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January 19, 2001 - Image 5

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JANUARY 19, 2001


Cultural show brings together
students' diverse interests

By Elizabeth Lee
For the Daily

Statistically, the University of Michigan is supposed to be
one of the nation's most diverse campuses. So, that means that
as students we vehemently strive to mend the gaps between
our ethnical spheres through racial sensitivity and reconcilia-
tion. Right. Unfortunately, the only instance where many stu-
dents get to rub elbows with people of
differing race and ethnicity is in the
construction detour at Mason Hall. The
Encompass Show, as its theme
Encompass "Breaking Barriers, Broadening
Horizons" recounts, seeks to break bar-
riers and broaden the horizons of stu-
Michigan Theater dents on campus who can congregate
Tonight at 7:30 under one, non-academic related roof to
emphasize their cultural differences
while celebrating them.
"Just sitting together in a classroom
won't bring people together," noted the
event's chair, Samantha Meinke. Being
the only Pan-Ethnic show on campus, it
presents a unique opportunity for "peo-
ple to come together who normally wouldn't. The audience
has the same experiences as everyone in the show." Meinke
The concept of Encompass was formed in 1998 as a
response to the lack of true cohesion on campus and was even-
tually brought to fruition by a group of students from varying
backgrounds and nationalities. It is a hope for breached
boundaries and tolerance through knowledge. The show is
also a contribution to the events lined up for the University's
MLK symposium.

Courtesy of Sony Pictures

Guy Ritchie (a.k.a. "Mr. Material Girl") directs Brad Pitt on the set of his latest film "Snatch."
,kitt ves explosive
in tc e s ener et1C ntC1

Courtesy of Persian Student Association
Performers get ready for their big night.
Meinke emphasizes that "each act was created specifically
for the show" No two acts are alike and all possess exciting
and new ways of showcasing culture as students understand it
today. Acts that will be featured in the show include a Persian
dance called Bai Bai, and a primarily Christian act of praise
called Body Worship, which is derived from sign language.
Other selections include the Indian dance, "East Unveiled,"
and a World Dance that fuses art and music from different-
parts of the globe in one piece - a paradigmatic expression
of the show's intent.
The show will also contain staple crowd-pleasers like the
traditional Korean drum group Sinaboro and dance troupes
FunKtion and Indigo, whose prodigious talents and creativity
subvert any notion of student-run shows being sub-par.
There's even a Tap Ensemble.
' ickets can be purchased at the Michigan Union Ticket
Office and if you're lucky, at the box office of the Michigan
Theater before show time.

By Andy Taylor-Fabe
Daily Arts Writer
Don't go into Guy Ritchie's new fi1
'Satch" expecting it to be radically dif-

Grade: B+
At Showcase
and Quality 16

ferent from his
first effort, "Lock,
Stock, & Two
S m o k i n g
Barrels." But hon-,
estly, what's
wrong with that?
Everyone is so
used to seeing bad
carbon copy
sequels and
rehashes that they
forget that some-
times a bit of cre-
ative recycling
really pays off.

"Seinfeld" from Hell. This style of film-
making proves once again to be rivetin.
for you are constantly waiting for the
other shoe to drop as the characters
interact and try to solve their dilemmas.
The cast is top-notch. In addition to
Stratham and Ford, who both appeared
in "Lock Stock," there are several other
veterans of the filn that appear in
"Snatch." The most striking of them is
the character "Bullet Tooth" Tony
(Vinnie Jones, a.k.a. Big Chris), an all
around tough guy hired by Avi to
straighten things out in London. (He
basically plays his exact same character
from "Lock Stock," but he plays such a
good bad-ass that one can overlook the
Brad Pitt steals the show as the cara-
van dwelling Gypsy that complicates
things with every move. His goofy,
twisted grin and thousand yard stare are
complemented perfectly by his accent.
Benicio Del Toro playsanother fully
weird character that, as always, adds a
unique flavor to the film, and Dennis
Farina gives us another variation on his
character Ray Barboni from "Get
Shorty." Farina's deadpan expression
and his swear laden banter with his
friends and foes is something you can
never get enough of.
The editing of the film is innovative

and exciting to watch. Ritchie makes
enerous use of dizzving ht thrillin,
swVi el shots antd slow- Imtionit-
motion/slow-motion again calIuac
work, and the result is electifying. The
first segment of the film, whi ch intro-
duces the characters, is a whirlwind of
jumps in tiie and spxace thait leaesvou
chomping at the bit, cravimg more c Ian
and gunfights and all that good stuff.
Without resorting to hackneyed phrases
like "adrenaline rush" and "roller coast-
er ride," I'll only say that the film never
fails to keep you absorbed.
The film has its faults as well.
Because of its similarity to "Lock
Stock" in plot development and dia-
logue set-ups, certain conversations and
events become slightly predictable, and
it occasionally gets to the point where
you can predict the events and lines of
dialogue that are supposed to remain a
However, due to its eclectic cast and
engaging plot lines and dialogue,
"Snatch" is still well worth watching. In
fact, a second viewing is definitely in
order, considering how much of the dia-
logue is missed the first time around due
to the quick pace of the film. So what
can we expect from Ritchie next? If it's
"Lock Stock Il: R ern of Big Chris,'
you won't hear me complaining.

Collage Concert plans to dazzle

By Melissa Gollob
I)alv At" \\ritcr
The 56th annual Midwestern
Conference on School Vocal and
Instrumental Music began yesterday.

With "Snatch," Ritchie proves that this
genre has room for another entry.
Although it is not perfect, it is pure enter-
tainment, and Ritchie's unique blend of
action, mystery and sardonically funny
ogue is refreshing.
Ne film opens with a diamond heist
led by a gambler named Franky Four
Fingers (Benicio Del Toro). After steal-
ing a massive diamond for his boss Avi
(Dennis Farina), Franky makes a stop in
London on his way back to New York.
Unfortunately, word of his presence has
interested other less than savory charac-
ters in town, including someone named
Boris "The Blade,"(in case you're won-
dering, that's not a good thing for
F nwhile, Jason Stratham (Bacon
from "Lock, Stock") plays Turkish, a
boxing promoter trying to make his
mark in the London underground world
of unlicensed boxing. Unfortunately, to
break into the business, he and his part-
ner have to deal with Brick Top (Alan
Ford), a notorious gangster. When
Turkish's plan hits a major snag, he is
forced to enlist the help of a tattooed and
*roughly unintelligible bare knuckle
Rxing Gypsy named Mickey O'Neil
(played brilliantly by Brad Pitt).
Unfortunately for Turkish, Mickey isn't
exactly predictable or reliable, and as
one might expect, mayhem ensues fr
everyone involved.
Although the focal events of the film,
the heist and the boxing match, are
somewhat separate at first, the various
sub plots intertwine through the course
of the film and bring all the seemingly
connected characters and events
eether like some twisted episode of

Hill Auditorium
Tonight at 8:15
allows the students

This conference
brings music
teachers and pro-
fessors from all
over the country
to the University
to showcase their
talent and provide
workshops* rang-
ing from teaching
to performing
music for all ages.
The highlight
of today's events is
the Collage
Concert, which
in the School of

Hill Auditorium, which will provide an
evening of splendid m usical enjoyment.
Bonnie Mills, the program coordinator,
says that this is the most popular concert
throughout the conference..
The name of the concert describes it
well. Within one concert, many compo-
nents are put together to form a complete
look at the School of Music. Groups per-
forming in tonight's concert include the
Symphony Orchestra, the Musical
Theatre Department, Symphony Band,
the Chamber Choir and the Jazz
Ensemble. Some of the School of
Music's Chamber Ensembles will enter-
tain also. Selected soloists will perform
throughout the concert as a unique ele-
ment. The pieces show a diversity of
style from the individual performers that
will dazzle the audience.
Some of the songs that the concert
will present are "G.S. Blues" by David
Luther, "Tango" from Suite No. 1 by
Astor Piazzola, and Etude on "It Ain't
Necessarily So" by Paul Harvey featur-
ing Elliott Ross on clarinet.

nJlike the other rerform:ices for the
conlerence, the Collage Concert requires
a free general admission ticket. People
registered for the conference can obtain
their tickets at the Power Center from 8
a.m. until 3 p.m. The remaining free tick-
ets will be distributed to the public at
Hill Auditorium from 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Music to exhibit their artistic abilities
and hard work for a knowledgeable audi-
ence. Three stages illuminate the front of

courtesy of UMs
H. Robert Reynolds will conduct at the
Collage Concert.

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