4A -- The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 20, 2000 rE £iduigau ilyg Lawsuits, dirty looks and imagined crises 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily. letters@umich.edu MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief Edited and managed by EMILY ACENBAUM students at the Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Fair working conditions are needed 'm getting a little sick of people saying that we don't have a president. I've got news for you, and no, it's not some breaking bit of info that I just saw on CNN. We've got a president. His name is Bill Clin- ton. I think you've heard of him. His term doesn't end for a few more months.h Exhale.. Take a deep breath; maybe even turn CNN off for a minute. And remember that it doesn't matter that we don't know who the next president will be right now. I know there are unanswered ques- tions out there, but do Mike they really matter. What are you really missing Spahn by shortening this tran-for sition period?' Are you biting yourR' nails waiting to hear who the next Secretary of the Interior will be? Are you up late at night worrying about which balls the new president will attend on Inauguration Day? I didn't think so. Yet this is all you're miss- ing while the votes in Florida are recounted - again - and the candidates bog down the courts with lawsuit after lawsuit. I'm sensitive to the fact that planning an administrative takeover, especially if the change over could be hostile, is not the easiest thing in the world. Whoever wins this election needs to have the time to build their staff and plan out the details that will make the White House run. But that's why the Inauguration isn't until January. Well, actually that's a lie. The Founders were concerned about traveling in winter and therefore set the inauguration for March. That was later moved up to January, but this is all a little beside the point. The point is that for whatever reason, a choice made by the Founders has once again benefited the future of our democracy, even it was done unknowingly. And while sensitivity to the importance of a transition is important, I'm far more sensitive to the rule of law, the will of the people and the sanctity of our electoral process. That's why we must let the process in Florida run its course. Many people are attacking Al Gore for ask- ing for recounts. And perhaps, in the long term, they're right to say that politically he should have stepped aside and run in four years. But the laws in Florida are clear. Recounts are legal. A provision to allow hand recounts is written into the Florida election process. If hand recounts are so bad, why didn't the state legisla- ture and Jeb Bush get together to get rid of them? More importantly, why did George W. Bush sign a bill into law within the past year to allow for hand recounts in Texas? And George, why are you harping on the fact that you've won-each count and therefore we should stop? Doesn't it strike anyone else as odd, and indeed concerning, that while Bush is right in declaring his victory in each count, the margin in those victories changed each time? Originally, the margin was 1,700 votes, then 300. Now, with absentees, it's 900. Shouldn't we count the ballots until we can be sure what the total is, it's only the most important office in the land that's on the line here. Bush says Florida should stop recounting by hand because there's too much room for mis- chief. Well, if that's the case, then why did he sign a law allowing for the same process in Texas? It seems there are some sweaty palms in Austin and they're hoping brother Jeb and Sec- retary of State Katherine Harris can steal this thing away for W. before anyone realizes what happened. Meanwhile, Al and his legal team have filed lawsuit after lawsuit despite what seems to be pretty hard evidence that he lost. And he could have been the knight in shining armor, the man who stayed above political squabbling, if he had bowed out early. But, alas, he decided to stay and fight and that brings us to yet another Flori- da Supreme Court hearing today. So with that said, I'm going to address a few people in particular, knowing full well.that they're not reading this: To George W.: If you really believe you won the vote, let them recount it and certify it. Put your transition team in place (all you have to do is call Dick, Colin and the rest of your dad's cronies) and get ready to take over. You proba- bly won, don't get cranky about it. Act like you've been there. To Al: If you lose, concede already. Don't be, a crybaby about this. Just take the votes as they are and move on. If you just would have worn your home state you wouldn't be going through this anyway, so stop whining. I know you've been planning this ever since you cried to your daddy, "But I want White House underoos, not Batman!" But to you I say the same thing I said to GWB: Act like you've been there. And to both of you, your campaigns, your lawyers and your surrogates in sunny Florida: Stop the press conferences. The accusations. The dirty looks. Sit down and figure this out, not through dueling press releases and harassing press statements. More than 200 years ago we decided to put our faith in the law. Our democracy is not run on the whim of any man, organization or politi- cal party, at least in its purest form. We stand on the brink of a chance to return to that purity, if we can just let this process happen. But everyone out there needs to take a deep breath. We've waited this long, I think we can wait a few more days. - Mike Spahn can be reached via e-mail at mspahn@umich.edu. P erforming a laundry service for the University is a difficult job. For tedious work, workers receive little appreciation or money. However, Van Dyne Crotty, Inc., a Toledo, Ohio based company that performs laundering ser- vices for the University Hospitals and dining halls, has shown itself to be an especially poor place to work. If Van Dyne Crotty has its say, workers won't be able to collectively bargain with the com- pany. The University cannot allow its associated workers to be treated in this fashion. After reviewing the recent histo- ry of the company, the University should join with Students Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality and insist that the Van Dyne Crotty recognize the workers union or risk termination of its contract with the University. It is easy to ignore the plight of these workers. They are in another state and are making more than the minimum wage. However, utilizing workers who make well below a living wage gives the Uni- versity a black eye. University officials and students should be ashamed of the workers' situation. Even worse, Van Dyne Crotty has violated its employees' rights. Since June 1997, The National Labor Relations Board has officially recognized the right of the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees as the official union of the company. But according to NLRB documents, the company has refused since April to bargain with UNITE. Along with their refusal to bar- gain in good faith, Van Dyne Crotty hasn't had a contract with its employees since June 2000. The University has little moral choice but to step in and insist on fair labor con- ditions. Like the Toledo School Board, which has also terminated its contract with Van Dyne Crotty, the University should demonstrate its determination to accept services only with companies meeting accepted labor laws. The employees are doing all of the manual labor, therefore they should be allowed to bargain collectively and have quality working conditions. If Van Dyne Crotty won't fulfill their legal obligations, the University should no longer deal with this company. That would send the need- ed message. The University is widely recognized as a leader among educational institu- tions. By setting a firm example in labor and human rights issues, other universi- ties will follow. The most effective way to show the University cares about work- ers' rights is for the University to follow SOLE's advice and force Van Dyne Crot- ty, Inc. to deal with UNITE in good faith. 'They promised good service. They advertised quality.' - William Stern, lawyer and father of one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against Sprint P CS for poor service in Ann Arbor Boy Scouts not entitled to school access omewhere in America, an elementary school gym is packed with Boy Scouts and their families. Perhaps they are gathered for the annual potluck dinner and are already forming eager lines next to the paper plates and plastic silverware. Or maybe it is time for this year's highly anticipated Pinewood Derby and the boys are anxiously comparing cars, wondering who will take home the trophy. Whatever the If t u event, the atmosphere is ourt f charged with youthful enthusiasm. The scout- stop t I masters look on with pride. Parents glow. Cam- Scouts fr4 eras flash. All are smil- - - ing, but there is pfacticing something terribly wrong intoleranc with this picture. Behind all the merit responsib badges, the patriotism and the good deeds (e.g. 0 helping old ladies across the street), the Boy Scouts of America buried an unpleasant truth for many years. Over the course of the past decade, it has come to light that the BSA will not toler- ate homosexuality. It all began in New Jersey in 1990, when James Dale was expelled from his position as an Eagle Scout assistant scoutmaster because he was gay. In 1992, Dale sued the BSA for discrimination. In 1999, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in his favor, order- ing the BSA to reinstate him. After their subsequent appeal, the BSA emerged vic- torious last June, when the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the decision on the grounds that forcing the BSA to allow gay scoutmasters would mean forcing them to endorse "homosexual conduct as a legitimate form of behavior." Though the ruling did not specifically mention the right to exclude gay boys, it left room for such an interpretation. In short. the BSA was deemed a private organization that could do with its money as it saw fit. This ruling not-withstanding, there has been an outpouring of opposition to the BSA's anti-gay policy. For example, many largest annual donors to the BSA, have dramatically cut funding in light of their prejudiced practices. In addition, last week, the Plymouth-Canton teachers' union signed a resolution asking the local Board of Education to prohibit the Boy Scouts from meeting or recruiting on school property if they continue to exclude gays from their ranks. Area BSA leaders reme ss t glom have called the legality of such a measure into question, citing the Equal Access Act passed by Congress. The Act states that all student-led, extra-cur- ricular organizations that meet in a given dis- trict must be given equal access to facili- ties. The Boy Scouts, however, are a national Natural gas not as beneficial as it seems TO THE DAILY: I would like to respond to the editorial that appeared in the Nov. 17th issue of the Daily, ("Cleaner Buses, U' should pursue pollution reduction"). First of all I go on record as being pro clean air. In so doing we need to explore the use of non-fossil fuels. Natural gas as everyone knows is a fos- sil type fuel; thus you have pollution when it is utilized for fuel. While it is true that our new buses are still equipped with diesel engines, I believe that these will operate more efficiently than what we are now using. Without having exact figures on hand, the start up cost of utilizing nat- ural gas as a fuel source for the buses is more than $1,000,000. Yes that's a lot of zeros! Natural gas as a fuel source may be somewhat cleaner but who is going to pay for this investment into the concept of cleaner air? You are! I am not saying this to imply that the University is attempting to be frivolous with your money, they are not. This fuel source has been debated; the start up cost is somewhat prohibitive. This is largely due to the location and safety regulations involved with this type of fuel source. When natural gas is stored as a fuel source, a separate fuel facility must be constructed away from other fuel sources, as well as vehicle and work site facilities. Transportation is at best "crowded" as it is with the storage of 40 buses and the Uni- versity motor pool. Additionally, trans- portation services houses the repair and maintenance facilities for all University vehicles; unfortunately, the space just is not available for such a facility. If this amount of money was available, and if we are to spend this additional money on the buses, would not improving present campus bus service be a better uti- lization of this money'? KEN BOWMAN PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Genetically modified food labeling is of importance to all TO THE DAILY: I want to thank the Daily for Rob Goodspeed's viewpoint "Genetically Mod- ified Foods Should Be Labeled" (11/16/00). As a future public health work- er, I was ashamed of my ignorance con- cerning genetically modified (GM) foods and their widespread entry in today's food sources. As a consumer, however, I am outraged that the FDA and the U.S. gov- ernment have not chosen to address this issue properly by thorough research before reports and inquiries should be a loud sig- nal to world governments that GM foods are not the "answer to the world's prayers," but have the potential to harm consumers without proper research before widespread release. It makes me wonder what the U.S. gov- ernment has to gain by not sharing this information with the public. There is a lone congressman, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), who introduced legislation to label all GM foods, but had to withdraw it for lack of support. I suspect his new pro- posal to fund research on the unknown allergens in GM products and the effects of GM fish in the wild will meet the same demise. I think the food industry and the FDA should proceed with extreme caution con- cerning genetically modified foods. They shouldn't mess with Mother Nature, because she will eventually begin to fight back. Today its just allergic reactions; tomorrow it may be deaths. KIMBERLY COLEMAN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Affirmative action is flawed, will not increase diversity TO THE DAILY: In the editorial "Diversity under attack," (11/16/00) the liberal staff of the Daily has made one more misinformed defense of affirmative action. For the sake of full and vigorous exchange of ideas, it's time to set the record straight. First of all, let's be clear what we are talking about here. The University is not faced with a choice of having affirmative action or nothing at all. Instead of affirma- tive action, the University would likely implement the system currently in use in California and the flagship universities in Florida and Texas. This system stresses the educational background of the applicants, especially focusing on the amount of diffi- culty that he has overcome to achieve his grades and other achievements. On this point, the Daily has misconstrued the top ten percent system in Texas. Under the top ten percent system, any student who's in the top ten percent of his or her class is guaranteed a spot in the University of Texas University system, not at the flag- ship campus in Austin. This system does not hurt qualified applicants because a dog of average intelligence probably can get into a school like the University of Texas in the middle of nowhere. Now, let me turn my attention to the two other major points the Daily editorial made. First, the Daily claims that diversity is injured once affirmative action is abol- ished. However, as the Daily itself recog- nizes, what is valuable about diversity ias not the color of the students' skin, but rather the diverse range of ideas and back- grounds they bring to the vigorous acade- mic environment of the University. Under@ a race neutral plan, the University is removed from the pressure of admitting a certain percentage of under-represented minorities, but instead can look at the applicants' files to evaluate what contribu- tions they can make to the diverse ideas in a University. Following the abolishment of affirmative action, the University will be more, rather than less, diverse. Second, the Daily claims the white applicants to the University are not really hurt by affirmative action because race is only one of multiple factors. However, under the admissions policy, race is con- sidered as important as the standardized test score or high school grade point aver- age. In other words, a minority student of substantially less qualifications may get in - before a white student because of affirma- tive action. Under the law school admis- sions policy, a minority student can overcome a deficit of 0.3 on his college GPA and at least 5-6 points on the LSAT simply because of the color of his skin. The Daily also claims factors such as GPA and SAT score inherently favor rich white kids. However, the Daily's claim is:, fundamentally underinclusive because there are black applicants to college who attended Andover High School in Bloom- field Hillseand live in million-dollar homes, while there are also white kids who;0 came from West Virginia and suffer from every disadvantage imaginable. Moving away from a paradigm of race allows the admissions committee to look at the total picture and evaluate an appli- cant's potential for future success. This system also helps the poor black kid by distinguishing him from the rich black kid from Andover and give him more of a preference in the admissions process. It's time for the University to face the music and design an admissions system that's fair to all. YINGTAO HO LAW SCHOOL ce, the ilty shifts icitizens. organization run by adults, not students, so it cannot be classi- fied the same way as other student clubs. It has always been and should continue to be up to the schools to decide which out- side groups can use their property. And the BSA built its anti-gay case on being a private organization that didn't have to live up to 'the standards of public groups. Public schools are under no obligation to accommodate private groups that refuse to live up to the public standards of non- discrimination. The Plymouth-Canton teachers should be applauded for their courage in taking on an organization with as long a history and as much support as the BSA. If the Supreme Court refuses to stop the BSA from practicing intolerance, the responsi- bility shifts to private citizens. By denying gays membership, the BSA teaches its scouts that it is okay to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. Where will it end? Wouldn't our government speak up if a specific racial group were being cast out in this manner? This kind of bla- tant discrimination is unacceptable. The Plymouth-Canton teachers aren't standing DANE BARNES DISTURBED SLEEP AMr IvE AT PI. - . ",".