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February 20, 2001 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-02-20

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 20, 2001_- 7

just th
Continued from Page 1 to retur
"I have no doubt (video confer- years,"I
encing) will be the reality in some Follo
number of years," Bollinger said. ties Bo
He added that students should be discuss
*ght how to use the computers as content
a learning tool but not the mechan- ties Bo
ics of how the computers function. Confide
"I'm not a big fan of the idea that "We:
students should have to learn about Board t
computers. We don't have mandato- fy part
ry :courses of the internal combus- can ma
tion engine," Bollinger said. go into
Bollinger also spoke to the Sen- do not
ate Assembly about the Royal Larimo
Shakespeare Company coming to Larir
_ n Arbor next month. know th
our of William Shakespearb's the Uni
eight historical plays will be pef- the ele
formed in Ontario and Ann Arbor. data st
"We have a response as a Univer- plaints,
sity to engage in culture. It's riot investig
Continued from Page 1
Bollinger expressed concern earlier in the
at a meeting of the faculty Senate Assem-
b y, when he said the University "has to be
prepared for the fact that we are running a
very important research and eddcational insti-
tution and we do not want to lose ground on
One of the questions posed b'y the commit-
tee chair, Rep. Sandy Caul (R-Mt. Pleasant),
inquired "How much will enrollment growth
by academic level envisioned for the next
three~years impact budgetary needs?"
Cynthia Wilbanks, University vice president
* government relations, said enrollment has
notbeen a budgetary problem.
"Our enrollment has been relatively stable
for the last few years," she said.
Michigan State University President M.
Peter McPherson testified last Wednesday

tresses electronic privacy

ese two weeks. They (The
Shakespeare Company) plan
n two times in the next five
Bollinger said.
wing Bollinger, Civil Liber-
ard member Ann Larimore
sed with the Assembly the
s of the SACUA Civil Liber-
aard Report of Privacy and
felt in the Civil Liberties
hat our response is to identi-
icular areas of concern. We
ke recommendations, but to
details of establishment, we
feel it is our periphery,"
re said.
more added that she does not
he exact number of problems
iversity community has with
ctronic system it uses for
orage and e-mail but com-
she said, have warranted an

In its recommendations, the Civil
Liberties Board proposes the for-
mation of two groups to monitor
civil liberties violations in the Uni-
versity: an Oversight Committee
and a Complaint Resolution Com-
According to the Report of Priva-
cy and Confidentiality, the Over-
sight Committee would monitor
"services on campus which provide
services related to electronic and
other communications."
The Complaint Resolution Com-
mittee would provide investigation
and resolution of complaints sound-
ed by any member of the University
community involving violation of
Cynthia Marcelo, a research sci-
entist in the University Hospitals'
Department of Plastic Surgery,
expressed concern about availabili-
ty of medical records.

"I've worried a lot about how
accessible these files are," Marcelo
Larimore agreed that there is a
problem with electronic data
because unauthorized people often
have too much accessibility.
Attached to the report is a list of
student concerns, compiled by stu-
dent members of the SACUA Civil
Liberties Board. They are LSA
Senior Beth Bernstein, Public
Heath Graduate Student Christo-
pher Godwin and LSA Senior
Joshua Sellers.
The student members of the
board expressed concerns about the
use of students' Social Security
numbers, the ability of faculty to
monitor student computer usage,
the access to student files and the
lack of a mechanism for students to
see their personal information
stored at the University.

Continued from Page 1
issued late Friday and early Saturday.
"All I know is that the prints prob-
ably matched enough (from the
crime scene) for an identification,"
said McClure, who, along with pros-
ecutors, declined further comment.
A car belonging to Parker's parents
was found Sunday at a Sturbridge,
Mass., truck stop, where workers said
they saw two teens matching the sus-
pects' description Friday night. They
were seen at a New Jersey highway
rest area Saturday morning asking for
rides, police said.
The boys told a trucker who
picked them up in New Jersey that
they were from California and had
hitchhiked to Massachusetts to look
for work, Ward said.
They said they weren't able to find
jobs so they were returning to Cali-
fornia. The trucker dropped them off
Continued from Paged1
gain admission.
"These test scores have the proper
amount of consideration in the admis-
sions process," Peterson added.
Jill Piker, a senior guidance coun-
selor at Ann Arbor Huron High
School, said the college admissions
tests have accurately represented her

at the Flying ..
"The truck dt iver had felt sorry
for them. They were close in age to a
child of his own," Ward said. The
22-year veteran said listening to CB
conversations had led to drunken dri-
ving arrests and the capture of an
armed robbery suspect-but nothing
this big.
Audrey McCollum, a friend and.
neighbor of the Zantops, said the
arrests do not ease the pain for tc-
and her husband, Bob.
"These two extraordinary people
are still dead and, in a sense, the
tragedy is extended because if these
two kids did it, which hasn't yet been
proven, what it tells me is that our
society has just gone off the rails,:
said McCollum. a retired pst-
"I ache for their family and their
friends," she said. "They must be
asking themselves, 'Where did we
go wrong?"'
students overall academic abilities and
college preparation but that there area
always student whose true ability are
misrepresented by their scores.
"There are always going to be,
exceptions to the rule, but for the mostC
part the tests do represent college
readiness," Piker said. "I'd like to think
that these test sores are one piece of
the admissions and not the deciding

before the same committee. During the hear-
ing, McPherson told the committee that MSU
also required more money than the governor
The governor and various members of the
legislature have expressed hope that the state
will repeal the tuition tax credit program,
which gives tax credits to parents of students
attending universities that have kept their
tuition increases under the level of inflation.
A repeal of the tuition tax credit would
allow for an across-the-board increase of 3
percent, rather than 1.5 percent to all state
universities, State Budget Director Mary Lan-
noye said Feb. 9. This increase would give the
University an additional $5.4 million.
Among those who have indicated their sup-
port for a repeal are Sen. John Schwarz (R-
Battle Creek), the chairman of the Senate
Higher Education subcommittee, and Sen.
Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.), whose
legislative district includes Ann Arbor.

Continued from Page 1.
Few students know about those buried in the cemetery.
"I lived in Markley last year and walked by it every
day," said LSA sophomore Peter Johnson. "I had no
idea so many well-known people were buried there.
But still, it's a cemetery - unless you have a relative
buried there or it's Halloween and you want to joke
around, why would you want to go there?"
LSA freshman Mindy Marburger, who lives in Mary
Markley Residence Hall, said she shares the same sen-
"It looks pretty during the daytime, but at night, it's
a little scary. I don't like walking near it," Marburger
For LSA senior Kevin McCleary, the cemetery's
meaning goes beyond the adventures students can have
"Obviously, it has a lot of history with the people
buried there," he said. "It should be recognized as
more than just a cemetery."

FEBRUARY 24 @ 7:30 R M.

Seniors have until Saturday to vote on tree

Continued from Page 1
spot on the Diag between the Kraus Natural Sci-
ence Building and the flagpole to plant their oak
The Class of 2001 is being asked to choose a spot
for its tree by voting online at
www. umich.edu/~umalumni/ seniors/seniortree.html.
So far, only a few of the 5,000 students sched-
uled to graduate have voted. The deadline for vot-
is Saturday.
For seniors, deciding where the tree should go
might be a hard decision to make. Many students


have their own favorite spots on campus that they
think deserve a little bit of shade, and many stu-
dents have their own opinions about the way the
senior class should leave their mark.
"I think it should be right in front of Ashley's,"
said Music and LSA senior Tom Sinas. "I've spent
more time there than at any other building on
Some other spots mentioned include places on
North Campus, courtyards of residence halls, in
front of students' houses, Michigan Stadium, on
the Diag and in front of certain buildings where
students have spent much of their college careers.
"I think it should be put on North Campus

because there's not enough unification between
the two campuses and it would be nice to make
the North Campus feel like a part of the Universi-
ty," said Vicki Murley, an Engineering senior
whose classes are on North Campus.
The tree can be planted in any one of the
numerous open spaces on campus. But as practical
or significant as each student's reasoning is, the
final decision to where the tree will be planted is
based solely on the number of votes a location
The tree will become a permanent part of the
University after it is planted at the Senior Ceremo-
nial on April 9.


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