4 - The Michigan Daily -- Wednesday, November 22, 2000 Ulliet 5idntguxlal ............-...-- A most unlikely celebration of 'diversity' Y 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Celebrate 'Buy Nothing Day' on Friday Ithrew a party this last Saturday evening. Nothing particularly earth-shattering. It wasn't a five-keg rager you might expect out of my brothers and sisters in the Greek system, nor were there any "mind-expanding" chemicals floating around, much to the chagrin of those among the School of Natural Resources ranks that attended. But it was a party nonethe- less, just a little some- thing to celebrate our P beloved Wolverines dropping some annual whoop-ass on those ^ AIDS Awareness studyin' Rhodes Schol- ars from Ohio. My roommate and I carpe up with the idea Branden about a week ago. With Sanz Mother Nature finally t pulling her head out of her ass and remember- Ham er ing that November in Michigan is not supposed to be 55 degrees and humid, the weather has evolved from cold, cloudy and unpleasant to that oh-so-familiar level of colder, cloudier and just plain shitty that characterizes winter up here in lovely Ann Arbor. Well, the two of us put our heads togeth- er and pooled all 105 of our collective IQ points in search of something that would make things a little more bearable. You know -the kind of atmosphere that puts you in mind of beaches, palm trees, lazy sunsets and Corona bottles. Four half-gallon bottles of Cuervo Gold, 50 pounds of ice and a plethora of mix later, Mar- garita Night was born! Following time-tested party guidelines, we invited exactly three times the number of people we expected to attend, keeping the ratio of invitees 4:1 female to male. (Because, let's face it: You tell guys there's free booze and they are there; girls are harder to per- suade.) Now, I've thrown parties before and I attend quite a few as well, so I figure I had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Boy, was I wrong. The first arrivals showed up right around ten o'clock and we began quaffing that delectable nectar of the agave plant while watching the tail-end of the Florida-Florida St. game. What was interesting was the make-up of these first arrivals, which included several grad students and a history professor, whom I promptly engaged in discussion about the Civil War and the merits of Sherman's March to the Sea. Soon after, the game ended, Bubba Bow- den's boys laying another beat-down on Steve (I'm-smarter-than-you-are) Spurrier's Gators, and the floodgates opened. But it wasn't the sheer number of people that impressed me - after all, I do live in a two bedroom apartment and don't need another noise violation - but rather the diverse make-up of the people in attendance. I'm not talking simply about differences in color or religion, but real diversity. Friends of mine from school showed up and mingled with my roommate's friends from school - and as he's an engineer we tend to run in entirely dif- ferent circles on campus. There were people from my work; many of whom attend the Uni- versity, many who go to Eastern or Washtenaw, and some who are full-time musicians just pick- ing up extra cash on the weekends. There were Greeks, non-Greeks, athletes, aesthetes and even some people from the Daily. My buddy Phil even managed to convince two girls he was waiting on that night to show up. The music blaring over the speakers was a microcosm of the evening, as we went from frat-hbuse favorites Dave Matthews and Count- ing Crows to Tupac to Def Leppard (exactly what is it you women love so much about those ripped jeans?) to Garth Brooks. No request was his Friday, on the biggest shop- ping day of the year, buy noth- ing. Stay home with friends and family, volunteer at a homeless shel- ter, protest over consumption at your local mall or just take a moment to throw away the mail order catalogues that have accumulated on your coun- tertop. These are some of the rallying cries spend money on than time with loved ones, Buy Nothing Day could not be more important. While consumerism may be good for the economy, the barrage of throw- away commodities that inundates the American family is no friend to the environment. Americans are part of the 20 percent of the world population that consumes 80 percent of the for advocates of Buy Nothing Day, a celebra- tion of anti-con- sumerism now celebrating its eighth anniversary. Buy Noth- ing Day, if seemingly insignificant in the frenzied pace of the holiday season, is, at its heart, a day of reflec- tion on the abundance, of consumer commodi- ties we'll be inundated son. When one more gizmo calls your name and yet another e-commerce site offers you free shipping, take a moment to step back. world's resources. Our unexamined buy- ing patterns and unnecessary con- sumption are much to blame for this dis- turbing statistic. Friday, after your Thanksgiving dinner has digested and the product pushers have begun fetishizing clothing, carpet dTi Iey end up having someth them around for the - Ann Arbor Police Depa the long-term effects partying and with this sea- Buy Nothing Day promotes simple living and consumer awareness. This "holiday," which was started by a dis- parate group of environmentalists and concerned consumers, has since become a national movement to stall the filling of our landfills with the likes of Sea Monkey carcasses, dis- carded Furbies and other disposable consumer commodities. Buy Nothing Day attempts to break the culturally conceived bond between consumption aid happiness. It is also a day to stop and consider the time when "enough is enough. In a culture where we'd rather cleaners and singing carp and depart- ment stores are serving up sales, stay away from the land of commodified desires. Don't go to the mall. For 'tis the season when your face will be pulled off and sold back to you as the latest makeup trend. The consumer culture will have it no other way. This Friday, when one more gizmo calls your name and yet another e- commerce site offers you free ship- ping, take a moment to step back. Think about the best way to spend your time and money this holiday sea- son. And for your sake and ours, buy nothing. Take the Buy Nothing Day tour at www.adbusters.org. Staying green Plan shows power of grassroots activism N ational forests are some of the last undeveloped areas in the United States. A new Clinton admin- istration plan, aimed at the protection of these pristine environments, indi- cates a growing national concern for naturgl resource preservation. After finalization (anticipated for mid- December), Congress should pass this plan in order to ensure that national forests are protected from unnecessary development by refusing priority to outside companies and neglecting what should be the priori- ty of protecting out national forests in the interest of profit. This plan shows a positive and marked change in the attitude of the Forest Service, which would do well to support more environmental legislation. The plan was drafted partly in response to the outpouring of public concern, as voiced in 1.6 million let- ters and faxes, for the welfare of 'Deep Throat' did not deserve -recognition TO THE DAILY: I am writing in response to Lyle Henret- ty's article in the most recent "Weekend" supplement on pornography ("Presenting the top ten greatest porno movies of all time," 11/16/00). By listing "Deep Throat" among the top ten "classics" of adult films Henretty effectively endorses and contributes to a sys- tem which rewards flagrant violations of women's rights with immense profits. The star of this film, Linda Marchiano, was abducted and held captive for two and half years, during which time she was repeatedly raped, abused and forced to perform for the camera at gun-point. All of this is attested to in Marchiano's book "Ordeal" (co-written with Mike McGrady) and by a lie detector test, the results of which are published in Catherine MacKinnon's In Harm's Way. No matter how Henretty or the Daily's readers may feel about pornography in gener- al, I think we can all agree that those who use rape and coercion to produce entertainment of any kind do not deserve to be rewarded with extravagant wealth or even praise. If this is not reason enough alone for Henretty to rescind his endorsement of "Deep Throat," I ask him to honor the wishes of Marchiano herself: "I feel very hurt and very disappointed in my society and my country for allowing the fact that I was raped, I was beaten, I was put through two and half years of what I was put through. And it's taken me almost ten years to overcome the damage that he caused. And the fact that this film is still being shown and that my three children will one day walk down the street and see their mother being abused, it makes me angry, it makes me sad. Virtually every time someone watches that film they are watching me being raped." (In Harm's Way) MELANIE JUNE DORSON SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN JUSTIN TIWALD VISITING SCHOLAR Boy Scouts of America promotes 'character and class' TO THE DAILY: The first thing that I want to mention is the only reason I ever read the Daily is the same reason everyone else does: It's free. I don't really expect to see anything that isn't totally biased toward the left, but on Monday I was appalled to read an editorial denouncing the Boy Scouts of America ("Deny discrimination," 11/20/00). In only three months here, I have seen the Daily spit out some real B.S., but to say the Boy Scouts of America is prejudiced is ludi- crous. As an Eagle Scout, I take exception to where they please and the Plymouth-Can- ton teachers' union should allow the Boy Scouts to meet at their schools again. NICK SoTO ENGINEERING FIRST-YEAR STUDENT denied. Somewhere around 1:30 a.m. the night' hit a high point when, after several adult bever- ages, yours truly got up on a table and started rockin' out with my patented "One-arm swingin' goofy white guy dance," to the sweet sounds of Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days." (Of course, my upstairs neighbor objected most vociferously, but someone should have told the silly bitch that when you live in downtown Ann Arbor, the Saturday night of UM-OSU is gener- ally not a good night to go to bed early.) In a scene that I suppose has been played out 7 countless times on campus, different people with different stories and different backgrounds came together with only one goal: To have fun. Perhaps just for one night, no one cared who was going to win the election or what the per-r- - son next to them thought about the situation in Palestine. To me this was the ultimate in what college has to offer. I can read a book on anything froni Chaos Theory to the history of the Modern Middle-East in my own time. But how many times after I graduate am I - are any of us -- going to be able to discuss Ayn Rand with a philosophy major or dissect Citizen Kane with a film major, just for the sake of passing the time and polite conversation? It struck me as an epiphany. I bitch about this place all the time, bemoan- ing everything from BAMN-type., activists/fanatics to apathetic professors to uppi- ty New Yorkers to a general lack of commonk ' sense. But right around 4:30 that morning, in a rare moment of seriousness, I wondered how many times in the future I would ever have the' opportunity to watch a University engineering senior and an aspiring rock guitarist with no college education debate the merits of both Hobbes' Leviathan and the zone-blitz. That, my friends, is diversity. - Branden Sanz can be reached via e-mail at hamrhead@umick.edu. ing that is going to follow rest of their lives.' rtment Sgt. Michael Logghe, regarding alcohol consumption have on students. violations have ceased. They also faid to men- tion the incredibly poor human rights record of the Arab states in the Middle East including the Palestinian Authority. While myself and other Jewish students hope for peace and dialogue, both in the Middle, East and on this campus, we ha* found that k opening a dialogue isn't easy when you have no partner. VID Laivsz LSA JUNIOR Protest coverage was biased against Palestinian- students TO THE DAILY: Laura Deneau's article "Jewish, Palestin- ian students face off," (IIf/21/00) is fascinat- ing because encapsulates the greater bias of the United States' media towards the situa- tion in the Middle East. Also, it points to what is wrong with the Daily's coverage. The headline implies a equal-handed con- frontation, as in a debate. What really hap- pened is that pro-Israeli students inappropriately interrupted an event spon- sored by students who exercised their public right to express themselves. This was not a "face-off," it was a rude disruption ofan event they had the right to sponsor. Likewise, the mainstream media present the recent violence as "clashes" or "turmoil while the reality is that Israel is a modern state militarily occupying a group of people whose main crime is simply living on that land before the European Jewish political movement known as Zionism decided it was theirs. It takes what is clearly wrong - a system of apartheid, daily control of the Palestinians' lives, based on the rule of force - and makes it seem like an even-handed battle for land. The Daily, by covering this as some debate, has obscured the message of the event. By doing that, it encourages pro-Israeli' students to continue the loud disruptions and in effect smother the voices of the oppressed. This is not Gaza or the West Bank. They should not be assailed for presenting their' views. The Daily should have written a story about the event with a small part dedicated to the inappropriate disturbances. Furthermore, it should take an editorial stand against such'* behavior on the part of those who cannot han- dle criticism of Israel. r 'U' should demand a recount after slim Blood Battle loss TO THE DAILY: In response to the Nov. 21, 2000 article "'U' Loses Blood Battle By 2 Pints," I feel that it is the best interest of the University, but more importantly America as a whole, to demand a manual recount. The targeted area for the man- ual recount should be Union, where many stu- dents were confused about the blood giving system. The University should also call in Rev. Jesse Jackson to determine whether the students rights were violated by donating officials. ERIC DANIEL FRANK LSA JUNIOR Protest coverage was biased against pro-Israeli students TO THE DAILY: I am writing to express my dismay and dis- appointment at the way in which the Daily cov- ered the demonstrations At the Diag on Monday ("Jewish, Palestinian students face off," 11/21/00). Not only was the Daily's coverage biased and one sided, ii was also factually wrong. While the American Movement for Israel was invited to participate in the tribunal, the counter protest was actually organized by a group of students who felt that actions such as the so-called indictment of Israel decrease the chances for peace and also serve to increase the already high tensions on this campus. Furthermore, the Daily portrayed the Pales- tinian protest as an attempt to educate, instead of what it was: A public reading of propaganda. FEducation is fair, objective and unbiased - all elements which were missing from the Palestin- ian rhetoric on Monday. For example, while indicting Israel for human rights violations; the protesters failed to mention that most of these to fund or repair many of the logging roads that lead to clear-cut- ting. This plan will still allow for sustain- able forestry and selec- tive logging to reduce the risk of forest fires. Opponents of the plan cite that approxi- mately 730 jobs will be The government has not turned a deaf ear to the public's requests for more stringent environmental protection. national forests. This indicates that the government has not turned a deaf ear to the public's requests for more stringent environmental pro- tection and shows that Congress is working to tackle issues of national lost and lumber avail-_ able for harvesting will by cut by about seven percent. However, in Tongass National Forest in Alaska, an area in which many people are con- nected with the logging industry, the plan has allowed a four-year delay in order to allow residents to find new jobs. The environmental benefits far outweigh the disadvantages of the plan - disadvantages of the type that are inevitable whenever new mea- sures are taken to promote conserva- tion. The Forest Service, as well as the concern that might otherwise go neglected were it not for public action. This proposition is part of a broader initiative intended to give the public more influence in how nation- al forests are used. The public has overwhelmingly shown that it has a deep concern for the preservation of these pristine environments. There- fore, it is the responsibility of Con- gress and future presidential administrations to ensure that the voice of the public is heard and more measures are taken with the aim of .n.n i .a jcna..rnnnnncarc-rtnn in WILL YOUMANS UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS t. di CHIP CULLEN GRINDING THE NIB WWR -MIS CUPOUT AS YOUR EXCUIE 10 O W LORLD! A~ rewr f*wriMi -fi r '~s w -. w r- wra rm r I -/r t wv j }+