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March 07, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-03-07

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 7, 2001


Bush pushes tax cut in Chicago

Los Angeles Tunes
CHICAGO - President Bush took a
page out of his father's political play-
book yesterday, using the floor of one of
the nation's major trading hubs to warn
that the economy is sputtering and needs
the kick that he said a tax cut would pro-
While he urged the traders to pressure
Congress to support his proposal to
reduce taxes by $1.6 trillion over 10
years, in Washington the House Republi-
can leader was pressing for a larger cut.
House Majority Leader Dick Armey
of Texas said the apparent weakness in
the economy justified cutting taxes even
"There is no reason for us to be boxed
in by that number," Armey said. "I will
continue to prod everybody. ... We need
to look at what we can do to move the
economy along at a better pace."
In what has become typical of his on-
the-road campaign for the tax cut, Bush
spent all of 13 minutes at the micro-
phone, delivering a melange of political
kidding - aimed at Mayor Richard

Daley, in this case - presidential
applause for the entrepreneurial spirit
and red-flag warnings about the econo-
Speaking in the high-tech pit of the
Chicago Mercantile Exchange where
cattle futures are traded, Bush said:
"We're facing a problem. And the
problem is our economy's slowing
down. You all know that as well as any-
body does. This kind of great boom is
beginning to sputter a little bit."
He added: "I think it is particularly
appropriate to not only cut taxes to
make sure there's fiscal discipline in
Washington, but it's necessary to make
sure this economy doesn't continue to
sputter. When you give people some of
their own money back, or don't take it in
the first place, they will have money in
their pockets to spend."
The size and reach of the tax cut has
begun to grip Republicans. As Armey
argued to increase it, saying he would
expand Individual Retirement Accounts
and provide new tax breaks for invest-
ments in software to boost the high tech
industry, the chairman of the Senate


President Bush addresses traders on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange seeking support for his proposed Income tax cut.

Bush administration defends Census
The Bush administration declared the actual "head count" from the 2000 Cen-
sus the official population numbers for congressional redistricting, despite esti-
mates showing 3.3 million people, mostly minorities, were missed.
Commerce Secretary Don Evans agreed yesterday with a Census Bureau rE
ommendation that the initial, raw count provided the most nearly accurate snap-
shot of America. Democrats and civil rights groups had called for the use of a
second, separate population tally statistically adjusted to protect against the
But supporters of adjustment had expected Evans' decision following the
bureau's recommendation last week. It may quiet -- but not end - a long politi-
cal dispute between Democrats and Republicans over whether, and how, to count
missed Americans.
Evans called the initial figures the most accurate census in the history of the
The first numbers - for New Jersey and Virginia - are expected to,
released today, and all states must have their redistricting data by April 1.
The numbers will be used by state lawmakers to redraw congressional district
boundaries to reflect population shifts, as is required every 10 years.
Storm piles 2 feet of snow in New England
After failing to live up to its billing in the mid-Atlantic states, a nor'easter
piled snow 2 1/2 feet deep in New England yesterday and hammered the coast
with waves that threw rocks as big as bowling balls across shoreline roads.
Hundreds of flights were canceled and schools were closed across the No*
east for a second day, and workers in Rhode Island's state lottery headquarters
fled just before their roof collapsed under the weight of snow and ice.
Schools, banks, businesses and government offices were closed in New Hamp-
shire and much of Maine, and the only vehicles on many highways were snowplows.
"Wolfeboro is a ghost town," snowplow driver Gary George said as he cleared
roads in the small town in eastern New Hampshire.
Vermont's Jay Peak ski resort got 29 inches of new snow, 28 fell at Ballston
Spa, N.Y., north of Albany, and 25 piled up at Jaffrey, N.H.
Elsewhere, however, the storm that had threatened to be the worst in years
delivered only 'a few inches of snow in New York City, and Philadelphia got only

Finance Committee, Charles Grassley
(R-Iowa), said a bigger tax cut would
not fly in the Senate.
Given the Senate's 50-50 split, Grass-
ley said efforts to increase the tax cut
would simply split the GOP and drain
support from Republican moderates.
President George H.W. Bush visited

the Mere in December 1991, using it as
a political stage during the 1992 prima-
ry election campaign while the nation
was struggling to emerge from reces-
sion. During that visit, he acknowl-
edged that the U.S. economy, under his
watch, needed a "kick" to "get it started
up again."

Dick Cheney released from hospital

WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice President Dick
Cheney was released from the hospital yesterday, a
day after undergoing a surgical procedure to repair a
damaged artery.
The vice president walked out of George Washing-
ton University Hospital, shook hands with his doctors
and was driven away. "Good," he said in response to a
reporter's shouted question about how he felt.
Cheney was up about 7 a.m. and was "antsy" to
leave, said senior aide Mary Matalin. Three sets of
cardiac enzyme tests showed no damage to Cheney's
heart muscle, and "multiple EKGs have been
unchanged," she said.
Speaking to reporters, President Bush said he last

talked with the vice president Monday night, and,
Cheney told him he felt great. Asked if Cheney
should cut back on his duties, the president said no,
because "he is needed. This country needs his wisdom
and judgment."
Bush said there is no question that Cheney is fit to
continue serving as vice president. "Thanks for ask-
ing. I don't think that he needs to cut back on his
work," Bush said in a brief question-and-answer ses-
He said Cheney is the kind of person who "listens
to his body" and takes care of himself when he is not
feeling 100 percent.
Cheney will rest at home and likely will return to

work later this week, said White House spokesman
Ari Fleischer.
"No restrictions have been placed on his work,"
Fleischer said. He said President Bush had not spoken
with Cheney about his work schedule, but the presi-
dent "expects him to follow his doctor's orders:'
The procedure Cheney underwent Monday was
prompted by "a common complication" of his prior
heart procedure, not a progression of heart disease,
Matalin said.
Cheney should be able to continue in his job unim-
peded by his latest heart problems, doctors say, shrug-
ging off any suggestion that he should curtail travel or
his intense workload.

Sharon ascends during time of violence

The Washington Post

JERUSALEM - Ariel Sharon, the Israeli warrior
who gained fame and notoriety through his exploits
on the battlefield, takes power today in an angry,
depressed nation reeling from the bloodiest wave of
Palestinian violence in years.
As- Sharon prepares to become Israel's fifth prime
minister in six years, he has pledged above all to
restore Israelis' sense of security. But his ascent to the
job he has wanted most of his life coincides with what
many Israelis consider one of the least secure
moments in recent memory.
At the outset of his term, Sharon's Israel is a place
starting to feel itself besieged in a way it had not dur-

ing most of the 1990s. Stunned by three bombings in
or near major cities in the last week and frightened by
grenade attacks and drive-by shootings, many Israelis
say that ordinary parts of their daily lives - walking
to the bank, taking the bus, shopping at the market,
going to the movies - have become a frightening
Israel remains vastly more powerful than the Pales-
tinians, a fact starkly reflected in the count of those
killed in the last five months of violence: 342 Pales-
tinians, 65 Israeli Jews and 13 Israeli Arabs. But
Israelis and Palestinians live in parallel universes, and
the Palestinian deaths and injuries barely register with
Jews in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. And they do nothing to
ease the growing sense among Israelis that they are

the ones truly at risk.
At the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, the country's
premier cultural institution, attendance is off by half;
rather than risk traveling the roads, Israelis are staying
home, the director says. Shopping malls throughout
the country are reporting dips in attendance, some of
them quite sharp. In Holon, a city near Tel Aviv, this
week's annual parade for Purim, a festive springtime
Jewish holiday in which children wear costumes, was
canceled yesterday. The mayor said citizens were too
afraid to bring their kids.
So many extra police have been deployed to watch
for Palestinian bombers in and around Israeli cities
that police officials acknowledge privately that com-
mon criminals are less likely to be apprehended.
tour sub;"
0 S
-- Three admirals toured the USS
Greeneville yesterday to try to under-
stand the crowding in the control
room of the nuclear submarine before
it struck and sank a Japanese fishing
The tourdbegan the second day of a
court of inquiry - the Navy's high-
est-level administrative investigation
- into the Feb. 9 collision. The
probe could lead to courts-martial of
the Greeneville's top three officers.
The Ehime Maru, a high school
fisheries training vessel from Uwaji-
ma, sank minutes after the
Greeneville surfaced underneath it.
Nine of 35 people on the ship,
including four 17-year-old boys, were
The slightly scraped Greeneville
was dry-docked at Pearl Harbor as
Vice Adm. John Nathman, head of
. the three-member court of inquiry,
and fellow court members Rear Adm.
Paul Sullivan and Rear Adm.
David Stone toured the submarine.
In the control room, they were
briefed by Rear Adm. Charles Grif-
fiths Jr., head of the Navy's prelimi-
nary investigation into the collision.
"We did this primarily to better
understand the evidence," Nathman
said as the hearing resumed.
Court members and attorneys for
Waddle, Pfeifer and Coen will have a
chance to question Griffiths on his
b findings. The inquiry is expected to
last at least a week.
(h On Monday, Griffiths described a
series of missteps by the crew. The
mistakes ranged from the submarine
rushing to get back on schedule to
vital sonar data not getting to the
Griffiths painted a picture of a crew

flurries, sleet and rain. Sections of New
more than a foot got only inches.
SANTEE, Calif.
School shooter faces
lengthy prison ter
Fifteen-year-old Charles Andrew
Williams won't face the death penalty
or even a life sentence without the
possibility of parole if he is convicted
of killing two students and wounding
13 other people in the Santana High
School shooting spree.
Williams is scheduled to be
arraigned today on multiple charges,
most likely two counts of murder and
13 possible additional counts of
attempted murder, in addition to
weapons charges.
San Diego County District Attorney
Paul Pfingst said the teen-ager could
face at least 25 years in prison for each
of the two murder counts. That sen-
tence could be enhanced by 10 to 20
years for each additional count of
attempted murder, he said.
Under the maximum sentence sce-
nario, he said, Williams could face a
sentence totaling "hundreds of years."
Internet voting has
high security risks
Voting through the Internet from
home or the workplace should not be
allowed in the near future because sig-
nificant questions remain about security,
reliability and social effects, says a
report commissioned by the National
Science Foundation.
Release of the study, requested by the
White House in December 1999, comes
as elections officials consider new tech-

Jersey and Pennsylvania that expected
nology after the problems of the 2000
The report urged elections officials to
resist pressures to embrace "remote
Internet voting systems" as the techno-
logical .cure for the problems that afflict-
ed the presidential election in
November, such as faulty voting sys-
tems and inconsistent standards for
lot counting.
Internet voting at polling places, how-
ever, could offer such benefits as conve-
nience and efficiency.
Russia to insure Mir
for crash damage
After months shrugging off for-
eigners' protests that the Mir sp*
station could come crashing down on
a populated area, Russian officials
said yesterday they are negotiating a
$200 million insurance policy
against any damage the orbiter could
cause when it plunges to Earth in
Mir set several records during its
15 years in space, but its history of
accidents, including a near-fatal
lision with a cargo ship, a fire,
computer failures that left it drifting
out of control, have fed speculation
something could go wrong with
plans for a controlled disposal of the
obsolete station.
"The insurance is just another
attempt to assuage fears," Russian
Aerospace Agency spokesman
Sergei Gorbunov said during an
Internet news conference.
- Compiled from Daily wire repo.

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