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February 06, 2001 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-02-06

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 6, 2001- 7

ontinued from Page 1
Napster is, better than the other
models out there, I'd consider using
Other students have taken a differ-
ent outlook on the change, viewing
the membership-based business
model in a positive light.
"If I had to pay for artists' compen-
tion, that would be totally fair," said
SA senior Japiya Burns, who said he
would continue using the service. "It's
just a really efficient way to get
Napster has, in fact, won a number
of supporters in the music industry
since the Bertelsmann agreement.
German-based Edel Music, the
world's second largest independent

record label, gave Napster permis-
sion to use its music library in early
TVT Records, the independent
label that is home to acts such as
Guided By Voices and Snoop Dogg,
followed on Jan. 25 with an
announcement that it would drop its
lawsuit against Napster and support
the membership-based model. In
doing so, it became the first label
to officially halt legal action.
Napster representatives have
declined to comment on any recent
developments until the new model is
In the mean time, Napster users
interested in an alternative file-sharing
service can direct their browsers to
sites such as www mynapstercom or

4-Can tor:


Continued from Page 1
Engineering sophomore Ahmad
Many Palestinians also believe
Sharon's September visit to the Temple
Mount, a site in Jerusalem sacred to
both Muslims and Jews, sparked the
latest round of violence.
"It's a fact that Ariel Sharon is a
war criminal," said ElKhatib. "He's
responsible for all that's going on
right now and all the people who
have died since the end of Septem-
ber ... He's a ruthless person, and he
doesn't want peace."
That is not necessarily the case, con-
tests Eric Bukstein, head of Israel
Michigan Public Affairs Committee.
"Everyone in Israel wants peace. Even
Ariel Sharon wants peace. It's just the
way they're willing to go about it,"
Bukstein said.
Some people are not certain the out-
come of the election will have any effect
on the larger scale of the peace process.
"Whether it's Barak or Sharon, it's
not going to matter," said Engineering
sophomore Sabir Ibrahim said.
The election will only determine
the face of "the next one who will
confiscate land, the next one who
will deny the rights of all Arabs in
the land of Palestine," said Engineer-
ing sophomore Salih Mahameed.
Both sides must ultimately come to
an understanding in order to achieve
peace, Tessler said. The only solution
that holds any lasting promise is the
establishment of two independent
states, one for Israelis and one for
Palestinians. That requires concessions
on both sides, Tessler said.
But even in Michigan, attitudes are
difficult to negotiate.
"Arab students on campus ... com-
pletely reject the right of the Jews to
have their own state, and that's what's

"Whether it is
Barak or Sharon,
it's not going to
- Sabir Ibrahim
Engineering sophomore
most painful," said Rabbi Rich
Kirschen, associate director of Hillel.
"As long as they don't accept the Jew-
ish state there won't be peace."
A compromise would require Israel
to relinquish its rights to land it has
occupied for fifty years. Israeli settle-
ments and roads that Palestinians con-
tend are illegal make it harder for the
Israelis to extract themselves.
"If they are not dismantled, there is
no way for a unified west bank," said
ElKhatib. "Palestinians in the West
Bank do not have the feeling of one
The Palestinians insist on the
right of return for Palestinians who
have been living in neighboring
Arab states for over fifty years. "All
they want to do is go home. It's a
very basic human right," said LSA
sophomore Fadi Kiblawi, whose rel-
atives live in refugee camps in
As Barak's twenty-one months in
power come to a close with another
term looking unlikely, both Israelis
and Palestinians are dissatisfied with
the terms laid out for peace. "He's
conceding what should not be debat-
able, what should not be negotiable,"
Kiblawi said.
The Israelis are offering plenty,
Bukstein said. "What are the Palestini-
ans giving for peace? They're saying
they'll stop terrorism so Israelis can
ride the buses in peace."

M ichi g nt Ope Vrw orks
presents* *-
MOZART Le Nozze Dti iq0

Continued from Page 1
make a real difference is to lower
the interest rates."
Sylvia Warner, a spokeswoman for
Congressman Mike Rogers (R-
Brighton), said the former state sena-
tor believes the tax cut will help push
the economy back into an upswing.
"We have history that proves that
tax cuts will stimulate the economy

and keep it strong by putting money
back into the hands of the Ameri-
can people," Warner said.
Though not divulging the details
of his plan until Thursday, Bush has
already produced a figure of $1,600
per year for many families.
That money can be used for a
year of community college or two
years of gasoline, Warner said. "It
could have a real impact on Michi-
gan families."

address safety concerns
in light of new gun law

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ntinued from Page 1
Regents would have to write an ordi-
nance approving the clause, which
would take some time, Cantor said.
She added that other universities,
including Michigan State University,
already have gun-free ordinances.
"We really need a gun-free ordi-
nance,"she said.
SACUA member Don Deskins men-
tioned that he was aware of a situation
Swhich a girl who had been stalked
advised by police to obtain a gun as
'w"1 the SPG it clearly says that excep-
tions can be made by the chief of
police," Cantor said.
Still, SACUA members say they do
not want faculty, students or visitors on
campus carrying concealed weapons
under any condition.
"I don't want someone in my class to
*rry a weapon;' said SACUA member
John Rush.
In addition to the debate on concealed
weapons, the meeting also focused on
President Lee Bollinger's reports on the
Life Sciences Initiative and the recent
athletic apparel deal with Nike.
Regarding the academic plan of the
Life Sciences Initiative, Bollinger said
that "the main idea is to get (under-
graduates) proximate to a lot of this
, lity."r
BtBollinger also said there would

be no special degrees stemming from
the institute.
"We decided early that ve want to
promote courses that would be interdis-
ciplinary and would be for undergradu-
ates," Bollinger said.
Bollinger also mentioned that the
construction of Life Sciences Institute
buildings is on schedule.
"I have not heard anything that
would indicate that the March 2003"
completion date has changed,
Bollinger said.
Bollinger also addressd SACUA
members on the recent Nike contract.
"They will be clothed -- it's done,"
Bollinger said of University athletes.
Bollinger told SACUA the decision
to make the commitment to use only
Nike apparel was made because of two
main reasons.
First, he said, the University desired
to make a deal with only one company,
for the total cost of $1.5 million per
"If you have multiple vendors, you're
paying two million a year," he said.
"This is a business agreement. We
obtain goods to clothe our athletes" and
give them equipment, Bolinger said.
Bollinger also discussed the approval
of the University committee to monitor
the human rights conditions in the Nike
"On that, we worked very hard to get
a commitment from Nike," Bollinger

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Continued from Page 1.
While it is widely believed the Cen-
ter for Individual Rights will appeal
the decision, CIR Director of Legal
and Public Affairs Curt Levey said "no
final decision has been made."
But Levey also admitted an appeal
"is more likely than not."
Although the decision greatly
favored the University, it could appeal
the portion of the opinion which found
the 1995-1998 admissions system
"I'd be shocked if they didn't
(appeal that part)," Levey said.
But Yale University Law Prof.
Stephen Yandle said he thought "the

University would not be inclined to lit-
igate that part."
Wayne State Law Prof. Robert
Sedler agreed, saying that "looking at
the judge's opinion, the University
would have a very hard time on
"I would expect the plaintiffs to
appeal," Yandle said.
But Yandle also warned against
counting on any appeal.
"The sides have to measure what the
odds are;' he said. "It's probably true
that it will be appealed, but maybe not."
Any appeal would be heard by the
Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in
Cincinnati. That court could either
choose to hear the case or remand it
back down to the district level.



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