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February 01, 2001 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-02-01

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2B - The chigan Daily - Weekend, Magazine - Thursday, Februa" 2001"
EQuestion &TAnswer Interview
Random 'U' student answers life's greatest mysteries



The Michigan Daily Weekend, etc.

By Josh Wickerham
Daily Arts Writer
What would it be like to pick a ran-
dom name out of the University phone
book and ask them miscellaneous
questions about life, love and laugh-
ter? The Michigan Daily is all about
exploring the new and unknown. The

names haven't been changed to protect
the innocent - this a real person with
real opinions. The victim chosen is
Elizabeth Walkowiak, sophomore in
the school of Nursing.
The Michigan Daily: What's the
strangest phone call you've ever got-

Elizabeth Walkowiak: Mmmm,
probably this one. Yeah, I don't get too
many strange phone calls.
TMD: As you probably know,
Friday is Groundhog's Day. Do you
think it's insulting to weather men that
people put faith in a rodent's predic-
EW: No, I think that it's just a fun

tradition and that people don't put too
much stock into that. I don't think
people take it too seriously and the
weather men don't take it too serious-
ly either.
TMD: Have you ever seen the
movie "Groundhog's Day?"
EW: Uhuh.
TMD: Have you ever had a day

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when it feels like you're repeating
another day?
EW: Um, sometimes, you know,
when you first get your new school
schedule. It is especially true in the
Nursing School.
TMD: Do you think Bill Murray,
in real life, has ever had days like that
day in "GroundHog's?"
EW: I think everybody has those
kinds of days.
TMD: Do you think Punxsutawney
Phil is cute by rodent standards?
EW: Yeah, I saw him on Regis and
Kathie Lee. I think he's pretty cute.
Although, I'm not a big fan of
TMD: Do you feel that if the
weather man gives the wrong advice
and it ruins someone's picnic that
they should be held responsible?
EW: These questions are SO
ridiculous! I really think it's just a
fairy tale.
I don't know what kind of a person
would think that. Weather men don't
have any control over nature.
TMD: You don't know anyone who
would hold them responsible?
EW: I'm sure there's some people
out there who wanna have someone
to blame.
TMD: Do you think people blame
Punxsutawney Phil if the weather is
EW: I guess there are some people.
I don't know anybody who takes the
whole Groundhog's Day seriously.
Maybe there are people out there who
blame the rodent for six more weeks
of winter, but obviously they don't
know much about meteorology.
TMD: Do you know what the word
felching means?
EW: Excuse me? What's the word.
TMD: F-e-1-c-h-i-n-g.
EW: I have no idea.
TMD: The problem is we don't
either. And we were hoping the some-
one would.
EW: Are you guys for real?
TMD: Yeah, it'll be in the paper
tomorrow. You don't believe me?
EW: At first, no, but I'm a really
gullible person and people like to do
this to me and I guess I believe them.
TMD: You don't think this is a
bunch of frat boys playing a prank on
EW: No, I don't think it's frat boys.
God...Um, do you guys just call ran-
dom people?
TMD: No, this is the first
time... What was your first time?
EW: My what?
TMD: Your first time.
EW: Can you elaborate?
TMD: Let's move on (Because
otherwise The Daily could get sued
for sexual harassment). Here's a seg-
ment we like to call - Do you know
your Daily and Britney's boobs?
TMD: Do you like Chris Kula?
EW: Yeah, I do. I think his
columns are sooooo good.
TMD: Do you think Britney's
boobs are real or fake? (Personally I
think they are super-duper great!).
EW: Well, "I've never really
thought about it and I don't look at
her boobs all that often.

ie (and a silentee) with a live organ
accompaniment (or is it a dead organ
accompaniment? Ha Ha Ha!).
Michigan Theater. 6 p.m.
Shadow of the Vampire See Thursday.
Michigan Theater. 4, 8, & 10 p.m.
State & Main See Thursday. State
Theater. 2, 4:30, 7 & 9:15 p.m.
Traffic See Thursday. State Theater.
1:30, 4:10, 6:45 & 9:30 p.m.
J. Mascis & the Fog Hey! You forgot
the rest of Dinosaur Jr. Mascis leads a
loud night of rock. Blind Pig, 208 S.
1st St. 10 p.m. $5. 99Q-8555.
George Bedard & the Kingpins Old
time rockabilly roll, and blues rock
manifesto from this local group.
Cavern Club, 210 S 1st St. 10 p.m.
$8. 332-9900.
The Ghettobillies These guys four like
no one else. Check out the country
funk. T.C.'s Speakeasy, Ypsilanti.
10:30 p.m. $4. 483-4470.
Maggie Rose See Friday. Performance
Network, 120 E. Huron. 8 p.m. $20.


Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
See Thursday. Detroit Opera House,
1526 Broadway, Detroit. 8 p.m, regu-
lar performance, $15-$40. 2 p.m.,
one-hour family performance, $15
adults, $5 children. 764-2538.
Dances of Passion See Thursday.
Power Center. 8 p.m. $20, $15, $7
students. 764-0450.
Plant Life See Thursday. Museum of
Art, Works on Paper Gallery, Free.
Mark Rothko and the Lure of the
Figure: Paintings 1933-46 See
Thursday. Museum of Art, Apse
Gallery, Free. 764-0395.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon See
Thursday. Michigan Theater. 6 p.m.
Macbeth (1948) One of Orson
Welles's older films before his break-
through role as Unicron in
"Transformers: The Movie." Michigan
Theater. 3 p.m. Free.
Shadow of the Vampire See Thursday.
Michigan Theater. 8:30 p.m.
State & Main See Thursday. State
Theater. 2, 4:30, 7 & 9:15 p.m.
Traffic See Thursday. State Theater.
1:30, 4:10, 6:45 & 9:30 p.m.
Steve Earle Celtic rooted rock from a
critically acclaimed guitarist.
Michigan Theatre. 7:30 p.m. $23.
Home Grown Night Local talent rage
and rock through an advanced booked
open mic night. T.C.'s Speakeasy,
Ypsilanti. 10:30 p.m. $4. 483-4470.
Brentano String Quartet Young string
quartet plays the works of Haydn,
Wourinen, Stravinsky and Mozart.
Rackham Auditorium. 4 p.m. $14-30.
The Marriage of Figaro Michigan
Opera Works performs this famous
Mozart opera. Residential College
Theater, East Quad. 3 p.m. $16, $8
students. 763-TKTS.
Maggie Rose See Friday. Performance
Network, 120 E. Huron. 8 p.m. $20.
Alvin Alley American Dance Theater
See Thursday. Detroit Opera House,
1526 Broadway, Detroit. 8 p.m. $15-
$40. 764-2538.
Dances of Passion See Thursday.
Power Center. 8 p.m. $20, $15, $7

Luis Guzman stars as Ray Castro in Steven Soderbergh's "Traffic."

students. 764-0450.
Art Video: "Lorna Simpson" Explores
Simpson's artistic work on human
sexual behavior. Museum of Art,
Media Room. Free. 764-0395.
Plant Life See Thursday. Museum of
Art, Works on Paper Gallery, Free.
Mark Rothko and the Lure of the
Figure: Paintings 1933-46 See
Thursday. Museum of Art, Apse
Gallery, Free. 764-0395.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon See
Thursday. Michigan Theater. 9:30
The Pirate (1948) No, not that stellar
Renny Harlan film with Geena Davis
and Matt "Birdie" Modine, but some
musical with dancing and stuff.
Michigan Theater. 7 p.m.
Shadow of the Vampire See Thursday.
Michigan Theater. 7:15 & 9:30 p.m.
State & Main See Thursday. State
Theater. 7 & 9:15 p.m.
Traffic See Thursday. State Theater.
6:45 & 9:30 p.m.
Jazz Jam Session Musicians and lis-
teners invited to hear jazz, and maybe
play it too. Pierpont Commons. 8 p.m.
Acoustic Open Mic You can do your
own "Live at Luther College" imper-
sonation. Tap Room, Ypsilanti 9:30
p.m. Free. 482-5320.
Stephen Dunn This visiting writer
from the Department of English will
be reading from "Different Hours," a
collection of poems exploring the
dark side of human emotion. 5 p.m.
Free. 647-6471.

Plant Life See Thursday. M
Art, Works on Paper Galle
Mark Rothko and the Lure
Figure: Paintings 1933-46
Thursday. Museum of Art,
Gallery, Free. 764-0395.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden D
Thursday. Michigan Theate
Shadow of the Vampire Se
Michigan Theater. 7:15 &
State & Main See Thursda
Theater. 7 & 9:15 p.m.
Traffic See Thursday. Stat
6:45 & 9:30 p.m.
Blind Pig Showcase N
Corpse, Death Ray Davie
Headrush and The New N
on tap tonight. Blind Pig
St. 10 p.m. Free. 996-855
Blues Jam Girl, you kn
Baby, c'mon let's go ha
moment at the Tap Roorr
Ypsilanti. 9:30 p.m. Free.
Da Chen This Chinese aut
reading from his latest w
air titled "Colors of the M(
An expert calligrapher, Ch
make cards for attendees
home. Borders. 7 p.m. Fre
James Hynes Hynes willki b
from his hilarious new nov
Lecturer's Tale." This forr
Arborite will also be signi
so come on out. 8 p.m. Fi
Plant Life See Thursday. I
Art, Works on Paper Galle

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Courtesy of Columbia Pictures
Matthew McConaughey had better stay on Puffy's good side, dancing with Jennifer
Lopez in "The Wedding Planner."


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