6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 2, 2001 2 & 3 BEDROOM APT at 1600 Packard. AVAILABLE FALL FALL RENTALS AVAIL. MAY 2001 Nicest 2 bdrm. apt. on Fall lease. Furn/unfurn, balcony, parking, Spacious unfurn. 2 room eff. Hardwood Large 1 bedroom apt. Fireplace. Hardwood campus. 839 Tappan. 663-4497. AC, laundry. Call 827-2669 or 769-7025. floors. Close to UM campus. 944-2405. floors. High ceilings. 2 blocks to campus. Available Fall. Ph. 944-2405. ONE BEDROOM AVAIL. in 2 bedroom **PARKING** FALL 2001 665-8825. THE FISH Doctors Aquarium Showroom. Anything you need for your fish! Create the best eye candy in your dorm! 10% off with student I.D. 434-1030. 2 BDRM. APTS ON HILL ST. Beautifully remodeled. Large modern kitchens w/ microwave & dwshr. Contemporary furnishings. 741-9300. www.cmbmgmt.com 3 BDRM. APT & DUPLEX. Free Idry. & prkg. 412 N. Thayer. $1275/mo. incl. H20 & heat. Call Deinco Properties @ 213-1615. 3 MINUTE WALK to Frieze. Deluxe remodeled 2 bdrm. apt., over 19 ft. of counterspace, trash compactor, and pantry. Avail. now & May 2001. 973-7368. 4 BDRM.yNear Yost Arena. Furn. A/C Dwshr, tdry. 2 baths. Prkg. Sept.-Sept. Call 313-617-8106. 4 BDRM. HSE. FOR rent, washer/dryer, dwshr, prkg, 509 Sauer Court, $1900/ mo., also 800 Sylvan, $1700/mo., call Deinco Properties @ 213-1615. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE with parking. 761-4469. _ 4 BEDROOM HOUSES - May Leases: Charming, older homes, very good condition. Locations near Law & B-School & Central Campus. 1208 E. University, 1125 Michigan & 710 S. Division. 662-832. Investor's Property Mgmt AVAILABLE FALL. Efficiencies, one and two, bedroom apartments. Call Michigan Reality Management, 662-5500 or visit our website www.michcomrealty.com . EHO AVAILABLE FALL. Large two bedroom apartments on Central Campus that will easily accommodate four people. Four different floor plans to suit your needs. Air conditioned, dishwashers, garbage disposals, balconies. Parking and laundry. Heat and water included. Call Michigan Realty Management, 662-5500 or visit our website www.michcomrealty.com EHO. 88 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE, good cond. $1500 or best offer, (248) 344-8143. 96' RED SATURN SL2 62K. A/C, Cruise. All records. $6950. Lisa 222-5164. 98 FORD EXPLORER black. Loaded.16" wheels. 27k miles. Price neg. 734 945-4219. CARS FROM $500 Police impounds. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 4494. AVAILABLE FOR FALL '01 modern 2 bdrm. furn. bi-level apts. on Oakland near church st. Laundry and pkg. No pet. $980 mo. includes heat and water. 429-4427. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Spacious I bdrm on North Campus. Balcony w/ wooded view, private shuttle to central campus, dishwasher, central a/c & heat. 741-9300. SAVE 30%-60% on Ink Jet Printer Cartridges for Canon, Epson, Hewlett- Packard, Lexmark printers. www.perfectprint.com 1-800-761-4842. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY I bdrm, bi-level apt. 1 block to B-School. Heat, water. 995-0865. 8 to 4pm. Mon - Fri. '!!GRALD STUDENT ALERT!!! MUST SEE for Fall '01. Old West Side 1 and 2 bedrooms. 668-1100 / 623-6414. ** 4 BDRM. APTS. B. Univ. May lease. Prkg.$2500/mo. www. iacobs-properties.com *** 1 BDRM. APT. can accommodate 2. 715 Arbor #2. May lease. Please stop by apt. and call 332-6000. ****1AVAILABLE NOW, May, Aug. and Sept: 1, 2001 near Med. Ctr. Cmps. Modern 2 bdim. apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Bac., Furn and Unfum. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. ***3 I3DRM. APT. 1004 S. Forest #B3. May lease.-Please stop by apt. and call 332-6000. ***LEASE CANCELLATION*** Spacious 2 Bdrm. w/study on central campus Dop't miss out on this oportunity available immediately. 741-9300 www.cmbmamt.com ***NORTH CAMPUS** 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. avail, spring/fall. Large private balconies w/ wooded views. Private shuttle to central campus. 741-9300. *MAY TO MAY LEASES* Recently built, beautifully furnished -2 bedroom apts. on Central Campus. Varsity Management 668-1100. 1 BDRM. ON LAWRENCE: 5 bdrm. on E. Washington for Fall. Very Nice. 741-0170 or 971-3193. ~' Housing For Spring " Summer Fall " Sublets Roommate Matching 415 BENJAMIN - Modern, furn., 2 bdrm bi-level w/ balcony for 2-4 persons $1,230. futon, track lighting, dishwasher, a/c, prkg. & Idry. Sept. leases, (734) 657-0684. 5 BDRM. GREAT LOC. Near IM Building. Remodeled in 97. Prkg, dwshr, Idry. Furn. May-May. Call 313-617-8106. 6 BDRM. AT 808 E. Kingsley. Furn, free prkg, ldry. 2 bath. Near UM Nursing School. All util. mcl. $2400/mo. 248-738-7022. 612 CHURCH-FALL: 1 bdrm. bi-level apt., 1 block to B-School. No smoke, no pets. Incl. heat & water. 995-0865. 8-4 Mon.-Fri. 629 S. FOREST, 1/2 block from S. University. Clean, quiet, large 2 bdrms for 2- 4 people. On site prkg, non-smkrs only, A/C. no pets. $1150-1800. 668-1111 or 668-7978. 721 CHURCH ST., across of East Quad, avail fall 2001. Beautiful, spacious lbdrm apt. in charming tudor style house with hard wood floors. Very quiet. Parking, heat, water, included. Laundry avail.Sept. lease. $855/month+electric. Call Bobbie 426-1345. A Very Quiet Place For Fall 2001 Perfect for MBA's and Grad Students. Studio and 1 bedroom apartments with those special touches for quality Living. Close to campus. 668-1100. ADORABLE 2 BDRM., washer, dryer, dwshr., prkg. space, central campus. Sept 01. $900 + utiliites. Call 477-5666. ATTENTION GRADS Contemporary studio & 1 bdrm. apts. featuring bay windows, walk-in closets. Close to Kerrytown and Main St. 741-9300. AVAIL. FALL, spacious 3 bdrm. near campus, hospital, Kerrytown. Newly renovated. $1600/mo. 214-2992,/417-0330. AVAIL. FALL: Spacious 2 bdrm. I mile from campus on Old West Side. Ldry in unit. On-site prkg, large backyard, on A2 busline. $950/mo. (734) 214-2992 / (734) 417-0330. AVAIL. IMMED. Beautiful 2 bdrm. near campus hospital & Kerrytown. Newly remodeled. $1075/mo. 214-2992 / 417-0330. AVAIL. SEPT. 2 bdrm condo with den. Near Med. Center. $1090/mo. (810)808- 6632 or (215)280-6122. AVAIL. SPRING: Beautiful 3 bdrm. near campus hospital and Kerrytown. Hardwood floors, brick, new spacious kitchen. Free ldry and prkg. Newly remodeled. $1600/mo. (734) 214-2992 / (734) 417-0330. AVAILABLE NOW-Short Term Lease! 2 Bedroom furnished apt. 668-1100. Best Campus Locations- Fall 2001. Furnished 1 and 2 bedroom apts. Stop in for Listings - 668-1100. Varsity Management 625 Church St. www.varsitymanagement.com BURNS PARK Exceptional 3 bedroom apartment Extremely large living room with fireplace and bay windows. Screened in porch and dishwasher. Varsity Management 668-1100. BUSINESS/LAW SCHOOL Spacious contemporary I & 2 bdrm. apts. Dwshr, A/C, prkg, private shuttle. 741-9300. www.cmbmgmt.com CATHERINE-3 BDRM. for 3/4. Ldry., prkg., furn. $1110/1215 +utils. 449-4797. CENTRAL CAMPUS Spacious 4 bdrm, unfurn. apt. Hardwood floors, 2 blks to campus. Fall '01. 944-2405. CLOSE TO BUSINESS SCHOOL Perfect, newly upgraded 1 & 2 Bdrm apts. for Fall '01. Furnished with Parking. 668-1100. FIREPLACE Spacious 2 bedroom apt. Hardwood floors. Large rooms. Available Fall. Ph. 944-2405. FORREST TERRACE APTS Top Campus location. Large 2 Bedroom apts. Furnished with Parking. Call Mgr, Gus, 827-9111. HOUSES FOR RENT: May to May, 1019 Michigan, 4bdrm. + study, $2600 + util., 1003 S. Main, 5bdrm. + Study, $2500 + util., 902 Packard, 4bdrm. + study $2450 + util. , Oppenheimer Properties 995-5575. MCKINLEY STREET Spacious I & 2 bdrm. apts. Bay windows, fireplace, balc,A/C, covered prkg. 741-9300. MEDICAL STUDENTS. Available fall. Efficiencies, one, and two bedroom apartments located near medical center. Buzzer entry, air conditioning, dishwashers, garbage disposals, balconies. Assigned parking. Heat and water included. Call Michigan Realty Management, 662-5000 or visit our website www.michcomrealty.com EHO. NEAR UNION-large contemporary studio & I bdrm. apts. 741-9300. NOW LEASING ! Fall 2001 Furnishe4 houses and apartments. Stop by for a brochure. Campus Rentals 1335 S. University at Washtenaw. 665-8825. PARK TERRACE. Upscale apts. For Fall 2001. 1 bedroom available. Balconies, Underground Parking. Call Mgr, Carson, #913-8145. QUIET TOP FLOOR 2 BDRM. apt. near Union. (417 S. Division) Skylight. Carpeted, 1 1/2 baths, ldry + prkg. available. Sept lease. $1025 plus elec. 741-9622. ROOM AVAIL. NOW. $350/mo. Incl. H20 & gas. 412 N. Thayer. Deinco Properties @ 213-1615. SINGLE ROOM AVAIL. NOW Super location. Call 741-0170 or 971-3193. STILL AVAILABLE FOR FALL 2001: Efficiences, 1 bdrm apts, 2 bdrm apts, 3 & 4 bdrm apts and a 5 bdrm house. Call PMSI at 665-5552. SUBLETS JAN.-AUG., $275/mo., ldry, prkg., great roommates at 1016 S. Forest. 975-1563 AVAIL. FALL: 2 bdrm. Immaculate conditions, bi-level. 506 S. Fifth Ave. $1320, 1018 Church $1250. 975-1563. THE BLUE HOUSE. 1 minute from campus. 1208 Willard. 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, up to 9 people. (248) 932-0560. THIRD FLOOR, 3 BDRM. furnished apt. on Division by Elbel Field, avail. Fall 2001. Dwshr, Idry facilities, off street parking, FREE heat & water. Beautiful! 483-4657. THREE MINUTE walk to Freize. Historic House converted to deluxe apts. 2 brm.(Sept.) 3, and 4 bdrms (May). Oak floors, ceramic baths, prkg., 973-7368. THREE MINUTE walk to South Quad. Deluxe remodeled 2 bdrm apts., side by side fridge., balconies, prkg., dwsher., 973-7368. VICTORIAN HOME Unique Studio, 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Skylights, high ceilings, hardwood floors, near business/law school. 741-9300. www.cmbmgmt.com WHILE THEY LAST... Amvest Mgt. has great apts. on cen. campus. Furn effcs, 1 bdrms, & 2 bdrms, 260-3610 or visit www.amvestproperty.com apt. on central campus. $515month. Heat, water and parking included. Call Gab 734- 657-6816 or Mike 248-763-5554. SUBLET APT. with 2 girls, female preferred. Parking spot, close to campus, double bed with loft. Avail. now. 395-5302. SUBLET. 1 bdrm in 2 bdrm apartment. Avail, for winter term. A/C, furn, security system, pool, gym, Idry. $400/neg. 764-7966. *****CollegeCampusAds.com***** Promote any business/event across campus. COLLEGE CLEANERS: PROF. Dry Cleaning and Laundry shirts, Free summer storage. 715 N. Univ., next to Hill, 662-1906. NEED HELP WITH thesis or dissertations? 28 yrs exp. EDD English Prof. Will edit, proof. $35/hr. Call (734) 996-9129. Professional/Affordable Resume Writing & Free Student Career Placement Services. D&D Consultants d-dconsultant.home.att.net /(734) 327-9250. THE WORDWRIGHT dissertations, term papers, resumes, grad school applications. Specialize in editing. Call Sarah 662-8977. THESIS EDITING. All disciplines and formats. 25 years U-M experience. 734/996-0566 or writeon@bizserve.com "The highest quality apartments and service for the most affordable price " Walk to classes Studio, 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments, swimming pool, game & exercise rooms, study lounge, laundry facilities, 10 bby attendant, 24 hour maintenance. Unliver8 ity Tower, 536 S. Forest Ave. 761-2680 Mon-Fri. 10-7 " Sat. 10-5 " Sun. 12-5 universitytowerS-mi.Com DON'T LEAVE TOWN WITH UNFINISHED BUSINESS! Time is running out, so get your campus area apartment for Fall 2001 NOW! Fully furnished efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 & 6 bedroom apts avail. For a viewing appointment, call Wilson White Co. Inc. 734-995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. DON'T MISS THESE 2 bdrm. apts. on cen. campus. Furn. and ready for fall 2001. Call Mary 260-3610. www.amvestproperty.com EFFC. AND 1 BDRM. APTS. avail. for fall 2001. Furn, free prkg, great loc! 260-3610. EFFICIENCIES- FALL '01 Varsity Mgmt- 668-1100. EFFICIENCY AT 335 E. Jefferson. Fall lease. Call 769-7025 and 761-8505. !ANN ARBOR'S BIGGEST SPORTSBAR is now hiring cooks, waitstaff, and floormen for winter term. Hard-working punctual applicants should apply @ Scorekeepers, 310 Maynard across from. Borders. 995-0100. $1000'S WEEKLY!! Stuff envelopes for $2 each + bonuses. F/T, P/T. Make $800+ weekly guaranteed! Free supplies. For details, send I stamp to: N-122, PMB 552, 12021 Wilshire l., Los Angeles, CA 90025 $1500 WEEKLY: potential mailing our circulars. For info call 203-977-1720. EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE- Wait staff needed immediately to work all semesters. Free food, will pay the right candidate up to $9/hr. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner shifts avail. Call 763-7819, ask for Anne or Karin after 11 a.m. or leave msg. ***RESIDENT MANAGERS WANTED for Fall 2001. Looking for On Site Resident Mgrs. at 3 locations. Excellent income opportunity with flexible hours. Stop by Varsity at 625 Church St. for details. **LEASING AGENT. Part-time. Seeking friendly person with computer knowledge. will train. Contact Carolyn at 668-1100. A GREAT SUMMER JOB! Birch Trail Camp for Girls, located in beautiful NW Wisconsin is seeking motivated people as cabin counselors/activity instructors (you name it, we teach it!), climbing/ropes course instructors, wilderness trip leaders, kitchen workers, cooks, and a secretary. We are looking for enthusiastic people who are committed to kids, the outdoors and having a good time! Top pay, travel allowance, room & board and paid internships. Contact us today at: 715-466-2216 or www.birchtrail.com ARE YOU INTERESTED in sales or marketing? several positions avail Sales@collegecampusads.com CAMP COUNSELORS gain valuable experience while having the summer of a lifetime. Counselors needed for outdoor adventure, athletics, aquatics, and more. In the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. Apply online at www.pineforestcamp.com CAREGIVER Needed to help with 2 small children in our Ann Arbor office. References a must. Call Amy (734) 216-5370. COACH/COUNSELOR Have fun & earn $$ over Spring Break. Ann Arbor YMCA seeks Youth sports coach for 2/26-3/2 Sports Camp. Contact Diane @ d_carr@annarborymca.org or stop by 350 S. Fifth Ave to fill out an appl. EOE COLOR IMAGING person. Computer applications knowledge a must. Flex. up to $12/hr. Call Stacy 665-9200 or stop by Dollar Bill Copying at 611 Church. CUSTOMER SERVICE-20HR/WK. Techstreet seeks enthusiastic customer service assistance in our fast paced office. Customer requests are handled by phone, fax, and email. Solid computer skills required. Send resume to jobs@techstreet.com DELIVERY PERSONS & cashiers $100 bonus. Part time (Ex: 10-2pm or 4-8 pm) Ideal 2nd job. Great cash. Call Mr. Pit* (734)623-0700. EXPLORE CAREER OPTIONS while serving the Jewish Community Chicago-area undergrads: Apply before March 2.3 2001 for 8-week paid surnm0.rnnternshpgs.for Ap aton and rin reak I 0 w appoin ern ts: Write/Call: The Lwis Summ iintern Progra 1 S. Frali fSt. #2528, Chicago|fiL 60606. (312) 444-2868 or jteller@juf.org DESIGNERS! Create the cover of next year's Student Directory; add to your portfolio and get paid! Your design could be on 15,000 official University of Michigan student phone books distributed to students in the fall. If this opportunity sounds interesting, mail your resume to: Student Directory Cover Nancy Cudney r 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 or fax to: 936-1054, attn: Nancy Application deadline is February 16, 2001 EASY TELEPHONE WORK: no selling experience necessary. F/T or P/T. $7-12 /hr. Call 1-800-362-7662. FRATERNITIES, SORORITIES, CLUBS, STUDENT GROUPS: Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with the easy Campusfundraiser.com three hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact Campusfundraiser.com at (888) 923-3238, or visit www.campusfundraiser.com GLOBAL PHOTOGRAPHY is looking for attractive female models for nude and semi-nude photography. Great pay, flexible hours. 734-741-7487. GYMNASTICS: Champion Gymnastics i hiring recreational/team coaches. Flexible hours, Fun atmosphere! Call Dave or Laura @ (734)426-3289. HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAM is seeking midnight statf. Great job for students: opportunities for leaning and time for studying. Call Leslie, Collin, or Tim at 734-622-0894. IMMEDIATE INCOME Opportunity. Make money while attending college, serious inquiries only. 734-913-2184. INTERNET MODELING up to $400 per shift comfortable atmosphere and benefits 248.261.8400. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST 30 hrs/wk. Possible shared job. Flex. schedule. Fax (734) 995-9659. MICHIGAN TELEFUND Now hiring students for flex. night and weekend sched. Fun work atmosphere and great job experience. Up to $8/hr. + nightly bonuses. Apply online or stop by 611 Church, Suite 4F. www.telefund.umich.edu. 998-7420. PART TIME BARN help needed dressage barn South Lyon, flex. hrs. 248.437.3903. .. _ i _ i Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ****SPACIOUS 3 BDRM ' APT. Spring/Sum. Term. 2 blocks from Law Quad. Furn., dwshr., prkg., Idry., A/C. $1200/mo. Price negotiable. Call 222-9013.**** 2 ROOMS AVAIL. NOW 415 Church. e-mail ppamela@usa.net. AVAIL. FEB -AUG. Nice loc. 1 bdrm in 6 bdrm house. $430/mo. obo. Adam 761-4774. ACROSS 1 Nebraska's largest city 6 See eye to eye 10 Night fliers 14 About half of 1srael 15 Bailiwick 16 Perlman of "Cheers" 17 league of WNomen Voters founder 19 That's an order 20 Colorado native 21 tots 22 Maryland athlete, briefly 23 shadow 24 -This Boy's Life" ;memoirist 28 Camera attach- -ment 29rench pronoun 30 Z we there yet?" 31 Pique 33 Euyer's consider- -ation 34 Paptured 35 College football -coach for 71 years 40k'. folly to be wise": Gray 41 Jndecided 42 Words of assent: 66 Wooden Mortimer DOWN 1 When prompted 2 Substantial 3 See eye to eye 4 LBJ beagle 5 Fly 6 "The Monkey's Paw" author 7 Teheran resident 8 Risk 9 Consume 10 Gluck opera " ed Euridice" 11 1941 Triple Crown horse 12 Jumps by taking turns 13 Watched Junior 18 Harrow rival 22 Bothersome types 25 From _: every- thing 26 Fair 27 _ shui: architec- tural art 28 Former Secretary of Defense Aspin founder 33 MSNBC competitor 35 Ending for idiom 36 First-stringers 37 Actress Loughlin 38 Algerian port 39 Sunbather's goal 45 Tap-ins, in golf 46 Early 16th centu- ry date 47 '50s flops 49 "I'm all ears" 50 Milt of "Pantomime Quiz" 51 " a Parade" 52 Philly player 53 Put a spell on 57 Menu phrase 58 Quick punch 59 Rhoda's mom 60 Marsh il fi N A S H D A N K E RAT O A S TA E N Y A X E N I A D I E Z J E S T PE A L S A F T E R AWE E K OF L!IV A S S E S S M O B C U R A B L E M IA A P E E K E L E E A B E L D I E T! N G A L L I L O S T R A T E E A R L B A S T E A T L H E L M E T S 11 S A D S E E D E D E E O W A S S E V E N D A Y S E I D E R A V I D D R O P S OU L S M E N U L I R A O U i L T S L O P Y A K S 2 lines 7.00 9.40 11.80 14.20 16.60 I Withl an the Extras. 1