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February 01, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-02-01

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CLASSIFIED: 764-0557

February 1, 2001

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Alcohol violations
4niversities with the highest
number of alcohol-related'"
arrests ,rcitations in 1999,
as repoztie QteU.S.
Departmnt~ ofFucaton
Michigan State856
Michigan 673
Western Michigan 623
Caliornia B t i 563
Minnesota (Twin e s) 546
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education
'U' ranks
By Kristen Beaumont
Daily Staff Reporter
The University ranks second in the
nation among four-year colleges with
the most liquor arrests in 1999, accord-
ing to statistics released this week in the
Chronicle of Higher Education.
There were 673 liquor arrests on
campus in 1999, placing the Universi-
ty second behind only Michigan State
University, which led the nation with
856 liquor arrests. Western Michigan
University was third, with 623.
The liquor arrest statistics were
included in the first-ever report on col-
lege crime released by the Department
of Education in January. Once the sta-
tistics were compiled, they were ana-
lyzed and published in this week's
There are several factors influencing
the University of Michigan's high rate
of liquor violations, said Department
of Public Safety spokeswoman Diane
Brown, and the high number of liquor
violations is not unusual because alco-
hol is the most common drug of
choice for college students.
"It is noteworthy to look at the fact
that only 35 percent of the individuals
arrested for liquor violations were
University students," she said. "The
other 65 percent were visitorsto the
campus or non-University students."
About a third of the liquor violations
occurred at or near Michigan Stadium
on football game days, Brown said.
"Another factor relating to our
liquor violations is the fact that we
have an open campus," she said. "We
do have a lot of additional traffic that
contributes to our statistics from the
Department of Education."
Brown said a 1998 change to a state
law has taken away some of the discre-
tion police officers have when arresting
or issuing citations to intoxicated
0minors. "If you look at the statistics,
the top three schools in the liquor vio-
lation category are three Michigan
schools," Brown said. "The new state
law makes it mandatory for law
enforcement officers to cite or arrest
an underage intoxicated person."
Brown noted that the information
does not account for students arrested
by the Ann Arbor Police Department
Oor on other college campuses.
Under the Clery Act, which took
effect last June, colleges and universi-
ties across the country are required to
give the Department of Education the

statistics on crimes that occurred on
their campuses and in surrounding
areas each year.
Murder, sex offenses, hate crimes,
robbery, arson and drug and weapon
violations are all major categories
included in the statistics. Michigan State
*also had the highest reported number of
weapons arrests in the nation, with 32.
The national percentage of reported
sex offenses rose by nearly 6 percent
from 1998 to 1999. The number of
burglaries, hate crimes and motor-
vehicle thefts also grew. During the
same time period, the number of mur-
ders dropped from 24 to 11.
The crime statistics of each individ-
ual campus can be viewed in full at
ope. ed.gov/security.
This year marked the first time
schools had to report their crime statis-
tics on a national level. Colleges have
been very cooperative with the new
legislation, said Department of
Education spokeswoman Stephanie

By Anna Clark
Daily StaffReporter



As a University biomedical engineering
research scientist, Jane Huggins said she's used
to working day-to-day in a field where there
are "10 guys to one girl."
But others think Huggins shouldn't have to
grow accustomed to the unbalanced numbers.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Prof.
Lotte Beilyn said she was so disturbed by the
lack of women in science and engineering
positions at universities that she decided to
take action.
Beilyn united with 25 other women in similar
positions to help initiate MIT's Presidents Work-
shop on Gender Equity in Academic Science and
Engineering this week.


Hu1nger signs statement

recognizing gender
University of Michigan President Lee Bollinger progress.
was among the nine research university presidents Bollinger said th
invited to the workshop who released a unanimous between the numbe
statement recognizing the existence of gender faculty on campus
inequity in science and.engineering fields and vow- "It was belie
ing to make improvements. women in the fac
Specifically, the statement agreed to analyze ter of course, tha
salaries and resources allotted to female faculty naturally," Bolling
and to work toward developing a faculty that out to be right."
reflects the student body. The presidents plan to University of M
reconvene in a year to share initiatives and discuss retary Lisa Tedesc

e leaders examined the disparity
er of female students and female
ved that the inclusion of
culty would happen as a mat-
t the numbers would increase
ger said. "That has not turned
ichigan Vice President and Sec-
o said the number of female sci-

ence and engineering students shows that qualified
women for faculty and research positions aren't in
short supply.
"It's a problem of recruitment and retainment,"
she said.
Bollinger said there are many causes of gender
inequity, making a quick solution difficult.
"We have to first recognize that there is a probes
lem and commit ourselves to a solution," Bollinger
said. "You have to care that something happened
here. It's a multi-faceted problem."
But while noting, the problem, Bollinger added
that he believes the University has done more work
on the issue than most other universities.
The workshop was specifically aimed at univer-
sities where science and engineering fields are
highly developed. Other institutions represented, in
See GENDER, Page 7A

foumrni rae
for reduced

* One-third of the
University's car fleet are
alternative fuel vehicles
By Jon Fish
Daily Staff Reporter
In the hopes that the University will
become a leader in solving the prob-
lem of global warming, a group of
more than 100 alumni sent a letter to
President Lee Bollinger asking that the
University commit itself to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions.
Requesting a reduction of "7 per-
cent below its estimated 1990 levels by
the year 2012," the Michigan Alumni
for Global Warming Action's effort is
being coordinated by the Environmen-
tal Law and Policy Center of the Mid-
"This is an opportunity for the Uni-
versity to be a leader in helping to
solve the problem of global warning,"
said Howard Learner, executive direc-,
tor of the Chicago-based ELPC and a
University alum.
Learner and Environmental Busi-
ness Specialist Lauren Sharfman said
the ELPC was encouraged by the envi-
ronmental sustainability programs
already in place at the University.
"U of M has been such a leader in
progressive initiatives - this seems
like a good fit," Sharfman said.
Sharfman also added that the group
hopes the University will provide "a
model for other colleges" to follow in

environmental initiatives against glob-
al warming.
Hank Baier, associate vice president
for Facilities and Operations, said
global warming is something the Uni-
versity always has taken into consider-
"We've worked through a lot of ini-
tiatives and are always looking to
improve upon programs," he said.
Baier said the University already
has a number of environmental initia-
tives that have indirectly reduced the
emission of greenhouse gases. For
example, numerous recycling pro-
grams of items such as soda cans and
fluorescent light bulbs help reduce
transportation and mining of products
like aluminum and ballast.
The University also engages in a
number of programs to increase ener-
gy efficiency. Its power plant is a
cogenerational plant, meaning it pro-
duces steam and electricity. The steam
is used to both heat and cool buildings
and provides enough energy to supply
the majority of the University's power:
The power plant is run on natural
gas, which produces about half the
amount of carbon dioxide and nitrous
oxide - two greenhouse gases - that
a coal plant does.
Another way in which the Universi-
ty cuts down on its greenhouse gas
emissions is through the use of alter-
native fuel vehicles. One-third of the
University's fleet of vehicles run on
alternative fuel, said Patrick Cun-

Michigan Gov. John Engler delivers his 1Uth annual State of the State address last night as Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus
looks on at the state Capitol in Lansing.
Engl er bills AnArba r
ascnter of inn-fovation

By Hanna LoPatin
and Louie Meizlish
Daily StaffReporters

"Our message to Internet
O Blue!"

LANSING - Last night's State of the State address
seemed to leave many state legislators and officers feel-
ing good about the future of political civility between
parties - an attitude they seem to be striving for within
the state government.
Many of the items on Gov. John Engler's agenda for
the "Next Michigan," including a proposal that would
affect the University of Michigan, were presented as
issues for the Legislature to consider and discuss on a
bipartisan level.
"I think this ties nicely to what the speaker and the
minority leader have been trying to establish - a less
confrontive atmosphere," said Rep. John Hansen (D-Dex-
Engler proposed a constitutional amendment that
would allow a governor to appoint seven additional mem-
bers to the eight-member governing boards of the state's
three largest universities - Michigan, Michigan State

- John Engler
Michigan governor

and Wayne State - as well as the State Board of Educa-
tion. Engler emphasized that the proposal, if enacted,
would not go into effect until after his term as governor
ends in 2002 and would forbid naming more than four
people from one party to each board.
"This plan strengthens existing boards by vastly
expanding the pool of qualified candidates," Engler said.
"Board service should not be limited only to those will-
ing to run on a party ticket."
But many Democrats, including Sen. Alma Wheeler
Smith (D-Salem Twp.), said the proposal would not bene-
fit the universities.
"Loading the Board of Regents really does dilute the
See ENGLER, Page 7A

Gordon Peters, an auto mechanic with University Parking and Transportation
Services, works yesterday on a Ford Taurus, one of a new fleet of fuel-efficient cars.

AATA negotiating to expand
bus service through cus

By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporter
The University is currently in negoti-
ations to expand its transportation ser-
vices on campus through a partnership
with the Ann Arbor Transportation

"We're certainly in discussions to uti-
lize them to our full advantage," Direc-
tor of Parking and Transportation
Services Patrick Cunningham said.
An article about AATA in this
month's issue of Mass Transit magazine
said a plan calls for the University to

100,000 hours of service annually.
The driver said because students are
not union workers, student jobs could be
in jeopardy if the University agrees to
transfer service hours.
"We serve students, we employ stu-
dents," he said.

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