST SER VICE! * 1002 PONTIAC TR. U 994-1367 WE MEN MM E went into slow motion, which is how I know that she had heard me. "I just went out with my friends to cool down after our fight Friday morning," she said. "No ... you went out Friday night and got completely shit faced in retaliation of our fight Friday morning," I corrected. "There's a difference?" she asked, a nervous smile playing at the corners of her lips, and it was my turn to answer her with silence. "You told me last night that it wasn't bothering you anymore," she said, a greenish desperation coloring her voice. "I had other things on my mind last night," I said. "Yeah ... sex," she spat. It stung. "Please ..." she began, the shards of her voice melting into honey, "please don't still be mad." "I'm not," I relented. "But I didn't know where you were. I sat up, worried that you were going to do something stupid and hurt yourself, and it'd be my fault." "Yeah ... sex," she spat. It stung. "Please ..." she began, the shards of her voice melting into honey, "please don't still be mad." "I'm not," I relented. "But I didn't know where you were. I sat up, worried that you were going to do something stupid and hurt yourself, and it'd be my fault." "Nothing did happen, though and I did bring you peace offerings of a delicious, grape jelly filled doughnut and my sparkling smile." She gave me one of her brilliant smiles then, and I really did forgive her. "I wish you could promise me that it would never happen again... that you'd talk things out with me instead of running out with your alkie friends and getting trashed," I said reproachfully. "But if I promised that," she began, "I'd be lying. And then you'd really have something to be angry with me about." "You have a point," I said, and once again that day, I sat cor- rected. I contemplated a third cup of coffee, but when my hand went to reach for the mug, I realized that it was shaking. "Too much sugar and caffeine has given you the jitters bad," she said, amused. "The sugar wasn't my fault," I said. "Do I look like Eve to you?!" She asked. "I just offered you the apple ... I didn't force it down your throat." "I'm sorry," I said. "It must have been that 'sparkling smile' that blinded my senses." She scowled in my direction. "Don't make fun of me." "I can't help it... you leave yourself wide open." Her eyebrows twitched, as if she just remembered some- thing. "Hey ... what were you writ- ing when I walked in?" she asked. Her gaze was fixed on me, otherwise I would have blushed. Half of me had hoped that I wouldn't have the oppor- tunity to bring it up ... and the other half of me was aching to draw it into the light. I cleared my throat. "My my ... " she said, her eye- brows speaking of mock intrigue. "I get a full fledged production instead of a simple one word answer." "Hardly. I was just writing a poem." My nervousness laughed before I could keep it in check. I watched as her eye- brows slid down her forehead and narrowed her eyes. There was no going back, then. "What about?"' she asked. She was on the defense, her arms folded so that her hands could warm themselves in her arm pits. "About gas fireplaces," I said. I hoped that she would give me a bewildered look ... then I could have just laughed it off and told her not to worry about it. But nothing on her face moved except for the slow, MARJORIE MARSHALL/Daily methodical blinking of her eyes. I continued. "Well ... you know how you live with something everyday ... and your present is colored with your past?! But your past is not only made up of what happened ... but what you think hap- pened," I was stumbling over myself, and in my mind I cursed whichever deity was listening for creating emotions in the first place. "Like... take this fireplace, for instance." I indi- cated, but she kept her eyes on me, and for the first time, I real- ized what she meant about a gaze that could set kindling on fire. "It's like ... we look at that gas fireplace, and our memory comes up with images of wood smoke and embers and chest- nuts roasting at Christmas ... but who ever really experiences that stuff?!" "You're speaking in metaphors," she said. "I don't understand you." But she did understand, with a comprehen- sion colder than the wind that was blowing outside.. "Not just a metaphor ... it's unforgiving irony. You under- stand irony better than anyone I know. It's a metaphor that says sometimes what we have is based off of what we had ... and we might not have had as much as we thought we did." Tears that she would never shed twinkled over her eyes liked murdered snowflakes. To break the stillness, she finished the last of her cold latte. She crumpled the paper cup in her hand, and placed it inside my empty coffee mug. "Come on," she said as she rose and took my hand. She looked me right in the forehead, and flashed me one of her most dazzling smiles. "Let's go home and finish out Sunday morning alone," she cooed, drawing me towards the door. I probably should have stopped her. I probably should have made her face the skeletons that I uncovered in the closet we shared. But she can be very con- vincing in changing the subject when faced with a debate that she might lose ... and I don't like confrontation, anyway. TAKIO Continued from Page 4B for the club with his parents in the stands at every one of his meets. He used.to be embarrassed at his moth- er's cheers, which would sound out through the entire gymnasium. After his match, whether he won or lost his father would ruffle his hair and smile proudly. His mother would never let him cry and always rewarded him with a hug. She said, "As long as you try your best you will always be our little warrior." After three years, however, the "us" had become only Gavin. Not that he minded. It was just that his mother was so ... "Hunter, you're doing it again." Melissa flicked her cigarette into the ravine and looked into her boyfriend's eyes. There was no sign of recognition. Tears began to well up in the corner of her eyes, as did Hunter's. "Oh baby." She took his head gently and let it rest on her chest. Hunter slowly brought his arms up to give her a hug. The two had orig- inally met when they had to take a class over the summer together because neither could fit it in their fall schedule. They began as lab partners and would always talk of what was going on in their lives. More times then not, Hunter would talk of his family and Melissa would just listen. She knew that when Hunter drifted that he was thinking about his mother. She did- n't' personally know anyone that knew Hunter's mother besides her boyfriend or his father, but she must have been a wonderful woman in order to have left such an impact on the lives of two men. "Melissa, when I go you'll be the. second person to come with me." Hunter came back to her and began to slightly shake. "I know Hunter, I know." Melissa rocked back and forth, with Hunter in her arms. She had always pic- tured Hunter being a handsome stranger that would take her away and care for her for the rest of her life. She never imagined how strong this stranger really was, and that what he really needed was someone to take care of him. It was the reality of the dream that caused Gavin to thrash around so violently. He was sitting in the kitchen with his wife, whose girth was overblown with their first child. They were talking about what to name their first born, baby boy. "I would really like something strong. You know like Spike." Fiona joked with Gavin, flexing her biceps and crinkling her eyebrows together. Hunter looked at her with 'No' written all over his face, and gave another suggestion. "Tough, huh? What about Takio?" Translated from Japanese, Takio means warrior. Gavin had been obsessed with this name since read- ing it in an article that appeared next to his in the science fiction journal he wrote for a long time ago. "You want to name him what?" She asked patting her growling stomach. "Takio, it means ...," he began, getting his wife a bowl of double- fudge death by chocolate ice cream. "I know what it means," she said impatiently, reaching greedily for her ice cream. "It's just that ... Jesus, where are my sprinkles?" She began to get annoyed with her hus- band's lack of attentiveness towards her food. "What? It's just that, what?" He rooted through. the cupboard, emerging with two different types of sprinkles. "It's not what I had in mind when I said tough, that's what." She looked at the sprinkles the same way a tiger looks at a lame gazelle. Tearing the top off of both boxes she poured both types of sprinkles into her bowl. "What about .. hmmm, something like, oh that def- initely hits the spot ... I don't know," she said in between mouth- fuls. "Hunter?" Gavin gave it a shot. "Dat's purfek!" she said, cheeks bulging. Ice cream spat from her mouth all over Gavin's face. Her eyes went wide as Gavin grabbed the tub of ice cream from her hand and launched his counter attack. Laughing the two erupted into a mess of ice cream and kisses, and sprinkles and love. Gavin shook himself awake. Waving his arms about for a second he became very still, trying to gath- er his bearings. He must have fallen asleep at the table and he had woken from some type of dream. Had he been dreaming? He wasn't exactly sure but damn, it seemed real what- ever it was. Looking over at the clock on the wall he saw that it was 2:30 a.m. "Must've fallen asleep at the table." Gavin rubbed his eyes "Gavin you can't keep doing this to yourself." He got up and walked over to the kitchen window to see if his son's vehicle was in the drive- way. His whole body stiffened when he saw that it wasn't. "Stay calm, everything's okay ... he must just be with Melissa," Gavin assured himself, even though he was still very worried. His son had told him that he would be home at 1 a.m. and it was not like Hunter to miss his curfew. Gavin sat down slowly and tried to shake the sleep from his body. Taking a deep breath he remembered that Melissa had also had a curfew of 1 a.m. and Hunter would have never allowed for her to be late. Going to get his coat, Gavin sighed and tried to remember what it was that he had been dreaming about. Even though her husband didn't know it, she did. She new some- thing was wrong but she had no idea what it was. It just scared her. She went to go tuck her only son in for the night and she was scared that this would be one of the last times that she'd have the chance to talk to her boy. Call it a mother's intuition, she just knew. So lifting the blanket to his chin she knelt next to his bed. Hunter was a bright boy for his age. He knew that something was wrong with his mother. But she was asking him not to be frightened and that it was her job to be scared for him. She also asked him to always help look out for Gavin. He thought the world of his mom and she was scared now, asking him to be strong and take care of things that she wouldn't ever be able to. He wasn't scared anymore but con- fused, and didn't know what was going to happen. She kissed him on the forehead, and offered a solemn goodnight for her little warrior. Hunter remembered this over and over again while sitting in the dark in front of Fiona Donahue's grave. He usually only visited his mother during the weekends but tonight was different. He realized for the first time that he truly was in love with Melissa. Another person to take care of. Shit, he was still a kid and he couldn't imagine doing this forever. Not like his mother could. He reached out and traced the let- ters on his mother's headstone, quickly at first and -then slower. Ending on the 'E' in their shared last name, he heard the snap of a branch behind him as footsteps made their way smoothly between the two trees and then veered to the right. Without looking up Hunter said aloud. "Hello, father." Gavin sat down next to his son, and thought of his wife. "Hello, Takio. How's our girl doing?" 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