2A -The Michigan Daily -Thursday, January 4, 2001 N ATI NWOL Arafat responds to Clinton's plane WASH INGTON (AP) -- President Clinton's drive for an Israel i-Palestin- ian accord gained new life yesterday with word from Yasser Arafat that he was willinig to negotiate with Israel based oni his interprctat ion of Clinton's formula for a settlement. Israel responded by agreeing to send negotiator Giilead Slier to Washington to confer today with U.S. mediators Dennis Ross and Aaron Miller on whether a basis exists for new talks with the Palestinians. In the meantime, Israel intends to measure whether Arafat's promise to Clinton to curb attacks is being imple- mnented. "We're not goinig to resume negotia- tions, we're not going to have a sum- mit, unless we are confident of success" P3. Crowley, a White House spokesman, said after Clinton's second telephone conversation with Israeli Prinie Minister Ehud Barak. -Another senior official, speaking on condition of anonymity, saidr the Pales- tinians also would send an official in the next few days to talk to the Ameri- can mediators. With only 1 7 days left to pursue his goal, Clinton took to the telephone to try to bridg~e differences between Arafat and Barak. "They both have reservations, and we're going to work with both parties to try to reconcile their interpretation of it," White House spokesman Jake Siewert said. At the State Department, spokesman Richard B~oucher said the development was "definitely a step forward" and "we still have grounds to work on this.'' In Stockholm, Sweden, visiting Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben- Ami said an agreement remains unlikely before Clinton turns over the presidency to George WV Bush. "It may be an act of providential mir- acle that can produce a full deal between us and the Palestinians in the remaining days (of CIi nton's presideni- cy)," Ben-Ai said. The fresh impetus surfaced after two WVhite House meetings Tues day in which Arafat promised again to try to curb the violence that has plagued the region. LAWSUITF Continued from Page IA xwhilexer-y lexv facts xere inlldis-) pate in the case, a tr-ial isnesar to LIeterm~iine the extent to viii ,cl race is a fact or in admi ssiouns In the Law School and xx hether the school applies a doable standlard xvheni considering; miiiorit\ and white applicants. In movinu) toxward a trial, the jidlge ruled ag1ainst twvo separate motions f'or summiary juldgmnent, which, if Qlranted. would have allowed tile judgae to r-ule based on the facts al ready in evi- denlce xvithount a trial. The trial is scheduled to hegina.tan. 1 6. All three parties will have 30 hours to argue theniCi ase. Friedman said lhe would like to work atleas<:t eight hours every day, ahlouigll iteexac t iimi an will be flexible. Friedmian also saidl lie would have liked to mrove the trial to Ann Arbor-, but siiice a neCw udge x'vaCs Iiired to use the Anni Arbor Fe deral Cour-thouse, it will be difficult to hold the ent ire tiial in Anni Arbor. But Fr-iedman ridded that lie might hold parts of the trial in Ann Arbor. T1he suit was filed against the U a iver-sity 's ILaw School i n Decccm- ber, 1997, by the Washington D.C.- basedlC(IlR onl behalf of' Barbara (irutter, a wxhite applicant rejected from the Law School. Dur-ing the hearing threeCC par1ties - (71 R, thle University arnd a coali- tion of interveninag defendants- testified befolre Friedman. Kirkt KolIbo, lead counsel I'm the Center- for Individual Righ~lts. begar n the arg3uments by describinag xx hy the firm hadl brought thle University to court. "The essence of outr case is that the Law School employs a 5steii- atic double standlard inl admissions and that double standard is race,, Kolbo saidl. "Our second principle is that dliversity is not a comlpelling government interest." Kolbo said the Law School, while admittedly triin to achieve a "crit- ical mass1' oinimotyvstudents. is in fact emploving a double standard aiid applying0 a "system in xwhich applicants do not compete on cclI al foot i1in" "The Constitution proposes that all mniare created equal, and we are~~ asigh iat you vitiLi cat e that pritteiple." Koibo saidl. Joh obi ayton Ilcad coun sel for thle University, said the Law School needls to take race Into account Iii Its "Idmts stons process to ensure an equal footinig to all appl icartts. "WNe have all asmed xvve have tioved frotiibeiin a senren-cated society into a f'uliy integrated sod]- etvx. Today, It remiai ns the case that txhe are almost as scenrenated resi- dentialiv as xve xere 5() years ago) Paytonl said. "People groxv up sepa- rately and go to school separately. "Tfhe lawv, I would say, goes ii rough all aspects of oulr Iives. It is importanit that laxvyers get t rainted to do everythiing a laxvyer is sup- posed to do, atid it really pmatters that lawyers be trained around those they 'll be workin with," Pay- ton argueId. Paytort said it xwas ]iits belIief that almost every selective law school inl lie country uases race as a factor inl admissiotis. lie said having a "crit-- ical mlass" of Minority students is' important in achievitig comfort for all Individuals. Whlile both Kolbo and Payton requnested that Fr'l:iedan issue a sa iil ma ry judgment, MIirand(a Massie, lead lco:utisel for the Inter- xciig. cdefendants, argued for a trial. "'Tile trial should be about the claim there is a double stanidard and that ( Laxw School Aptitude Test) scores and grade poinit averages are nleutral," Massie said. ,Massie said ,a trial woul be tiec- essary to give students the oppor-ta- aity to speak on behalf, of affirmative action, andl why it i"s importanit to the Universityv. "Students n,.ed~ the opportuiiity to hoxvw t they areCLIqualI," NIassi e said. ' Wht we want ts the opportu- nity to shoxv you that xvhat's ins place is macli more equal and fair:" I-SA sophomore Agnes Aleobu1.a, xvho travelled to Detroit for the Iican iig, said shle is glad the triial xwiil proceed to court. "I x'want the chaiice to testtify. about being a bencfactorv of affir- Inative act ion and a trial is neces- sarv to put the legal rullinlg on a stronig looting" A leobua sidL. Stocks soar as interest rates increase V'ASE II\ ION --ie e hderal Reserve, confirnted witth new evidene o 0C rapidlyv xeakeiiing economy, took the dramatic action yesterday of lowering a key interest rate by half a percentage point, the biggest reduction in more thu e'ltCt eas. WAall Stt-cet soared on the surprise antiouncement, and Ptcsidcnt-eecl BaSH t oiceLI his approxval. lie said such "bold action" wvas needed to avcr t recession. The reduaction to 0 percent iii the Fed':s target for the federal funds rate, the* interest that batiks charge each othiei, was approved durmig anl emergency tele. phone confcretice call betweeni Federal Reserve Chaiirnan lMan Greenspan and meiiibetrs of thle Fed's rate-setting comtmittee..- It marked the first time in C retispan's 13 years at the Fed that lie has used a cotiference call to lautichi a cycle of rate reductions. analysts said the decision to act without waiting for the Fed's next regular interest-rate meeting oii Jan. 30, and the size of the cut at oie-lialf, point instead of a quarter-poiint, underscored the seriousness with which Greenspan and his colleagues viewed the threats facing~ the economy.t "This is a very aggressive move atid indicates a high level of concern. If it's not panic, it's close to it," said Mark Zaiidi, chief economist at hconom.com,at West Chester, Pat., consulting firm. I seven escaped cons That the seven a ring as .a gang aiid elude 'texas police up has led to suspi planning a showdov DAl IIAS- Texas police were ""They are appare waigbulletproof vests and increas- and it's a pretty d irL, their fi repoxwer yesterday in the spokeswoman Lor b7igrest manhunt in state history - a Dallas Moring Nei sarch for se~ven escaped convicts believecl to be using stolen police scan- nets to stay a jumnp ahead of the law. Emi1.nem n In the three weeks since they broke for 4AGran oat of prison with a cache of weaponis and lef1t a note warning, "You haven't NEW YORK - heard the last oif us yet, the convicts try showed yester are Suspected Of pulling off at least stomach and stand t orb eisadkligaplc fi h ap rswc cecu critically acclaimr Prison officials said the search has Mathers LP" recei spreadl across the Southwest, ;but nominations, incu Larry ToLdLy, a spokesman for the yeai.Ilie and his mn Texas Decpar'tmenit of Criminal justice, produced the albun said all seven ate still believed to be in bined nine Gramniy the Dallas area;- and still togetheri; atid "Dr. Dre - 2001 Todd said they apparently have not Eminem, whos t'ried to contact atny close friends or homosexuals andd relatives, but he added: "Someone is of his wife anid the obviously helpinig them. They have er, had also take the nioney anid assistance to stay hid- academiy in the sol doe. Shiady". Pinochet's lawyer, charges, but thatac J+ by the Supreme C disagrees w I Uge Judge failed to get . J i The cour-t ordere< SANTIAGO, Chile - Gen. Augus- tion Pinochet befo to Pindchet's. chief laxvyer .recoin- the way open for ri mendedl yesterday that the former ment --- a procedul dictator openly disobey the judge doubt if' Pinochet f seekitig to try him f'or abuses that recommiendation! occurred Ldurinig his military regime. judge's order for tes .uLdge Juani Guzman has ordered txwo days of neurological and mental tests starting Suniday to determiiie Mexican p xhiethier lie is fit to stand trial, to, skip mial But laxvyer Pablo Rodriguez said. Guziian's orders for Piniochet to under- MEXICO 0CCI T n o two dlays of tests followed by a long Vicente Fox w il l day ofiniterriogationi amiount "to opera dent-elect Bush's harassment" mtray Jan. 20, M It is uniacceptable "to have ain ill, secretary said yest 85-year-old man" undergo a tiring Foreign Secretari battery of tests for twvo days and did not explain wI' immiiediately afterxward have to aniswer to attend, but said h questioiis for hours, Rodriguez said. with Bush before tI' "As a lawy ver, I xill recommend my Castaneda did clienit not to take the tests and refuse Mexico would sent the interrogation,"lie said. the ceremony. (C uzmnaii last month indicted Pinochiet oii kidnapping and murder - Conpiled fron appeared to be tun,~ instead of splitting )icions they niay be )wn. renthy on a mission; ark mission," FBI, ri Bailey told The, ews last week. nominate( nmys - The record Indus- ;ray that it could Eminem. ckedly offensive but ned "The Marshal ;ived four Grammy, uding album of tljc, lentor. Dr. Dre, whg1 ui, t'eceived a corn= iy nominations for it I1:' se songs bashed depicted thc killinig rape of his moth, en a swvipe at the )ng "The Real Slim I A6.6 4 5- not STS WAX 1 A. A", tion. was overturned Court because the tion Pinochet first. cd GIuzmnan to ques- ore Jan. 9, leaving. ,instating the indict- ire that could be iri@ follows his lawyer ns to disobey the its and questioning. ,I i W° it .. L "Y y. Aa l 1. ell 4 }may ow- Y . yyv4! is 6 nYi e M' .Y 1f N f ' y,. i" lw. A ."1S Y yam F dry i. py k w r to . r tm. N e ' k'3 " mt: , e x Vic: r uiniversiy usc lsociet 20010/2001l WINTER W'interH l-rice Studtent a,, I L/' tJf) )resident :t Lugurations Y--President not attend Ptesi-@ swearing-in cere- Vexico's foreign' it rd ay. r ry Jorge Castaneda, by Fox decided note he planned to meet he end of April. not say whether' 1d someone else to iDail, ire repor'ts: I~ ini Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter' terms brIy itdets at the' University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September. via U.S. mai, are 1U.Winter term (January through April) is $105, yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-campus 'ulscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. Tree Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. ADDRSS: The Michigan Daily. 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109--1327. 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World Wide WetD: www.iichigandaiiy.com Saturday, January 6, 10 am-1 pm Hill Auditorium Pilobolus Vermeer Quartet Mingus Big Band: Blues and Politics Alvin Aley American Dance Theater Dresden Staatskapelle, Giuseppe Sinopoli conductor Brentano String Quartet Hubbard Street Dance Chicago Dubrovka Tomsic piano Dairakudakan: Kai In No tLmo (Sea-Dappled Horse) Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra and Choir Manfred Honeck conductor Swedish Radio Choir and Eric Ericson Chamber Choir Eric Ericson conductor Manuel Barrueco guitar Ballet Preljocaj: Paysage apres la Bataill Prague Chamber Orchestra with the Beaux Arts Trio Les Violons du Roy David Daniels countertenor Academy of St. Martin-in-the-fields Murray Perahia conductor and piano Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center Heidi Grant Murphy soprano Brass Band of Battle Creek Ronald K. Brown/Evidence Orion String Quartet and Peter Serkin piano Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam Riccardo Chailly conductor Matthias Goerne baritone Emerson String Quartet These Prices are just Too Good to Pass Up! The Proces..: It's easy! Jlust make your way to Hill Auditorium Saturday morning and wait in line to receive a sequentially numbered Ticket Order Form (the number on each order form indicates the order in which it is going to be processed by the U MS Box Office). Once you receive your order form you have until 1 pm to fill it out with the exact amount of tickets that you and your friends would like to purchase to each event. Turn it in and then go to' the UMS Box Office in the Power Center beginning Friday, January 12 to pick up and pay for your tickets. It's as simple as that! ,rAF Mike Sphn,..Eito n* he I NEWS Jewel Gopwani, Managing Editor E ITORS: Nick Bunkiey, Nika Schulte, Jaimie Winklert KT~ i trrn di ,.wnn' Anna Ciark, Lara Deneau. Lizzie Ehrre. Whitney Ell-ott. 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PHOTO Louis Brown, Jessica Johnson, Editors ASSOCIATE EDITORS: David Katz, Marjorie Marshall ARTS EDITOR: Peter Cornue 5Ai""rino ai, ermran, laJst Cir patreir Sam Hoiienshedd. Jeff Hurvitz. Mchael Hynes. Jo.ce Lee Care \McGee Danny r -dar. C cOrrxe' i. Joanna Pane. B rdQuinn Abby Rosenrbaumn. Brandon Se'loh. Erle Witre. Alex Walk. A155 0 Wood." O N IFE Kiran Divvela, Paul Wong, Managing Editorsi 71 --~,c'zlraeru , sa Cenc ia. Dana M Goldberg. Sammy Ka. Mark, McKinstry Vince lust. 2~NS~fMS Icrn AximaS.ra. Mr-." Bobk. Saradru Pramanik DISP LAY SALES- Sarah Estella, Manag4 ..,'i- ... .ir ur , ..-.. . r1 . .ii0 rad l axrs ai i h eon aor ,- i 'i .n 'nuri r i m ,ii l1r I. , i nfwrr~. I. i,fxi' Student tickets for the Royal Shakespeare Company will not be sold at this event. 4 Vai tdent ID required 4 Limit 2 tickets per student, per event 4 Limit 8 tickets per order farm 4 Ticket~s ore sald an a first come, I T i A tr i -;. a Barka,. Brad+cv Davies, Jacob Fenton Jared Ha align. Jon Ho tzef. Simon hut. Kell e R nr ev. lenn ser _. ,. ,....... i, ~., n.... o..,.. r, o... ,., r, f:tnnn Pn,.. ye. M.".n far tnn_.. Ia e. Nncc. /J f C:'P ; i" FlI I iltf ;t CIAt1. (:Pf]iP s-.. _. i I I