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January 08, 2001 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-01-08

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 8, 2001- 3A

Student parents
encouraged to
attend panel
!Both undergraduate and graduate
student parents and their children are
encouraged to attend a panel discus-
sion about child care at the University.
Members of the Rackham Student
Government and the Graduate
Employees Organization will hold the
Town Hall Meeting Thursday at Rack-
ham Assembly Hall from 3:30 p.m. to
' p.m. and is free to the public.
A panel of administrators will be at
the event to address questions and
*oncerns regarding child care at the
The panel will include Leslie
DePietro, coordinator of Family Care
resources Program; Royster Harper,
vice president of Student Affairs; Earl
Lewis, Rackham Dean of Students;
and Jayne London, Rackham Coordi-
nator of Diversity Initiatives.
*lapanese studies
center plans
series of lectures
The University's Center for Japan-
ese Studies is planning a series of
noon lectures to be held throughout
the month.
The first in the series will be Sonia
Ryang, a professor of anthropology
from Johns Hopkins University, who
*ill be speaking Thursday.
Ryang's discussion is titled "Kore-
ans in Japan: Shifting Positions and
Uncertain Identities," and will be held
at noon in 1636 School of Social
Work Building, at 1080 South Univer-
sity and is free to the public.
Scholars from
,around the world
o discuss tensions
Art scholars and curators from the
U.S., Russia and China, will hold a
panel discussion Thursday on the ten-
sion between the marketization of cul-
tural treasures and efforts to preserve
them in museums.
The event titled "Art Treasures and
Social Transitions: Cultural Preserva-
tion and Economic Imperatives" is
ponsored by the University's Center
'or Russian and East European Stud-
The discussion will take place from
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in room 1636 of the
School of Social Work Building.
Writers to share
work at Rackham
The University of Michigan Eng-
wish Department will host Sofia Galifi-
"anakis and Genevieve Canceko on
Friday at 8 p.m. in Rackham West
Conference Room.
The event is part of the Mark Web-
ster Reading Series, in which Univer-
sity of Michigan instructors and
graduate students read original poetry
and fiction. Galifianakis's poetry com-
pares America and classical Greece.
Canceko's fiction explores emotional
isolation in families. The event is free.
foundation builds

home on campus
The Waksman Foundation for
Microbiology began the new year by
establishing a new home at the Univer-
sity. Formerly the Foundation for
Wicrobiology, the foundation moved to
the University on Jan. 1.
Along witha new location, the foun-
dation also began the new year with a
new president, Frederick Neidhardt, the
F.G. Novy Distinguished University
Professor Emeritus of Microbiology
and Immunology
Neidhardt, a bacterial physiologist,
has conducted growth research on
Escherichia coli and enteric bacteria.
He is a former University vice presi-
ent for research.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Whitney Elliott.

By Jacquelyn Nixon1
Daily Staff Reporter
After teaching courses on forestry and the envi-
ronment for more than 30 years, University
School of Natural Resources Prof. Burton Barnes+
will receive the student-nominated Golden Apple1
Barnes will be the 11th recipient of the award,
which honors and recognizes exceptional under-
graduate teaching
He will receive the Golden Apple on Jan. 30
before delivering his ceremonial "last speech."
Students Honoring Outstanding University Teach-
ing, a division of Hillel, sponsor the award and
Prof. Emeritus Charles Olson graduated along
with Barnes from SNRE at the University and
has also worked with him on the faculty for 35
"He was teaching ecosystem management


wins Golden Apple Award

before it became a buzz-word," Olson said. "In
many ways he is one of the founders of the envi-
ronmental education in its greatest and lightest
Barnes earned three degrees in forestry and for-
est ecology and finished his schooling in 1959. He
became an assistant professor at the University in
1964. As a part of his Ph.D. program, he spent a
year in Germany studying forest ecology.
Through his overseas experience, he became
interested in studying woody plants and since
then his research has taken him to China and
Olson said Barnes can be viewed as one of the
founders of environmental education.
"Everything that he looks at - all of the inter-
actions between air, land, water, people and biolo-
gy - he is a pioneer in the ecosystem
management movement," Olson said.
To his colleagues, Barnes' skills as a lecturer
have enabled more students to understand the

course material.
"He has an ingenuity in taking relatively dull
material and making it exciting. And more impor-
tantly than that he has a genuine liking for the stu-
dents," Olson said.
"He is, in a sense, a showman - he puts
enough enthusiasm and energy and humor and
role playing to be a showman,"Olson said. "You
never know what he's going to do next, basical-
Prof. Emeritus John Bassett said Barnes'
enthusiasm and approach to teaching forces stu-
dents to become engaged.
"He's just an enthusiastic lecturer," Bassett said.
"He dresses up in costume in one of his lectures
every year. He gets into the subject matter and
likes students and students like him," Bassett said.
Although Barnes admits teaching is important
to his success, he said, adds a lot of interest to his
"Research is equally important in teaching, he

said. "I bring my research and other faculty
research in teaching woody plants and forest ecol-
Through his research, Barnes has written and
edited three books in addition to his contributions
to numerous publications.
Barnes' most notable course, a field class he
teaches in the fall, focuses on woody plants and
has brought him notoriety among SNRE students.
While team-teaching woody plants with the
late Prof. Emeritus Warren Wagner, Barnes has
taught more than 4,000 students during the 26
years he has taught the class.
But Barnes credits Wagner with the class' suc-
"He is the real golden apple of this team,"
Barnes said. "He was a fine mentor."
Following his acceptance of the award in Rack-
ham Auditorium on Jan. 30 at 7:30 p.m., Barnes
will speak about his research in Germany, China
and Japan on forest ecosystems and woody plants.

I Dance hall daze

Nobel pnze winners
come to A2 for symposia
Daily"This isn't about specialists talking to

In an effort to examine the work
worthy of Nobel Prizes for the year
2000, the University's Center for the
Study of Complex Systems is sponsor-
ing its fifth annual Nobel Symposia.
University faculty members are
scheduled to speak on the prize rele-
vant to their specialty, said Lori Cole-
man, CSCS administrative assistant.
Speeches on physics, literature and
chemistry will be covered Wednesday
while medicine, peace and economics
are scheduled for the session on Jan.
CSCS is an interdisciplinary support
organization for faculty research inter-
University biology Prof. Richard
Hume, who will speak about medi-
cine, said the symposia aims to trans-
late the work of the Nobel winners
into the daily lives of a general audi-
"This isn't about specialists talking
to specialists," Hume said. "This is to
let a general audience understand why
the Nobel committee thought the work
of the laureates was significant."
Hume added that he expects to see

special istS" !

- Richard Hume
University biology professor

"a large and diverse" group of students
and community members in atten-
dance at the symposia.
University chemistry Prof. M.
David Curtis, who is preparing a
speech on the chemistry award, said
that it will be a challenge to explain
the significance of the award-winning
work to some who isn't a chemist.
"But it's important because it's nec-
essary to humanize this," Curtis said.
University economics Prof. Bob
Willis will discuss awards in his field,
while Asian languages assistant Prof.
Henry Em will discuss the peace
award. Asian languages Prof. Emeritus
Yi-Tsi Feurwerker will present the lit-
erature speech.
Coleman said that CSCS chose the
speakers based on faculty expertise.
"We asked ourselves 'who are the
faculty at the University who can real-
ly address these issues?"' Coleman

said. "Often the speakers are acquain-
tances of the winners and can offer an
interpersonal look."
The acquaintance relationship is rel-
evant for Curtis, who knows Nobel
winner Alan MacDiarmid.
"I'll probably get a hold of him so I
can ask more personal questions about
his work; Curtis said.
Coleman said she hopes to see a
variety of interests represented in the
symposia audience.
Hume said he agreed that the event
is beneficial to a university commni-
"This is important because what a
university is all about is sharitg
knowledge," Hume said.
The first half of the symposia' is
Wednesday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and
the second half will be at the same
time Jan. 25. Both sessions will be
held in West Hall, room 340.

Aha-Maria Dobrin practices ballroom dancing with Daniel Haas, a graduate
student in the math department, at the Michigan Union Ballroom at the
weekly meeting of the University ballroom dancers club last night.
Habitatfore Humanity
reApossesses ho-mes of



j non-paying owners
DETROIT (AP) - The Detroit chap- mortgage, so officials were lenient wh
ter of Habitat for Humanity has repos- budget problems surfaced.
sessed three homes from owners who Homeowners said that Habitat wast
fell months behind on their mortgage responding to complaints about tl
payments. houses, so they thought they would g
The foreclosures were the first in the attention if they withheld their mortga
affiliate's 14-year history. payment. They didn't know that th
The affiliate had warned in December should have put the payments in
1999 that it would begin repossessing escrow account.
homes. A year ago, more than 50 per- A year ago, 14 of 62 homeown
cent of the organization's homeowners faced repossession and 33 others we
were in arrears, some more than a year four months or more in arrears. Only
behind homeowners were current on their pa
Now, Habitat Detroit has pared its ments.
delinquency rate to 33 percent. But it Some 38 homeowners are now
still lags well behind Habitat's national good standing. About 10 famili
delinquency rate of 22 percent. remain four months or more delinque
"I am very pleased with the progress and another 13. are one, two or thri
they have made," Ken Bensen, Michi- months behind. Four families have fil
gan Habitat for Humanity president, for bankruptcy, and another homeown
said of the Detroit affiliate's leaders. might face repossession.
"They were so far down, but now Vera Kidd is among those wt
they're on the right path." were able to turn a dire situati
Last year, 20 percent of the affiliate's around. She and her husband, wl
families stood to lose their homes. Habi- live in Detroit, were more than
tat's national foreclosure rate hovers year behind on their mortgal
around 1 percent. because they struggled with car a
Problems spun out of control because work problems.
Habitat officials weren't tough on home- Kidd's church helped her family. S
owners when they started to fall behind found work as a teacher. Her husba
in payments, The Detroit News reported got a promotion. The couple began pa
yesterday. ing their $370 mortgage payment twi
Habitat homes are owned by people a month and finally caught up
who are unlikely to qualify for a bank December.


* Emergency radio calls from Safewalk go to the University's Department of Public Safety, not the Ann Arbor Police
Iepartment, as incorrectly state in Friday's Daily.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
EVENTS ater, 647-2655 Baits Dr., 764-0594
Woody Allen Movie Night, Spon-
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