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February 23, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-02-23

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one hundred ten years ofedftoriarfreedom


CLASSIFIED: 764-0557

February 23, 2001


'T~.4 7~








By Anna C~uc
Daily Staff Reporter
Harvard University will likely release
the name of its next president within the
next week - and, according to a news-
paper report yesterday, chances appear
greater than ever that it will be Universi-
ty of Michigan President Lee Bollinger.
The report comes after Bollinger
interviewed for several hours with Har-
vard's search committee last Sunday in
New York City, the third time he has
met with the committee.
"Bollinger is now the safe choice,'
The Boston Globe quoted a senior Har-
vard official as saying yesterday.
Sources close to the selection process
said the search committee's response to
Bollinger is "almost uniformly posi-
tive," the Globe reported, and that last
weekend's secret interview in Manhat-
tan was "chiefly to cement its members'
impressions of him."
But Harvard Provost Harvey Fineberg
and former U.S. Treasury Secretary
Lawrence Summers, Bollinger's chief

competition for Harvard's top post, also
have allies on the committee, according
to the sources.
Both Fineberg and Summers studied
and taught at Harvard, while Bollinger's
only tie to the Ivy League institution is
his daughter, a recent Harvard graduate.
But Bollinger's supporters on the
committee apparently are more reliable
votes, the Globe reported. Harvard
search committees have traditionally
reached a consensus when selecting a
new president.
That consensus could come as early
as next week after retiring Harvard Pres-
ident Neil Rudenstine returns from a
farewell tour on the West Coast.
University Regent Larry Deitch (D-
Bloomfield Hills) said he could see the
appeal of the Harvard position, although
he said he was unaware whether or not
Bollinger will choose to leave Ann
"Harvard is arguably the most presti-
gious university in the world," Deitch
said. "It potentially offers its president a

Pastures may not be greener
at 'The Michigan of the East'

A popular shirt on
campus sports a phrase
that many members of
the University communi-
ty probably hope Lee
j Bollinger takes to heart.
It's not that students and
faculty - as well as the
E ' Board of Regents and
many alumni throughout
the state - want the president to get a good
laugh. No, considering recent events, many
of Bollinger's best friends and deepest
admirers hope that the president has seen
the shirt, and that he believes its message.
"Harvard, the Michigan of the East" the
shirt simply states.
But with the president's recent jet-set

lifestyle between Ann Arbor and wherever
the Harvard presidential search committee
wants to meet next, it appears Lee C. may
have a different take on the Harvard-Michi-
gan relationship.
As everyone knows by now, Bollinger is
widely believed to be the top candidate to
assume the presidency at the country's old-
est and most prestigious university. From
Cambridge to Ann Arbor, what was once a
question of "Will he go?" now seems to be
more a question of "When will he go?"
Bollinger's silence on the matter only adds
to the mystery, especially when he remained
silent when confronted by reporters from
The Harvard Crimson outside a Manhattan
hotel after completing a lengthy interview
See SPAHN, Page 7

Lee Bollinger, seen walking across campus the week he was
selected as the University's 12th president in November
1996, may be selected to fill Harvard's top post.

rally for
Pay of
By Maria Sprow
Daily StaffReporter
Members of the Coalition to Defend
Affirmative Action By Any Means
r essary stood outside in the bitter
c and snow yesterday for the Day of
action, a day dedicated to defending
and promoting raced-based college
admissions and integration.
BAMN member and rally organizer
Jessica Curtin said the organization
hoped the rally would attract attention
to the trial against the University Law
School's admissions policies, which
- handed over to U.S. District Judge
)ard Friedman last Friday.
"The point of this rally is to win the
trial," Curtin said. "We're fighting to
make a new offensive against segrega-
rion in society"
Curtin said the rally was held to
show a level of social support for affir-
mative action.
But the weather kept many student
supporters inside.
"The weather here is not helping us.
It's about 20 degrees and obviously
w ig," said Luke Massie, a BAMN
Supporters came from as far away as
Great Britain to speak about racial pro-
filing and the need for an international
civil rights movement.
About 50 students, the majority from
the University and Cass Technical High
School in Detroit, stood on the Diag to
show their support.
smaller group of fewer than 10
s dent protesters were huddled togeth-
er, holding signs promoting admissions
based on "character" instead of race.
"We're just here to make sure people
know there is an opposing voice, and
there is an alternative viewpoint. We
wanted to show them that there are a lot
of people who don't support affirmative
action but they don't have the courage
to come out and show it," said LSA
fre hman Adam Dancy.
he rally began when Massie
essed the crowd about the unequal
and segregated conditions of America's
educational system.
"The conditions that permeate Amer-
ica's schools are conditions that we will
not tolerate," Massie said.
Most of the rally centered around
students from Cass Tech, who recently
passed around a petition in support of
mative action and asked Friedman
t ake a look at the condition of the
school. Three hundred students signed
the petition, and Friedman agreed to
"If our schools were not segregated,
there would be no way we wouldn't
have enough books to go around or

Give me a break

dean settles
GSI standoff

Spring break may begin today, but LSA sophomores Kelly Common and Sarah Zakaria had to bundle up yesterday to
escape the wintry weather as Ann Arbor was blanketed with a fresh coat of snow.
Attor'neys await decision

By Whitney Elliott
Daily Staff Reporter
Taubman School of Architecture and
Urban Planning Dean Douglas Kel-
baugh has issued a response to the
grievance filed by 17 architecture grad-
uate student instructors concerning the
number of hours they work.
Kelbaugh told students, faculty and
staff in the School of Architecture and
Urban Planning in an e-mail Wednes-
day afternoon that he had decided to
grant the GSIs the salary and tuition
stipend they had worked for last semes-
ter but had not received. The stipends
for all 17 GSIs total $80,000.
"This was not an easy legal, moral or
academic decision because it results,
alas, in less money to distribute to other
students in the form of financial aid and
other GSI appointments," Kelbaugh
said in the e-mail.
"Nonetheless, we will find a way to
stretch our resources as far as we can. I
have also requested financial help from
the central administration," he added.
Architecture GSI Alex Bresino said
he was pleased with the outcome of the
grievance procedure.
"I'm happy with the decision, as I
think we all are. Both sides presented
good arguments and we had all the
information necessary to back up our
complaint. The college made the appro-
priate decision," Bresino said.
Bresino also said he was disappoint-
ed Kelbaugh said money would be
taken away from scholarships and
financial aid.
"The unfortunate thing was that the
tone of his message indicated that

because they were sort of forced to give
this decision, that it was going to nega-
tively affect the students, Bresino said.
"It kind of put a sour taste in every-
one's mouth again,"he added.
Architecture senior Mara Braspen-
ninx said she was happy the GSIs got
what they were asking for.
"But I'm a little worried that this was
only for last semester. They haven't
made any decisions for this semester. I
hope it continues to make an impact,"
Braspenninx added.
Mark Dilley, coordinator of the
Graduate Employees Organization, said
the general tone of the GSIs upon
learning of the dean's response was
positive but that the GSIs will see the
grievance through until results are
"People are happy that the school
isn't fighting them on this. We're still
saying they need to keep on using these
GSIs, but they need to use them fairly"
Dilley said.
Bresino said he felt the grievance
was handled fairly.
"I think the process that's been estab-
lished for this type of thing seems fair.
Some of the deadlines were not met
within the timeline, but I don't think
those things were large issues;" Bresino
Braspenninx said the bottom line of
filing the grievance was for the students
to get more help from their GSIs and
she hopes this situation has been reme-
"Hopefully, if the GSIs are getting
paid more, they'll be able to spend
more time working with the students,'
Braspenninx said.

By JenFish
Daily Staff Reporter

It's been one week since U.S. District Judge Bernard heard
closing arguments in the trial chal-
lenging the use of race in the Law
School's admissions policy, but 'ADMIIONS
attorneys from all three sides are ON TRIAL
still working to convince him to
rule in their favor.
On Tuesday, each side will sub-
mit a 30-page summary brief to
the judge to highlight what each side felt were their strongest

The briefs will complete what is widely believed to be the
most complete record of evidence in any affirmative action
trial in history as well as conclude an altogether remarkable
event in the history of higher education.
"I think what happened in that courtroom will be looked
back on as a significant watershed in the discussion of affir-
mative action," said Law School Dean Jeffrey Lehman.
On the eve of the trial, all three sides had expressed
supreme confidence in their case - confidence that hasn't
seemed to waver throughout the entire process.
"I couldn't be more proud of how the University has put
See TRIAL, Page 7

94-story climb benefits lung association

By Kay Bhagat
Daily Staff Reporter
If the typical student groans and com-
plains when climbing three flights of stairs
to class when the elevator breaks, imagine
voluntarily racing up 94 flights with contin-
ual speed and determination.
On Sunday, thousands of participants
will run through the stairwells of Chicago's
John Hancock Center to the 94th floor to
raise money for the American Lung Associ-
The fourth annual Hustle up the Hancock
stair climb not only attracts ALA advocates
but serious competitors. Computer science
graduate student Daniel Reeves and Med-

"it is an agonizing sport and it is kind of boring, but
there is a coolness factor in telling people about it."
- Daniel Reeves
Computer science graduate student

boring, but there is a coolness factor in
telling people about it. Watching them have
a shocked reaction is part of the fun," said
After missing first place by two minutes
in last year's race, Reeves is determined to
improve his time from 12:57 to under 10
minutes. Presently, he can climb to the 26th
floor of Tower Plaza in two minutes, and he

The field of competition may favor
Reeves and Rose. Race spokeswoman Amy
Brierly said this year's event will include
twice as many non-competitors than com-
petitors. Each participant is required to pay
a registration fee in addition to a $20
pledge minimum. The earnings will aid the
ALA, focusing on new approaches to edu-
cate children about asthma.

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