One hundred ten years ofedfri feedom
CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
February 20, 2001
olice na
mu rder
* Sheriff's official hears
trucker on CB radio say 2
teens were looking for ride
NEW CASTLE, Ind. (AP) - Two
teen-agers wanted in the stabbing
d ths of two Dartmouth College
fessors were arrested yesterday
after authorities acting on a hunch
used a CB radio to lure the boys to
an Indiana truck stop.
James Parker, 16, and Robert Tul-
loch, 17, were captured peacefully
before dawn at an Interstate 70 truck
stop more than 700 miles from the
site of the slayings in Hanover, N.H.
Sgt. William Ward of the Henry
County Sheriff's Department said he
rd a trucker say he was carrying
teens who were looking for a
ride to California.
Ward, who had seen television
reports that the Dartmouth suspects
might be headed to California, got
on the CB and suggested the teens
might find a ride at the Flying J
truck stop south of New Castle.
"I just said, 'Why don't you drop
them off at the fuel desk and some-
*will pick them up in a few min-
utes?"' Ward said.
-The teens were caught a short time
later as they were asking another
trucker for a ride. Said Ward: "It was
a long shot, and I didn't expect it
would be them."
Parker and Tulloch are charged as
adults with two counts of first-
degree murder in the deaths of Half
and Susanne Zantop, whose bodies
w e found in their home Jan. 27.
Wwas not known when the teens
would be extradited from New Cas-
tle, which is 40 miles east of Indi-
Attorney Robert Katims, who is
representing Parker, said the boy's
parents were on their way to Indiana.
He said no decision had been made
on whether the boys would waive
*u lloch's mother, Diane Tulloch,
told The Dartmouth, a student news-
paper: "We love our sop, and we want
the press to know that he's innocent
until proven guilty."
Half Zantop, 62, taught earth sci-
ences. His wife, Susanne Zantop, 55,
was chairwoman of the German
Studies Department. Both wete natu-
ralized citizens who were natives of
Germany and traveled abroad fre-
~ eir slayings shocked the 6,500-
s udent Dartmouth campus and the
surrounding community of Hanover.
Authorities have refused to discuss a
motive or any connection between
the boys and the victims, who were
stabbed repeatedly.
Authorities said they believed the
teens left their hometown of
Chelsea, Vt., on Thursday and a
owide manhunt began over the
Orange County, Vt., Sheriff Den-
nis McClure said the boys became
suspects in the Dartmouth case after
authorities learned one had bought a
military-style knife via the Internet.
The boys were asked last Thursday
to come in and provide their finger-
prints, which they did voluntarily.
Arrest warrants for both were
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By Jane Krull
Daily Staff Reporter
proposes dropping SATs
University of California President Richard
Atkinson proposed this week that the UC system
end the requirement of SAT I scores as part of its
admissions process.
This proposal was made during a speech given
Sunday to the American Council on Education,
and if all runs as planned, could be in effect as
early as Fall 2003, university officials said.
The idea is the first of its kind in a large uni-
versity system but has already been instituted in
smaller colleges such as Bates College and
Mount Holyoke College.
University of California spokesman Charles
McFadden said Atkinson feels the Scholastic
Aptitude Test I, or SAT as it is commonly known,
does not accurately measure the academic
aspects the university seeks in its applicants.
"He feels that the university ought to have a
standardized test on mastering high school
coursework rather than measuring academic
potential, as the SAT I does," McFadden said.
Atkinson's proposal also requests that the UC
system - which includes the University of Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles and UC Berkeley - create
a standardized test that would eventually replace
the SAT I.
"He is advocating the University of California
develop its own standardized test to better mea-
sure a students mastery of knowledge," McFad-
den said.
Until the time that the new test would be
implemented, the proposal recommends that the
UC system continue to require the SAT II in its
admissions process.
After having submitted his proposal, Atkinson
is awaiting consideration by the UC system's aca-
demic council. Pending approval there, the pro-
posal will be voted upon by the University of
California Board of Regents for a final adminis-
trative decision.
University of Michigan spokeswoman Julie
Peterson said despite the lead that Atkinson has
taken to revamp the UC system's admissions
process, the University has no plans to follow in
his footsteps.
"We do not have any plans at this time to elim-
inate the SAT or ACT in admissions'" she said.
Peterson also added that according to the point
system used by the University's Office of Admis-
sions, students can only earn up to 12 points for
their standardized test scores but they can earn up
to 80 points for their high school grades and col-
lege preparatory classes. In the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts, the total number of
points a student can earn is 150 but an applicant
does not have to earn all the points in order to
See SAT, Page 7
to ask
By Louis Meizilsh
Daily Staff Reporter
University President Lee Bollinger plans to tell mem-
bers of the state House Appropriations Higher Educa-
tion Subcommittee tomorrow that Gov. John Engler's
2002 higher education budget proposal fails to meet the
University's needs.
Bollinger said yesterday he
would tell the committee the Uni-
versity is "making very careful
and wise use of our resources and
we need as much funding as we
possibly can get."
Engler has proposed a 1.5 per-
cent increase over the current
year's funding for the University, -
or $363.7 million in total funding. The University
requested a 7 percent increase.
Bollinger said he will ask the Legislature to make up
the difference between what the University asked for
and what the governor proposed.
See BUDGET, Page 7
These are some of maiy headstones in the Forest Hills Cemetery, located in the Hill area at the corner oebeservatory Street and Geddes
Avenue. Among those buried in the Cemetery are former University president James B. Angell, former University football coach and athletic
director Fielding H. Yost and Irving Kane Pond, the first football player to score a touchdown for the Wolverines.
Campus history buried in cemetery
By Ted Borden
Daily StaffReporter
A town landmark since its construc-
tion 1857, Forest Hills Cemetery -
located in the Hill area at the corner of
Observatory Street and Geddes Avenue
-- is the final resting place of some of
Ann Arbor's most well-known figures.
"There's a number of noteworthy indi-
viduals in Forest Hills," said Wystan
Stevens, an Ann Arbor resident who has
given tours of the cemetery, usually
around Halloween, since 1978.
"I usually give six tours a year, with
30 people in each," he said. "Everyone's
interested in hearing about the people
buried there."
Among those individuals are former
Michigan governor and senator Elfius
Felch, former University football coach
and Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost,
former University President James B.
Angell and Irving Kane Pond, the first
football player to score a touchdown for
the Wolverines.
Also found in the cemetery is Charles
Manly, the onlymayor of Ann Arbor to
ever be burned in effigy by residents
"You should have seen all the people running
around there during Halloween, playing games
and trying to scare the people walking by."
- Carolyn Larimer
LSA freshman
after he moved many grave sites from
the city's old public cemetery - located
where the Power Center is now - to
Fairview Cemetery, located on Wright
Street east of the Huron River.
Maryanne Mueller, office manager of
the cemetery, said the cemetery is locat-
ed on a 65-acre plot of land and con-
tains over 23,000 burial plots and
77,000 spaces, as well as several mau-
"It is one of the largest in the area,"
she said.
The cemetery began filling up soon
after it was built when town residents
moved burials from the old public
cemetery to Forest Hills. Those buried
at the public cemetery with no known
living relatives were sent by Manly to
Fairview, an act which prompted Ann
Arbor citizens to rally against him.
Before the cemetery was constructed,
the property included a cabin used for
meetings by the Chi Psi fraternity.
Relatives of those buried in Forest
Hills are not the only ones making visits
to the cemetery. Students in the Hill
area have been known to congregate
there as well.
"That place is crazy," said LSA fresh-
man Caroline Larimer, who lives in
Stockwell Residence Hall. "You should
have seen all the people there during
Halloween, running around, playing
games and trying to scare the people
walking by. But I'd never go there. It's
just a little too creepy for me."
See CEMETERY, Page 7
University President Lee Bollinger speaks to the Senate
Assembly yesterday.
Bollinger eyes
long- distance,
global, learnin
Seniors to choose where
.,class tree will be planted
By Whitney Elliott
Daily Staff Reporter
University President Lee Bollinger met with the Sen-
ate Assembly yesterday to speak about global learning
and long distance technology.
Bollinger introduced to the assembly the idea of
video conferencing in University classrooms. He also
pitched the idea of future University involvement with, an interactive educational website.
The University has an agreement with the website to
contribute some academic materials but has not made
any financial agreements.
"We have not put up any funds. We have said that we
are academic partners. We can experiment with the
potential uses~of this media," Bollinger said.
Before financially committing the University to any
partnerships, Bollinger said the University must con-
sider the amount of funding to invest, whether it will
profit from the site, the ownership of the material
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
This year's senior class has a lot of decision-making to
do in the next coming month: Which graduate school to
attend, which job to accept -
and where to plant the senior
Planting the senior tree is a
The class planted a total of 48 saplings around the oak
Because the size of graduating classes has grown con-
siderably since the tradition began, graduating classes
now only plant one symbolic tree. However, the symbol-
ism of planting the tree remains the same. Traditionally,
the tree acts as a way to keep graduating students con-
nected with the University.
The "Tappan Tree," as all senior trees are now called,