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January 05, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-01-05

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 5, 2001


Arab leaders criticize peace proposal

Arafat looks to reach
deal before end of
Clinton's term
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Arab for-
eign ministers criticized key points of
President Clinton's peace proposal
yesterday, insisting Palestinians have a
"sacred" right to return to Israel, a
position flatly rejected by Israel.
But Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
said he still hoped a peace deal with
Israel could be reached before Clinton
leaves office in two weeks.
The Arab League foreign ministers
objected to a portion of the U.S. propos-
al that would surrender the rights of mil-
lions of Palestinian refugees now in
Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and elsewhere to
return to homes in Israel. In exchange,
the Palestinians would gain control of
an important holy site in Jerusalem.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak
insisted yesterday that he would not
back down on the refugee question and
repeated his refusal to sign an agree-
ment giving the Palestinians sovereign-
ty over the Jerusalem site, known to
Jews as the Temple Mount and to Mus-
lims as the Noble Sanctuary.
"We cannot continue along this path
at any price. We will not accept under
any circumstances the right of return to
Israel," Barak told a rally in Tel Aviv.
1 have already said and I say again,

I will not sign any document that trans-
fers the sovereignty on the Temple
Mount to the Palestinians," he added.
Arafat left the Arab League meeting
in Cairo without comment, but upon
reaching Gaza said he still held out
hope that a deal could be struck before
Clinton's term ends Jan. 20.
"We hope that, and we hope that as
President Clinton promised, that he
will exert his efforts before the end of
the period," Arafat said.
But with positions hardening on
both sides, it was unclear how much
progress could be made.
Israel says an influx of Palestinian
refugees would destabilize the country
by upsetting the balance between Jews
and Arabs.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr
Moussa, speaking as the chairman of
the Arab League meeting, said the
ministers considered the right of the
Palestinian refugees to return to Israel
to be "sacred."
"I would like to point out that
Lebanon has totally rejected the idea
of resettling the Palestinian refugees
(permanently) and insisted on the right
of the Palestinians to return. We
believe that this is a sacred right,"
Moussa said.
In Israel, Foreign Ministry
spokesman Noam Katz said his govern-
ment was engaged with the Palestinians,
not the Arab League. Israel, Katz said,

Medicaid to cover breast cancer costs
WASHINGTON -- President Clinton called on the states yesterday to make
rapid use of a major expansion of Medicaid to pay full treatment costs for thou-
sands of uninsured women with breast or cervical cancer, the first time such cov.
erage has been offered.
The new program, created by Congress in October, covers the expenses of
patients with these diseases whose incomes are too high to meet the traditiona*
guidelines of Medicaid, the federal-state welfare program.
Uninsured patients with incomes up to 250 percent of the federal poverty line
- about $35,000 a year for a family of three --- would be eligible to have the'
government pay for all medical expenses in connection with the cancers. Such
costs as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and any follow-up care and medica-
tions would be covered.
In addition, the cancer must have been detected through the free screening pro- -
grams operated by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Preventiolt
through local health centers, clinics and hospitals. More than 1.5 million women-
have had the screenings since the program began in 1990, receiving free mammo-
grams to check for breast cancer and free pap smears to detect cervical cancer.
Because the program offered detection without treatment, experts believe that
many women skipped the chance to get the test because they feared that they woul
be unable to pay for treatment if they learned they had cancer.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, left, leaves the Arab League headquarters in
Cairo after meeting with Arab foreign ministers yesterday,

was trying to determine if Arafat's
reported conditional acceptance "falls
within the parameters of the Clinton
proposals. If it does, and if a drastic
drop takes place in the level of violence,
then we will consider in a positive spirit
resumption of the negotiations.
On Wednesday, an aide in Washing-
ton said Arafat had conditionally
accepted the U.S. proposal after two
meetings with Clinton.

Israeli Deputy Defense Minister
Ephraim Sneh called on Arafat to
issue a cease-fire order within 24
hours to back up his promise to Clin-
ton to quell the violence, spokesman
Hillel Fertouk said.
Moussa said the foreign ministers
also were concerned the Palestinians
had not been assured full sovereignty
over east Jerusalem and the city's
Muslim holy sites.

Swedish police arrest 5 in art theft

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) - Police have
arrested five men in the theft of three Renoir and
Rembrandt paintings from Stockholm's waterfront
National Museum, but the precious art works remain
missing, authorities said yesterday.
Four of the men were arrested Wednesday and
yesterday morning in the Stockholm area, police
superintendent Leif Jennekvist said.
A fifth man was arrested before midnight yester-
day, and police were searching for one more man,
police spokesman Kenneth Karlsson said. All the
arrested men were Swedes.
The paintings were taken from the museum
Dec. 22. A man walked into the state-run museum
five minutes before closing time and pointed a
submachine gun at an unarmed guard while two
people already inside snatched the paintings off
the walls.
The latest suspect arrested was "involved in the
deal, but we are not sure which are the three who
stole the paintings," Karlsson said.
Police believed the paintings were still in Swe-
"We think that we are going to get them back, but

"We think that we are going to get them back,"
- Leif Jennekvist
Stockholm police superintendent

we cannot say when," Jennekvist said. He declined to
Museum officials reacted to the arrests with cau-
tious optimism.
"Naturally we are happy if this means that the case
is about to be solved, but we don't know how the
police investigation is being conducted," museum
spokesman Torsten Gunnarson was quoted as saying
by the Swedish news agency TT.
The robbers sped away in a boat moored near the
museum. Police found the boat but not the paintings,
which museum officials say are worth several mil-
lion dollars.
Earlier this week, police said they had received
several photos of the paintings aloing with a
denand for an unspecified ransom for their safe
return. Police said officials would not pay a ran-

Thle paintings are:
A self-portrait by Rembrandt, painted on gold-
en-surfaced copper plate to give a special light to the
face. It was painted in 1630.
"Conversation," by Renoir, a close-up of a mlan
and a woman with her back turned to the viewer.
"Young Parisian," by Renoir, a painting of a
youn1g girl.
Like other government property in Sweden, the
paintings were not insured. The National Museum s
collections contain about 15,000 paintings and
Mcanwhlile, police said yesterday that a broinze
statue of lovie legend Clarlie Chaplin has been
stolen from a museum in the Swedish city of Upp-
sala, 40 miles north of Stockholm.

More Asians smoke Asian-Americans s
M ~re sianSSm~ke grade, second only
at younger age The report stress
hlave long believed:
WASHINGTON - The number of "when barriers to
Asian-American youths who smoke drop dramatically,'
increases dramatically between middle rates begin to incre
school and high school -- from 3.8 of all ethnic backgr
percent in sixth grade to 33.1 percent
by 12th grade - a rate much steeper Ci
than any other ethnic group, according mton di
to a report released yesterday. drug repo
The survey of 35,000 young people L r
is the first to look at youth smoking WASHINGTON
rates among Asian-Americans, ton praised recents
researchers said. It was conducted by curbing drug us
the American Legacy Foundation, the bemoaned the fact t
anti-smoking organization formed by to exact a tremend
the 1998 settlement agreement between people dabbling it
the states and the tobacco industry. drugs such as ecstas
In middle school, the survey found, In receiving the f
overall smoking rates among students drug policy adviser,
of Asian decent are the lowest of all glad that the report
ethnic groups -~ about 5.5 percent mur-ders aire at thei
compared to 10.7 percent of whites, years and that drug
11.3 percent of blacks and 11.2 per- ple aged 12-17 is
cent of Latinos. . since 1997.
However, by high school gradua- But, he said, stu
tion, the situation has reversed dra- ing disturbing evii
matically - with a third of use of steroids, ecst
O.PEC decides to York Mercantile E
OPECdecdestLIP 14 ents.
cut oil production OPEC booste
tiC mes last year it
CARACAS, Venezuela - OPEC prices, which reac
Secretary General Ali Rodriguez con- more than S30 ab
firmed yesterday that the group will cut Now, the cartel is
production to halt a recent slide in oil ished inventoriesv
prices and that independent producers traditional drop in
will likely cooperate with the move. ond quarter.
"There is consensus for a cut. The.
amount has not been defined," 9 die in cl
Rodriguez said.
Saudi Arabian and Algerian oil Indonesia
officials have said the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries could JAKARTA, Ind
decide to reduce output by as much lagers fought with
1.5 million barrels a day in its Jan. 17 in clashes that kill
minister's meeting in Vienna. resort island pac
A mild European winter and police said yesterd
replenished crude inventories prompt- The fighting on
ed a more than 25 percent drop in east of Indonesia'
international oil prices over the last nation of Bali, br
month. But prices have climbed in when residents of
recent days on confidence that OPEC attacked the haml
will decide to slide back production one resident, pol
during its Vienna meeting. Pangastuti said.
Crude oil for February delivery set-
tled at S28.14 per barrel on the New - Compiledl fon

imoking in the 12th
to whites.
ed what researchers
that middle school;
smoking begin to
is when smoking
ase among students
rt findings
-- President Clin-
signs of progress in
se yesterday but
that "drugs continue
ous toll" on young
n steroids and club
final report from his
Clinton said he was
showed drue-rehited
r lowest level in 10
use by young peo-
down 21 percent
dies also are provid-
dence of increased,
asy and other drugs.*
Exchange yesterday,
d production four
n a bid to ease oil
led I0-year-highs of
barrel in Septemberi
worried that replen-
will coincide with a
demand in the sexy
ashes on
n island
onesia -- Rival-vfl
gutiis and machetes"
ed nine people on a
eked with tourists,,
n Lombok, 25 miles
s main tourist desti-
oke out Wednesday
f Perampuan village'
et of Bongor, killing
ice Capt. Tri Budi
n Daily/ ire repoltso


university musical society 2 0 0 /2001 WINTER(



Winter Half-Price Student Ticket Sale

Saturday, January 6, 10 am-1 pm Hill Auditorium

Vermeer Quartet
Mingus Big Band: Blues and Politics
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Dresden Staatskapelle
Giuseppe Sinopoli conductor
Brentano String Quartet
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
Dubravka Tomsic piano
Dairakudakan: Kai In No alma (Sea-Dappled Horse)
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra and Choir
Manfred Honeck conductor
Swedish Radio Choir and Eric Ericson Chamber Choir
Eric Ericson conductor
Manuel Barrueco guitar
Ballet Preljocaj: Paysage apesla Bataille
Prague Chamber Orchestra with the Beaux Arts Trio
Les Violons du Roy
David Daniels countertenor
Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
Murray Perahia conductor and piano
Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
Heidi Grant Murphy soprano
Brass Band of Battle Creek
Ronald K. Brown/Evidence
Orion String Quartet and Peter Serkin piano
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam
Riccardo Chailly conductor


These Prices are just Too
Good to Pass Up!
The Process:
It's easy! Just make your way to Hill
Auditorium Saturday morning and
wait in line to receive a sequentially
numbered Ticket Order Form (the
number on each order form indicates
the order in which it is going to be
processed by the UMS Box Office).
Once you receive your order form you
have until 1 pm to fill it out with the
exact amount of tickets that you and
your friends would like to purchase to
each event. Turn it in and then go to
the UMS Box Office in the Power Center
beginning Friday, January 12 to pick up
and pay for your tickets. It's as simple
as that!
The Rules:
+ Valid Student ID required
f Limit 2 tickets per student, per event

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NEWS Jewel Gopwani, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nick Bunkley, Nika Schulte, Jaimie Winkler
TAF: Ki nnrit BEaumont. Anna Cark,.Laura bineau LbzzieErle. Whtney Ellitt. David Enders. Jen fisu Hoiman Euzabeth Kassab.
Jode KaufmanU sa oavu. Jane Kruil HannaL oPatin. Susan uth.o iruie MelzlIsh. Jacquelyn NiNon, Caitln Nish. ,ermy W. Peters. James
Restivo. Karen Schwartz. MaranySprow. Carrie Thorson. Johanna Wetmore.
CALENDAR: Lndsey Alper. GRAPHiCS. Scott Gordon
EDITORIAL Emily Achenbaum, Managing Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Peter Cunniffe, Ryan DePietro, Michael Grass, Manish Raiji, Josh Wickerham. Nicholas Woomrer
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SENIOR EDITORS: Chris Duprey. Mark Francescutti, Geoff Gagnon, Stephanie Offen
N 4'' J 4 n4.i ,i w')inte" N'io i ,r .:n C C . y.Ju mv: '- Im-
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ARTS Son Goldstein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jennifer Fogel. Robyn Melamed
WEEKEND. ETC. EDITORS: Jenni Glenn, Elizabeth Pensler
PHOTO Louis Brown, Jessica Johnson, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: David Katz, Marjorie Marshall
ARTS EDITOR: Peter Cornue
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ONLINE Kiran Divvela, Paul Wong, Managing Editors
S' ;1 R i Br y ir CS.: c i- D i . ! derr Som " ' w t1ar?,MiA~n , 11tOtt Su.
CONSU .N S r soyn A rm1n-r, Mo- BiSa s 'ar
DISPLAY SALES Sarah Estella, Manager
A S .D C A :r , A N A G E B r k i i' r d e a ie . J c b F n tniaen-i l p n J r H u z rt n



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