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February 08, 2001 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-02-08

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6A--. The Michiga Daily Thurmday, February 8, 2001

the r-ichigan daily


.- V

LOST1: My cnte bilt skitki-hl kitty. Ile was
lest Ilkb 2 in the S. l~scit't()k~laid area. IN,
is olarigisli brown wI blac k sir ijes, 1bu1 his
nlise, tIliiiiy. and lasi V5are white. lie is rnot
yct 11ill prawn'r. It you see hitl, calluie: LIZ!,
30)2 #23.7. RI.WARIl)!

.1 1IDRMV. AM' ,e&cIJJ'LEX. Free hWry. &
prkg. 412 N Lfayer. $1275/Error. incl. 1 1201 &
heart. ('.all Di )uco l'rotpcrtics (in 213-1015.
4 BRR. Near Yost Arena. b'urni. A/(C
I , Dwslrr, iolhy. 2 baths. l'rkg. Sept. Sept.
('all 313-.017 81004.
4 BRI . IISE1. FOR rent, washer/dryer,
(lw',lr, pr kg, S(US)SSaner ('oxrit, $19001/rnor.,
also 8(m) Sylv~nri, $ 17001()r., call lDciiicor
l'rorperties (u, 213 1015.
4 BEDROMMlJOUSEKS - May !.cases:
( 'harmnirg, oldder homuies, very gixod coidiioun.
S.ocatiorns nearLI.aw & Bi School & C( iral
('amus. 1208 F.. Uiversity, 1l125 Michigan
& 710 S. D ivisionr. 442 8832. Investor's
Pror pert y Mgrit.
415 BIKN.IA N'IN - Mo derni, trn., 2 hbdrn
hi-level w/ balconmy or 2-4 persons $1,.2301.
I riirri, track lighting, dlish~washrer, a/c, pr kg. c&
Idly. Sept, leases, (734) 6571148K4.
IFurnished 3 Bedroom 1
Apartments on S. Forest

00.5 8,2
TiIIF F11511 Doctol% AqurarluiriShnow.roomr.
E:verytlinig that you acred 1bin your Ilr tl airks.

94 SAT URN SIA. 5 sl, air, cass, 93K
ighway tuldes. #ixe. cril. Very reliable.
$4l(14. 731-1 9.10 0970.
98 lFO RD EX PLO RER blck. I ,oaidd 1(1
whecels. 27k mriles. Pr ice nieg. 734 94S.4210.
C ARS FROMN $500 Police iirponrrus. For
lisftings call l 8W l' 13 23 cxt. 449~4.
688 IIOND)A A('(ORDI X stick shift, 4-
dol, v& playri, 1.#5,01### il. Excellent
trarrspltati! $ 19M8. 'all 7314-003-2801.

5 IIRM4. (;REA' LO AC. Near IM
Bluildng. ~rrrO dclcd irn 91. r ky, dw~shlr,
Iry.linrr. Mary May. (Call 313 0417-81064.
6 1I)R M. AT'11 8EI. Kingsley. Fuirnrive
sr kg. ldr y. 2 bath. Near UM Nursing School.
All irtil. incl. $24(X/into. 2,48 "738 7022.
629 S. FORTSTF, 1/2 block frorm S.
IInivcrsily. C leant, uiet, large 2 bdlrrns for 2-
4 people. On(l te prrkg, rmort-srrikrs only, A/('.
rror 1).5.$11 50. 1800. 668-11 Itor 448-7978.
721 ('liiR( II S'1'., across of lEast Qurad,
avail lall 20011. Beatrlitril, spiacious I dr ii
alt. iii Chrinrg Itnthn style house witl) hard)
Wood floors. Very quiet. Pa.rkinrg, heat, water.
includecd. Laundiury avail. Sept. lease.
$855/inul i +electric. ('all Bobbie 42(r-1345.
A-Yvry Qiiil !'l1-;w- . 'f') tji Z( NO-
I 'eilcd Ifor MBIA 's and ( ;rad StudentIS.
Stuidlio arid I bedroomr apart rrucirts
with thirse Special Iltches 4 for ality
L ivinrg,(Close to campturs. 608- 11.

One block from Campus
Tower Plaza. 663-1530.
A VAIL. SEPT. 2 bdrr) condo with)(den.
Near Med. ('entr. $1 090/o. (1)09)-
6432 or (215)29(0 122.
AVAIL. SET. I, noerr,fur. 2 brrrm. apt.
atl 1015 1-. Ann pkg., Irdry .,strage.
$ 1181+ elec. 12 nmo. ease. Sorry, no pets.
AVAIL. SE.P. 1. William &. I)ivision 1L1',
1 Kirin, 2 bdrrm. Security buzer, Idry,
storage. (Gallatin Realty (Co. 994-1202 ext 23.
AVAIL. SP'RING: Beautiful 3 bdrrr. near
campus hospital and Kerrytown. IHardwood
I loos, hirick, new spacious kitchen. Free dry
and prkg. Newly reururdled. $160t0/ro.
(734) 214-292 /(34) 417-0330.
Spacious unfurn. 2 roormr ef. I ardwood1
l~ors. (Close to UM campus. 44-2405.
AVAILABL~E FALL. Eflficiencies, one and
two, bedroom apartmens. (all M ich igari
Reality Management, 62-5500) or visit our
website www.richcoireaty.com . F1 10(
A VAI LA BLEEFALI...L arge wo edroorri
apartrrerts onl(entral C( ps that will
cosiy acci muir i dae or pe plc. IDouri
dilrIet Iloor pla~s to sit your needs. Air
condiioned, dishrwasers, )garage dislosals
balconies. Parking and launry I hat ad
water inc luded. (all Michigan Ralty
Managemrent, 6625500 or visit our wbsrtc
www.mrielcoinrcalyc mir F1 10.
AVAILABLI-;FOR FALL, 01 moderr 2
bdmlinrr. hi-level aps. on O akland r'ar
church s. ILaudry and pkg. No pt . $490
Mo. inr cIlus Ihea t ani d water. 42-44 27.
bdrrrr on North Camurrpus. Ba~lcoy w/ w ode~l
view, private shuttle to cenrtial campus,
dishwasher, central dlc & hea. 741 9(1.
AVAIl A I IKNOW-Shor 'Termn Leae!
2 lledr-om hIriished ap. 44- 1140_1
BACKS'IRIE'I'(oys Feb. IS at Silverdoine.
2 pairs (a) $5850/icket. Main Floor anl
lower level. (all ater 4 pn, 662-9(07.
Furnished I aid 2 bedroom aps.
Stop in f w I.ist iigs - 64-1IM14.
Varsity Maragemrent 25 Ch'unnciS.
w ww. va rs it yurmaagemr cr itCr a
Ill-LEVEL 2 BI)RS for2 4 popl 8
rimirues fromr the lUiag. I lug, uxrious apts.
with 3-4 balconies, sharp furniture, A/,
prkg., $1 550.(lean, qutiet apts., non smokers
only. For Inre imnbrrira ion and an
appirntiecit to view, please call Wilo
White C'ompaniy Ire, at 734.995.92X) 1 iual
I lousing ()porlriiity.
I x cept i na 13 eI drr o niapart n ent
Fixtrercly large living romn with
I ieplace ard ay winidows.
Screened ii prh ard dishwasher.
Varsity Management 608-1 l(x).
cutitipiiy I & 2 bdrmn. apts. I wslr, A/,
Pr kg, private shmutle. 741-3(X).
w w w.c ii b i1 grll ciin
CATH'IERINE-3 BIRM. or 34. Ldhy.,
prkg., turn. $111(/1215 +utils. 449-4797.
Spaicious 4 bdrm, unur. apt lardwood)
Floors, 2 lks to campus. Fall '0. 944-245.
Perect, newly upjgradd I & 2
1(drirr aps. for Fall '1. Burnishd
with IParking. 668-1100(.
'T inc is nrniririrg out, so get your caipus area
apartmnent for- Fall 2()11NOW ully
furnkied eflicicrcics, studios. 1, 2 & 4
bedroom apips avail. For a viewing
appoimirirert. call Wisor White (o. lir.
734-995-)2001. 1:I al I lousirw (pi)prruit.
D)ON"' MISS Tl'l ESE 2 hdr-rrr apts. on Ci.
caimpus. [uro.. and ready for ltall 21(1. (all
Mairy2-_1-3l1. www.arrvspropry.coirr
1EFI"C. AND) I BDRM. APIS. avail, fr fall
2(8)1 . Furni-rceplg, great lb! 20-310.

L arge I bedroom apt. Erreplace. Ihardwoord
1 hiors. II igh ceilIinrgs. 2 hlocks to campus.
Avyamlahlc 1Fall. Ph -944-24(05.
Sparciorus 2 bedroom apt. IHardwood floors.
Iameargo'rm,;11. Available [all. Ph. 944-24015.
'lop ('ampus location. L arge 2
Bedurom napts.IFu rished Witt)
P'arkinyg.('all Mgtr, Gus, 827-9111.
HOUSE FOR REKNT1. 3 bdrrr. Quiet, near
train station. Non-smoker. No pets. Prkg.
$l501rio. Avail.Suly. 749-2795.
11O USES FOR RENT1: May to May, 10119
Michiganr, 4bdrrn. + study, $26(6( + util.,
1(9)3 S. Mann, 5hdrrn. + Study, $2518) + util.,
902 Packard, 4hdr in. + study $24511 + util.,
O)ppernheime11r Proper ties 995-5575.
Spacious I & 2 bdrrr. apts. Bay windows,
fireplace, balc,A/C, covered prkg. 741-93(X).

" Contemporary Apartments
With all the Extras.
* 20 Campus Locations
" Studios - 7 bedrooms
www.c mbmgmt.com
I i ficieic ics, more, arnd two bedroomn
apartmierits located near mnedicarl centen-.
Buzzer- entry, air crrridtuniig, dishwashlers,
garbage 1dispo(salIs, balcoanies. Assigned
parkrig. I heat aind water imcludedI.('all
Michigana Reailty Mariageiriet, 0442)5(X)1) or
visit our website www.minnconrcalty.corn
NPIK UNIONMlarge con1temporary studio &
I drru. atnts. 741 9:3(X).
Fall 20011
1411 nirr icd houses5C and apartmi enits.
Stop by foara bro3chure.
Campllus Rentals
133(5 S. University
at Wa'-htcnaw.
00.-88 25.
PARK 'TE~RRAC'E U pscalc apts.
For Mall 201. 1 ,bedroom nav ailable.
B al1cones, IUnide rgrunurrd P arnking.
('all Mr~r, ('arson, 9913-81.45.

QIITI TOP FLOOR 2 BD)RM. apt. near
Union. (417 S. Division) Skylight.
Carpeted, I1/2 baths, Idry + prkg. available.
Sept lease. $1025 plus elec. 741-9622.
ROOM AVAIL. NOW. $350'mo. Incl. 1-2()
& gas. 412 N. Thayer. D)einco Properties (q
VEiRY Aff'ordable- Campus area efficiency,
studio, 1,2 & 3 bedroom apartments available
May 3rd through August 17th. at reduced
rates. Please call Wilson White Company
Inc, at 734.995.92(00. Equal Housing
Fifficiences, I hdrrm apts, 2 bdrm apts, 3 & 4
bdrm apt% and a 5 hdrm house. Call PMSI at
465- 5552.
SUIBLET:SjAN.-AUG., $275/mo., Idry,
prkg., great roommates at 1(016 S. Forest.
AVAIL. FALL: 2 bdrmn. Immaculate
conditions, bi-level. 5(16 S. Fifth Ave. $1 32(0,
10118 ('hurch $1251).975-1563.
SUMMER RENTAL, May-Aug, 2 roomsi
(available separately) in 8 room house, large
rooms, Packard close to camupus, Cheap
ethernet access, $400 Net;. , 743-2885.
TIlE BLUJE IOUSE<. I minute from
campus. 12(08 Willard. 8 bedrooms, 5
bathiroms, 2 kitchens, up to 9 people. (248)
9 32-056(0.
TFIIIRD) FLOOR, 3 BI)RM. furnished apt.
on D~ivision by Lilbel Field, avail. Fall 200(1.
1Dwshir, Idry facilities, off1 street parking,
FRI iF. heat & water. Bean, ifli! 483-4457.
TWELIVE BDRM. Ilse on h igh St. also
avail, as 2 six bdrm. apts, 4 baths., 2 kitebs.,
2 iving rrs, patio (leek, off~ street prkg, fre
ldry., Sept. to Sept. leases, $4300( + util. call
VICTORIAN HIOME Unique Studio, I & 2
bdrmn. apts. Skylights, high ceilings,
hardwood floors, near business/law school.
741 -9300. www.cmnbmgrnt.com
Amvcst Migt. has great apts. on cen. campus.
Furn ef~cs, I bdrms, & 2 bdrrns. 260-361(0 or
visit wwv.arnvest properly.corll
93 FORT) PROBE GT: Red, 73K mri., V6
Sspd.. Marral Trans., Loaded, price nleg.
2 ROOMS AVAIL. NOW 415 Church.
e-mail ppairiela (usamnt.
AVAIL NOW, I hdrm in 2 bdrm apartmrenit.
Femle non- smoker near central anminedical
campus. A/C, prkg . $425/ncg. Contact
I err q ie( miiic I.edum
AVAIL. IMMEI)IATIX! I bdrrn apt,
Turnr, 5(X) sq.. ft. $00 010. 734-:383-2755.
AVAIL. MAY 2001 Nicest 2 bdrr. apt. on
camipuls. 839 Tappani. 663-4497.
ONE BED)ROOM AVAIL,. in 2 bedroomr
aipt. on central campus. $515S/mronth. Heat,
water arid parking included. Ca~ll Gab 734-
657-0816 or Mike 248-763-5554.
SUBLETI. I Kirinu in 2 hdrmn apartment.
Avail, for winter ternm. A/C, fern, security
system, pool, gyrrn, Idry. $400/neg. 764-7966.
campus. May - Aug. Ann St. $521). 445-6024.

i ,
5. Pik
: ,
. ...;'

NEED) HELP WITH thesis or dlissertations? .
28 yrs exp. EDD English Prof. Will edit,
proof. $35/hr. Call (734) 996-9129.
Professional/Affordable Resume Writing &
Free Student Career Placement Services.
D&D Consultants
d-d_ consultant.homc.att.net /(734) 327-9250.
THlE WORI)WRIG lIT dissertations, term-
papers, resumes, grad school applications.
Specialize in editing. Call Sarah 662-8977.
THESIS EDITING;. All disciplines and
formats. 25 years U-M experience.',
734/996-0566 or writcon(Ohizserve.com

is now hiring aooks, waitstaff,
and floorrmen for winter term. Ha~rd-working.
punctual applicants shomuld apply @w
Scorekeepers, 310 Maynard across from
Borders. 995-01(X). -
$1504) WEEKLY: potential mailing our.~
circulars. For info call 203-977-1720.W
$8/IIR before & after class. Slang flyers in
Dorms & Popular buildings. Are you-
interested in sales or marketing? Several
positions avail Sales~afcol lcgecampusads.com°
* * * * ** ** * * * ** ** ** * * * ** ** k * * ,
neeed immediately to work all semesters.
Free food, will pay the right candidate up) to
$9/hr. Breakfast, lunch, arnd dinner shifts,;
avail. Call 763-7819, ask for Anne or Karini
after I I a.mn. or leave rnsg.
PhDs, MBIAs, and JIs
- Maniagemuent position in
Biotech R&D) co. near campus.
Executive project manager of
Cutting-edge drug delivery
Science background not required.
Part-time now; full time in May.
Fax: (734) 665-0642
Eima~il: bccohari~umich.edu
Contact Dave Plawchan 734-426-2714.
for Fall 200)1. Looking for On Site Resident
Mgrs. at 3 locations. Excellent income
opportunity with flexible hours. Stop by,
Varsity at 625 Church St. for details.
**LEASIN(G AG;ENT. p~art-ti me. Seeking
frienidly person with computer knowledge.: '
will train]. Contact Carolyn at 468-1100.4.1
42 PEOPLE NEEDED to lose weight now.-a
1t0 /% natural 10(0% guaranteed.
303-480-833(0 or www~darc2bcslim ~conI
Inventory now hiring. Ann Arbor office.,
$9+ihr. paid training, benefits available. Must
be I18+ with access to reliable trans. and,
piloir. I mmediaite openings. 734-971 -RGIS. ;


MUS ISFFSIiCoo.ir Fall 'M.I -(AdhulWest Side
I andul21bermonms.448-I I{M}/0423-044I.
** 4 BI1)RM. AP'lTS.
(:. I lniv. May lease. I'rkg.$2518)/no.
www. jacobms-pnxroeries.cmnnl
I * I11)14M. AI'. can acctonimodate 2.
715 Arlyuoi 112. May lease. Ilease stump by alpt.
mridl call.332 (88M).
*****AVAII,AIIII,;NO W, May, Auig. arid
sept. 1, 201)b ear Med. C ir-. ('nubs. Modernr
2 bdrn. apts. l'mkg. A/( ', hi ry.. Bale., Furn
andnful hrri.8M8Fuller. 709-752(0.
***3 BRNI, AP11'. 1(8)4 S. Forest 1113. May
(case. lv'l:sltup by alpt, and call 332:4(81).
**I'l,I:ASE (, 'AN{ I;IIA I'I( )N***
Sspacio uis ?2141 .11)in. x/stundy con cenilr~rarl nis.
I )rlmimss momi uthins opontunnity available
iiuiulateh. 7-11A9(11(1 www.rmligutcon
***NoI(Il 'II(AM1PUS**
I & 2 mur-mum apts. avail sIprinrg/flnl. L arge
private balcoirics W/ wcuuid viewsi.
Private shnuttle tim cenlral canmpuns. 71-93(8).
Re-enrtly Ihunit, Ibeaurtifully flr misheul
2 hbedhu nrrapts. ur n'rtral (Calnpums.
Varsity Maurerucrll 408 110.
2 .i a B ElDROOM()NA PT at 1t(} P1I ackard,.
Faltl learse. Iur n/nrrlrni, halcomnlyparkimrg,
Alaunrliy.('alt 8 27- 2009 ofu-r709-7(12S.
2 11I)RI .All'S {ON 1I11,1, S'T. Blk'aumlilnly
ic mniumcledeu. L amge im iuder iikitchens w/
li m a~,ve & ulwslr. (C'"nuempouurary
f irrnishinrs. 741 -93.tM). www.cinbiint co

Coumntemripmary studio & I bdm mu. apits.
fearturinig bay wiiduiws, walk-iin clorsets.
('lose to Ken rytunwn amid Main St. 7431-93M,)
AVAIL. FALL: Spuaciours 2 bdrri. I mrile
Irumncaitil~iurn (1d(1West Side. I dry inll imit.
Orr-sitce1rkg. lanrge backyard, tmn A2? bslirie.
$951/mm. (734) 214-299)2 / (734) 417-013301.
AVAIL 1lM E.iSprimig: llcaumtiuml 2 hcdrri.
ticar camis hospitail & Kerrytour. Newly
nemnodeled. $10(75/mio. 21.4-299~2 / 417-01(30.
AVAIL. NOW. ROOMS 3 to 5 blks to lDiag
mll older Ihonmres. I unr.1mm m. Shlare kite n -/hat h
$4,15 tim $495 neg., inichi. Al umris. 741 8882.
AVAIL. NOWV/NAV/I,I,1 2 & 3 lxhrrir
;its. .3(to 0 lilks to I iag irluolder homes. ('ozy
try spaius units? $895 to) $1 (AX). 741-8882.

over 18
different locations
Choose from
1& 2 bedroom,
and tri-levels too!
Avail, for May and
Sept. 2001
7 %0

bib., I,

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Sditcl dby R ichl ri n1 Id J1oN cc Nitchlol s Lei Is

11 1111(j
fa B~ounmd hbindl(Ie
14 f rx lodet od hju
15 f tat lbfter
'1(3 Powefl tti)
17 Lov OV eter
19 Poter or Paul
30 'Growing ro
atuth onrUt:ul
21 Latin beni
:w -ilsy
"I Sonre opu'rators:
Abbi ,
27 Masted ves;sels
3r_ ChroindoM
35m W~or ldwideJ
wvorkerts 9j).
3t3 13.tts
37 Mrghtv
providedi [.troy
40 Waty to 91.)
42; Adlvataitge
43 Salad Vm yetadlleo
!) Kitnd
47 Mantlle piece
4t hIntetse sufflerinig
49 CotnlVilP'
51 On-linrp snilni
5)3 Skater LBablonia
5}4 PGA players
f'6 Steamus up
f)9 '" Feeltng":
Qi- u lI .r i

4 Lake FErie port
5 Fasi:t tdir,,bnnlty
6 (>nitillgji'
7 Sawii(:are tryujr
83 Tickes'
9 So'iit oianm
10 Flonl tn(Jir
11 Add1~re sseer's
12 '"Tne rir
blbp.'': sonrty lyrt(c
13 hriol'fs
18 Actor Flytfm
24 WheatiAs may
261 hat, to Whdo
27 Casse 'tehiatt
28 Rtr borr nso uld
A9 oiriat(Je(tmi(J
30 Lam rtbiendly
31 F one,' (oDit of). as
33 Steatnned
34 Uzi relatives
37 1992 upstart
cain &%?

39 Foreblodwj
41 Kid
44 "Thle Retourn of
thhe Native' vaip
[ ustacrit
46 Putnt ltromihn the
49 cleverly
s;k illnul
50 C alp
52 Extremiuties

54 South American
r xler t
55 Ittmay be rarsedl
57 Cogito-suin
58 Whirtt water"'
60[ . all sirujet Anita
651 Hlead of Fiamnce
t:2 Dazzes
6~5 Suffix with soc:ial

VarsityNmgmut- 408-l 1001)
E''FFICI ENCY AT' 335 l:.
lease. (Call 769-7025 anad 701m-

***WEI)PI N( PIIOTO(;RAPI Y $3110.
www.photographyby iimr.com (2411)619-94101.
Cleamning arid ILaunmdry shirts, Free summer
storage. 715 N. IiUiv., next to Hlill, 662-1906.
II AIRIIRA IDIING-Transportaion Provided.
Fast & Accurate. Low Prices. 734/483-4591.

BRAIDS! $65-155 + Micro Latch twst@
humnan cornrow silkvdreds. Sheila 483-5425.'.
BUILDING ASSISTANT - P/T, flex. hrs, 8-
1(0 hrs./ wk., miay iticlude some Fridays, 5- *
7pm (a St. Mary Student Parish on cam7pus, x
Previous building!/ Inaintenance exp.-
preferred. Prefer students. Contact Sue'',
Waters, 663-0557 or E-mtail slwaters

Jeffersonri. Fanll
-8 505.



H A t i i l 1 I' I' I E) A H t M
O (I I E S 0 L A Ii G 0 E_ A
I O M 10 0 t t H Y I R I M
C; Ii f I D S A E S 0 S S A
H A Et Ei C) W T Y Fi O N E_
E I3 0 11 E 11 1 Y
A c It I E M A I E) E- N t E A
M A I I' A S i f M E A W I
t_ G G, O N li C l D H Y D F
N E I Ei U I t E
J E Fi E M Y N10 Ii M A I_
E [) 11 1 F A S A M A N A
W A N I H A N K _Y P A N K Y
E L K S E_ f i N I t- N 0 t_ L_
Ii t T It A I D S A Ei E A


"The hid,,hIIC'NI i oii
aipartmntsntdtilse %rvice for
the mos~t a f fortahl' price"
Walk to classes
Stud(io, 1,2 and 3 bedroomn
apa~hrtmIlenit s, sw~imingIh pool,
same & exercise rooms, study
lounge flau141ndtryfacilities, lobkw
4att11a411t, 24 hour malintence41.
Towel -
536 S. F'orest Ave.

I'lbi )dlie:il ildl 'I. 4)

S(ldV. j:(

No student dtscounts

Mail form or bring tn person to:
The Michigan Daily,
420 Maynard,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Or call us at 764-0557



ph. #____

Stumped? Call 1-900-933-5155. 99 cents ai




,. ,.


payment Q Icash LI]check Qiimce LQ]visa
card # [LWD LILLn[IEEEnQ ] [EL
exp. date LIII/ LIE
recipient's email address__________

'') 1 1 !--1

'tl I

I I - -I -I




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