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February 12,2001
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publish results
By Anna Clark
Daily Staff Reporter
It's not the lunar landing, but according to sci-
entific experts, it's just as much of a landmark.
This morning, University Prof. Francis
*ollins, director of the Human Genome Pro-
ject, is expected to announce that the two sepa-
rate initiatives to sequence the human genome
are essentially complete.
The announcement is scheduled to take place
at 10 a.m. in Washington, D.C. The two organi-
zations that have worked to assemble the genome
will publish their results in two different journals.
The HGP will publish their findings in a spe-
cial issue of the scientific
journal Nature, while the
privately-funded Celera
Genomics will publish in
Science. This coordination
of the release of informa-
tion comes after several
years of competition
between the two compa-
vies for developments in
Collins the sequencing.
Today's announcement
follows last summer's statement that 85 percent
of the human genome was sequenced.
But University Vice President for Medical
Affairs Gil Omenn said today will be the first
opportunity for scientists and researchers to
compare both sets of data.
"In June 2000 everyone had a publicity blitz
that the working draft was nearly completed.
Today we see the results of all that research,"
Omenn said. "It's a big deal:'
The sequenced human genome is the map-
ping of all human DNA, including the genes
and proteins, which determines variation and
diseases in humans.
Experts confirm the historic implications of
the assembled human genome.
"This is huge," said Stephen Gruber, director
of the University Cancer Genetics Clinic. "In
some respects, it's equivalent to the lunar land-
ing for scientists. And the fact that they got this
done ahead of time and under budget is
Gruber, a University assistant medical pro-
fessor, added that the sequenced genome pro-
vides enormous possibilities for discovery.
Gruber said one of the things that surprised
him the most is how few genes humans have,
noting that it is only about twice as many as
"Questions many of us haven't even thought
of can now be answered now that we have an
assembled human genome," Gruber said.
John Moran, an assistant professor of genet-
ics at the University, said he agrees the genome
data provides an important resource for future
"This is the first time a blueprint of what it is
to be human is in front of us," Moran said.
While the HGP has publicized developments
on their website as they discovered them, Cel-
era will only be offering limited access after
today's announcements.
See GENOME, Page 7A
'U '
for appeal of
LSA decision
By Jon Fish
Daily Staff Reporter
DETROIT - In the first step of what
is likely to be a lengthy appeals process,
the University filed papers Friday
requesting permission to appeal the rul-
ing by U.S. District Judge Patrick Dug-
gan in the
lawsuit chal-
undergradu- N A
ate admis-
sion policies.
The deci- 4~
sion, handed
down Dec. Inside: The Law School
13, settled admissions trial
the case continues with two days
without a of testimony over the
trial and was weekend. Page 3A
considered a
victory for the University. Duggan certi-
fied the opinion for appeal last month,
which allows the parties to appeal
although litigation is not fully complete.
An appeal of Duggan's ruling would
be heard by the Sixth Circuit Court of
Appeals'in Cincinnati. Friday's papers
are not the formal appeal -the Univer-
sity has said it will only appeal the deci-
sion if the Center for Individual Rights
files its own appeal.
But Kirk Kolbo, lead counsel for
CIR, said Friday that CIR will definitely
appeal the opinion. "We have the right
to appeal automatically,"he said.
In his opinion, Duggan wrote that the
University's current admissions system,
implemented in 1999, is legal in its tak-
ing race as a consideration because,
Duggan wrote, the educational benefits
of diversity that such a system is
designed to accomplish constitute a
compelling government interest.
But Duggan also ruled that the "grid"
system of admissions used from 1995 to
1998, the years which plaintiff Jennifer
Gratz applied, was illegal.
University Deputy General Counsel
Liz Barry said the University will likely
appeal this portion of the decision.
"It's important that (the Sixth Circuit)
has all the issues in front of them;' she
said "We believe this is the best deci-
sion for preserving the victory we've
already achieved."
CIR will appeal the other portions of
Duggan's opinion, including the ruling
that excludes University President Lee
Bollinger and former President James
Duderstadt as defendants in the case.
The Sixth Circuit must first decide
whether to take the case. If it does
accept it, each side will be asked to file
briefs in support of their position.
Engineering freshman Kathy Wu helps out while Tyler McPherson and Lindsay Peet make bead necklaces Friday at the Kids Fair in Criser Arena.
Kids Fair unites pen pal
By Shannon Pettypiece
Daily Staff Reporter
A dozen yellow school buses lined up outside
Crisler Arena and more than 1,000 elementary
school kids singing "Hail To the Victors" inside
Friday morning signaled to anyone nearby that the
third annual Kids Fair was underway.
The fair brought elementary school students
from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Detroit to the Uni-
versity for a day of activities with college students.
This event is one of many organized by the K-
grams pen pal program in an effort to increase
University and community interaction.
"The K-Fair gives the elementary students the
opportunity to see the many different sides of col-
lege ... so that they believe a future education is
definitely possible," said K-grams Executive
Director Elena Mann, an Engineering junior.
But for many participants, the Kids Fair was a
chance to meet the pen pals they have been in con-
tact with for the past few months through biweekly
At the beginning of the school year, children
from local elementary schools and University stu-
dents involved in K-grams were paired up with
one another.
The "buddies" corresponded with each other
through letters on topics ranging from "Harry Pot-
ter" to the presidential election.
The process of collecting and delivering the
1,000 letters each month takes roughly 100 student
"I loved the letters," said LSA sophomore
Louisa Kennedy. "I put all of them up on my walL."
After the pen pals had met they spent the after-
noon participating in activities sponsored by nearly
100 student groups.
Kids Fair attendees participated in such activi-
ties as a pie eating contest, valentine decorating,
face painting, playing with musical instruments,
See KIDS, Page 7A
LGBT kicks off
'Visibility Week''
MSA upset by
changs absent
from Code
By Carrie Thorson
)aily Staff Reporter
After the Michigan Student Assembly worked for much
of last year developing proposed amendments to the Uni-
versity's Student Code of Conduct, many MSA members
have expressed disappointment that the changes accepted
by President Lee Bollinger did not include several of the
assembly's initial recommendations.
"We're happy president Bollinger took our changes
into consideration," said Student General Counsel Alok
Agrawal, "but we're disappointed that he disregarded
the ones that were most important."
Before MSA's proposed amendments reached
Bollinger, they went through the University's Civil
Liberties Board and then through the Student Relations
Advisory Committee.
"In each one of those stages they rejected anything
other than the semantic changes MSA proposed," said
assembly Vice President Jim Secreto.
"They diluted the changes so much that SRAC's propos-
al was an evil monster version of MSA's code," he said.
Some of the elements of the Code MSA tried to
*mend are that hearsay is admissible in an arbitration,
there is no clear standard of evidence, and code pro-
ceedings are held in secret, Students Rights Commis-
sion Chair Mike Simon said.
"No one knows what goes on in those dark rooms,"
Simon said. "We are very disappointed with the admin-
istration in rejecting every substantial proposal."
Former MSA representative and Rackham student
From scrap
® Members of Q-vis
caucus train for protest
by anti-gay activist
By Carrie Thorson
Daily Staff Reporter -
Amid anxiety over the upcoming
visit of the Rev. Fred Phelps, a nation-
ally known anti-homosexual minister,
Queer Visibility week kicked off "fab-
ulously" Saturday with the Red and
White Ball at Rackham Auditorium.
"It was a really wonderful dance,"
said Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans-
gender Affairs Commission co-chair
James Leija. About 150 people attend-
ed the ball, he said.
Among the upcoming "Q-vis" week
events will be a Health Education and
Awareness Fair for the LGBT commu-
nity this Thursday sponsored by
Lifestyle Condoms. The fair will fea-
ture free condoms and health informa-
tion from groups such as the Sexual
Assault Prevention and Awareness
Center, the HIV Ann Arbor Resource
Center and the Medical School.
"We want this to be about total
health, not just safe sex," said LGBT
co-chair Ben Conway. "We are striving
for positive, affirming events."
The week will finish up Friday with
the annual Kiss-in and rally on the
Diag at noon.
Members of the Q-vis caucus attend-
ed a peace-keeper training seminar this
weekend, in response to claims that
Phelps will attend the rally with about
15 picketers.
"We're prepared for the possibility
of protest;' Leija said. The seminar
educated them on how to diffuse vio-
lent situations without police interven-
tion in hope of keeping the Kiss-in "a
See LGBT, Page 7A
University alum Mary Helen Montgomery fashions a "Chinese chiendale gate" out of scrap wood at
the Student Woodshop yesterday.
National Condom Week aims
to put spotlight on safe sex
By Ted Borden
Daily Staff Reporter
"It is very important to know this
information to protect personal
health," Beth Karmeisool, owner of
the Safe Sex Store on South University
Ave., said. This week, the store plans
to hold its annual Valentine's Day pro-
nia's Berkeley campus.
Over the years, support for National
Condom Week has grown as the num-
ber of cases of sexual transmitted dis-
eases has increased. One-fifth of the
U.S. population has an STD. Two-
Today marks the beginning of
National Condom Week, during which
thousands of learning institutions,
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