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November 22, 2000 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-22

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 22, 2 O - 3

Interdisciplinary program receives funds

OSU launches
investigation of
post-game rots
Ohio State University administra-
tors began an investigation this week
into the riots that followed the Univer-
sity of Michigan-Ohio State football
game on Saturday.
This action was announced by Ohio
State University President William
Kirwin, and is the first of its kind
since the 1996 riots that rocked the
Columbus, Ohio campus after a Notre
Dame football game.
Kirwin assigned Interim Vice Presi-
dent of Student Affairs Bill Hall to
lead the investigation.
Kirwin wants the investigative team
to recommend disciplinary actions for
the involved students if necessary.
Ohio State rules state the president
is ultimately responsible for discipline
of all students at the university.
Ohio's Campus Disruption Act
passed in the early 1970s gives permis-
sion to the Board of Regents to appoint
an officer to hold hearings to suspend
arrested students. This action would
have to come by the end of this week.
Texas remembers
12 killed in collapse
The 12 students killed one year ago
by a bonfire collapse at Texas A&M
University were remembered in a cer-
emony last weekend.
More than 25,000 people were pre-
sent despite the rainy weather.
At 2:42 a.m., the time of the bonfire
collapse, spotlights surrounding a
memorial torch were shut off and a
flame was lit.
Twelve cannon volleys were heard
across the field and a loud speaker
exclaimed "Standing here in the cold
and darkness at 2:42 today may seem
off to those who do not understand the
Aggie family or Aggie spirit.
"But for those of us who do, it makes
perfect sense. It is the right time and the
right place to do the right thing."
A prayer was read in remembrance
and role was called for the memorial-
Charges against
Duke man dropped
A North Carolina judge week ruled
last week that charges would be dis-
missed against the person who
allegedly terrorized the office of Duke
University President Nan Keohane in
The person allegedly entered the
president's office on Sept. 6 with a
loaded gun threatening to "blow his
brains out" if he did not get to see
Keohane. He has been released from
prison awaiting a Nov. 27 grand jury
decision if he will face charges in
superior court.
The abrupt ruling was tied to the
district attorney's mistake to call
only one witness. One person who
testified said he found the subject in
Keohane's office with a loaded gun
in his lap.
The suspect later pointed at two of
the president's staff members and then
refused to drop the weapon and pep-
per spray was used to disarm the
Fraternities sue
N.C. State U.
Ten North Carolina State University
fraternities filed a lawsuit last week
against the school's Office of Greek

Life, claiming it misused the S4.8 mil-
lion in funds allegedly for renovation
and repair of the campus' 14 fraterni-
ty and sorority houses.
The suit claims the collected funds
were not used for their original pur-
pose, instead spent on the purchase of
cars, cell phones and logo golf shirts.
The suit alleges much of purchased
items went to the Office of Greek
Early last year, the Office of Greek
Life proposed an increase in rent from
$76,000 per house to S120,000 in
order to renovate all of the 14 fraterni-
ty houses.
But the Office of Greek Life ended
up only committing to renovate two
-- Compiledfrom U- Wire reports by
Daily Staff Reporter Jodie Kaufman.

By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter
The U.S. Department of Education's Fund for
the Improvement of Postsecondary Education
recently awarded a $208,000 grant to a new inter-
disciplinary program to teach undergraduate stu-
dents the relationship between health and the
"It's one of the most competitive education
grants in the country," project director Jonathan
Metzl, a University associate professor of psy-
chology and women's studies, said in a written
statement. "This year there were over 2,200
applications, and 6 percent of projects were fund-
"Seeing the Body Elsewise: Connecting the
Health Sciences and the Humanities" will take
advantage of the newly formed Life Sciences Cor-
ridor, combining the University's resources with
those of Michigan State and Wayne State universi-
The project is still in the planning stages, Metzl
said. Project coordinators will use the grant to out-

line and implement a curriculum.
Classes would be phased in each semester, and
eventually students will be able to declare a minor
in "Race, Gender, Culture and the Life Sciences."
"The new FIPSE project will enable us to
expand our offerings in gender and health,"
said project investigator Sidonie Smith, a Uni-
versity of Michigan professor of women's stud-
"The introduction of new courses in areas at the
intersection of humanities and medicine will also
enable us to bring the perspectives and methodolo-
gies of humanistic disciplines to bear on the study
of bodies, medical institutions and social construc-
tions of health and illness," she said. 0
Metzl said the humanities are often neglected in
undergraduate programs although they are includ-
ed in medical school curriculums.
The program is intended to supplement tradi-
tional medical training.
The grant proposal states, "Central to our
approach is the belief that disease and difference
are intimately related, and that bodies marked by
particular racial, gender and ethnic identities

"It's one of the most competitive education grants
in the country"
-Jonathan Metzl
Psychology prof,

experience disease in specific ways."
Different cultures have vastly different ways of
explaining disease, said John Carson, a primary
investigator for the program and a University
assistant history professor.
Descriptions of symptoms change depending on
the culture, and attitudes toward sickness and dis-
ease vary between cultures, he said.
"No one standard will fit them all," Carson said.
In the past, the standards for diagnosis and treat-
ment revolved around the white male's perspec-
tive, but that outlook has changed over the last
couple decades.
The medical community came to recognize that
not only are people of certain backgrounds geneti-
cally more susceptible to specific diseases but that

culture and gender affect the way people perceive
But Carson cautioned against judging specifical-
ly based on a patient's gender or racial appearance.
Their dominant features may not reflect the culture
that dictates how they view health.
The program is designed not only help the stu-
dents understand their patients' attitudes toward
health but their own as well. In the grant proposal,
the project coordinators state that it is important for
health care professionals to "realize how ethnocul-.
tural factors shape their own perceptions.
Through its emphasis on different cultures and
genders, the program will hopefully "diversify the
types of people who want to enter health," Carson

Home for the holidays

Byrum calls for recount 1in
A.1 T" " TT

I Sth I1istnct 1
LANSING (AP) - Ballot counters in Michigan may
soon be debating pregnant chads and hanging chads if an
extensive recount of votes cast in the 8th District congres-
sional race takes place.
Democratic state Sen. Dianne Byrum of Onondaga
already has said she will ask for a recount after the Board of
State Canvassers certifies the results of the race that pitted
her against state Sen. Mike Rogers (R-Brighton) in one of
the most closely watched congressional races in the country.
What's still not clear is how broad of a recount she'll
request. Byrum spokesman Adam Wright said yesterday the
campaign has not decided which areas of the district it wants
Byrum has 48 hours to request a recount after state can-
vassers certify election results, as they are expected to do
Monday. Rogers has seven days after the results are certified
to request additional recounts. His attorneys are deciding
whether to ask for a recount, he said yesterday.

louse race
The outcome of the election was unclear until the moring
after the Nov. 7 election, when a late surge of votes from
Livingston County pushed Rogers ahead of Byrum.
Rogers first appeared to have won by more than 500 votes.
But that was cut to 152 votes after Ingham County adjusted
its figures to add in some missing returns.
Yesterday, Washtenaw County's certified toals
showed seven more votes for Rogers than previously
counted and two more for Byrum, increasing his leadto4
157 votes.
The counting errors in Washtenaw County can be attbted
to jammed ballot machines that either read ballots twice broid
not read ballots, said elections administrator Melanie Wied-
The 8th District includes Ingham, Genesee, Livingston,
Oakland, Shiawassee and Washtenaw counties. All exgept
Livingston and Oakland had certified their election totals by
the close of business yesterday.


LSA senior Jackie Townsend waits for the train to go home to Grand Rapids
for the holiday break.
New representatives
welcomed to MSA
as old say, good-bye


but ? ere aope

Slightly different music
(because you're slightly different).

By Jane Krull
Emotions ran high last night at
the weekly meeting of the Michigan
Student Assembly as old members
said good-bye and newly elected
members excitedly accepted their
new positions.
Former L SA Rep. Sarah Pray
said MSA had a great effect on her
college career.
"I am really going to be bummed
next Tuesday night when I don't
have anything to do," said Pray, a
senior. "This is probably one of the
best things that I've done in col-
On his way out of MSA cham-
bers, former LSA Rep. Ross
Kirschner said he wishes the new
representatives the best of luck.
"I hope they realize the privilege
that they have been given by the
student body and use that as moti-
vation to work for the betterment of
the student community," Kirschner
"My one-and-a-half years here at
MSA have been an amazing learn-
ing experience," former SNRE Rep.
Mona Gupta said.
After the new members started
their term, MSA Vice President Jim
Secreto said he was pleased to be
working with the new representa-
"They are a group of well-round-
ed and diverse individuals that are
willing and ready to work on behalf
of the student body," Secreto said.
New Rackham Rep. Craig Sutton

said he is anxious to start working
on the assembly.
"I can't wait to work on some
real business --- next meeting we
can actually get something done,"
Sutton said.
Brianne Ilaven started her term
as an appointed SNRE representa-
tive last night to take over the spot
of Gupta, who is graduating early.
"I am excited to be actually sit-
ting at the table," Haven said.
A few representatives who were
appointed earlier this year were
retained in this fall's election.
"I am excited to still be on the
assembly because I can continue to
work on improving our campus bus
system," Engineering Rep. Susan
Martin said.
Some assembly members ended
their term as a voting representative
last night but will continue to sit on
the assembly in an appointed posi-
MSA Treasurer Siafa Hage, an
LSA sophomore, said his work on
the assembly will not be hindered
now that his term as an LSA repre-
sentative has ended.
"It would be better if I could
vote, but I am still in a capable
position to serve students," lage
Also at last night's meeting, Hage
announced that S 150,000 in student
fees was deposited into MSA's
"By next week all the committees
and commissions should have their
money in their accounts," H age

it Goes Wdthout saying

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