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January 19, 2001
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By Anna Clark
Daily StaffReporter
DETROIT - In what he later called a "rare"
earance on the. witness stand, University
sident Lee Bollinger stressed the education-
al value of diversity for the student body as he
testified yesterday to defend the use of race in
admissions in the University's Law School.
He said that "law is so interwoven in life"
that the law school classroom needs to reflect
as many diverse experiences as possible. This,.
he said, is crucial to the breadth and depth of a
law student's education.
Bollnger stresses need for diversity
Bollinger, who served as dean of the Univer-
sity's Law School from 1987 to 1994, was the
University's first witness in its defense against
the Center for Individual Rights' attack on the
Law School's race-sensitive admissions policy.
The Washington, D.C.-based law firm filed the
case against the Law School on behalf of Bar-
bara Grutter, a white applicant who was reject-
ed from the Law School in 1997.
Bollinger said while he was dean he charged a
committee to develop a policy, which would
bring together a class of students that represent-
ed a variety of perspectives. The policy, imple-
mented in 1992, aimed to maximize classroom
discussion and debate. Bollinger added that the
committee was mindful of its legal obligations.
"It was important, in my view, to be as con-
fident as we can that we were in full compli-
ance with the Constitution and the law,"
Bollinger said.
Bollinger was examined and cross-examined
for more than an hour. He specifically
addressed his role in refocusing the Law
School admissions system, which he felt was
one of the more important issues upon his
appointment as dean.
CIR Chief Executive Officer Terry Pell later
responded to Bollinger's testimony, saying that
despite Bollinger's belief in the intent of the
policy, he "has no idea how it's implemented."
University Law and sociology Prof. Richard
Lempert also testified yesterday.
Lempert's testimony echoed Bollinger's
ideals. As he told anecdotes of the students in
his law classes, Lempert defended the policy
by illustrating the results which, he said, were
necessary for a law school.
Lempert chaired the committee that developed
the Law School's current admissions policy.
Lempert said it is crucial to look beyond at
applicant's test scores and grades.
"We're doing more than admitting individu-
als." Lempert said. "We're admitting a class."
See TRIAL, Page 2
-take over
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President-
lect Bush and superstar Ricky
artin opened the country's 54th
inaugural with a
gala at the Lin-
coin Memorial
yesterday, cap-
ping the arrival
Look to the Daily on a drizzly
on Monday for afternoon of
coverage from tosnso
Washington of thousands of
George W. Bush's Republicans
inauguration,_ who converged
on Washington for a massive, three-
day block party.
Heraldic trumpets welcomed
Bush when he appeared shortly
before nightfall at Abraham Lin-
coln's marble feet. As the future
president, his wife Laura, Vice
President-elect Dick Cheney and his
wife Lynne, descended the broad
bvhite steps - the two couples hand
in hand and clad in heavy overcoats
- a cheer rose from the tens of
thousands of spectators.
"It is deeply humbling to know
that I will soon take up the same
office he once held," Bush said, refer-
ring to the giant, illuminated pres-
ence behind him. "I am honored to
serve and I am ready to start."
But it was the appearance by
Martin at the show's end that proved
he prime attraction for some spec-
ators, who had crowded alongside
the Reflecting Pool clutching "I
Labor clauses
common in
apparel deals
By Jane Krutt
Dal f eorer "We have to settle
Following the University's agree-
ment to enter into a $25 million,
seven-year athletic apparel contract
with Nike, many students are con-
cerned about the labor practices used
to create many of Nike's products.
In an effort to curb these labor con-
cerns, a special workers' rights labor
clause was inserted in the Nike contract.
Vada Manager, Nike's director of
global issues management, confirmed
that the contract carries a clause stat-
ing if the University identifies a prob-
lematic labor practice, a monitor will
be brought in to
assess the com-
plaint. If the sit-
uation is
determined to
require change
in Nike labor
practices, the
Inside: The WRC
looks into allegations
of violations against
workers' rights at an
apparel factory in
Puebla, Mexico.
Page 3.
on that before we
move on in
-~ Vince Sweeney
University of Wisconsin at Madison
assistant athletic director
ing workers' rights an integral issue in
the process, he said. "Realizing what
an important issue it is on our campus,
as other campuses, we have to settle on
that before we can move on in negotia-
tions," Sweeney said.
The University of Notre Dame did
not add any special terms for labor
practices in its contract with Adidas
but did look for a company whose
standards coincided with the universi-
ty's, Associate Athletic Director
Bubba Cunningham said.
Notre Dame is currently in the
fourth year of its five-year contract.
"We require a lot of background infor-
mation on companies that we grant
trademark licenses to," Cunningham
said. "We do not grant licenses to those
that did not allow employees to freely
associate, which is essential to unionize,
or that which practice in forced labor."
Many schools like the University of
Indiana do not have universitywide
athletic apparel contracts, but instead
contracting is done by an individual
department or coach. Indiana Market-
ing Assistant Chad Giddens said the
university has a greater diversity of
products because of this policy. "We are
not tied into choosing a company just
because our school has a contract with
them;'Giddens said.
company has 30 days to rectify the sit-.
uation before the University can termi-
nate the contract.
The clause is exemplary of a growing
concern among universities for the
rights of workers who manufacture the
athletic apparel.
The University of Wisconsin at
Madison tackled the problem of unfair
labor practices by adding a special
workers' rights clause into its athletic
apparel contract. Wisconsin is current-
ly in its final year of a five-year, $8.56
million contract with Reebok. "We
asked them to add workers' rights and
human rights standards to the con-
tract," Assistant Athletic Director
Vince Sweeney said. "They didn't
have a problem with that."
Wisconsin is arranging its next ath-
letic apparel contract and is consider-
President-elect Bush (right)with wife Laura, and Vice President-elect Dick Cheney and wife Lynne are introduced at the
Presidential Inaugural Opening Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington yesterday.
Clinton: 'encahasonewe
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton, in
a farewell from the Oval Office, told the nation
ast night that "America has done well" during his
presidency, with record-breaking prosperity and a
cleaner environment.
He said President-elect Bush will inherit a
country "in a great position to meet the chal-
lenges of the future."
Offering advice to the incoming administra-
tion, Clinton urged that the United States stay on
the course of fiscal discipline and continue to
pay down the national debt. It seemed to be a
pointed alternative to Bush's proposal for sweep-
ing tax cuts.
Clinton turns over the presidency to George W
Bush at noon tomorrow.
In the speech, Clinton said that America must
continue to lead in foreign affairs "and must not
disentangle itself from the world."
He said that at home, the nation "must treat all
our people with fairness and dignity, regardless
of their race, religion, gender or sexual orienta-
tion and regardless of when they arrived in this
It was Clinton's 15th Oval Office address over
the course of his presidency, a turbulent eight years
See CLINTON, Page 7
Winter tough on disabled
By Jodie Kaufman
Daily Staff Reporter
Even as much of the snow on campus slowly
melts away, the slightest amount of ice or slush on a
street or sidewalk can pose a tremendous obstacle for
disabled students and faculty.
"The snow is definitely not fun," Kinesiology
junior Carey Larabee said.
Larabee, who has cerebral palsy, uses a motorized
wheelchair and has found difficulty maneuvering
through snow-blocked entrances and exits to build-
ings. Larabee lives in University Towers on South
Forest Avenue this year, but he remembers when he
lived in South Quad Residence Hall and had difficul-
ty just getting into the building.
"The sidewalks were horrendous - you could
Disabled students have several transportation
options like Paratransit at the University, Facilities
and Operations spokeswoman Diane Brown said.
"The students can make arrangements through
transportation services, and we have added six new
buses with wheelchair lifts to the transportation sys-
tem in the last few weeks," Brown said.
Services for Students with Disabilities informs the
University about routes their students use and the
department pays special attention to them, Brown said.
Larabee often relies on other students passing by
to assist him when he gets stuck in the snow and
calls the University snow removal number when he
has a problem to avoid getting stuck again.
He finds the most problematic area to be curb cuts
at intersections.
"I have to pick and choose my route, and go out of
Ohio State Athletic Director Andy Geiger (right) passes a hat to Jim Tressel durng a
press conference announcing Tressel as Ohio State's new football coach yesterday.
OSU coach promises
"to deAfeat Wovernes
By Dan Williams
Daily Sports Writer
Tressel told the Value City Arena
crowd, "I can assure you that you'll be
proud of our young people in the
classroom, in the community - and
especially in 310 days in Ann Arbor."
Earlier in the day, at a press confer-
COLUMBUS - After his prede-
cessor compiled a dismal 2-10-1
record against archrival Michigan, new
rn 'irv