2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 16, 2001 NATION/WORLD Sharon agrees to unity government Former prime minister Ehud Barak to be new defense minister JERUSALEM (AP) - Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak agreed on formation of a unity government yesterday, with Barak's party get- ting the key defense portfolio. Israeli media said Barak would be the new defense minister. Sharon and Barak met for two hours yesterday and Barak - who was resoundingly defeated by Sharon only last week - accepted Sharon's offer of the top Cabinet post, Israeli TV and radio reported. Barak's office said in a statement that a decision was made to set up a unity government, and that Barak's Labor party would receive the defense and foreign ministries. Officials close to Barak were not available for comment on the media reports of his agreement to stay in government. Violence persisted yesterday as two mortar shells fired by Palestinians fell on a Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip, and Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian who was trying to infiltrate another settlement there. No casualties were reported in the mortar attack at Netzarim, an isolated enclave in central Gaza. The set- tlement had come under mortar attack twice before. A Palestinian police officer whom Israel believed to be responsible for the earlier attacks was killed Tuesday by Israeli helicopters firing rockets. The Palestinian killed near Kfar Darom, another isolated settlement in Gaza, was identified as Nasser Hassanat. He was a member of a Palestinian security force, according to documents he carried. Funerals for young Israeli soldiers and a civilian - eight were killed Wednesday by a Palestinian bus dri- ver - weighed heavily on politicians seeking a coali- tion between Sharon's Likud party and Labor. Sharon, who cannot take office until he forges a majority coalition, was confident. "I will set up a unity government," he told reporters before meeting Euro- pean Union peace envoy Miguel Moratinos. Sharon said it would "enable us to reach security and peace." Other prominent Israelis had harsh words for the Palestinians. President Moshe Katsav, visiting the family of a soldier killed in an earlier attack, said Arafat incites Palestinians to attack Israel, while talk- ing about peace at the same time. "That's Yasser Arafat, with his conflicting messages and dual morality and two-faced behavior," Katsav said. A leading rabbi recommended that Israel seize the Palestinian town of Bethlehem as retaliation for gun- fire at a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem and Rachel's Tomb, a Jewish holy site near Bethlehem. Rabbi Shalom Mashash, chief Sephardic rabbi of Jerusalem, was quoted by a Jewish weekly as saying that Israel gave the Palestinians control of towns for peace. But since there was no peace, Israel should take back Bethlehem, he said. Sharon has said he would not order the capture of areas under Palestinian rule. Israelis were in a somber mood as reports of funer- als dominated the news. In the coastal city of Ashkelon, weeping parents buried four young soldiers one after the other at the military cemetery under gray, drizzly skies. They were among the eight killed Wednesday when a Palestinian bus driver crashed into a crowd of sol- diers and civilians at a bus stop south of Tel Aviv. The driver, Khalil Abu Olbeh from Gaza City, was shot and captured after a highway chase. In response, Israel clamped its toughest quarantine yet on the West Bank and Gaza, banning Palestinians from entering Israel or leaving for other countries, limiting internal travel, enforcing a sea blockade and closing the Palestinian airport. NEWS iN BRIEF HIEADLINES FROM ,AROU~tND THE WORLD 3 WASH INGTON Bush asks for review of civilian policy President Bush said yesterday the Pentagon should review its policy on civil- ian participation in military exercises like the emergency ascent drill a Navy sub- marine was performing when it sank a Japanese fishing vessel. Sixteen civilians were aboard the submarine when the accident happened. To were at control stations, although Navy officials insist they had no connection with errors that caused the collision. "I look forward to the Defense Department review of the policies, the current policies, particularly in light of the recent tragedy that took place in Hawaii," Bush said. "I want to reiterate what I said to the prime minister of Japan: I'm deeply sorry about the accident that took place, our nation is sorry that the acci- dent happened, and we will do everything we can to help recover the bodies" Rear Adm. Stephen Pietropaoli, a Navy spokesman, told reporters that both the Atlantic and Pacific submarine fleets are reviewing procedures involving embarkation of civilian guests on sea maneuvers. Pentagon officials said a preliminary Navy investigation of the submarine lision may be finished within days. Adm. Thomas Fargo, commander of the Pacific Fleet, will then decide whether the findings warrant court-martialing the sub's captain or crew. WASHINGTON Panel to subpoena 3 in Rich pardon probe Three of President Clinton's closest White House aides - former chief ofstaff John Podesta, lawyer Beth Nolan and adviser Bruce Lindsey - will be subpoe- naed for the next House hearing into millionaire Marc Rich's pardon, offici s said yesterday. The questioning will reach into the Bush administration this time, a committee source said, with the committee likely to call Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, one of Rich's former lawyers. The House Government Reform Committee also asked Clinton and Rich to release all their aides and lawyers from any executive privilege so they can testify at the committee's March 1 hearing without betraying any confidentiality oaths. This comes as a U.S. attorney in New York announced she had opened a criminal investigation into whether money played any role in Clinton's last-minute pardon of the fugitive financier. Senate and House committees are also probing that possibility, with the House holding its second hearing on the matter next month. Rich was wanted by the Justice Department on charges of evading more than $48 million in taxes, fraud and participating in illegal oil deals. .10 Bush open to ending annual evaluation of Mexico's WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- dent Bush is open to ending the annual U.S. evaluation of Mexico's drug-fighting efforts, officials said yesterday, in a goodwill gesture on the eve of Bush's trip to visit newly installed Mexican President Vicente Fox. "Mexico has seen a new birth of freedom," Bush said at the State Department as he prepared for the first foreign trip of his presidency. Fox and other Mexican leaders have railed against the congressionally mandated drug certification process, which can result in eco- nomic penalties. Talks between the two leaders are expected to trace a wide range of issues, including immigration, trade, energy and drugs. But no major developments are planned for the scheduled 7 1/2-hour session at San Cristobal, the site of Fox's dusty ranch 210 miles northwest of Mexico City in the state of Guana- juato. Bush and Fox - both ranch own- ers who favor Western wear and 'enchiladas - plan to stress their Order on our website @ Ulrichs.com ULRICH'S BOOKSTORE 549 E. University 662.3201 vww.hecr e .cc1/0o ige Thursday & Friday February 15th& 16th From 11:00am to 4pm g ut rea m IWsmftU SA .-A 4 4 Lrugefforts personal ties, not their nations' dif- ferences. As they meet, there will be a series of picture-taking sessions showing them in cozy, casual set- tings. "President Fox and I met as gov- ernors, and I look forward to deep- ening our friendship," said Bush, a former two-term Texas governor. "But I look forward even more to forging a deeper partnership between our two great nations." One sticking point in U.S.-Mexi- co relations is the 14-year-old law requiring the U.S. president to certi- fy annually which of nearly 30 countries are cooperating in the fight against drug trafficking. Those considered not to be doing enough can be "decertified" and face possi- ble sanctions. The next deadline for State Department decisions on certi- fication is March 1. The process has infuriated many countries, most notably Mexico, that view it as a condescending and hyp- ocritical exercise by the nation that .is the world's largest consumer of illegal drugs. Mexico has never failed to be certified. KNOW OF NEWS ON CA Pus? M ., E-MAI H NEWs Dzs urnikh.d Food For Thought Who was the better fighter? Rather than keep their heads down, American rifle- men were trained to instant- ly charge an ambush, which often took place from 30-50 feet away. "It sounds coun- terintuitive," one grunt told me, "but in the end, it was the safest thing to do." More to come in future ads. Gary Lillie & Assoc., Realtors www.garylillie.com SCOREKEEPERS Sportsgrill & Pub DENVER McVeigh doesn't ask for life to be spared Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh allowed a deadline to pass yesterday without asking the president to spare his life. McVeigh, 32, is scheduled to die by lethal injection May 16 in the first exe- cution by the federal government in 37 years. The U.S. Bureau of Prisons set the execution date after McVeigh dropped all appeals. Under federal rules, lie had one month after the date was set to file a request for clemency. Attorney Rob Nigh Jr. said yester- day that he had drafted a clemency petition in case McVeigh wanted to submit it. McVeigh's attorneys said they would discuss their client's deci- sion at news conferences today. The Gulf War veteran was convicted of murder and other charges in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building that killed 168 people and injured more than 500. MEXICO CITY Gunmen in military garb kill 12 villagers Hooded gunmen in military garb armed with submachine guns shot and killed 12 villagers and wounded three in the western state of Sinaloa, author- ities there said yesterday. About a dozen attackers stole a truck in the village of Limoncito de Ayala and went door to door Wednesday night, rounding up the victims and forc- ing them into the truck at gunpoint, wit- nesses said, according to the state police report. All the victims were men, one of them only 12 years old, and all were farmers or bricklayers. One of the bricklayers jumped out of the truck and tried to run. The report said the gunmen shot him to death, then moved the truck some blocks away and shot the rest. They fled in a wai pickup truck. The government he s agency Notimex said the rest of the vil- lagers fled to surrounding hills where they spent the night. CHICAGO United sels flights to Paris for $24.98 Want to fly round-trip to Paris for less than $25? United Airlines mistakenly listed such eye-popping fares on its Web site for nearly an hour last month. A total of 143 tickets were sold at the near- giveaway prices before the airline informed the buyers that the fares that looked too good to be true were just that, United said. United blamed a technical error for the fares that appeared . wwwual.com on the evening of P' 31. The Web site offered San Francis- co to Paris for $24.98, with similar deals for flights to Hong Kong, and other cities. "We certainly apologize for any-mis- understanding and inconvenience it may have caused to customers," United spokesman Chris Brathwaite said yes- terday. United has offered to find the lowest possible fares for the customers. - Compiled from Daily wire rept. Celebrate Kinko's Grand Opening in Ann Arbor. Tuesday, February 27, 2001 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Enjoy Special Prize Giveaways, Free Food, Drinks and Fun! Learn about Kinko's products and services at our "Mini Trade Show" and enter to win great prizes! The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $100. Winter term (January through April) is $105, yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-caripus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. 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